Xian Ao

Chapter 818 Yaxiang is resurrected and Shuiyu is the teacher (sixth update)

The light and shadow all over the sky rolled towards Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng remained motionless, looking at the light and shadow all over the sky. He sang a long song in his mouth, singing the last word. After singing, the silvery white light suddenly appeared, and the light and shadow of the green silk appeared. This sea of ​​silvery white light stood motionless one by one, all frozen to death.

At the moment when the blue-haired light and shadow were frozen, the True Lord in Tsing Yi moved, as fast as a virgin, in the shape of lightning, and the hairpin turned into a sword, which was a blow.

Her movement could be described as extremely fast. In this flash, everyone present screamed. Not many people could block the sword light at that moment. This is like a sword in the chest. It was natural, and a simple sword grasped all the changes in Yu Zecheng with extreme precision, making Yu Zecheng unable to avoid it.

Yu Zecheng did not avoid it, as if everything was clear in his mind. With a movement of his right hand, he instantly grabbed the hairpin of the Qing Yi Zhenjun's envoy in the air, and then rushed to Qing Yi's side and inserted the hairpin into her hair again. in the hair.

From immobility to attack, Yu Zecheng exudes a calm and graceful demeanor in his actions, especially the long sleeves that are lightly brushed, like flying clouds stretching out, giving the impression of ethereal elegance.

Grabbing the sword with one claw, he snatched the opponent's flying sword in a flash of lightning. It seemed ordinary, but it was extremely magical. After grabbing the sword, he inserted it into the opponent's hair again. That kind of indescribable light movement, with a trace of Such incomparable tenderness, for a moment, the Tsing Yi True Monarch was completely impressed by Yu Zecheng, and his mind was fascinated.

In an instant, all the light and shadow of the green hair disappeared, and Qing Yi looked at Yu Zecheng blankly, with infatuation in his eyes.

Yu Zecheng smiled at her and said:

"No need to compete, right?"

Then he looked up at the Water Jade Fairy in the distance and said:

"Can this Feng Qiuhuang be over?"

Fairy Shuiyu sighed and nodded towards the host, who immediately shouted loudly:

"Dear guests, due to today's unexpected events, the Phoenix Phoenix Conference is now over. Please forgive me..."

The host spoke loudly, because he would be scolded, but who knew that applause erupted from top to bottom, left and right, and the monks who came here to watch the Phoenix Seeking Phoenix Conference were extremely happy.

It's worth it, it's so worth it. In today's battle, two great Nascent Souls were strangled with a pair of seven. This True Lord of Miedu from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect is really too strong. He brought the beauty back home. Today's battle was so exciting. It was better than those who competed. Things about Wen Liandan are much more exciting.

The applause rang out, and Yu Zecheng returned the favor with fists clasped towards Shine, and then glanced at the Water Jade Fairy in the distance.

The water jade fairy nodded to him and motioned for him to come over. Yu Zecheng immediately strode over and disappeared into the distance with the water jade fairy.

During this period, Yu Zecheng didn't even look at True Lord Tsing Yi. The True Lord Tsing Yi was extremely shy at first, waiting for Yu Zecheng, but found that Yu Zecheng not only didn't come over, but didn't even look at her, and then he suddenly As soon as he left, he really didn't see her in his eyes. Immediately, Qing Yi Zhenjun felt an indescribable pain. She looked at Yu Zecheng leaving like this in a daze and hatred.

Yu Zecheng followed Fairy Shuiyu into the inner hall of the Paradise Ecstasy Sect, which is extremely difficult for outsiders to enter.

Fairy Shuiyu looked at Yu Zecheng with an unknown meaning and said:

"You're such a good boy, but you actually messed up my Feng Qiuhuang. Do you know how much you've caused me to lose?"

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"Senior, it was you who asked me to participate in the first round. I participated as soon as I was anxious, and the result turned out to be like this. Senior, if there is any loss, please just say it and I will make up for it."

