Xian Ao

Chapter 821: Decline and prosperity, neither false nor empty

Yu Zecheng looked at Xuanyuan Sword Peak for a long time, with a lot of thoughts in his mind.

Suddenly, the voice of the master beside him sounded:

"It's unbelievable, I didn't know this secret until I took over as the head of the sect. This is actually the Xuanyuan Sword, the world's number one artifact."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Master, can we use it? Let's see what kind of divine power it has."

Nantian Zhenjun said:

"I hope that day will never come."

The master and the apprentice were silent, watching Xuanyuan Sword Peak together. One in front and one behind, like a pair of father and son.

After a long time, the two flew into Xuanyuan Sword Peak. Nantian Zhenjun shook his hand, and the two were teleported to the headmaster's hall.

In this hall, countless crystal-polished water mirrors stood on the wall. In this water mirror, all the situations of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, the situation of Xuanyuan allies, the situation of Xuanyuan enemies, and the general situation of the world are all on this mirror.

Nan Tian Zhenjun said:

"Zecheng, did the old madman ancestor tell you about Liu Shiyun?"

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Master, I know."

Nantian Zhenjun said:

"Liu Shiyun has become a Yuanying Zhenjun. She wanted to see you, so she had a conflict with the sect. We haven't found out what happened yet, but the leader of Wuliang Sword Sect, Wujin Zhenyi, died because of this. It can be said that the matter is very serious. Wuliang Sect has come out in full force to hunt down Liu Shiyun.

The specific ins and outs of this matter are strictly controlled by the other party, and we can't know, but the strange thing is that Liu Shiyun has disappeared since then. Not only Wuliang Sect can't find her, but we, Tiandi League, no one can find her. We don't know where she went.

Don't worry, Zecheng, as soon as there is news I will inform you, just go ahead and do it, Master supports you, even if we break off relations with Wuliang Sect and fight each other, I will support you.

Wuliang Sect has had some conflicts with us since before the last catastrophe, so only Junior Brother Daohen went to celebrate the millennium celebration.

After the catastrophe, they repeatedly complained that our allies were too slow to help, and your relationship with our sword sect became worse and worse. They believed that after ascending, Wuliang Sect would surely prosper, and gradually they would not take us seriously.

Such allies should be warned, so just go ahead and do it, I will always support you. "

Yu Zecheng felt warm in his heart when he heard this. What he said later was just an excuse. Master actually wanted to help him. Master would always be his master and he could rely on him at any time.

Looking back, Master still looked the same as before, but his hair was a little gray. Master liked to plan and win before the battle, but this was quite brain-consuming. With his gray hair as Yuanying Zhenjun, it was obvious that he had spent a lot of effort and was very hard at calculating.

Master inherited the position of the head of the sect. Fengshi, Yubo, Yinglong, and Hanba, the five ancestors of Xuanyuan, were dissatisfied and left the cave gate of Xuanyuan Sword Sect with their disciples. They opened their own caves. This was definitely a blow to Xuanyuan Sword Sect and a precursor to its division.

But Master made plans and helped Master Jishui, Master Chenxi, Master Xiangchuan, Master Yixin and many other uncles to transform into Nascent Souls, which immediately made up for the lost strength and made Xuanyuan Sword Sect more cohesive.

Those disciples of Fengshi, Yubo, Yinglong, and Hanba, like Uncle Daohen, have recently returned to Xuanyuan Sword Sect. This is Master's ability. Unknowingly, he resolved this crisis.

Nan Tian Zhenjun said:

"Qingcheng and his friends were very successful in the trial and have made a name for themselves. Don't worry about them. Qingyun's cultivation has also increased rapidly. Wenman's alchemy was very successful and he made several legendary elixirs in succession. From now on, our sect will never be short of elixirs and we will have countless elixirs.

I have started the work of the flying car workshop you established over the years. Now it is gradually taking shape. It is no longer a dream for all Xuanyuan Sword disciples to have a car to ride."

Yu Zecheng nodded. His master never forgot his own affairs and arranged everything clearly. His efforts were not in vain.

Nan Tian Zhenjun changed the topic and said: "Zhecheng, you rest for three months. After the old immortal ancestor ascends, he will give you a task. Here is a list. Among them, the eight left-handed sects are all excellent sects that set up formations and prohibitions. They have lost their previous unique skills, but their bones are still there. Some of the talents among them cannot be replaced or cultivated. According to the list, you can trick these talents into joining our Xuanyuan Sword Sect. We have to increase the strength of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, so we have to absorb them. We have people who can make pills, set up formations, and fly cars. The only thing missing is refining equipment. Talisman maker, it's okay, we plan, everything is possible. "

Yu Zecheng nodded, glanced at the list, put it away, and said:

"Is the old immortal ancestor really going to ascend?"

Nantian Zhenjun nodded and said:

"I have issued an order for the sect's grand celebration today, calling on all Xuanyuan disciples who are traveling outside to return, so that everyone can receive the blessing of the fairy light and improve their realm.


The two chatted like this and began to arrange various plans. Under the design of the two of them, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect will become stronger little by little.

The master and apprentice studied here for a whole day and night, and Yu Zecheng was able to return to Tiandao Peak.

The disciples are all fine. Xiao San also participated in the first war. Qingyun's cultivation is too low, so he did not participate, and he was extremely depressed.

Yu Zecheng stayed in Tiandao Peak like this, teaching his apprentices while continuing to refine the sword. The most important thing is that he is waiting for news from Liu Shiyun, but Liu Shiyun seems to have disappeared, there is no news, and there is no place to find her in the vast sea of ​​people.

The more this happens, the more I miss him. But there was nothing we could do.

In the past few days of sword practice, Yu Zecheng started the third way of swordsmanship and refined the ten thousand years of Mu Xin containing the soul of the Taiyi clones into his own third way of swordsmanship.

This kendo is also derived from the foundation of the first kendo, Sword Dove, and is called Kurong Kendo.

The grass on the original plain grows brighter and wither every year. There is permanence and impermanence, the two trees are withered and flourishing, north, south, west and east, neither false nor empty. All things in the world are subject to this rule. Prosperity represents life, and withering represents death. They are always changing and reincarnating between life and death.

All things in the world, all living creatures, and all grass and plants cannot escape this path of withering and prosperity. In autumn, vegetation and trees are both withered and prosperous. The dryness is caused by it, and the prosperity is also caused by it. In fact, trees belong to the first power of heaven.

As soon as he realized this sword technique, Yu Zecheng immediately regretted that he was still impatient. He realized this sword technique too early and could not use it to its limit.

However, with the addition of Kurong Swordsmanship, Yu Zecheng's swordsmanship has become even more refined, and another path appears in front of Yu Zecheng.

It turns out that I am definitely not summoning clones. I can completely combine the other three puppets with the spiritual treasures of heaven and earth, practice the immortal arts, and then turn them into the power of my own sword. If I can collect the five elements of swordsmanship, how can I imagine the emptiness of this ice and snow swordsmanship? , the power of reincarnation of Kurong Kendo, with the five elements combined, I can't even imagine what level my sword will reach.

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