Xianyu Technology Overlord

Chapter 929: Emperor Zihuan

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Time is long, and in a blink of an eye, seven or eight days have passed.

The masters of the Five Elements Spirit Realm finally saw the coastline of the fertile earth. After using magic to capture several ordinary fishermen for information, the master sword of Wuxing Lingjie and the Jinling clan Wuyun went away, and then a group of people went straight to Ziyang Shenting.

The location where Wuxing Lingjie masters landed was precisely the Sanjiangkou where the Shang Dynasty fleet landed. Today, it has become the largest port in the East of China. Affected by the Shang Dynasty, this is also the most modern port of the fertile land.

The reason why the masters of Wuxing Lingjie can land from here is also along the busy route.

The masters of Wuxing Lingjie and their entourage did not hide anything when they came to the port. They were spotted by the generals of Ziyang Shenting who were guarding here.

Jian Wuyun immediately took out the tokens he got from Zhao Qingyan and said: "We are at the invitation of your country Zhao Qingyan and want to discuss the alliance with your country. Please also report it on your behalf."

The general who guards here will inform his superior immediately, and the superior will inform him again, but after half an hour, the meaning of Junxian will be conveyed back: send someone to meet him immediately, please wait. At the same time, the local officials let the Wuxing spirit world and the wind and dust.


Beichen Yuqing stood at the bow of the ship, and as he was about to return to the Shang Dynasty, the soldiers began to cheer, but Beichen Yuqing was not happy.

"Marshal, we have already got in touch with the Coastal Command. During our departure, many changes have taken place. On the eastern coast, we have successively annexed Jin, Liu, Bian, and Sima Kingdoms, with a coastline of 12,000 Thousand kilometers.

But according to the instructions of the military department, we need to return to the port of Anyang to accept the cheers of the people. "

Beichen Yuqing nodded, but did not speak.

The personal soldier suddenly smiled and said, ‘Master, are you close to hometown? This time, handsome, your mood seems to be low? ’

"Busy your go." Bei Chen Yuqing tone was not very happy.

The soldiers naturally want to express a relationship: ‘Master, if you are unhappy, if you can, just talk about it, maybe we still have a way? ’

"You can't do it! Busy yours." Bei Chen Yuqing's tone was already impatient.

The personal soldiers retreated, but they were very puzzled. Why did it suddenly become like this? Unfortunately, this personal soldier still knows nothing. It's just that there is a little uneasiness in my heart. This uneasiness is dispersing the joy of going home.


At the same time, in the west of Yaosheng Island, the demon clan has a legion in the final preparations.

This is an army that imitated the Shang Dynasty, and many of them were elites who had withdrawn from Yingzhou.

This army has a flying unit-flying demon.

There are ground legions-from the swift wolf family to the fierce tiger leopard, bull and bear.

There are also special forces-including Sky Fox, who is good at illusion, advanced masters of ethnic groups, and some grass elves.

In addition, in addition to learning from the Shang dynasty, the demon legions also learned from the Shang dynasty in military equipment and combat ideology.

For example, this legion currently has a hundred thousand demon clan, all of which are equipped with guns and artillery. Because there are a large number of low-level, flying monsters in the demon clan itself, ordinary propeller planes are not installed, but flying monster clan is used instead, and they are also equipped with organic cannons.

The elites from many demon ethnic groups who lead this army:

Jinwu with Jinwu ethnic group and high return period: Wuhuo;

Ice Luan with the Phoenix ethnic group and high in the return period: Lan Lier;

Sky Fox with a high degree of return to the Tian Fox ethnic group: Hu Caiyun;

Golden-winged Dapeng with Jinpeng ethnic group and high return period: Thunder is different and so on.

In addition, there are scattered cents.

This time the general commander of the legion fell on the "Thunder Difference" of the Jinpeng ethnic group.

The military command ability of the Jinpeng ethnic group is still quite good, so this time the difference will stand out.

Lei differently floated in the sky, behind which was the rolling sea, and in front of him was an endless army of one hundred thousand demon clan, the voice unfolded: "The compatriots of the demon clan, here is the'pankou' on the southwest end of the demon island, here It is the location closest to the human race and the fertile earth.

Here, the reason is called handicap, because over the years, we have fought here with the human race countless times, the bones of both sides have already filled the coast. However, more is the bones of our demon clan!

This is our territory, but the human race has landed unscrupulously from here.

We can't stand this kind of killing!

