Xian Ao

Chapter 849 The Ultimate Six Swords, Invincible Power

After the incident in Huadu ended, Yu Zecheng returned to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect with his sword. Along the way, Yu Zecheng wanted to explore the remnant image of the inner demon that was firmly sealed several times. However, Pangu World absorbed the Tianyizhen Water Realm. After that, it entered a state of evolution, completely closed, and no longer responded. It was impossible to know what the afterimage of the suppressed inner demon looked like.

Yu Zecheng drove Kunpeng back to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. The Kunpeng was flying at an altitude of 5,000 feet. Flying at this altitude was the True Lord Yuanying Ying. Along the way, Yu Zecheng met True Lord Yuanying several times. He saw Kunpeng from a distance. , or stop and pass by politely, or come over to say hello and chat.

In any case, Yu Zecheng had a feeling that no one in the world didn't know you. He fought against the Infinite True One Situ Ya, and the Nascent Soul broke through and returned to the void. The battle shocked the world and became famous in the six realms of the sky.

Kunpeng flew faster and faster, and the distant Xuanyuan Hill was right in front of him. When he returned home, Yu Zecheng had a feeling of physical and mental relaxation. It was not as good as home. Home is always a haven for rest.

Returning to Xuanyuan Sword Sect and Tiandao Peak, everything returned to normal and life became orderly.

As the head of the sect, Lord Nan Tianzhen showed his consistent style and was famous for being good at fighting. Before the battle even started, half of the victory was won through the layout. He was completely qualified to be the leader of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and there was an endless stream of praise for him from the sect.

When Yu Zecheng returned to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, he also knew one good thing, that is, the head of Shi Ji succeeded in attacking the Return to the Void Realm, understood the laws of Panshi's Heavenly Dao, and became the mainstay of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

At the same time, the sect's Patriarch Hanba also entered a state of seclusion and understood the laws of heaven. With the nature of the Patriarch Hanba, he was about to advance to the True One.

Leader Shi Ji was successfully promoted to Return to the Realm, which also represented the arrival of the old madman’s moment of ascension.

After coming back, Yu Zecheng went to find the old madman, but the old madman was not in the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. He had gone out to visit friends and was wandering there. The old madman was not crazy at all now, but he had an immortal spirit all over his body. Angry and elated, because he was about to leave this world.

On the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month of this year, the old madman returned to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect and issued a decree, and he ascended on the twenty-third day of the twelfth lunar month.

During this period of time, with the great changes in the world and the increase in vitality, in addition to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, there were also news from many sects that countless senior gods ascended to the immortal world.

Some failed and were refined by the thunder tribulation, some succeeded and ascended to immortality. The success was only twenty-three out of ten, but there was a flood of responders.

You must know that for three thousand years, the vitality of the world has been thin, and there is basically no hope of ascension. Recently, there have been great changes in the world in several states, and it is now possible to ascend with surging vitality. Moreover, Fuyan Zong vaguely mentioned that this surging vitality is not permanent, but only a temporary phenomenon. Perhaps in a few hundred years, or at most a thousand years, everything will return to its original state.

Opportunities are rare, so there are so many people ascending. Apart from other things, Yu Zecheng has felt this the last few times he has returned to the Dark Demon Sect. Among the thirteen elders, only Kunpeng Demon King appears from time to time. No one has seen Zijinxian and Jinxin for a long time. They are. Rumor has it that they are all preparing to ascend.

After the old madman came back, Yu Zecheng met him. To be honest, Yu Zecheng was worried about him. The last time the old madman ascended and pretended to be dead, he deceived the heavenly tribulation. This time the Xuanyuan Sword Sect has another ascended disciple, and the heavenly tribulation will definitely be the most violent. The kind that even surpassed the catastrophe when Patriarch Xiong ascended.

The old madman just smiled and passed Yu Zecheng's thoughts without caring.

Yu Zecheng told the story of his encounter with Qingshan Trail, and at the same time pointed out the subtleties of the Xuanyuan Six Swords on Qingshan Trail one by one.

After seeing such swordsmanship, the old madman let out a long sigh and remained silent for a long time. Then he began to send out a message, and all the Nascent Soul Lords of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect were immediately here.

