Xian Ao

Chapter 872 Sharpness is the edge, cutting is the edge

Two sword intents rose into the sky. The man nodded slightly towards Yu Zecheng and said:

"I am Penglai Outer Territory Fukong Mountain Laojun Dongmo Shizhenyi. I saw the Supreme Sword Intention of the Lord of Destruction, so I came here to give it a try. Please give me some advice."

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Okay, I am Yu Zecheng, the True Lord of Destruction from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect in the Sky World. Please enlighten me."

This person deserves to be known by his own name and can fight for the enemy.

The opponent's two sword intentions are completely integrated together. Yu Zecheng's sword intention can be used by four kinds at the same time, but it is not a perfect fusion like his, but like four flying swords. Same, used alternately at the same time, this is really countless heroes in the world, it turns out that sword intention can be used like this.

The opponent's sword intention is the combination of two sword intentions, one is the power of the sharp piercing law, this power is the edge, and the other is the power of the repelling and cutting law, this power is the blade. The two forces of law are unified and combined, one is the sword edge, the other is the blade, turning into a kind of heavenly sword, which is really unique.

When Namoshi saw Yu Zecheng admiring his sword intention, he said:

"Actually, the greater the reputation of the sword, the more powerful it is. Take my sword."

In an instant, the sword intent roared toward Yu Zecheng, piercing the sky like a flying sword. This sword intent occupied half of the sky, as if the entire world was filled with this supreme sword intent.

What Mo Shizhenyi said told Yu Zecheng that the so-called sword intention is not that the bigger the name, the more powerful it is. The two sword intentions, or the two laws he possesses, belong to the one-yuan Xiaodao law, and Yu Zecheng's sword Yidu belongs to the Law of Three Thousand Great Dao, so that's why he ends up. He completely ignores the fact that he is the True One of Returning to the Void, and wants to defeat Yu Zecheng to prove that his One Yuan Law is not weaker than the so-called Three Thousand Dao.

Yu Zecheng shook his head and waved his hand, and suddenly the void sword intent rose into the sky and rushed toward the opponent. The two sword intents immediately collided in the air.

The sword intention of the two principles of sharp penetration and repulsion and cutting turned into an extremely flamboyant golden flying sword that occupied half of the sky and earth, and rushed towards Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng also emitted a white light that slowly advanced and stopped everything. The sword intent of nothingness came head-on.

The golden light and the white light collided instantly. This was a real collision. When they collided, the entire space seemed to be strangely certain. In an instant, a breath was suspended, and thousands of things were born and died. After an instant, the two streams of light disappeared. In this world, there was only the condensed and clear white light. Everything and even time seemed to be suspended.

The pause looked like Yu Zecheng's nihilistic way of heaven had won, but this pause was just a pause. In the white sword intent, the golden light flourished, and a golden light was only three feet in size. The flying sword emits a continuous golden light, It turned into a sea of ​​light with a radius of several miles.

At the same time, the golden light emitted screams one after another, and the screams became louder and louder. By the time the nine screams sounded, they were already substantial. In an instant, Yu Zecheng's void sword intent suddenly shattered and disintegrated in the loud screams.

The golden sword light came out of thin air, and the soaring sword intent was just a cover. The opponent's true sword intent had already turned into a sword, and turned into reality.

A three-foot-long golden sword light stood proudly across the void, spinning and dancing, breaking through all the void, and slashed towards Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng looked at the sword made of laws and couldn't help but nodded. He was indeed a master, but he met himself.

The sword was no longer in his heart but his life was in his mind. In an instant, Yu Zecheng's sword intent reappeared and turned into the most powerful sword intent like the sky. But this time, it was no longer the sky-wide sword intent attacking the opponent, but a hammer. This hammer foot It was ten feet in size. Yu Zecheng imitated Wang Shuyuan and melted the supreme sword intention into one body, turning it into an entity. He struck the opponent's sword with the whistling sword intention.

Yu Zecheng's hammer, transformed from his sword intention, has infinite sword power. It hits the opponent's flying sword with every hammer. Although the opponent's flying sword is extremely sharp and can cut everything, Yu Zecheng's hammer is shattered with every blow. But as it breaks, it grows again, and the sword-intended hammer slams into it like it's endless.

This is like the blacksmith wielding a giant hammer and refining a divine sword in a blacksmith's furnace.

Fierce fire refines true gold, a hundred hammers break the divine sword, and one force breaks ten wisdoms.

If the opponent can resist this crazy bombardment, then the opponent's sword intent will become stronger and stronger. If he cannot resist, then his sword intent will dissipate.

Hammer after hammer struck down, and finally the opponent's sword intention gradually broke away, and the two laws of heaven merged into one. Although it was extremely powerful, with a sword edge and a sword edge, the law was the law, and it could never be so organically integrated. Or it can, but it's not the magic that the other party possesses.

Boom, the 108th hammer came down, and the sword of law suddenly collapsed, and the sword intention dissipated.

Namoshi stood there stupidly, looking at Yu Zecheng, unable to believe that his sword intention would be smashed into pieces. This sword intention represents a person's beliefs, ideals, ambitions, and spirit. The so-called shattering of the sword's will is not actually the shattering of the sword's will, but the shattering of Moshi Shinichi's belief.

He didn't believe the facts before him, and he suddenly shouted:

"Impossible, I am Returning to the Void True One, and you are just Nascent Soul True Lord. This is impossible. Watch me kill you."

After roaring, the power of law rose from his body, and endless power exploded in him. He used the real mana to suppress Yu Zecheng if he wanted to.

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"In front of me, Shinichi is just a sword."

