Xian Ao

Chapter 870 I want to fight, you give way

The ancient city of Tianlai, the Immortal Qin Fortress, tens of millions of star fields, millions of sky beasts, and eight celestial dragons have so far blocked the alien race from the void.

Yu Zecheng's purpose of coming here is completely different from that of Bing Xin Zhenjun and others. The others are here for the treasures, secret books, magic weapons, and elixirs in the ancient city of Tianlai.

What I have become is this city, this world.

Yu Zecheng's heart has always been full of ambitions. As the commander of Xian Qin, he has been recognized by the Xian Qin ruins in Gunzhou. In other words, he can also be recognized here. If he is recognized by Tianlai Ancient City and gains authority, then The harvest that will be gained is incalculable.

At this point, Yu Zecheng had a feeling. From the appearance of the mighty dragon to greet him, and every step he took here, he had a mysterious feeling. Yu Zecheng had a strange feeling that this ancient city was welcoming him.

Under his great spiritual power, his supremely sensitive intuition told Yu Zecheng that there seemed to be countless eyes looking at him, doubtful, expectant, hostile, and hopeful. They were looking forward to his performance.

When Yu Zecheng set foot on this world composed of countless floating regions, he made up his mind, since you want to see it, then I will let you see it. Is my Yu Zecheng's sword good or bad? Who can be my enemy?

So inspired by this mentality, Yu Zecheng strode across the arena when he saw it.

The arena is a fighting place prepared for the disputes between Yuanying True Lord and Returning to the Void True One. There are countless monks, among whom there are demon cultivators, evil cultivators, demon cultivators, sword cultivators, and physical cultivators who are particularly aggressive. Provide them with a place where they can vent.

Yu Zecheng strode closer, far outside the arena. At a glance, there was a huge illusion with two people fighting. The two were using magic weapons and flying swords, and they were having a great time fighting.

This is an illusion platform that can be arranged in the arena. Anyone passing by can see this illusion. Those who are curious will enter the arena, find seats, and enjoy all-round and multi-angle observation, just like in the arena.

Moreover, you can place bets, and you can also resist yourself from fighting. No matter you enter to watch the fun or place bets, you will always make money in this arena.

All high-level spiritual stones are settled here. There are countless experts here. Some of them own Small Thousand Worlds, and some are the masters of a faction, one side, ten directions, it's just a trivial matter.

Yu Zecheng saw the arena and entered slowly.

The monk guarding the gate said:

"This senior, to enter the arena, needs to pay ten high-level spiritual stones."

Yu Zecheng threw twenty high-level spiritual stones with a shake of his hand and paid the admission fee for himself and Zhenjun Ju Que.

The two entered the arena, and the space suddenly changed, and a hall appeared in front of them.

In this hall, nearly a hundred monks from the Qingming Sect of Yunhai stood in rows.

These monks are all girls. At a glance, Yu Zecheng knows that they are only seventeen or eighteen years old. These girls all have one characteristic, that is, they are beautiful, extremely beautiful, and the wings behind them are so soft and delicate.

These girls stood in a row, all lined up. They were all wearing thin clothes, with long legs exposed, thin necks and slender waists. All of them have the fragrance of virginity, and all of them are extremely youthful, filled with the light of youth.

They may be graceful and charming, or cold and pure, or passionate, or generous, or extremely gentle. But no matter what attitude they made, Yu Zecheng saw an infinite heat in their eyes.

Entering here, Yu Zecheng felt the consciousness of this place. These girls are the escorts of the arena, accompanying the guests to watch the arena fights.

These girls, almost as soon as Yu Zecheng waved, they would follow you and treat them as you wish. This is what they are here to do.

Seeing Yu Zecheng among them, he was stunned. It can be said that this is a kind of lust in the bones. Is this the characteristic of Yunhai Qingming Sect?

Ju Que Zhenjun, who was walking behind him, saw Yu Zecheng's doubts and said:

"Zecheng, we can't blame them. There are more men than women in Yunhai Qingming Sect here, and there are so many female monks. Life is difficult, and opportunities are rare. There will only be such an opportunity here in 365 years. They are lucky enough to catch up. this opportunity.

As long as the guests here can give them some benefits at will, for them, it will be a step to heaven. You see, they are all young, so they have the opportunity. Apart from this youth, which we don’t have, what else can attract us? "

Sure enough, whether it is Yuanying Zhenjun or Huixu Zhenyi, there are countless women who are here. Except for the beauty of youth, which they don't have, there is nothing else that can attract them.

Yu Zecheng sighed, and couldn't help but think of the past when he was struggling to seek the truth, and what was the difference between himself and them at that time.

Yu Zecheng glanced at them casually, and then pointed at the two girls among them.

Suddenly the two girls' eyes were filled with joy, and they saluted gracefully. One followed Yu Zecheng, and the other led the way.

They left, and everyone around them was envious. At the same time, two girls flew out from the darkness and took their place. It seemed that it was not easy for them to have this position to betray themselves.

Guided by the girl in front, the two came to a private room. In fact, the seats in this arena were all like this, consisting of one such space.

