Xian Ao

Chapter 812: The Past, Heaven and Earth as One

The big-bellied Buddha said thank you, and Yu Zecheng and the old madman were embarrassed. If someone heard someone talking behind someone's back, anyone would feel embarrassed.

Yu Zecheng took out Yaxiang from Pangu World and asked the big-bellied Buddha to check Yaxiang's physical condition.

Yu Zecheng naturally took back the purple robe and put a white silk robe on Yaxiang, which was a specialty of Pangu World.

The big-bellied Buddha checked carefully for half an hour and said:

"It can be saved. In fact, her soul was not dispelled, but changed into a very strange state. It can be saved, but we have to find the Fairy Shuiyu. This soul is turned over and reshaped. There is no one else in the world except her."

The old madman also sighed and said:

"After the disappearance of the old thief Jiusi and the reincarnation of Mr. Mengchen, she is the only one in the world. Let's go."

After that, the old madman grabbed Yu Zecheng, shrunk the earth into an inch, and thousands of miles were under his feet, and teleported to the distance.

Yu Zecheng asked: "Old madman, the Fairy Shuiyu is the senior of the Blissful Soul-Stirring Sect, right?" The old madman nodded and said: "Yes, the Fairy Shuiyu of the Blissful Soul-Stirring Sect, Fanxu Zhenyi, I really don't want to find her, I hope I can ask her for help with the two ninth-level magic weapons. This Fairy Shuiyu is best at scraping bones and extracting marrow, Blissful Skill, collecting Yin to replenish Yang, swallowing Yang to erode Yuan, and scraping Yin to scrape bones. When she was just promoted to the Jindan realm, she defeated the Xingping Zhenjun of the Xingji Sword Sect and became famous at that time. Later, she became the Yuanying Zhenjun. It happened that she fought against seventeen Yuanyings alone in the door-to-door competition. The battle was fought on the bed. All the sects that relied on the art of collecting Yin to replenish Yang, such as the Yin-Yang Sect, the Yin-Yang Sect, and the Sucking Yin to Transform Yang Sect, were all wiped out by her alone. Later, Fairy Shuiyu raised the Blissful Skill of scraping bones and extracting marrow from the body to the soul, and specialized in spiritual communication. She practiced the art of scraping bones and extracting marrow to the state of ecstasy and finally became the true one of returning to the void. She is truly a powerful person in the world. "Yu Zecheng heard this and asked: "Old madman, have you ever fought with her?" The old madman heard this and reached out to knock on Yu Zecheng's head and said: "You are disrespectful and talking nonsense. She was good friends with Brother Xiang Manyi of the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect. They were a playboy and a prostitute. They were enemies at first, then became lovers and talked about marriage. Unfortunately, Brother Xiang Manyi was exiled in a battle in the Heart Sword Zen Sect. From then on, Fairy Shuiyu would never let anyone touch her body again. She practiced the art of scraping bones and extracting marrow to the state of ecstasy and ecstasy. "The voice of the big-bellied and smiling Buddha came from the side. He had been following the old madman and the two of them, not missing a step. He said: "I haven't heard Brother Xiang Manyi for a long time. ’s name, what a hero he was back then, now apart from you and me, how many people still remember him, I hadn’t become a monk at that time, now when I think about it, I really miss him. ”

The old madman said:

“Yes, there were countless heroes in the five major sword sects back then, and the world came to our five major sword sects, respecting them.

Xiang Manyi, Green Rainbow Fairy, Mr. Picking Flowers, Mr. Bao, Demon Sword Cuo Tuo, Lan Chi’er, and Jade Fire Golden Eyes, what heroes they were, and I was just a small role playing a supporting role back then. You are just Lan Chi’er’s book boy.

It’s a pity that they all died under the sword of the Heart Sword Zen Sect back then, what a pity, otherwise they would all have returned to the true oneness of the void now, and could all ascend to the fairyland. ”

The big belly laughing Buddha followed and said:

“Yes, how fierce was that Demon Sword Cuo Tuo back then, he destroyed our Qingyun Society alone, and you went up and were chopped down by him with one sword. , unconscious, it was all thanks to my son Lan Chier who stopped him.

You were really crazy at that time, you rushed forward even though you knew you were no match for him. I really can't imagine how you can live to this day, and you can also achieve the return to the void, and now there are few people in the world who can be your opponent. "

The old madman said:

"Yes, I didn't expect that you and I would have this day.

In fact, I should have died a long time ago, but I have been alive. In the battle with the Heart Sword Zen Sect, I was the first to rush forward. I fell down with one sword. At that time, the son of the Hunyuan Sword Sect, Master Bao, was behind me and blocked the sword for me, so I didn't die.

When I woke up, everyone was dead. In that battle, only I and the old man from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect survived. There were eighteen return to the void, one hundred Yuanying, and eight hundred Jindan Zhenren from the five major sword sects. Only a dozen of us Jindan Zhenren survived.

