Xian Ao

Chapter 893 Rebirth of Heaven, Lord of Fire

After killing the powerful enemy, Yu Zecheng sheathed his sword and stood in the air. When he looked over, he saw that his teammates were dead and injured, and none of them was intact.

Among these people, Yu Zecheng was in the best condition and began to help each other. Everyone took out the Danzhu grass and ate it one by one. The grass was indeed magical. After eating it, Wuming Zhenyi's missing arm slowly grew back and was intact. However, his Heavenly Dao was damaged, and the wound was extremely serious. , it seems that it cannot be restored in three to five years.

Yu Zecheng contributed all his Danzhu grass, and this was enough. They supported each other and flew to the ground. This time, they didn't even have time to set up the police circle outside, and everyone was seriously injured.

After falling to the ground, everyone was suddenly stunned. They saw Siqin Xiejun on the ground. Looking at everyone, he was intact as before, without any injuries.

Everyone was dumbfounded. At that moment, Siqin Xiejun was completely destroyed physically and mentally. How could he remain intact?

Siqinxiejun smiled and said:

"This is the origin of the word "Evil Lord". What I understand is the way of rebirth. As long as my original seed is immortal, I can be reborn and resurrected continuously.

Otherwise, how could I incarnate and assassinate Zijinxian eleven times, and every time I incarnated, I was beaten to death by him? Otherwise, how could he not eradicate me?

Therefore, with this heavenly way, I am immortal, but with this heavenly way, I will never have the chance to ascend. I am bound by this heavenly way, and will exist in the sky world forever. "

Lord Bing Xin asked hesitantly:

"What is the original species? Can you let us have a look?"

This Evil Lord Siqin is reborn, and he wonders if the inner demon and heart oath is still in his body. He must be on guard against others. Everyone has a treasure in his body and must be on guard, so True Lord Bing Xin wants to see the original species.

Siqinxiejun smiled, took out two carrot-like things, and said:

"This is my original species, a bit like radishes. When I was young, my family was poor, and my favorite food was radishes. That was my greatest enjoyment, so they have this shape.

I brought a total of three this time, and they all have inner demons and inner oaths. "

At this time, Yu Zecheng thought that when the Heart Demon Heart Oath was established, fourteen of them were separated, and Liu Shiyun got one. It seemed that three of them were based on the original species of Siqin Evil Lord.

By the way, there is another one, who could that be? Who still has hidden power?

Everyone rested here. After exploring the area, they no longer had any physical strength, so everyone began to heal their injuries.

Although Siqin Xiejun was reborn, he and Wuming Zhenyi were the most seriously injured. They were damaged by the way of heaven. It seems that it will take at least three to five years to return to their original state. However, they may be able to use this to break through. It depends on personal fate.

True Lord Ju Que bit his tongue again. This time he was stupid and couldn't speak anymore. Although his tongue was healing quickly, it was enough for him to suffer for a while.

After a day and a night, when the stars should appear, Yijian Zhenjun will return to normal. This is the secret healing method of Xingji Sword Sect. With this secret method, as long as the stars rise one day later, the injury will heal itself and remain intact as before.

Yu Zecheng, True Lord Bing Xin, and Vulcan just lost their strength and all recovered.

Three days later, everyone had almost recovered. One of them, Master Yi Jian, flew to high altitude and laid out countless early warning sword formations to prevent another powerful enemy.

The harvest here is incomparable, but this harvest is entirely due to the fortune. There are countless bloody battles, tenth-level magic weapons appear, immortal weapons appear, and the powerful Shinichi kills two people. It is really a waste.

Three days later, everyone erected a monument to commemorate Mo Li Qing who died in the battle. Mo Li Qing completely disintegrated, and in the end only a clothes tomb could be built.

Fortunately, all the treasures Mo Li Qing received were given to True Monarch Bing Xin for safekeeping, and those gains were not decomposed and dissipated.

Looking at the tomb of Mo Liqing, Yu Zecheng was filled with emotion:

"Such powerful men died silently in battle. The path to immortality is rugged. It seems really difficult."

"What should I do? I must have divine power, which is invincible. Only with divine power can I get everything I want and fulfill my ideals."

Yu Zecheng kept asking himself and recalling that although he and Liu Shiyun combined with each other and used the divine power with that sword, after one strike, Yu Zecheng lost that divine power and could no longer use it.

After everyone's tombs were built, they mourned silently in front of the tombs, and then turned around and left. Life is like this. Life, old age, illness, and death. The purpose of cultivating immortals is to get rid of this situation that cannot be controlled by oneself. However, the road to immortality is rugged, and a few people can do it.

Life must go on, and everyone has started new mining. This is the purpose of coming here, and now that I have paid so much, I can’t give up.

Everyone fell in the air and returned to the volcanic molten pool and the volcanic crater. Everyone flew downwards. Although the injuries of Wuming Zhenyi and others were not healed, they could not see any impact without experiencing that powerful battle.

