Xian Ao

Chapter 874 Bloodline Cauldron Sword Killing of Hundreds (Third update, please vote for me)

One strike of the Heavenly Demon's Blood-Transforming Divine Sword beheaded the Heaven-Suffering Lord. A roll of the Blood-Transforming Demon's Sword immediately turned the Magic-Transforming Silkworm and the Hundred-Armed Giant into blood and absorbed them all. Even the Heaven-Suffering Lord's Nascent Soul could not be reached in time. If you escape, you will be killed.

The magic knife turned and flew back in an instant, instantly integrating into Yu Zecheng's bloodline.

The three soul-stealing transformations of the Succubus Sect are not only the transformation of the soul, but also the bloodline is gradually transformed and changed. In this magic knife, there are two strange bloodline feelings hidden. One bloodline is warm and radiant, and it is the magical silkworm. , a bloodline with extremely violent blood, exuding a violent aura, is the hundred-armed giant.

This blood-transforming demon sword not only killed the opponent, but also absorbed the blood of the two succubus transformed by the opponent into the demon sword. The demon sword merged into Yu Zecheng's body again, and these two bloodlines also Melt into Yu Zecheng's bloodline and become part of Yu Zecheng's bloodline power.

Yu Zecheng secretly nodded. This was his plan. He owned the Mountain and River Cauldron, which contained countless bloodlines of the ancient and tyrannical demon clan. However, it could not be exploited and developed and could not be turned into his own power. This matter has always been a problem for Yu Zecheng. It's heart disease.

That's why he chose the Demonic Blood-Transforming Sword back then, just to take advantage of the Mountain and River Cauldron.

Today's demons, like immortal cultivators, have already degenerated for countless generations. Compared with their tyrannical ancestors at that time, they have also degenerated for countless generations.

The tyrannical bloodline in the Mountain and River Cauldron is the bloodline of the alien beasts and spirit beasts from the prehistoric period. Not to mention now, at that time, they were extremely powerful and terrifying existences for the demon clan.

Only Patriarch Xiong can refine this blood with the help of ascended immortal light. Otherwise, if it is injected directly into the body, without the blood of the same kind to protect each other, the refining will only cause the body to explode and die. Therefore, Yu Zecheng was unable to refine these powerful bloodlines.

In the pastoral life of the previous year, Yu Zecheng thought hard and finally came up with a way. He refined the Demonic Blood Magic Sword and his own Blood Gang Divine Art into one.

This day's demonized blood sword has a function, which is to absorb blood. It can turn the opponent's blood into a part of his own. In other words, Yu Zecheng can use this sword to absorb and fuse the blood of those powerful monsters. In his Blood Gang Divine Art, he becomes a part of his own bloodline, so that he has the same bloodline as those tyrannical demons, although it has been diluted countless times.

Then you can use the Mountain and River Cauldron to weakly activate the power of the bloodline in your body, slowly develop this part of your bloodline, slowly return them to their ancestors, and restore them to the tyrannical power of the prehistoric period, so that you can Get supreme power from this.

Yu Zecheng originally thought that the matter would be over and go to find the powerful demon clan and seize the bloodline. Unexpectedly, he would kill the True Lord of the Succubus Sect and get two powerful bloodlines like this. It really took no effort at all. Things in the world are unpredictable. ah.

After beheading True Lord Tianshu, Yu Zecheng stood proudly with his sword, waiting for the next opponent.

I heard someone shouting:

"What a arrogant boy, I'm here to meet you."

Suddenly the sword light rose again.

Fight, fight, fight, countless battles.

Yu Zecheng stood proudly on the arena, fighting one after another, challenging the heroes of the world.

This battle lasted for ten days and ten nights. Yu Zecheng won three hundred and twenty-seven battles here, killing more than a hundred people of the True Lord, and the entire arena ground was covered in blood mist.

Countless people were watching in the arena, and Yu Zecheng stood in the arena, arrogant to the world. The last battle lasted for six full hours, and there was no opponent on the field.

After three hundred and twenty-seven battles, Yu Zecheng's body was bruised and injured in more than a hundred places, but his fighting spirit was stronger. He challenged here. No one challenged him for six hours. Yu Zecheng shook his head and raised it wantonly. Long sword, this is a challenging movement, but still no one fights him.

Among the seats in the arena, and outside the arena, countless people looked at Yu Zecheng, and countless of them whispered to each other.

An old man asked the young swordsman beside him:

"This person is the helper Bing Xin bitch is looking for. Do you think you can deal with him?"

The young swordsman smiled and said:

"The arena is full of idiots who can't control their desire to fight. This person hides three points of strength. I can kill him in three moves."

The old man nodded and said:

"Okay, after entering, he will leave it to you."

This kind of conversation resounded among countless people, and they all thought they had figured out the details of Yu Zecheng, all because Yu Zecheng was a combative person and not something to be afraid of.

But they don't know that although Yu Zecheng is still injured in many places, he has countless masters in 327 games, and has endless magical skills. Yu Zecheng has experienced countless hard battles, but this battle has been of endless benefit to him.

Xuanyuan Sword Sect relies on war to support war. The more they fight, the stronger they become. Yu Zecheng gradually understood the truth of this sentence.

Moreover, in this Tianlai Star Territory, as he fought, he gradually developed a feeling of breathing the same breath and sharing the same destiny with him. Following his movements, countless vitality gathered into his body.