In the process of speaking, his middle fairy eye Wan Lei Dharma Eye slowly opened. Once the fairy eye was opened, there was no need to cast a spell. The thunder of heavenly tribulation contained in his body found the other party's true aura, and immediately heard the wind and flew out.

As soon as the thunder came out, the entire arena trembled, and countless true auras disappeared and hid themselves. There had never been a natural disaster here, but Yu Zecheng sent out the seed of this natural disaster, absorbed the vitality of the heaven and earth here, and turned it into a natural disaster. No one knows how big the thunder of heavenly tribulation will be. Everyone is watching how Mo Shizhenyi responds and how powerful this heavenly tribulation is.

But no one expected that when Mo Shizhen saw the thunder of heavenly calamity, his expression changed, he disappeared in an instant, and escaped from the arena. He ran away without saying a word, and lost all face. This is also Zhenyi, returning to nature. , the first heavenly tribulation thunder here, no one wants to try it rashly.

The Heavenly Tribulation that flew out of Yu Zecheng's Immortal Eye looked around but did not find the existence of the True One Divine Lord, and instantly returned to Yu Zecheng's Immortal Eye.

These thunders of heavenly calamity are really either Xiao He or Xiao He. If they weren't in Yu Zecheng's body, after Luo Jingchu's transformation into dust, Yu Zecheng could now choose his own laws of heaven and be promoted to the True One, but This thunder is in my body, so I don't dare to do this, otherwise, needless to say, I will immediately be detonated by the thunder in my body and die. Only by waiting for the tribulation thunder to slowly dissipate can Yu Zecheng be promoted to True One.

But with this Tribulation Thunder, Yu Zecheng can completely release the Tribulation Thunder to form a Heavenly Tribulation, turn the Tribulation into a sword, and use the Heavenly Tribulation as a sharp weapon to kill all the True One God Lord.

This means that if there is a loss, there must be a gain, and for every advantage there must be a disadvantage.

Yu Zecheng watched Mo Shizhenyi leave, shook his head, and then shot out a sword intent into the sky. This sword intent broke through the sky of the arena and went straight to the star world outside.

Yu Zecheng once again challenged the heroes of the world, who dares to fight me.

With the sword intent standing proudly, a person appeared in front of him, and it was a woman.

This woman has a slender figure, but she has an indescribable charm. Her facial features are exquisite and picturesque, and her figure is as elegant as a fairy. However, her face is as cold as a snow girl, and everyone in the world does not pay attention to her.

She looked solemn and didn't say much when facing Yu Zecheng. She started fighting.

She wielded a ninth-level flying sword. The flying sword changed in the air and turned into thousands of sword shadows, cutting through the sky and slashing towards Yu Zecheng.

This swordsmanship is too ordinary, nothing surprising. Yu Zecheng knows that this person must have a back-up plan, and now it is just a test.

When Yu Zecheng paid attention to her, she suddenly smiled. This smile was like thousands of flowers blooming, like winter turning into summer in an instant.

Seeing this smile, Yu Zecheng instantly knew what kind of magic technique she was using. What this woman practiced was the method of the Heavenly Demon, the Nascent Soul Lord of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The Heavenly Demon Sect was once extremely glorious, but when the sect declined five thousand years ago, even the most precious treasure of the sect, the Heavenly Demon Scripture, fell into the hands of the Heart Demon Sect. The two masters of the Heavenly Demon who appeared this time have nothing to do with them. See the decline of Tianmo Sect.

The demon is invisible and confuses people's souls.

The other woman's smile appeared, and her whole body began to dance, like a demon dance, with countless illusions jumping and dancing on her body. For a while, there seemed to be a colorful goddess dancing lightly in her robes, which attracted people's hearts. After a while, the ferocious evil ghost roared and hissed again, as if it was choosing people to eat, which made people feel frightened.

At the same time, she whispered something in her mouth with a strange rhythm. Yu Zecheng clearly heard every word, but he didn't know what she was reciting. This voice attracts you to keep listening. It suddenly changes, like a sharp cone, and suddenly penetrates into Yu Zecheng's mind. The sound came suddenly without any warning. Just like the bombardment of a giant hammer, people feel that their minds are blank, and all consciousness seems to be frozen in an instant. This is the sound of the devil.

The flying sword shattered fiercely, and eighteen cyan sword lights were produced in the fragments. This sword light flashed with magic light and slashed towards Yu Zecheng. It was deep and far-reaching, with a mysterious and unspeakable charm. This is the killing of the devil.

The three killing moves of Heavenly Demon Dance, Heavenly Demon Sound and Heavenly Demon Kill immediately swarmed towards Yu Zecheng.

Others might be fooled, but Yu Zecheng possesses the Heavenly Demon Scripture and is extremely proficient in this Heavenly Demon technique, which is just a trivial matter to him.

Yu Zecheng suddenly drew his sword. The sword was slow, but seemed to be carrying a huge force. Seeing the sword thrust, it was ordinary. The other woman's expression suddenly changed. At this moment, the devil was stabbing in reincarnation. The supreme magical power in the Heavenly Demon's secret method has long been lost after the Heavenly Demon Sect lost the Heavenly Demon Sutra.

This thorn is the wonderful purpose of the devil to turn the joy and anger of all living beings into happiness through the omnipresence of the devil. Therefore, it can lift something as light as heavy, and no one in the three realms and six realms can escape. Although there was only a hint of the Heavenly Demon's wonderful intention, Yu Zecheng's slow thrust caused the opponent's Heavenly Demon Kill, Heavenly Demon Dance, and Heavenly Demon Sound to collapse.


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