Xian Ao

Chapter 841 Who is the demon between mountains and rivers?

The small world of green mountains and green waters, seen from a distance, is a beautiful place of light. The light here seems to be completely still, like a bright star, standing proudly in the sky, but it also feels like an unparalleled abyss. Waiting and watching, it is like a black hole that can accommodate infinity.

In the distance, if you focus your eyes and look carefully, you can see that it is completely a flying continent, floating in the green darkness.

On this continent, there are mountains and water. On that continent, four kinds of light flickered, which were the four formations of Tianjue, Earthly Lie, Ice, and Golden Light among the legendary Ten Jue Formations.

Hua Wuxia said:

"I can send you through these four formations safely, but your body must contain one of the three thousand avenues of law before you can pass through safely. Since you have integrated the three thousand avenues of Nirvana Sutra, I think there should be no problem. When you are ready, I I’m going to send you off.”

Yu Zecheng nodded, took out the letter and storage ring, and said:

"If I don't come back, please give this to my master Nan Tianzhen, senior."

Hua Wuxia said:

"If you have any last words, tell me. I will do everything I can for you."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Okay, prepare me a jug of good wine, some green mountain trail, some small world, just a sword, let's go."

There is no time to spend, and there is nothing left to do. Recite the mantra:

"The essence of Bingding, with Yangming vitality, dominates the world, destroys the God of Fire, and is as urgent as the law. Go..."

Suddenly Yu Zecheng turned into a stream of light and flew towards the small world between the green mountains and green water in the distance.

The so-called Small Thousand Worlds is the collective name for such self-contained ecosystems in extraterrestrial worlds.

This small thousand world is transformed from the Pangu world of Qingshan Trail. He lives in this world without any catastrophe. Heaven and earth are one, and he lives forever. He really lives the same life as heaven and earth, and is extremely carefree. Even if he ascends to immortality, he is not willing to do so. Ascension.

The Four Absolute Formations outside are equivalent to Yu Zecheng's Mist of Chaos protection system, which protects the world. If Hua Wuxia hadn't mastered the way of space, it would have been extremely difficult to pass through these Four Absolute Formations. The key point is that forcing yourself into the formation will disturb the green mountain path and mobilize the power of the entire world. If you can't get close to this small world, you will be killed.

The stream of light transformed by Yu Zecheng slowly approached the Four Ultimate Formations in the sky. These Four Ultimate Formations were not so much formations as they were the peripheral defense system of the Flying Sky Continent in this small world. Whether it was Qing Ming Zhong. The solar wind, poisonous light, evil fire, and flying meteorites traveling through the universe are all blocked by these four formations.

At the same time, the vitality in the continent is also blocked by these four formations, preventing it from leaking out. Only in this way can the existence of the Small Thousand Worlds exist. To protect the survival of the creatures here.

The Heavenly Jue and the Earthly Lie are the power of heaven and earth formed by condensing the original power of the Pangu world. The ice and golden light are formed by absorbing the energy of the universe using formations. These four formations have infinite divine power.

Yu Zecheng passed through the void. Under the protection of Hua Wuxia's law of heaven, he instantly passed through the two formations of ice and golden light without causing a trace of fluctuation, and then passed through the two formations of heaven and earth, but this time But it caused a strange light to shine on him.

This light was the result of a terrifying pressure falling from the sky after being rejected by the green mountains and green waters of the Small Thousand Worlds, crushing Yu Zecheng's whole body.

This power is so terrifying that it can crush everything. This is where the consciousness of Xiaoqian World lies. Yu Zecheng cannot resist yet, otherwise it will trigger a chain reaction, activate the formation, and inevitably lead to death.

At this moment, a ray of light appeared in Yu Zecheng's body to resist this crushing. This is the eternal and immortal three thousand avenues of nirvana sutra. , so he resists this pressure from heaven and earth.

No wonder Hua Wuxia said that one must possess the Three Thousand Great Laws to pass this level. That's it.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng passed through the Second Formation of Heavenly Jue and Earthly Lie and flew into the small world.

A ray of light flew into the world, and Yu Ze grew up and let out a breath. As long as he entered this small world, the other party could not use the natal magic weapon refined in Pangu World to attack him, but he could use Pangu World to attack the other party. With this One point, and he has another three-point chance of winning.

The opponent turned Pangu World into Xiaoqian World and built the world he wanted, but if he wanted to easily use the natal magic weapon refined by Pangu World to attack the enemy, it would not be that easy. This is another advantage that must have a disadvantage.

Gradually, Yu Zecheng landed in this world. When he arrived in this world, Yu Zecheng knew why this place was called the green mountains, green waters, heaven and earth.

There are two main types of terrain here, either green mountains or majestic green water. Moreover, the mountains and rivers are completely integrated, with water at the foot of the mountain and mountains above the water.

Being able to do this is probably related to the heaven and earth spiritual treasures obtained when the Qingshan Trail was building the Pangu world. There are not many people in the world who are lucky enough to be able to obtain the Five Elements Heaven and Earth spiritual treasures and build their own Pangu world.