In this battle, although Yu Zecheng used the four major sword intentions and various sword techniques, in all these hundreds of battles that almost killed him, Yu Zecheng did not hide three points of his strength, but He only used three points of sword power, and also hid several killing swords. If anyone wanted to fight him in Tianlai Ancient City based on his current strength, he would definitely cry and regret.

This is Yu Zecheng's tactic. Anyone who is his enemy must understand himself. This is the trap he has laid for them.

After six hours, no one answered the challenge. Yu Zecheng shook his head, with a sword in hand, and thousands of people bowed their heads, looking proudly at the world, and dared to ask who is the hero in the world.

Since there is no one to fight anymore, there is no point in being here. In an instant, Yu Zecheng left the arena and returned to his private room.

True Lord Ju Que had been waiting here. When he saw Yu Zecheng returning, he immediately raised his thumb and said:

"Destruction is in front of you, and your reputation is indeed well-deserved. Is there anyone in this world who doesn't recognize you? This time, I have made a lot of money by suppressing you. Even if you don't explore the ancient city of Tianlai, your return will not be in vain."

Yu Zecheng laughed. The two Yunhai Qingming Sect girls looked at Yu Zecheng with red hot eyes. Their admiration for him has reached an indescribable level. It can be said that they would give up everything for Yu Zecheng. .

Yu Zecheng said to the two of them:

"My Five Elements Spiritual Root, others gave me a chance back then, and I am what I am today. Today I will also give you two a chance. I hope you can work hard and embark on your own path to immortality.

Remember, as heaven moves forward, a gentleman strives to constantly strive for self-improvement. "

After saying that, he threw it towards the two of them. Each person had a storage bag, which was the treasure of the Nascent Soul Master captured in this battle. There were countless spiritual stones in the storage bag, several bottles of elixirs, a secret method, and a magical flying sword. Quite a few, if they have this treasure, they can be promoted to Jindan Zhenren.

The two girls were so moved that they fell down one after another and kowtowed to Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng accepted it calmly, and then left here with Zhenjun Ju Que and returned to the resting place.

Along the way, wherever Yu Zecheng went, countless people avoided and gave way. This record of 327 battles was undeniable.

Yu Zecheng left, and the arena was finally closed because no one was competing. When thinking of Yu Zecheng's power, no one had the will to fight anymore, so it had to be closed.

However, at the next Tianlai Conference, a statue of Yu Zecheng was erected in the arena to commemorate his power. In the future, there will be an additional battle event, which is to challenge his record of 327 gladiatorial games.

Yu Zecheng returned to Yunxiao Pavilion, his resting place, and entered the room, alone. Liu Shiyun appeared and looked at Yu Zecheng's body covered with scars, and couldn't help but feel dazed.

She gently touched the scar and began to heal it for Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng remained motionless, enduring the pain of healing, and then smiled at Liu Shiyun.

Liu Shiyun said:

"Why bother? Why do you have to wade into troubled waters this time? It would be great if we could live peacefully at home in the countryside."

Yu Zecheng said:

"After I repay this favor, we will go back to live our pastoral life."

Although the words were like this, Liu Shiyun could see the ambition and desire in Yu Zecheng's eyes. Is he the kind of person who would grow old in the countryside? His future lies in the infinite sword, and his wish is the endless authority. How could he be someone who was willing to be inferior to others?

Liu Shiyun possesses the divine sword intent. Although Yu Zecheng didn't say anything, this year, Yu Zecheng practiced hard and had nothing to do. In this crazy battle, Yu Zecheng actually wanted to possess the divine sword intent.

It was like this in Shanzhu City back then, and now it is like this in Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and Liu Shiyun gradually felt pain in her heart. My lover is like this, what should I do for him? As long as he is happy, it is his greatest happiness.

Yu Zecheng finished his treatment and meditated silently. In the blink of an eye, one day and one night later, the next day was the beginning of the Tianlai Conference.

Yu Zecheng finished his retreat, all the scars on his body disappeared, and returned to his best fighting condition. This is the power of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and his combat power has been further improved.

True Lord Bing Xin used the Heart Demon Heart Oath to transmit the message:

"Fellow Taoists, the conference is about to begin, let's gather."

This is the benefit of the Heart Demon Heart Oath. It is similar to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect's Heart Awareness and Soul Awareness, which can transmit sound, but the sound transmission range is not large and has many weaknesses.

Liu Shiyun returned to the Pangu world again, and Yu Zecheng opened the door and waited for other team members to gather.

Everyone gradually got together. Not only Lord Yi Jian returned, but also the God of Fire and Nightmare Shinichi all returned.

Ju Que Zhenjun gesticulated and talked about Yu Zecheng's glorious history of fighting in the arena and killing hundreds of people.

Yu Zecheng strolled into this place and immediately noticed that everyone's gazes on him had changed. There were hesitations, surprises, and admirations, but they all had one thing in common: admiration and disbelief.

In this gaze, Yu Zecheng felt a sense of dignity and refreshment. This battle was completely worth it.

True Lord Bing Xin nodded to Yu Zecheng and said:

"Welcome our hundreds of people to kill Zhenjun Du. In this conference, a hundred Nascent Souls were killed by you. These people are all aggressive people. This time, the Yunhai Qingming Sect would like to thank you very much. You have used They save a lot of effort.”

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"Just having fun."

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Okay, everyone gather together. Let me tell you the precautions for this operation for the last time..."

As Bing Xin slowly talked, the bell rang, resounding throughout the world, and the Tianlai Conference officially began.


The third update, please give me a monthly pass. If you travel a hundred miles, it’s half ninety. Don’t be blown away, so I’m asking for a monthly pass again.

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