Xian Ao

Chapter 880 Tianlan Demon Dragon Asks the Sword Immortal Path

Ice rises, then turns into floods, into magma, and into ocean tides.

This time the defense was carried out by Evil Lord Siqin. He talked about his harp and turned the power of supreme music into a layer of protection. In this world of water, the waves undulated and drifted with the current, avoiding all peaks and waves. Lasted for three hours.

As soon as three hours passed, the magic circle suddenly changed. This magic circle reversed the five elements. It was supposed to be earth overcoming water, but it turned into water and earth. The heaven and earth changed again. Infinite sand rose everywhere, and countless huge stones flew up. Mountains collapsed and the earth cracked, and the earth roared.

Then earth generates wood, wood generates metal, and metal generates fire. In this way, the five elements are generated in reverse, and this is one round.

During these fifteen hours, everyone just resisted without any counterattack, because this was an innate immortal formation. If they counterattacked and disrupted the changes in the formation, it would immediately cause infinite formation changes. Even if they tried to resist with their bodies, they would not be able to carry out the attack. Resist counterattacks to avoid triggering a more terrifying array attack.

Wuming Zhenyi and Siqin Evil Lord looked at each other, and Siqin Evil Lord said:

"The reversal of the five elements, hiding the path of hardness and softness, a total of seven changes?"

Wuming Zhenyi shook his head and said:

"There should be two reversals of yin and yang, corresponding to the nine of us, nine transformations of heaven."

Both of them are masters of this formation, and they are silently studying how to break the formation. Yu Zecheng and others, who were laymen to the formation, all obeyed their orders.

This reversal of the Five Elements Formation, the reversal of the Five Elements, became more and more intense. Countless golden knives, giant trees, raging fires, floods, yellow dust, mountains and waves surged up, rushing up. One yin and one yang are at war with each other, the clouds and lights are turbulent, surging like tides, lightning is roaring, and thousands of thunders are roaring, which is dizzying and violent.

In this way, everyone perseveres here, round after round. In the blink of an eye, forty-nine rounds, more than sixty days and nights will pass.

Siqinxiejun suddenly said:

"Everyone, please pay attention. The next round of change is the number of the Great Evolution. The attack will be intensified a hundred times. At this time of change, it is also the time when it is at its weakest. Listen to my orders and follow my instructions to explode together. The strongest blow. You only have one chance, please don’t give up.”

Then he waited silently, and then something changed again, Jin Sheng Shui, and Siqin Xiejun roared fiercely:

"Take action."

All of a sudden, the nine people exerted their strength together, and launched their strongest blow according to the command of Siqin Evil Lord. Yu Zecheng used the four swords at the same time to strike wildly. In the arena, he had never done it at the same time at the same time. Use more than two types of sword intent. This time, you can't hide your clumsiness and strike with all your strength.

These nine people exploded with a blow, and their power was unlimited. It happened to be the time of the forty-nine changes. It was one moment among millions of moments. After sixty days and nights, they had this moment of opportunity, and the entire formation was hit by this blow. , a change occurs, which coincides with the number of Dayan, and the whole formation becomes stationary and no longer causes harm.

The formation subsided in an instant, which was enough for everyone to use all their strength and began to destroy all the nine hundred and ninety-nine cloud pillars.

This time everyone used their full strength, and all 999 cloud pillars dissipated in an instant, and the entire formation disappeared immediately.

Everyone let out a sigh of relief, and after breaking through the Five Elements Reversal Formation, the Heavenly Domain was right in front of them.

Nameless Shinichi said:

"Oh, it's not me, Old Shen, who said that if we leave a hundred cloud pillars and build a magic circle, we can protect this heaven for us."

The implication is that he also wants to imitate the Great Luo Jinxian Sect and set up a teleportation array in this heaven, so that each conference can exclusively enjoy this area of ​​heaven.

Lord Yijian said from the side:

"It's better to destroy it. It's better for us to come to this Heaven Realm just once.

No one can build a teleportation array, otherwise they will be killed together after the Heart Oath dissipates. "

As soon as this was said, everyone was silent for a moment. Wu Mingzhen nodded and said:

"Yes, take it all at once, don't set up a formation, otherwise we will kill them together."

Then the two of them looked at Yu Zecheng, True Lord Bingxin, and Evil Lord Siqin.

If the teleportation array is left here, even though everyone owns it, and even though everyone has the inner demons and oaths in their hearts, with this treasure land, the sect can definitely flourish, and even start a sect and rise to the top.

There is no limit to human greed. Instead of sharing it with others, it is better to occupy it yourself. The inner demons and vows are only a matter that is limited to the ancient city of Tianlai. After leaving, within a hundred years, the people in this team will kill each other. Seize the ownership of this teleportation array.

This kind of thing will not happen in the next three hundred and sixty-five years. What about the next time? Everyone has disciples, disciples, and grandchildren, and relatives who care about them. As time goes by, things will inevitably happen.

The Heavenly Domain just now has been dominated by the Daluo Jinxian Sect for ten thousand years. When it was developed, it was impossible for the predecessors of the Daluo Jinxian Sect to be here. Now it completely belongs to the Daluo Jinxian Sect. It goes without saying where those people went.

Therefore, it is better to take this action once than to bury the trouble, so as not to do something that has no friends in the future and become an enemy.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Yes, only take it once and never leave any teleportation array behind."

True Lord Bing Xin also solemnly said:

"Only take it once and never leave any teleportation array behind."

Everyone smiled at each other, and then the matter was over.