For Yunhai Qingming Sect, the space they have can be said to be infinitely large, but also infinitely small. You must know that the space in this void is infinite, but it can be lived in, so it is said to be infinite.

But this Tianlai Star Territory is also extremely dangerous. The space that can be safely lived needs to be snatched with life and blood, so the space is infinitely small, so what they are best at is space magic, which can turn a small space into an infinite one.

Yu Zecheng came to this private room and sat down. The two girls were very dexterous. One poured water for Yu Zecheng and Ju Que, and the other prepared fruits for them to enjoy.

When the two girls entered this place, their hands trembled slightly. Among countless sisters, they had heard countless terrible things. These seniors and masters sometimes had perverts, which would make people want to live and die.

Seeing that Yu Zecheng and the two girls didn't pay attention to them at all, they couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but they began to worry that their service was not adequate, and these seniors did not reward them, so they would have lost the opportunity in vain.

The two Nascent Soul Lords were fighting in the arena. Yu Zecheng looked at their fighting skills and realized that they were definitely not monks from the Six Realms of the Firmament.

A girl on the side saw Yu Zecheng paying attention to the scene, and she said:

"Senior, that young master is called Qianye Zhenjun. He comes from the azure world of the outer world. This person has extended the method of using the sword array and owns 365 Lingyun Swords.

The other one is the Wanlong Ghost King from the ghost world, who wields the talisman of all ghosts. He is the most bloody and cruel, and he likes to devour people's hearts.

Seniors, do you want to place a bet? I will place a bet for you. "

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"Go and sign me up to participate in the next fight."

The girl was stunned for a moment, and then said:

"Senior, please give me your number so I can sign up."

Yu Zecheng said:

"The world of the sky, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, the True Lord of Destruction."

The girl immediately turned around and went backstage to sign up.

She will be here in a blink of an eye, her face turns pale and she says:

"Senior Miedu, I have completed the registration, but there are already people lined up for the next game. I need a second game before you can play..."

The girl spoke softer and softer, extremely frightened, while Yu Zecheng remained silent and did not say a word. Watch the fight between the two on the field and observe their fairy swordsmanship.

At this time, the winner was decided on the field. The Qianye True Lord was superior in skills. He broke through the Wanlong Ghost King's defense with one sword and was about to kill him. The Wanlong Ghost King immediately turned into ghost energy and escaped from the arena in an instant.

Originally, when fighting here, as long as you find yourself in a bad situation, you can leave the battlefield instantly.

This True Lord Qianye won, and he stood gracefully.

The gladiatorial world is changing, the space is changing, preparing for the next battle.

Yu Zecheng stood up suddenly, and the sword intention appeared in him, the sword intention was like the sky, the sword intention was like the sea.

In an instant, he walked towards the arena, step by step. All the magic circle restrictions and space transformations were all dissipated under the sword intention.

Yu Zecheng slowly walked into the arena and entered a huge world of illusion.

In this world, there are already two Nascent Soul Lords here. They watched in surprise as Yu Zecheng walked in step by step.

Yu Zecheng entered here, glanced at the two of them, and said:

"I want to fight, please stand down."

Arrogant, this is how all the true kings who watch the gladiator feel. They are extremely arrogant and regard the world as nothing.

The two Nascent Souls were immediately furious, and one of them shouted:

"Who are you? How dare you make trouble here? I am..."

Yu Zecheng said slowly and word by word:

"I don't want to know your name, but I can tell you, just remember my name. I am Cangqiong World, Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and the True Lord of Destruction.

Well, save time, you two come together. I'll send you on your way. "

In an instant, Yu Zecheng's sword intent slanted out, approached them, and disappeared instantly.

At this time, they were extremely arrogant, and the expressions of the two Nascent Soul Lords suddenly changed. It was unbearable, and the two of them roared and launched their own attacks.

Yu Zecheng shook his head and said:

"This isn't good. It's not good enough. Let me go."

After saying this, the supreme sword intention erupted again. In this sword intention, the sword intention was like the sea, and the sword shook like gold hitting jade. The arena was filled with excitement, and the entire illusory world was filled with excitement. Everything in existence was shattered by the explosion of the sword. Thousands of sword lights surged and poured down with rumbling sword sounds. Nothing between heaven and earth could block this brilliant sword light.

The profound sword intention has spread to every corner of the world, like a world split purely by the light of the sword. The sword intention is everywhere, the sword intention stretches across the world, and all the existence of the laws of vitality that are inconsistent with its nature are instantly destroyed. Exclude clean.

Yu Zecheng came here to be arrogant, to let those who silently watch him see his performance.

At the same time, he also showed his swordsmanship to those Nascent Souls and Zhenyi who came here. No matter who painstakingly observes and studies Yu Zecheng's swordsmanship and swordsmanship, if he thinks he has discovered a weakness and meets in the ancient city of Tianlai, he thinks he must There is no doubt that he will win, then he has fallen into Yu Zecheng's trick.

The current swordsmanship is just a trap, now it is just 30% of Yu Zecheng's sword power.


Recommend Xiandu

It's a girl's work, the heroine is just a good fairy tale, it's very interesting, you can watch it. Cooking, refining elixirs, and cultivating masters, becoming proficient in everything.

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