The Water Jade Fairy smiled sweetly and said:

"I'm not short of such a small loss, but the applause at the end just reminded me that Feng Qiuhuang has been a bit gentle all this time, and it seems that he needs some blood to stimulate everyone.

However, the cost of this treatment is indispensable. The ninth-level flying sword Taiyi Light Splitter and the five magic weapons must be given to me, so that I can give them an explanation when they come. "

Yu Zecheng immediately handed the flying sword magic weapon to Shuiyu Fairy. As long as Yaxiang could be cured, everything would be worth it. These treasures were taken out before they were warmed, and Shuiyu Fairy kept silent about the sun-swallowing fan. Soul cup, it seems that this cup is like a meat bun that beats a dog and never returns it, but it is worth it for the elegant fragrance.

Entering the inner hall, Fairy Shuiyu was busy with her work. She and the Big-Dolly Smiling Buddha began to arrange the magic circle and prepare everything.

The Water Jade Fairy can reshape Yaxiang's soul, and the Big-bellied Smiling Buddha can maintain Yaxiang's soul from dissipating in the process. The two of them have boundless magic power. In this world of the sky, the way of the soul belongs to the top people.

Yu Zecheng watched silently, learning how to operate their spells. Stones from other mountains can attack jade.

Finally, day by day passed, and at a specific moment on the seventh day, the Big Belly Smiling Buddha or the Water Jade Fairy began to cast a spell to save Yaxiang.

Yu Zecheng and the old madman could only wait outside. This waiting was very painful. Time passed little by little. Yu Zecheng was anxious at first, but he soon calmed down, stopped thinking about Yaxiang, and began to practice swordsmanship. , profound understanding.

Yu Zecheng re-trained his swordsmanship. Each move seemed to have been refined thousands of times, and he had a profound foundation and would never make any mistakes. The sword theory contained in this sword style is connected with one's own divine will, and its transformation is carried out to the extreme.

This is the characteristic of Yu Zecheng. Whenever he has time, he starts to study hard. Opportunities will come to those who are prepared. The edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold.

The world only saw Yu Zecheng's outstanding swordsmanship, but did not see Yu Zecheng's hard training. Whenever and at all times, Yu Zecheng practiced swords like this. Only with such persistence can he achieve that brilliant success. Only persistence can lead to brilliant success. , this is the basis of everything.

Time passed little by little, and three hours later, the gate of the magic circle opened, and Fairy Shuiyu walked out of it and said:

"I'm exhausted. The reconstruction is successful. Your sister Yaxiang is alive again. Come in and take a look."

The big-bellied smiling Buddha was also sweating profusely and said to Yu Zecheng:

"Xing fulfilled his mission and saved her. But, Donor Yu, please take care of yourself. I'm leaving."

After saying that, the big-bellied smiling Buddha turned around and left. After finishing his business, he brushed off his clothes. The old madman went over to see him off, and Yu Zecheng strolled into the magic circle.

Yaxiang was lying on a big bed, her hair had been shaved off, and she was in a daze on the bed.

Yu Zecheng walked to her side, sat aside and waited silently. About three hours had passed. Yu Zecheng looked at Yaxiang silently, and couldn't help but think of the ecstasy in the last moment. Although it was not under his control, but in Yaxiang may have her own child in her belly. Where should I go and how should I face Sister Yaxiang?

Three hours later, Yaxiang slowly woke up, opened her eyes and looked at everything around her. She looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"Thank you, Xiao Yuzi, for saving me. Well done to you. You finally became the Nascent Soul and lived up to my expectations for you.

I know everything that happened. I was like a bystander watching it all, but I couldn't move or shout. I could only watch. Now my body finally belongs to me and everything is back to normal. Thank you, Xiao Yuzi. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"You're welcome. Without your help back then, I wouldn't have participated in the Ascension Conference, nor would I be where I am today. In fact, I should be thanking you."

