Xian Ao

Chapter 843: Intrigue and deception, destroyed in one blow

The sound resounded through the clouds, straight into the sky, echoing among the green mountains and green waters. Yu Zecheng passed through the four unique formations, revealing his infinite sword intent, claiming to be the God of Return to the Void, and came here to seek the treasure.

After drinking for a long time, the echoes continued. After about ten breaths, a voice responded to Yu Zecheng:

"Everyone here is a guest. It's great to have friends from far away. Please come and chat under the tree."

This voice does not shock the world like Yu Zecheng, but it has infinite echo and contains infinite magic power. This is the answer of the whole world. To be an enemy of him is to be an enemy of this world.

The Pangu world transformed into heaven and earth. From now on, as long as the world exists on this green mountain path, he will never die and live forever. Why bother to be a god or ascend to any fairy world? He will be a living immortal on land.

As soon as he finished speaking, a rainbow bridge flew out, controlled the sky, appeared in front of Yu Zecheng's eyes, and set up a natural chasm passage for Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng stood on the Hongqiao and suddenly moved towards the center of the earth.

The Hongqiao flashed and landed on a high peak. On top of that peak, there were giant trees and towering clouds. Looking up, most of the sunlight was blocked by crimson, but there was still sunlight falling through the leaves, and the light was reflected in the leaves. The light and shadow are shining brightly, and I am fascinated for a moment. If you look carefully, you will see that the leaf sword is a branch of gold and jade. If you take it off, it will be a treasure of gold and jade.

This tree is clearly the ancient Sanmulberry tree, a sacred tree from ancient times. According to records, in ancient times, Sanmulberry trees grew on Huan Mountain. There were many gold and jade trees on them, but none of the trees had branches. Three mulberry trees have no branches. In Ousidong, the trees are hundreds of years long and have no branches. Their leaves are made of gold and jade. The Qingshan Shrine, which was originally used to receive guests on the Qingshan Trail, completely collapsed during Luo Jingchu's battle. Now there are guests again. In order not to appear desolate, the Qingshan Trail reveals its most precious ancient Sanmulberry tree. If you entertain me, it will definitely have some flavor.

Yu Zecheng fell under the tree. The three mulberry trees were really beautiful. There were few winding paths under the tree, and the slanting sun shone clearly. There was a clear spring under the tree, and the flowing water was slender on the rocks. There were green trees and lush grass everywhere. It was really a place. A nice quiet place.

Under this tree, there are two chairs, a table, a pot, and one person, drinking tea and wandering leisurely.

Yu Zecheng strolled over. The man nodded to Yu Zecheng and said:

"The God of Destruction? Welcome here."

The man looked to be only in his thirties. He was extremely handsome with long sword-like eyebrows and starry eyes. He was wearing a large black robe. There was something special about this robe. In his eyes, he seemed to be confused and helpless. Identify this robe.

I don't know if it's the peculiarity of this robe or the magic power of the Qingshan Trail. Everything about him seems to have melted into the surrounding darkness, making it difficult for people to see his true appearance. , even if you use all your strength.

It seems far away, but it seems very close, it seems to be there, but it is not there.

This man is extremely handsome, with long hair shawl, but it is as bright white as snow. He is pinned with seven golden hostas, making him look quite free and unrestrained.

Yu Zecheng cupped his fists and said:

"I've met Senior Qingshan."

The man nodded and said:

"Xuanyuan Sword Sect, God of Destruction? I seem to have heard of this name."

Yu Zecheng said:

"The junior King Shu Yuan, the God-Destroying King, has only entered the realm of returning to the void for ten years. The realm is unstable. The senior has given me too much credit."

Qingshan Xiaodao nodded and said:

"I said, I see. It seems that although your body contains the laws of heaven, it is also the constitution of the Nascent Soul Lord. I wonder why it is so strange. I see."

Yu Zecheng said:

"The junior's unstable state makes the senior laugh."

Qingshan Xiaodao smiled and said:

"It doesn't matter, as long as there are laws of heaven, I don't care about the rest."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, both of them had ulterior motives and unknown meanings.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Senior, I'm looking for a life-extending treasure in the Wuyan Sect. The Wuyan Sect introduced your existence to me, so I'm here to bother you. Please forgive me, senior."

Qingshan Xiaodao said:

"You're welcome. It's true that I have life-extending treasures here. Many fellow Taoists come to buy them, but the price of my treasures is just..."

Yu Zecheng said:

"There is no problem with the price. As long as I get the treasure, I can pay any price."

Qingshan Xiaodao glanced at Yu Zecheng and said:

"That's good, that's good. Come, have a sip of tea. This is a specialty here, and it's definitely not available in the outside world."

Yu Zecheng picked up the teacup, took a small sip, and said:

"What a delicious tea."

At this time, the sky was clear and the sun was shining. Under the high mountains, the green water sparkles, and above the vast mist, there are waves hitting the high mountains. The sound is vague and inaudible.

The two of them sat on chairs, drank fragrant tea, watched the sunset, and listened to the rustling of the three mulberry trees in the wind. It was really pleasant.

Yu Zecheng finished drinking a cup of tea and said:

"Senior, can you let me see the legendary life-extending treasure? Then we can come back and make a good calculation to see what price I can pay to take away this treasure."

Qingshan Xiaodao nodded and said:

"Okay, let's go."

He moved his hands, and the space instantly moved, and the two of them came to a peak.