This time I came back, it was completely different from the last time. Great changes had taken place in the volcano, but it had only been a few days, and the whole world was different.

The countless metal reefs that were originally exposed all disappeared, hid, and could no longer be seen. However, a small island appeared on the lava sea, and the island was also a crater-like island.

Everyone flew towards the island, and it became hotter and hotter, but it had no effect on everyone.

Sure enough, a guardian clan was born here, that is, the Balrogs. Before they even got close to the island, countless Balrogs appeared on it.

The Balrogs are composed of flames. They are three feet tall, covered in black and brown, and have huge bodies with two horns on their heads.

They can perfectly control flames, are born in lava, and drive lava fire. They can also drive various lava creatures, such as flaming crocodiles, flaming snakes, flaming rats, flaming tigers, and flaming horses. It can be said that thousands of beasts are galloping to protect this place. A piece of land, kill all the monks who come here.

These flame demons turned into countless flames and attacked everyone. Let's all look like the god of fire. This is the home court of the god of fire.

Kagami has been extremely depressed these past two days. She has become a bystander in these two battles and has no effect at all. She originally thought that her strength was one of the best in this team, but the magic weapon Ao's Diamond Release and the Wuming Shinichi's Iron Fist , the rebirth of Evil Lord Siqin, the disintegration of True Lord Bing Xin’s demon, and Yu Zecheng’s mighty sword, made her feel extremely ashamed. She couldn’t compare to those True One Divine Lords, not even Nascent Soul?

She was extremely angry for this, and now even the little Balrog came out to be her enemy. She was so angry, so angry, ah ah ah.

In an instant, Vulcan broke out, burning with rage, and the entire lava world erupted in her anger. This was a world of flames, just in line with her heavenly way, and here she used her strongest power.

In an instant, the Balrogs attacking the God of Fire were burned and dissipated one by one in the flames.

Vulcan said:

"Fire is my world. If I can't show my power here, then what's the point of seeking enlightenment?

You have your strengths, and I also have my flames, divine power, and divine power. I can definitely have divine power as well.

I, the God of Fire, hereby swear that I will never ascend until I gain divine power. "

Following her oath, the lava here seemed to be boiling and began to roll continuously. Under this huge force, the island was melted alive with a roar and turned into lava.

A huge roar came from the island, and a huge figure appeared in the center of the island. That was the collection of flame demons, the Flame Lord, the ultimate guardian of the birth of this world.

This Flame Lord is a hundred feet in size, standing in the air, looking down upon the lava world.

Vulcan looked at him and said:

"Let's fight and see who among you and me can be the true master of fire."

At this moment, infinite flames rose from Vulcan's body, which was exactly the same as when she transformed into a Tao.

The reason why Vulcan did not play a very powerful role in these two battles is actually related to the danger of transformation. She ate the ice soul essence provided by Yu Zecheng and got rid of the danger of transformation, but during the battle , reluctantly did not dare to use all his strength, fearing that the danger of transformation would appear again, so the combat effectiveness did not meet everyone's expectations.

This time she finally calmed down and bravely faced her own heart and the danger of transforming into the Dao, so she once again transformed into the God of Fire and devoted herself to the Dao. This was her true strength.

The flaming fire god flew up proudly and fought with the huge fire lord. In an instant, the sky and the earth were filled with flames, and everyone had to retreat and exit the world.

Wuming Zhenyi said:

"Okay, Vulcan is finally out of the danger of transformation. Only by facing the crisis bravely can she survive and defeat the crisis. Finally she understands this."

The Vulcan versus the Flame Lord fought endlessly, and the fight turned the world upside down. Everyone slowly retreated, and finally exited the crater.

Then, the volcano roared, erupted, and sputtered, causing the volcano to reactivate and erupt again.

This battle lasted for a day and a night, and finally, a person flew out of the erupting volcano, it was the God of Fire.

The flames on her body are endless, like a person made of infinite flames, but endless power flows through her body.

She landed slowly, and immediately the flames dissipated, revealing her true face. She was still as tall, but more beautiful than before.

For a moment, everyone's eyes were attracted to her. Yu Zecheng noticed that Yijian Zhenjun and Vulcan looked at each other, as if there was a tacit understanding. Then the two noticed that they were looking at each other and immediately separated. It seemed that these two people These days, the hostility has gradually turned in another direction.

Vulcan said:

"Fortunately, I have lived up to my fate. I have completely escaped the danger of transforming into a Tao. I have killed the Fire Lord. Everyone, please go over and take action."

The Vulcan finally got rid of the danger of transforming into a Tao, but there is still a long way to go to possess divine power. It requires countless time, countless energy, and practice before there is even a glimmer of possibility.

After saying that, she shook her hand, and the volcano gradually subsided, the flames dissipated, and returned to its previous appearance.

Everyone entered the world of flames again, but there was no longer the burning feeling. Under the power of the God of Fire, this was a perfect world.

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