Yaxiang said:

"In my memory, you were selected by the Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and I lost my memory after that. I don't know how many years have passed. How have you been in these years?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"It has been more than eighty years. At that time..."

The two began to talk, and after chatting for a long time, Yu Zecheng asked:

"Sister Yaxiang, do you know where Yudie went?"

Yaxiang replied:

"On the day of the accident, she and I were captured by them. At that time, they had just returned to the sky world. All the Ruo Kongwu Sect who blocked their return were killed in battle. Yudie and some fellow Taoists were sent away by them. It is said that they were sent back Shiti Huanyin's old lair, alas, is in danger."

It turned out that Yudie had this fate, and Yu Zecheng couldn't help but feel a pang in his heart. She was his first woman, and it was a pity that he would never see her again.

The two continued chatting for a while, and gradually Yaxiang became sleepy. Yu Zecheng was about to leave, and Yaxiang suddenly said:

"Zecheng...Zecheng...can I ask you something? Help me find someone, Feng Chenzi from our Miaohua Sect. When I was arrested, he had already reached the peak of the Golden Core. He should be Nascent Soul now. True king."

Yu Zecheng was stunned and said:

"Miaohua Sect Feng Chenzi?"

Yaxiang whispered:

"My Taoist name is not Yaxiang. Yaxiang is just my pseudonym during the trial. My Taoist name is Xiangfei Fairy. Since I am a concubine, I naturally have a husband. Feng Chenzi is my husband, and he and I are Taoist lovers. ”

As soon as he said this, Yu Zecheng was stunned, hesitated for a long time, and said:

"But you, but you are still a virgin..."

Yaxiang's face turned red and she said:

"Don't talk about what happened between you and me, but I am Feng Chenzi's fragrant concubine. Just like I helped you, I became his fragrant concubine and was led to this immortal road by him. This is a fact, forever. It can't be changed, so please, help me find him."

Yu Zecheng's face turned pale, remembering that Dr. Shi had indeed called Fairy Xiangfei Yaxiang. At that time, he was very curious, but now he knew what was going on. He said:

"Okay, sister Yaxiang, don't worry, I will definitely do what you want."

After Yu Zecheng left here, Yaxiang watched Yu Zecheng leave, smiled sadly, and whispered to herself:

"Thank you, Xiao Yuzi, but I can't drag you down. I won't make it difficult for you. Please forgive me."

Fairy Water Jade suddenly appeared in the room and said:

"Has a decision been made?"

Yaxiang nodded and said:

"I know that they will not let me go just because Shi Tihuan died because of the commander-in-chief. They would rather kill the wrong person than let him go. The laws of heaven and earth are right, but I will not just let him go."

Fairy Shuiyu said:

"Okay, as long as you understand."

Yaxiang struggled to stand up, bowed to Fairy Shuiyu, and said:

"Meet the Master."

Fairy Shuiyu said:

"You and I are both pitiful people, and helping you means helping me. I hope he will know your painstaking efforts in the future."

Yaxiang smiled lightly and said:

"As long as he's doing better than me, it's best never to know."

Yu Zecheng walked out sadly, and finally a prostitute appeared, which made Yu Zecheng have an indescribable feeling. After countless hard work, he finally ended up with this.

But he quickly returned to normal. Isn't his purpose to repay Sister Yaxiang? During the past few days of guarding and fighting, I unknowingly regarded her as my own. In fact, she belonged to her own and had her own life. This was who she was.

As long as Yaxiang lives a good life, even if her hard work is not in vain, Feng Chenzi, I will look for you. If you are sorry for Yaxiang in the future, even if Miaohua Sect is razed, no one can save you.

Yu Zecheng strolled forward, and behind him, a woman in green clothes walked over slowly.


The outbreak is over, and I really can’t write anymore. I’ve been sitting here from nine o’clock in the morning until now, fifteen hours. If I write anymore, it will be a mess. Thank you everyone.

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