Xian Ao

Chapter 889 Lake Gem, Grassland War Beast

Seeing these nine-colored bird eggs, everyone turned their attention to Yu Zecheng. The bird eggs they just exchanged were all fruits that Yu Zecheng brought out. You must know that none of these Nascent Soul True Ones will carry these useless fruits with them. The unimportant spiritual fruits picked here were all taken out just now, and the remaining ones like Yuanzhu fruits were reluctant to be taken out, so everyone had no fruits.

When Yu Zecheng saw the nine-colored bird eggs, he gritted his teeth, stretched out his hand as if feeling distressed, and took out a basket of fruit, which contained more than fifty apples, oranges, and pears, and then said generously:

"I've given these to you, how about it? Do you want to exchange them?"

The old bird nodded and said:

"You're so generous, I'll change it."

Just like that, I got the nine-colored bird egg.

In the end, there were no more colorful eggs here. After collecting them, everyone decided to leave.

Before leaving, Yu Zecheng looked at the white clouds here with great interest. Although it did not contain any spiritual power and was meaningless to immortal cultivators, he still absorbed the clouds and stored them in his own Pangu world. There is a saying. If a goose has its feathers plucked, it is better to kill the wrong one than let it go.

Everyone left the city in the clouds and went outside to start dividing the spoils. There were a total of 369 colorful bird eggs, seven-colored bird eggs with ninety-three sisters, and one nine-colored bird egg.

Everyone began to distribute, and the five-colored bird eggs and seven-colored bird eggs were distributed first and divided into seventeen parts. Among them, Nightmare Shinichi got one share. Because he was not here now and did not contribute, he could only get half a share. Everyone else gets two portions.

Seeing this bird egg, Kagami Shinichi said:

"Originally, I wanted to take one and cook it at home, but some people will feel sorry for it. Forget it, I don't want mine. If anyone wants something good, give it to me in the future."

True Lord Yijian knew he was talking about him and was not angry. He just smiled and said:

"Thank you, please treat them kindly."

Wuming Shinichi took two colorful bird eggs and said:

"I'll keep two for fun, and I'll give the rest to you. You can use them as future spoils."

Ju Que and Siqin Zhenyi are all like this. Only Bing Xin, Mo Li Qing, Yu Zecheng, and Yijian will not be like this. Among them, Bing Xin Zhenjun has the Wanhua Demon Sect behind him. For the benefit of the sect, she will not give up. All of Moli Qing's earnings are given to her.

Yijian will not give up because of his past experience and his beloved lover, but he is not interested in other people's eggs, nor is he interested in the ninth-level bird eggs.

Because of the existence of Pangu World, Yu Zecheng was extremely interested in these bird eggs, so he and Zhenjun Bing Xin scraped these bird eggs separately.

In the end, Yu Zecheng got one hundred and thirty-one colorful bird eggs and thirty-nine seven-color bird eggs. The last nine-level bird eggs were all given up by everyone and transferred to Yu Zecheng.

This was very strange to Yu Zecheng. The True Lord Bing Xin smiled and said:

"It's true, those ninth-level bird eggs may be able to hatch a bird-man of the level of returning to the void, but have you considered how long it will take?

The higher the strength of the spirit beast, the longer it takes to incubate. It may take thousands or even tens of thousands of years, which is meaningless at all.

Even if you hatch it, why would it listen to you when it is a spiritual beast that has returned to the realm of virtual reality? If you use secret methods to control it, then it will lose its spirituality and be meaningless, so I will give it to you, and it will be in your hands. I will change it later. of good stuff. "

Yu Zecheng smiled and said, "No matter what you are doing, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain. If there is no road to unload the wheel, lift it up, take one step, look at each step, and it will be true in your own hands." All these bird eggs were collected in Pangu World.

Everyone came to the edge of the city in the clouds and looked down. They saw a huge whirlpool spreading thousands of miles in the sea in the distance. It must be a dense area.

Under the City in the Cloud, there is a huge volcano. The crater is a thousand feet in size. The fire below is soaring into the sky. Wuming Zhenyi said:

"This volcano is smokeless and odorless, and with such fire, it is also a dense area."

There is a tiankeng stone cellar at the foot of the volcano, covering an area of ​​300 miles. It seems that it must be a dense area.

Above the tiankeng stone cellar, under the volcano, and halfway up the mountain, it is covered with ice and snow. It seems to be an ice and snow area.

Ice and snow water continuously flows out of the ice and snow area. The water gathers into a river, and the river widens into a river. It flows out all the way. In the distance, the river water gathers into a lake. The lake is thousands of miles long. It seems that it is also a dense area.

Outside the lake is a grassland. At first glance, the grassland is full of vitality. You don't need to look at it, but it is naturally a dense area.

There are two places left, one of which is a dense area where mountains gather in the distance.

No one found the last place. No matter how hard they searched, they couldn't find it. They all couldn't help but be surprised. But there was no rush. Founder still had time. If he couldn't run there, he would find it sooner or later.

Let’s start exploring the next area. Everyone chose. Lord Bing Xin suddenly said:

"I want to go to that lake. We have been fighting so hard that we are all very dirty. How about we all go over and take a bath?"

As soon as he said this, everyone immediately agreed. Although there are spells to clean up oneself, it is not as refreshing as playing in the lake.