Shiji, Nantian, Fengshi, Yubo, Yinglong, Zonghua, Xuanguang, Douliang, Sanjue, Qiwu, Huaiyu, Guba, Chuchen, Jishui, Chenxi, Xiangchuan, Yixin, besides them there are three others , I have never seen him before, Yu Zecheng doesn’t know him, and all the Nascent Souls of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect are here.

The old madman said:

"Disciples, today I will talk about Xuanyuan Sword Technique for the last time. In the past, we all thought that Xuanyuan Sword Technique was above Yuanying and in the realm of returning to the virtual world because of the teachings passed down by the Patriarch. We need to find our own sword technique. .

Now it seems that we were wrong. In fact, our sect also has its own unique swordsmanship on returning to the void. In fact, this is the responsibility of the three of us. In that battle, after the senior brother used the Xuanyuan Sword, the world collapsed. Except for the three of us, the master and disciples All of us will die, the three of us are no more than golden elixir cultivation level.

We have not been exposed to the highest realm. At that time, Xuanyuan Sword Peak collapsed and the Ancestral Master Hall could not be fully activated, resulting in the inheritance of swordsmanship like this. That's why we thought that Xuanyuan Sword Technique did not have the Void Return Sword Technique, but now we know we were wrong. It turns out that our Xuanyuan Sword Sect is not what we thought in terms of returning to the void. The swordsmanship ends here, and we still have our own swordsmanship.

After Zicheng's search, I finally realized something. Now I will talk about our swordsmanship for the last time.

It seems that our swordsmanship is divided into three levels.

On the first level, a mountain is a mountain. This is the person under Nascent Soul who has painstakingly cultivated the Six Swords of Xuanyuan, transformed into a sword dove, and is looking for his own power of heaven.

On the second level, a mountain is not a mountain. After Nascent Soul, I thought I had mastered the Six Swords of Xuanyuan to the extreme. I had to find new sword techniques and my own sword power. Finally, I gained the supreme sword intention and understood the laws of heaven. Promotion and return to virtual reality.

Now it seems that there is a third level of realm, where mountains are still mountains.

Our swordsmanship originates from the Six Swords of Xuanyuan, and in the end we rely on them. They can be completely transformed into the realm of returning to the void for our use. According to my understanding, one must have the supreme sword intention to truly understand the true power of Xuanyuan Six Swords.

After giving some suggestions, I thought hard, and I can roughly get the six Xuanyuan Six Swords that belong to me, one feather for one world, infinite sword for freedom, thousands of miles of mind, cross-border condensation and grasping, life and death sword for light prison, and heaven and earth wings for rampant.

This is my Six Swords of Xuanyuan. Each of us will have our own Six Swords of Xuanyuan, because each of us has our own beliefs, ideals, life, ambitions, joys and sorrows. "

Having said this, the old madman drew his sword, and three thousand feathers flew up, forming three thousand bubbles.

"This is one feather, one world, Jian Xingyu's ultimate defense. Time and space are the boundaries, and heaven and earth are the shields. It can defend against any attack."

In an instant, the old madman drew his sword again. Yu Zecheng did not see the way of this sword. The old madman said:

"This is the rhinoceros of Wanli's mind. With a move of my heart, my mind breaks through the sky, and with a sword of Lingxi, I can kill the Nascent Soul from thousands of miles away without a shadow."

He drew his sword again, one claw appeared and disappeared without a trace. The old madman said:

"This is a cross-border condensation grab. It breaks the boundaries of time and space. It can break through the air and cross the boundary to attack the opponent."

Then he sheathed his sword and said:

"I also deduced that the Infinite Sword Xiaoyao, the Life-Death Sword Light Prison, and the Wings of Heaven and Earth are rampant, but because those three swordsmanships are inconsistent with my sword intention, I cannot use them specifically, and I cannot specifically study their use. I just want to give you some general directions.

But remember, if you want to practice the ultimate Xuanyuan Six Swords, you must first have your own swordsmanship, then give birth to sword intention, and finally you can practice the ultimate Xuanyuan Six Swords. I can boldly speculate that these six swords are not the ultimate. There is another level after that, which is divine power, the power of supreme divine power. "

After saying this, all the Nascent Soul Lords were in a daze. They were thinking hard about the swordsmanship that the old madman had just used. This ultimate swordsmanship of Xuanyuan Six Swords had opened a door for them.