Tens of thousands of years have passed, and today we finally have the ability to counterattack the human race. Today, we want to avenge the human race of the fertile land of China! "

"Revenge! Revenge! Revenge..."

The mighty voice overshadowed the sound of the waves, the anger was burning, and the demon clan had been suppressed for some years, and finally broke out.

Since the collapse of the demon heaven, the demon has gradually been surpassed by the human race. Seeing the demon clan falling day by day, watching the human clan becoming powerful day by day, watching the human clan fishing the Nuozhu Wanzhuhai, and extending the greedy black hand to the demon holy island...

All in all, let the demon clan on the demon holy island hold their anger.

For a long time, when the roar gradually subsided, Lei continued to say: "This time, our goal is to win a victory, capture some human slaves, and plunder part of the wealth. Seventy percent of the plundered wealth is divided equally among all those who participated in the battle, and the rest 30% of the rewards are based on merit.

But remember, our biggest goal this time is to win. Therefore, don't fight for war, and don't be confused by greed. Everything must obey the order.

If not, you will never be spared!

set off! This time the goal is: Guangwu Shenting in the fertile land of China, the closest human country to us! "

The mighty army of demon races set off. In the ocean, huge sea monsters have appeared for a long time. These huge sea clan like the warship of the demon clan, carrying 100,000 troops, and charged forward and toward the fertile land.

The dynasty of the Shang Dynasty finally began to play a role! However, can it ultimately be developed in accordance with the plan of the Shang Dynasty?


At noon, a grand team slowly entered Yongchang County.

Around Yongchang County, countless people came to watch. Also includes He Zhiguo. This team is the honor guard of the Great Emperor of Zihuan God Court. After a half-month trek, he finally arrived in Yongchang County.

The bright banner, also a pennant, stands like a forest and stretches to the end of the road. Surrounded by a canopy in the center, there are eight plain-looking brave men, carrying the emperor Yu. The emperor Yuyu had no shed, and was a few feet tall and nine feet high. The great emperor with the Zihuan God Court sitting on top was magnificent.

The emperor was dressed in a black kimono, and he was like a mountain; there were two "guards with swords" in purple clothes on both sides, who were guarding the emperor. Lao Yuan felt a strong, undisguised breath of immortality. These two bodyguards turned out to be Sanxian Sanxian!

Around the team, there is also a royal forest army in lilac clothes, which looks like a rainbow, making people dare not look straight.

The team came slowly, as if a mountain was coming; the breath of the emperor made Sanxian a bit heavy. He Zhiguo only found it difficult to breathe.

"This is the great emperor of the court. They represent the herdsmen of the heavens, so the great emperor has a bit of majesty!" Liu Jie explained softly beside He Zhiguo.

He Zhiguo nodded, but his mood was a bit heavy. Such a majestic emperor was not seen by He Zhiguo.

In Yingzhou, those emperors did not have any dignity at all, and the so-called majesty was nothing but verbal. In the Shang Dynasty, Li Xian did not even ascend the throne, let alone the so-called majesty. But Li Xian has another dignity-Wanmin respect.

Right now, He Zhiguo really feels what is called "the power of the emperor". But it seems that only the great emperor of the court can gather so majestic.

The team came to the gate of the city. Peng Shaohui, the governor of Yongchang County, led relevant officials to greet him. Long-distance, they arched their hands and bowed their bodies; although in the fairy field, the instructor does not need to kneel, but the bow waist is still necessary.

He Zhiguo, who also led the Shang Dynasty, followed Peng Yonghui, slightly arched his hands, but bowed his head without bowing.

The team came to the gate of the city in a mighty manner, and Russia ordered it to be issued, and the team stopped immediately. Immediately the team separated to the two sides, and the eight seemingly ordinary strong men, carrying the Great Emperor, walked forward slowly until they stopped in front of the gate.

The emperor sat on Huang Yu and glanced quietly.

"Have seen your majesty." Peng Shaohui shouted, the officials around Yongchang County, and some people in Zihuan Shenting immediately shouted.

"Fat." The majestic voice spread wildly.

He Zhiguo observes carefully that the eight strong men are definitely not ordinary people-Huang Yu, who is one foot square and nine feet high, is not light. Ordinary people don't want to be able to lift them at all-but it seems that some secret method is used, and it is impossible to see the cultivation behavior.