This peak is the highest mountain in this small world. The mist below the mountain is clear. All the peaks that used to be magnificent are now hidden in the clouds and mist, leaving only a gray shadow. They really are like clouds gathering on the mountain. The mountains are like the sea, majestic and unpredictable.

There is a huge Tianchi at the top of the peak, which is ten miles in size and one hundred feet deep. However, there is no water in the Tianchi. In the center of the Tianchi, there is a huge pit with a radius of ten feet. The pit is ten thousand feet deep. Under the sky, a little bit of starlight twinkled, and a vine grew here, with three life-extending treasures attached to the vine.

This life-extending treasure is exactly the same as the life-extending treasure used by Yu Zecheng, but the quality is not as good as the one used by Yu Zecheng. They are both insignificant, but it can also extend life for more than a thousand years.

Above this Tianchi, one can only glimpse it from a distance. Qingshan Xiaodao smiled and said:

"Fellow Daoist Miedu, if you want to see it, you can go to the Dao Tianchi to have a look, but you are not allowed to enter the abyss. It is protected by a secret method and is very dangerous. When we agree on the price, we will ask you to enter the abyss to collect the treasure."

Yu Zecheng glanced at the Tianchi at his feet and smiled. This is the cunning point of the Qingshan Trail. The treasure is in the abyss, which looks full of danger at first glance, but this Tianchi looks extremely safe at first glance.

In fact, this seemingly harmless Tianchi is the ultimate place of death, and the three great returners all died in this Tianchi. They all thought that even if there was someone behind this Qingshan Trail, he would go into the abyss and take the treasure after agreeing on the price. No one thought that when they came here to look at the goods, this Qingshan Xiaodao will start plotting. Because what he wants is not the so-called heaven and earth spiritual treasures to buy treasures, but what he wants is the laws of heaven contained in these Void Return True Ones.

The mechanism in Tianchi is also very insidious. It does not use any magic mechanism in the Xiaoqian world to avoid being discovered. Instead, it absorbs the endless poisonous light and poisonous fire in the starry sky outside the Xiaoqian world and brews it. This light Poisonous fires are everywhere in Qingming, and everyone is very familiar with them. They can only be harmful if they accumulate in large quantities, making it difficult to guard against them.

When you go down to the Tianchi and look at the treasures in the abyss, the green mountain path will stand on top of the Tianchi, activating the mechanism, blocking the entrance, and integrating you into the Pangu world.

Although Qingshan Xiaodao did this a bit too much, it can be said that he is crazy, but now he can no longer care so much. The vitality is out of balance, and the entire Pangu world is mutated. If not, maybe the world will collapse. In the face of death, it is Immortals are also bound to be crazy.

He brought Yu Zecheng here, hoping to trick Yu Zecheng into the Tianchi, and then trap and kill him. Last time, Luo Jingchu mastered the way of time and heaven, not only escaped from this trap, but also snatched away a life-extending treasure. , making Qingshan Trail very depressed.

Yu Zecheng looked at Tianchi, nodded and said:

"It is indeed a good place, good, good, good."

The fierce Yu Zecheng's body emitted an infinite bright light. The light seemed to surge, like a huge mountain appearing behind Yu Zecheng, and then struck towards the Tianchi.

The meaning of the sword is like a mountain, with Mount Tai pressing down on it.

Yu Zecheng's attack was his strongest blow. Qingshan Xiaodao was shocked and shouted:

"what are you up to……"

But under the light of this sword intention, he had no choice but to retreat, retreat, and retreat a thousand feet to avoid Yu Zecheng's sword strike.

This blow thundered down, and there was a loud noise in Tianchi. The entire Tianchi was completely destroyed by Yu Zecheng's sword and the infinite sword intent. Moreover, the abyss in the center of Tianchi also roared and shattered in this sword. The vines in the abyss were also corroded by the sword light and turned into fly ash.

Qingshan Xiaodao was completely stunned. The life-extending treasure on the vines was the supreme treasure in the world. The three Returning Void True Ones who had been plotted by him in the past would not bear it until the last moment, even if they were caught in a trap. Destroy this treasure because they think they can definitely break this trap and take the life-extending treasure. If they have more, they will end up like this, and they will destroy this supreme treasure.

In an instant, Qingshan Xiaodao was furious. This treasure was his only specialty of the Pangu world and was priceless. He relied on this life-extending treasure to survive today, but it was destroyed by Yu Zecheng. How could he attract others to be fooled in the future?

angry. Furious, Qingshan Xiaodao roared.

But what greeted him was Yu Zecheng's terrifying sword light, which was like the sky, destroying everything.

Thousands of rays of light flashed, and in that light everything collapsed, the world reversed, and the sword intent could destroy everything.

This sword intention made Qingshan Xiaodao involuntarily think of what happened back then. It was this kind of sword intention that made him lose his lover and everything, and had to retreat here.

Hate, infinite hatred, Qingshan Xiaodao roared, and the elegant appearance was shattered in an instant, and he turned into a huge fish man. In his roar, the world suddenly roared, and the green water surged, forming a tide of annihilation.

Qingshan Xiaodao shouted:

"No one can defeat me in my world, not even Wang Yinyang. Just die."

In an instant, the whole world came to life, and they launched endless pressure on Yu Zecheng, trying to smash Yu Zecheng into pieces.

Yu Zecheng looked at the world, smiled, and said:

"Yes, in this world, no one can defeat you, but you can defeat yourself, just blow it up for me."

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