After the old madman finished speaking, he remained silent for a long time and looked at these Nascent Soul Lords.

Seeing them painstakingly guessing and putting in all their efforts, he added:

"Actually, you don't have to be so concerned about it. We didn't have the Six Ultimate Swords in the past and even today, the path we take is not necessarily much weaker than the Six Ultimate Swords.

You see..."

After saying that, the old madman burst out with endless light. This light was like a naughty child, playing in front of and behind people.

The light disappeared in an instant, and all the Nascent Soul Lords didn't know what it meant. However, Master Nan Tianzhen Lord and Master Shi Ji in the crowd couldn't help but said:

"This, this is Kamui? Kamuishi!"

The old madman smiled and said:

"No, this is great power."

As soon as he said this, everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they were all shocked. Divine power? Kamuis! It's a legend from ancient times, and it's a powerful god. Is it the powerful god? In the Xuanyuan Huangdi era, there were only twelve powerful warriors, and everyone was a hero.

Yu Zecheng was not only surprised by the great power of the old madman, but he was even more surprised when he looked at his master and head Shi Ji. Only the two of them could see the strangeness of the sword light. Legend has it that the only ones who can fight against the divine might are the divine warriors. Could it be that they The two of them also possess divine power?

The old madman said:

"This is my sword, my crazy sword. Years ago, my three major clones finally merged into one, reached the highest realm, and realized the great power of the gods.

I don't know what it means to look at a mountain or a mountain, and it has reached such a state, so you should not be bound by them. Swordsmanship is dead, but people live. You have to find the swordsmanship that suits you best.

That Ziqi Donglai Sect, Guanfeng Whirlpool Soul-Eating Eagle, wanted to understand the swordsmanship to restrain my Xuanyuan Six Swords. The old man secretly observed them for thirteen years, and finally concluded that they were wrong, and they didn't know that swordsmanship was dead. The sword is alive.

Nan Tian, ​​you are too calculating. We have known their thoughts for a long time and deliberately let them develop. In this way, they will become perfect in swordsmanship. In a battle with my Xuanyuan disciples, the fittest will survive. The winner will be born. This will further sharpen our disciples. Without Feng Xue, there will be no difference. Winter plum. "

Lord Nan Tian smiled and said:

"Master, training your disciples is life-threatening. There are a few who have achieved the Reincarnation Ming King Technique like that. I am the leader now, and I will never let that happen.

Three months ago, there was internal strife in the Ziqi Donglai Sect because of the fight for its leader. Many monks who were proficient in the Whirling Soul-Eating Eagle Sword Technique died in that internal strife. All the classics recording sword techniques were burned in the civil strife.

In the library of our Xuanyuan Sword Sect, the complete version of the Whirling Soul-Eating Eagle Sword has been sealed. If you want to learn it, learn it yourself. "

This is Lord Nan Tianzhen, who is not afraid even when faced with the Patriarch who is about to ascend, and sticks to his beliefs.

The old madman looked at him, sighed and said:

“Alas, what a pity that we lost a powerful enemy.

Okay, okay, I will leave the Xuanyuan Sword Sect to you, so I can rest assured. No wonder you and Shi Ji can both realize your own divine power. "

As soon as he said this, Yu Zecheng's idea was immediately confirmed. His master already possessed the power of divine power, and the head of Shi Ji also possessed the power of divine power.

As soon as he said this, everyone else's expressions changed, especially the three patriarchs Yinglong, Fengshi, and Yubo. They had always had resentments in their hearts about choosing Lord Nantian as their leader. This time they heard Lord Nantian realize... With the divine power and sword intent, everyone's expressions suddenly changed. It was hard to believe that this junior had already pulled them down from a distance.


Another world plug-in expert

Magic weapons, elixirs, and plug-ins are all auxiliary!

Art, adventure, and adventure are all journeys.

Let’s take a look at his technological assistance in traveling through other worlds, and let’s take a look at his unparalleled crazy journey...

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