Xian Ao

Chapter 809: Three Strikes to Break the Sun and Destroy Nothingness

The war dove appeared, standing proudly in the sky, a thousand people in one, and extremely powerful.

The leader was none other than his master Nan Tian Tianjun. He was the head of the sword dove and turned into a ray of light and rushed towards the sun in the sky.

On top of the sword dove, the old madman stood tall, with his hands proudly behind his back, his white hair fluttering, and his celestial spirit.

The Xuanyuan Sword Dove appeared, and the sun transformed by the elegant fragrance in the air turned around and struck the sword dove. In an instant, a total of 9999 swords of the sun were fired at Yu Zecheng, forming a line The sword curtain soaring into the sky sprayed towards the sword dove.

The sword dove moved forward and rushed into the light pillar, and Xuanyuan's war song sounded:

"Where is disciple Xuanyuan now?"

"I know Xuanyuan with my own blood. The sword is not in my heart, but my life is."

Break, break, break.

Wherever the sword dove faced the difficulty, the nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine swords of the sun were all exploded by the sword dove. In an instant, the sword dove passed through the center of the sun and pierced the sun through a huge hole. .

A scream resounded across the sky and the earth. The sun changed, and the real sun fire raged, bursting into infinite flames. In an instant, the temperature of the sky and the earth increased countless times. Under the sudden high temperature, the thousand-mile island seemed to be thrown into the furnace of hell, and the white tongues of flames swept away it. However, all the trees, birds and beasts didn't even have time to burn before they turned into ashes, leaving only an extremely low and muffled explosion in the vast sky and earth, and everything within the reach of the light was turned into scorched earth.

In an instant, the sun turned into a sea of ​​light. It looked like pure glass and spotless, but in fact it contained endless fire energy. There were layers of flames stacked inside, and the color was extremely rich and light. The outer layer emitted a golden-white light, and the entire sky seemed to be like a sea of ​​light. All twisted in the heat.

In an instant, the sword dove flew over again, and the fierce old madman shouted:

"Three Yuans are one, one Qi and three pure beings, all thoughts come from the sword, and I am the only one in the world."

The rest of the sound curled into the void, misty and vague, diffused in all directions.

In this voice, three major incarnations appeared behind the old madman. In an instant, all four of them were transformed into swords, and their bodies and swords merged into one. Then the sword dove also changed and transformed into swords. These swords instantly turned into a Xuanyuan sword. It's exactly the same as Yu Zecheng's Xuanyuan Sword.

The old madman used the Xuanyuan Sword Sect's thousand swords to launch his strongest attack. With this attack, he rushed into the infinite sea of ​​light.

I saw the infinite sea of ​​light. In an instant, huge petals rose up in the endless sea of ​​glazed light and slowly bloomed.

The first layer of petals continues, and the second layer continues, and so on for nine consecutive layers, with sparks dancing in between, magnificent and exciting.

These petals are the beautiful petals formed by Xuanyuan Sword Dove's power of destruction in the endless sea of ​​glazed light. The petals get bigger and bigger, and then break, turning into endless sword light, destroying the endless sea of ​​light.

Then there was a roar, and Xuanyuan Sword Jiu destroyed the endless sea of ​​light with one strike. The endless means of the endless glazed sea of ​​light were broken by a sword before they could be used.

The sea of ​​​​light burst, and the remaining light surged again, gathering into a huge sun. This sun was extremely red. It turned in the air and suddenly turned into a three-legged Sun Golden Crow. It faced the reappeared sword dove. Rush away.

The two big birds were transformed by Yuan Power, biting and fighting in the air, attacking each other. Wherever they went, everything was destroyed.

In just over ten breaths, the huge three-legged Golden Crow, under the attack of the Xuanyuan Sword Dove's condensing claws and giant beak, could no longer maintain its shape, and shattered into the void with a loud bang.

When it shattered this time, the endless light exploded violently, erupting with unbelievable power of light, but Yu Zecheng had the feeling that this was a reflection of light.

In that light, a ray of sunlight separated instantly and turned into a shadow and rushed towards Yu Zecheng.

That ray of sunlight separated, and the remaining huge sunlight became brighter and brighter, gathering everything into one sun.

In an instant, the sword dove struck again. The sun had no resistance and was instantly shattered. It turned into an infinite source of light and was absorbed by the Xuanyuan sword dove.

At this time, Tianjue’s shouts kept ringing:,

"No, this is a golden silkworm shedding its shell."

"It's done, be careful. This is to give up your chariot to protect the commander, so be careful."

In an instant, the residual energy that turned into a shadow rushed towards Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng watched Xuanyuan Sword Jiu strike through the sun three times, completely unaware that the opponent would counterattack him. In addition, the opponent was too fast and turned into sunlight. The shadows under the sunlight on the other side were completely invisible, and I felt as if my body was light and surrounded by a powerful energy.

Yaxiang appeared in front of Yu Zecheng. At this time, she no longer had the charm she had just before. Her red robe was broken and her clothes were in tatters. The bun on her head had been opened, her black hair was loose and scattered to one side. There was blood at the corner of her mouth and her face was pale. .