Yu Zecheng fell down in an instant, and looked at a tall peak at his feet. It was night time in this small world, and it seemed that this place was very similar to the six realms of the sky, using the same weather and climate changes.

Under the night, the sky is blue, and there are only a few stars in the sky. In fact, these stars are the stars in the sky that can be seen through the Four Jue Array.

It's a bit cold here, and the cold wind blows to the bone. Yu Zecheng stood on the edge of the cliff and looked into the distance. The sky and the earth were vast. It was a pity that this world was about to be destroyed.

On top of this peak, there are thousands of lush maple trees around them, all of which have gradually turned red. From a distance, they can be seen from a distance, with countless overlapping trees, covering the sky with shade.

There are only stars and no moon here. The starlight falls and sprinkles on the rocks. There was silence in the woods, and there was no trace of birds or animals. Except for the mountain wind blowing intermittently, there was an indescribable cold feeling, as if this place was the old man, and there was an indescribable sense of death.

There was a path on the top of the mountain. Yu Zecheng walked down the path. This path was originally a stone road and should have been opened up for mortals. However, the path was abandoned, with broken stone slabs, overgrown weeds and tatters.

A few miles ahead, there are farmlands beside the path, but they are all abandoned. It seems that this place has undergone a big change.

Walking down from the mountain peak, there is endless green water under the mountain peak. This green water surrounds the mountain. It looks like a river flowing and a lake. The mountains here are in the water and the water is under the mountains.

When we reached the edge of the green water, the road had come to an end. The sound of roaring water filled our ears, as if the mountain beneath our feet was trembling slightly.

Looking from a distance, there was a village ahead. Yu Zecheng strolled over. The village was completely deserted and there was no trace of human beings anymore. However, through the abandoned millstones and discarded farm tools on the ground, it was clear that people once lived here.

Yu Zecheng was walking around in this village, which had been abandoned for a long time. Yu Zecheng suddenly felt the presence of four eyes, as if someone was peering at him from the dark, and loud voices came from time to time.

Yu Zecheng suddenly moved and instantly moved behind the man who was peeping at Yu Zecheng. A state of coercion makes the other party unable to move.

Looking over, the two men were hiding in a dilapidated corner of the village. Under Yu Zecheng's pressure, they could not move at all.

At a glance, Yu Zecheng couldn't help but frown, because this was not a human being, but a creature he had never seen before.

They look like humans but not humans. They have hands, feet and heads. They hold Mitsubishi forks. Their bodies are covered with green scales. They have fins on their hands. They have no hair. They have gills on their mouths and are full of sharp teeth. At first glance, they are carnivorous creatures. It is the combination of human and fish.

Yu Zecheng looked at their sharp mouths and fangs, and then looked at the village. It seemed that the people here had gone there, needless to say, they had probably all entered their stomachs. What on earth were they doing on this green mountain trail, ignoring his son? People were eaten by monsters like this?

Yu Zecheng used his spiritual power and wanted to communicate with these two goblins, but they only had the concepts of eating and sleeping in their minds. They had no IQ at all, and they were like wild beasts who only knew how to eat and sleep.

Yu Zecheng shook his head, and suddenly there were two bangs, and the heads of the two mermaid demons exploded, killing them.

Following the direction in which they appeared, Yu Zecheng's great spiritual teleportation came out, and he immediately discovered that there was a mermaid village ten miles ahead, located by the water, with about a hundred mermaids living here.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng appeared in the village, and the cannibal aliens killed all of them without leaving a single one alive.

After appearing, the mermaids immediately let out a strange scream when they saw Yu Zecheng, and four huge mermaid guards rushed towards him, trying to kill the intruder.

Yu Zecheng was about to take action when suddenly a man shouted loudly:

"Stop, this is the Immortal Master, don't move."

Suddenly the four mermaid guards did not dare to move, and then they saw an old mermaid walking out of the largest mermaid hut. The old mermaid looked like the leader of these mermaids. He looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"Greetings to the Immortal Master. The young one is the chief of Qingyu Mountain who is here to pay homage to you."

Yu Zecheng looked at him. Since he understood the human language and was very knowledgeable about the immortal master, it seemed that this mermaid was not a wild beast and had his own civilization.

Yu Zecheng asked:

"Are you the chief of this place?"

The old man said:

"Yes, Immortal Master, my family has been here for generations. There is a seal to prove it."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Let me ask you, the people on the mountain have gone there, can they be eaten by you and others?"

As soon as he said this, the old mermaid was extremely surprised and said:

"Master Immortal, why are you eating it? Our ancestors have always lived here, and we are the people on the mountain.

Since 1,200 years ago, we have slowly changed. Everyone has become like this ghost. They are no longer what they were before, and they are getting more and more stupid. Only a few people can still maintain their sanity. Master, have you forgotten? ?

No, the immortal masters who came in the past also looked like us. Although they changed little, they were also changing. You, the immortal master, have not changed at all. You are a foreign demon.

Hurry, bang the frightening drum, the demons from the outside world are coming..."


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Well, this is a gangster legend. A strong life requires no explanation.

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