Everyone rose up in the air and headed there, arriving in a moment.

From the outside, the lake is thousands of miles away. When you enter the lake, you will see an endless world with alternating lake shores and thousands of miles of rivers and rivers.

Here there is not only a swamp world like Yunmengze, full of miasma and poisonous mist, but also an endless chain of underground hot springs, sunny and warm. There are also the green mountains and green water, the waning moon in the morning breeze on the willow bank, and the beautiful scenery of the West Lake. It can be said that the lake scenery is all here.

You don't need to look for it to know what the treasure is here, that is gems.

Countless gems, diamonds, rubies, sapphires, emeralds, aquamarines, cat's eye gems, color-changing gems, topaz gems, opals, tourmalines, spinels, garnet gems, zircon gems, olive green gems, emerald green gems, quartz cat's eyes, turquoise, lapis lazuli.

These gems are just ordinary stones here, covering the bottom of the lake and the embankment.

In addition to these rare gems in the world, there are all kinds of rare spiritual stones, Songjin Stone, Bichao Stone, Qingkong Stone, Tianqing Stone, Kongling Stone, Chiyan Stone, Dicui Stone, Huangchen Stone. These spiritual stones, which are regarded as treasures by cultivators, are scattered everywhere here. Although there are not as many as gems, the number is not rare.

But with so many spiritual stones and gems, naturally everyone began to collect them. Not a single spiritual stone can be missed. Those gems with good quality are picked and collected one or two.

In this way, the lake world here was plundered by everyone, and there was no precious spiritual stone left in the 30,000-mile world.

Then everyone distributed it. Yu Zecheng and Bingxin got more bird eggs last time, so this time they naturally had to give up most of their spiritual stones to compensate everyone.

In fact, these spiritual stones are not so important to Yu Zecheng. In his own Pangu world, many of these spiritual stones have their own production places and can be produced infinitely, but if he doesn't want them, it would be too generous, which would show that there is something wrong with him.

In addition, there are indeed good things among these spiritual stones, including the rare spiritual stones, which Yu Zecheng does not have a production place, so he must leave them.

In fact, there are also guardians in this lake. The precious spiritual stones are guarded by monsters such as crocodiles, insects, lizards, and snakes, but facing everyone, they are also destined to send various materials.

After the gems were collected, everyone relaxed here for a while and took a good bath in the hot spring.

Bingxin Zhenjun and Huoshen Zhenyi occupied the best hot spring in the distance, and everyone else was expelled to another hot spring.

The steam was rolling and the water temperature was just right. Taking a bath in this hot spring was indeed an indescribable pleasure.

And it was not just them who were bathing in the hot spring here. There was also a group of monkeys bathing in the distance. It was quite fun to watch the monkeys playing and fighting.

In this way, the mining here was over. Next to it was the vibrant grassland. Everyone entered the third secret area.

After entering the grassland, it turned into a million-mile strange world. Seeing this world, Wuming Zhenyi shook his head and said:

"This is the place for fighting beasts. I am not interested. I will go out and wait for you."

The place for fighting beasts is a place where various war beasts with combat capabilities are specially cultivated. The grasslands here are prosperous with grass and trees, which can feed countless herbivorous beasts, and those herbivorous beasts can feed countless beasts.

Those beasts are constantly fighting here, fighting to the death, and constantly evolving and becoming stronger. When they reach a certain level, they will be teleported to the interior of the City of Heavenly Sounds for other uses.

There were no other resources and treasures here, only these endless beasts. Wuming Zhenyi had no interest in this and left. Siqin Zhenyi, Juque Zhenjun, Mo Liqing, and Huoshen also left with him.

Yu Zecheng was very interested. This place reminded him of the spirits and flesh in the Jingji Realm in the Three Thousand Realms. It was just right to capture some spirit beasts and put them in his Pangu World. If he raised them well, there would be countless spirits and flesh, and he could also cultivate them into new mountain spirits and wild monsters for his own use.

Bingxin Zhenjun and Yijian Zhenjun were here just to capture those powerful war beasts and take them back for their own use. They disdained the weak war beasts.

Yu Zecheng began to capture a large number of herbivores and carnivores. He did not let go of any of the spiritual grasses on the grassland. He scraped the ground three feet.

Soon, Bingxin Zhenjun and Yijian Zhenjun finished their capture. They said goodbye to Yu Zecheng and left. Yu Zecheng immediately released all his helpers in Pangu World, including countless mountain spirits and wild monsters, sixty-one beautiful women, Kunpeng, and Wanzai Hanchi.

Unexpectedly, Wanzai Hanchi was the most effective. With a roar, all the beasts here lined up and came to obey orders honestly, so there was no need to capture them so hard.

Yu Zecheng sent them into Pangu World one after another, leaving three pairs of each beast, so that it would not be considered extinction mining.

In this way, a full million beasts of all kinds entered Yu Zecheng's Pangu World.

Lao Qi suddenly said:

"Commander, now I suggest opening the Heavenly Demon Beast System. It would be a pity if these beasts were included in the Mountain Spirit and Wild Monster System. In this way, the Demon Beast System and the Mountain Spirit and Wild Monster System can be transformed into the Monster System, which can completely give birth to countless elite subordinates for us. Please give the order, Commander."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Okay, I leave it to you. I agree to open the Heavenly Demon Beast System."

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