The Xuanyuan Three Strikes broke through the three sun states of Shi Tihuan due to the great commander. She had to abandon her fighting body, leaving a trace of power, and began to flee. She was vomiting blood while flying.

She is now flying with Yu Zecheng in her arms, and the two are entangled. Yu Zecheng cannot move. In an instant, he has been invaded by this light, and all the true energy in his body has been penetrated by this light, and he does not even have the strength to blink.

Yaxiang hugged Yu Zecheng, and there was only a layer of sunlight outside her body. Compared with the most rampant time, the sun was only a hundred times smaller, but it still had dozens of times more real energy than Yu Zecheng. He held firm.

Yaxiang flew away with all her strength, and the sword dove smashed her golden cicada out of its shell, and rushed towards her. She yelled:

"Get out of my way. Fight to the death."

Suddenly, all kinds of energy fluctuations broke out among the twelve elite warriors. They rushed towards the sword dove crazily to complete their mission and resist the huge sword dove.

Twelve super strong men, strong men who could escape from the Xuanyuan Sword, were extremely powerful, but in front of the sword dove, they were instantly shattered, not even a breath of resistance, all of them were killed one by one in the impact of the sword dove.

But their death was not meaningless. With the help of this slight obstruction, Yaxiang finally flew up, turned into a ray of light in the sky, and flew towards the direction where the sun was setting.

The sword dove chased behind, and in an instant, the two, one in front and one behind, were thousands of miles away in a blink of an eye.

Yaxiang hugged Yu Zecheng and flew, watching the distance between the sword dove and herself getting farther and farther, and she breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. At this moment, a terrible death wave spread throughout her body, and the wave had only one purpose, which was death.

Yaxiang screamed, and in this breath of death, she fought hard, and with a scream, the wave dissipated immediately. Yu Zecheng's open fairy eye on his forehead exploded and shattered, and the death control eye could not destroy the great commander of Shiti Huanyin who controlled Yaxiang, and the magic power backfired, and Yu Zecheng's death control eye exploded immediately.

Yaxiang laughed wildly, saying:

"This is your killer move, didn't you expect it? I'm not one of those fragile tribesmen. If you lose, everything you have will be mine.

No one can save you. As long as I fly, as long as the sun doesn't set, no one can catch up with me, because I am the sun."

After saying this, Yaxiang took Yu Zecheng to fly in the sky, chasing the sun, flying faster and faster, to the extreme, surpassing everything, and the huge sword dove could no longer be seen.

Yaxiang continued: "We failed, and everything is gone. Except for me, everything in my clan is destroyed. I can't accept this. I can't accept this. Yu Zecheng, I hate you to death. But I won't sink. The pain of failure has awakened my great Shakyamuni instinct. It doesn't matter, as long as I get your Pangu world, it's all worth it." During this conversation, Yaxiang began to take off her clothes, throwing away the red robe, tearing the white clothes, and burning the clothes. Suddenly, she was flying in the air with Yu Zecheng naked in her arms, and then she began to take off Yu Zecheng's clothes. After taking off the purple guard robe, Yaxiang smelled it and said: "So you relied on this to revive. Good stuff, it belongs to me." In an instant, Yu Zecheng was also naked. He looked at Yaxiang and didn't know what she was going to do, but he couldn't move. Yaxiang said:

"Let's have sex in the sunshine. I can control our bodies. I will let you enjoy it. Then I will get pregnant and give birth to a child for you.

You don't know, Pangu World can be inherited and passed on to your offspring. Although the success rate is not high, it will definitely succeed under my control.

Then your child will inherit your Pangu World, and he will become my Dharma body, the most perfect Dharma body, and I will have everything.

You are lucky. My Dharma body has never touched a man. She is your sister Yaxiang. Today you are lucky. But this is your last happiness.

After today, I will torture you until you are completely crazy. When you give birth to this child, you will be suppressed by me forever. I want you to pay for the shame you brought to me."

While talking, Yu Zecheng's body began to change uncontrollably and reacted. Gradually, his lower body became hard. Then Yaxiang smiled at him and slowly straightened her body. The two were in this high sky, flying, and being chased by the sword dove. Suddenly, Yu Zecheng felt that he had entered a warm place. When he entered, he seemed to encounter some obstacles, but they broke through in an instant.

Yaxiang, who was on the opposite side, moaned with Yu Zecheng's movements. She did not notice that a tear fell from the corner of her eye. She controlled Yu Zecheng and her body, and under the cover of the sun, they chased the sun and flew towards the horizon.

Half an hour later, the two of them trembled together and made a high-pitched sound.

Yaxiang put Yu Zecheng's purple robe on herself and said:

"This, this feeling is so wonderful, I have never had it before. This, this is probably a phenomenon of atavism. I have decided to do it like this in the future, several times a day, and tire you to death."

Yu Zecheng was silent for a long time, and suddenly he smiled, shook his head and said:

"There is no future, goodbye."

In an instant, a strange wave appeared, and snowflakes appeared around the two in the sky, and then turned into ice, absolute zero, and the last energy beyond absolute zero appeared, that is nothing, the power of nothingness above absolute zero, the power of nothingness.

In an instant, the two of them were all transformed into nothingness and shattered together under the impact of this power.

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