Looking at the land of Hongmeng in front of me, that is the greatest treasure. Everyone continued to move forward.

After the reversal of the Five Elements Formation appeared, sixty days and nights later, the land of Hongmeng gradually emitted light and began infinite evolution. During these days, the land of Hongmeng, for millions of years a day, formed the heaven and the earth on its own, and you can gradually see that A huge continent with sea, land, mountains and clouds, everyone was delighted.

But now is not the time to enter this world. This perfect transformation is not over yet, and there is still time to wait. Everyone can only wait silently outside the Hongmeng world.

This wait lasted for more than ten days, and finally on this day, the time in the land of Hongmeng gradually stabilized, and the way of heaven was balanced. Everyone was very happy and was about to enter this heavenly realm.

At this moment, a terrifying pressure came from the distant void.

This pressure was the power of a god. For a moment, all nine people were unable to move. There was a gentle rustling sound, like something sliding across the ground, but there was no ground here, so it seemed even more weird.

I saw two blue bright spots gradually appearing in the void, flying towards this side. Gradually, a huge dragon head was revealed, and Yu Zecheng was suddenly shocked.

The blue light flashes, like a dragon's eye that is ten feet long, with white scales, long golden tentacles, and four sharp silver claws on the protruding forelimbs. The body is a hundred feet in size, and it is the same as the one seen when entering the Tianlai Star Territory. Dawei Tianlong is somewhat similar.

However, the mighty heavenly dragon is supremely powerful, looking down on all living beings with its tyranny, endless vitality and fighting spirit that will never give up.

And this dragon has cold murderous intent and an aura of infinite death, which makes people feel a sense of despair when they see it.

On this ice dragon, there are countless monks, a hundred of them. Each of these monks is lifelike, but if you look carefully, they only have Yuanying left. There is a faint light all over the Yuanying. Those lights are covered by the blood of the ice dragon. Tie, firmly trapped on the body. These Nascent Souls kept roaring, but there was no cry at all, only the rustling sound could be made.

Seeing this ice dragon, there was a rattling sound among the crowd. Vulcan and Nightmare Shinichi couldn't help but start to tremble continuously, with the rattling teeth trembling sounds coming from their mouths. The two of them were extremely frightened.

Vulcan said in horror:

"This, this is the Binglan Demon Dragon, the most slayable demon dragon among the eight heavenly dragons, the legendary killing star, the most brutal guy. In this world of nature, he is immortal.

The Nascent Souls on his body are all the True One that has returned to the void. They were all killed by him, trapped by the way of heaven, and imprisoned by the True One. We are finished, how can we encounter it? "

At this moment, she no longer looked like the invincible Vulcan, but a frail and frightened woman.

Lord Yijian said calmly from the side:

"We are careless. This is its world, the emerging world. As the king of this place, can it not come and take a look?

If there is no way to avoid it, then fight, or you will die. "

Nightmare Shinichi said:

"Death, that is the best outcome. If your Nascent Soul Master dies, you will die. If the Nascent Soul is trapped, the thousand years will disappear. As soon as we meet him, we will be sucked into his body and imprisoned forever. Immortal, suffering the pain of soul refining.

We're done, we're done. "

Nightmare Shinichi was extremely desperate.

Wuming Zhenyi said:

"Ah, that one seems to be the blind man. I wonder why I haven't seen him for more than three hundred years. It turns out that he was eaten by the Ice Wave Monster last time. Haha, I'm here to save you, brother."

Nightmare Shinichi looked at Wuming Shinichi as if he were a madman and said:

"Are you going to save him? The Clay Bodhisattva cannot save himself when crossing the river. You..."

Wuming Zhenyi suddenly turned around, glanced at Nightmare Zhenyi and said:

"The road to cultivating immortality is extremely rugged. Dreams are broken all the time. No matter death, no matter life. We can only move forward with swords. No matter what hardships or monsters and ice dragons, even if the opponent is invincible, we will not If you want to fight, kill him, no matter who he is, kill him with the sword.

If you have such a mentality, even if you absorb the dreams of millions of people, you will not be able to escape the danger of transformation.

For the sake of this immortal road, I have even forgotten my own name. I have abandoned my family, friends, past, and glory. How can my immortal road be blocked by it? "

At this moment, Wuming Shinichi no longer looked like he was laughing and laughing like before. He was like a sharp blade being pulled out of a rusty scabbard, revealing its supreme brilliance. He could give up everything for the path to immortality and for his own ideals.

Looking at the Yi Jian Zhenjun again, it was the same, but with a slight smile, the sword intent on his body was like a starry sky, and the infinite star intent was emanating from his body, just like the universe.

True Monarch Bing Xin transformed into an immortal body, with three heads and six arms, and demonic energy flying, preparing for a battle.

The twelve heavenly sound swords of Si Qin Evil Lord appeared, his blood condensed, and the soundless fairy sound sounded.

Among these people, only Vulcan and Nightmare saw this demonic dragon and were completely in despair. They saw the fighting intention of their companions. After a while, Vulcan said:

"I understand, no wonder I can transform the power of Tao. That's why, although I am known as the God of Fire and have mastery of the Fire Heavenly Dao, I still have loopholes in my heart.

How happy is life, how painful is death. Even if we are imprisoned for thousands of years, so what, come on, let us try our best to fight. "

Nightmare Shinichi also laughed and said:

"Yes, even if he is killed in battle, he will be drained of all his blood. Come on, let us fight hard and kill the demon dragon."


Monthly ticket, monthly ticket, begging again. Rolling and pleading, asking for monthly support.

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