In addition, the emperor of the above-mentioned Zihuan God Court and Linghu Zhenwu's face are at least nine points similar, but their temperament is definitely not the same. The kind of majesty, the kind of majesty from the soul, bearing the heavens is something that Hu Zhenwu cannot hope for.

After the people of Zihuan Divine Court withdrew, He Zhiguo stepped forward: "Foreign Minister Yingzhou, Shang Dynasty, and Minister of Education He Zhiguo, have seen His Majesty."

Emperor Zihuan Shenting looked at He Zhiguo and smiled slightly. At that moment, He Zhiguo even had a feeling of clouds and mists and spring flowers. The majesty of the emperor, so much so. It seems that the surrounding world, the emperor is the absolute master.

I don't know why, at this time, He Zhiguo had an indescribable feeling in his heart: if the person in front of him wants to die by himself, only one sentence is enough, he has no resistance at all!

Chrysanthemum and jade words follow the law!

He Zhiguo suddenly flashed these eight words. Could it be that this is the ability to conquer the great monarchs of China and the East?

When He Zhiguo was thinking, the emperor said: "The arrival of Qing is really a blessing for the human race. Please go to Huangyu."

Immediately, a bodyguard came out, creating a temporary but absolutely exquisite step by magic, which connected the ground to Huangyu. The eight brave men who carried Huang Yu were cast like steel, motionless.

He Zhiguo stepped up the steps and stepped up to nine feet of Huang Yu. Not to mention, walking in such imperial congregation, He Zhiguo's heart actually raised an indescribable emotion: he seems to be very willing to submit to the feet of this great emperor!

He Zhiguo nibbled at the tip of his tongue, keeping himself vigilant, stepping up to the upper levels of Huangyu, and finally came to the front of the emperor. Afterwards, He Zhiguo just bowed his hands gently, greeted him, and stood still.

"Bold, why don't you bow down!" The next Sanxian guard suddenly scolded.

He Zhiguo looked down upon the emperor and proudly said, ‘In my Shang Dynasty, there was no worship. ’

"Oh?" said the emperor, "then say, what kind of salute should you see when you see your great king?"

"There is no need to salute. Whether in the hall or outside, everyone only needs to be responsible for their responsibilities.

And in the Chaotang of the Shang Dynasty, we did not stand to hold the Chaohui, but sat. "

The emperor frowned immediately.

Waiting for the emperor to speak, a guard next to him sneered aloud: "It turned out to be a group of barbarians who did not teach etiquette!"

He Zhiguo was also not angry, and it should be said that he had expected some of his possible encounters; it seems to be a mockery at the moment, but it is actually a political confrontation. It is a confrontation between the new system of the Shang Dynasty and the ancient system of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Therefore, He Zhiguo just smiled proudly: "Whether a country is strong and civilized does not lie in the so-called etiquette education.

A truly strong country lies in the self-confidence and self-improvement of the people.

The real civilization lies in the wealth of the country and the well-being of the people.

Too much emphasis on the so-called etiquette education, but it only emphasizes the surface, but ignores the essence.

As the saying goes: Cang Lin knows etiquette truthfully, and food and clothing knows honor and shame. The true etiquette is the respect from the heart, and the true enlightenment is the gratitude, happiness, happiness, struggle and pursuit from the heart.

In the Shang Dynasty, we did not particularly emphasize the so-called etiquette education, but everyone was polite. We did not emphasize protecting the home and defending the country, but everyone was brave to join the army. "

The confidence and arrogance revealed in He Zhiguo's speech were dazzling. Even the Great Emperor Zihuan Shenting's eyes narrowed slightly.

The emperor He Zhiguo said these things, the emperor understands and understands it clearly, but he understands the difficulty of achieving such a degree. Has this faraway country already done this? How is it done?

The emperor's eyes flashed and thought of a similar example: "I heard that you have made a'free supermarket' here, but you have not sent people to guard, and everyone is keeping order. This makes me very curious, how do you do it? of?"

He Zhiguo smiled: "Your Majesty, it is not too difficult. In fact, what everyone needs is very simple-respect.

Everything in our free supermarket is arranged around ‘respect’.

Etiquette, morality, etc., all pay attention to the peer relationship. If we want others to respect us, then we must respect others first.

We did not send people to supervise, we did not manipulate prices arbitrarily. Everything is public. We make everyone feel respected, and they reward us with respect. That's all. "

The majestic, formal smile on the emperor's face disappeared, the fine light in his eyes disappeared, his head slightly lowered, and he was lost in thought.

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