The whole army was annihilated, and the five major sword sects fell into decline. In the past thousand years, they have slowly recovered 60% of their former strength..." After saying this, the old madman tore open his clothes, revealing his chest. A huge scar was seen on his left chest. He continued: "My heart is on the right, so I survived. However, after that war, I realized my own swordsmanship, and my strength soared a thousand times. I often wonder, if I meet her now, who will survive, can I kill her, the heart sword Zen..." Finally, the old madman gritted his teeth and said. It seems that the two knew each other many years ago. As they walked forward, they chatted and told each other about the things of the past. Yu Zecheng listened attentively and smiled from time to time. He didn't expect that the old madman still had these past events. Finally, the big-bellied Buddha asked: "Are you really ready to leave?" The old madman nodded and said: "Yes, within three years, the old immortal will ascend first at the end of the year, and I will be the next year. "The Buddha with a Big Belly and a Laughing Mouth said: "I ascended, ascended, and arrived at the fairyland, but I jumped into another cage. "The old madman said:

"Come on, don't talk about your legends about the other side. I won't be a monk like you. I've been thinking recently that maybe I will meet her. She ascended back then, and maybe we can meet in the fairy world.

I asked her why she was able to do it. Xiang Manyi was her eldest brother. How did she do it?

Stab me with the sword, and I will go to the fairy world to find her. I must return the sword to her, avenge those brothers, and kill her cruel guy. "

The big-bellied smiling Buddha let out a long sigh and said:

"Xiao Yi'er back then..."

The old madman said:

"Don't mention her, I just can't figure it out. When I woke up, on top of the corpses of countless fellow disciples, I saw that she had stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge and immediately ascended.

I drew my sword and chased her. She smiled at me and ascended one after another. I want to ask her if her ascension is so important? Can you really give up everything? "

The old madman continued:

"Zecheng, let me tell you a secret. This is one of the biggest secrets of our five sword sects. The disciples of the Heart Sword Zen Sect that our five sword sects fight against. The Heart Sword Zen Sect has appeared eleven times in history, and they are all masters and disciples. Two people.

Either all of them, or one of them must be a disciple of our five major sword sects. The last time was Xiang Cuiyi from the Sky Splitting Sword Sect.

Therefore, you must always remember the third sect rule of our Xuanyuan Sword Sect. Whenever a disciple of the Xinjian Zen Sect appears, all Xuanyuan disciples must put aside all grudges and use all their strength to destroy them without stopping. "

Yu Zecheng thought to himself:

"There will be no more disciples of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. The residual image of the inner demon has been firmly suppressed by me. Liu Shiyun will marry her as my wife. From now on, the Heart Sword Zen Sect will be cut off in my hands."

Yu Zecheng's answer was still Nuonuo's.

The old madman said:

"According to past records, the Heart Sword Zen Sect will appear in less than a thousand years at the earliest and less than three hundred years at the earliest. At that time, you and your master will be the mainstay of our Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and it will be up to you.

The Heart Sword Zen Sect is a disaster for us disciples of the five major sword sects, but it is also an opportunity for us.

Anyone who has fought with them and survived the Jindan Master will definitely turn into an infant, the Nascent Soul Master will definitely become the Return to the Void True One, and the Return to the Void True One will definitely become an immortal. I was just the Jindan Master back then, and everyone said that I had no hope of promotion, but But I became the True One of Return to the Void, and it was because of that battle that I realized my own way of swordsmanship.

Ten of the founders of our sect became immortals because of fighting the Heart Sword Zen Sect. It is said that Wang Yinyang, the founder of Zhongxing, began to flourish after killing the disciples of the Heart Sword Zen Sect. …”

Yu Zecheng nodded silently and listened to the old madman's teachings. Mountains, rivers, heaven and earth disappeared in an instant, and the road of thousands of miles was at his feet. After a while, he arrived at a continent.

The old madman said:

"Okay, we have arrived at the Suiyuan area. Thirty thousand miles ahead is the Zuoyuan Immortal Mountain where the Bliss Ecstasy Sect is located."

Looking at the Suiyuan area over there, this is the Suiyuan area of ​​the Six Domains of the Firmament. In fact, this is the continent that was transformed from the Pangu world bred by the immortals during the Immortal Qin Empire period. The continent turned from virtual to reality and completely became the Six Firms of the Firmament. A domain that spans millions of miles of heaven and earth, it’s really admirable.

Yu Zecheng followed the old madman and entered the Suiyuan area. With one step, he took root and set foot on this land for the first time.

As soon as he stepped on it, Yu Zecheng felt that his Pangu world was trembling. An indescribable feeling came from his feet, as if he was at home, as if this world was prepared for him. The same.

In an instant, the energy of the entire world gathered towards Yu Zecheng, and Yu Zecheng controlled them easily. It all seemed so natural.

Yu Zecheng clearly felt the unevenness on the earth, ranging from hundreds to thousands of miles, and the tiny gaps in the sand, stone and soil that made up the earth.

All the fluctuations in the thousands of miles of rivers and lakes are under his control.

The sound of wind blowing in his ears suddenly became noisy in his ears, the swinging of branches and the whispers of birds asking for food. These sounds that should have disappeared in the air became clear in his ears. .

Look into the distance. A dewdrop on a grass blade emits colorful colors in the sunlight. All of this formed a three-dimensional image in his mind, and Yu Zecheng saw a brand new world. For a moment, Yu Zecheng did not use any spells or use any force, but it was so clear that the world It's all in his eyes, ears, and heart. Heaven and earth are one! ——

The monthly ticket will be doubled tomorrow, please vote. This month’s monthly ticket is very important to me. I don’t know if I can still stay in the top six of the monthly tickets. This is the support for me to write down, so I beg you all.

It will break out tomorrow as a way to thank everyone. thank you all.

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