Xian Ao

Chapter 805 Drawing the sword and looking around, no one is there anymore

In the city, thousands of women were hung up, their hands and feet cut off, leaving only their maggot-like bodies hanging in the air by iron ropes inserted into their spines.

They are still conscious and in excruciating pain, and are deliberately amplified by the spell, deliberately feeling everything. At the same time, this spell will also awaken the best moments in their memories, allowing them to struggle between the happy memories of the past and the pain of the present.

There are people feeding her every day, even if she wants to die, the crazy Twelve Niangs are also joining this ranks, this is called hanging meat.

In the distance, thousands of men and women were chained to rows of fences. The fences were made entirely of thorns, as if they were alive, crawling up and down. Every time they crawled, these people screamed, and the thorns kept coming. Suck their blood, this is called blood cow.

Yu Zecheng drew his sword, and with a flash of sword light, the thorn fences were strangled inch by inch under the sword light, making various screams, and they all collapsed. The ropes on the backs of the hanging flesh were all turned into ashes. These men and women They were rescued by Yu Zecheng and put them all on the ground.

The sirens roared, a huge light shield began to rise over the entire city, and energy fluctuations appeared in the distance.

Yu Zecheng looked at the hanging meat and blood cattle at his feet, his eyes filled with sadness.

Those who were rescued looked at Yu Zecheng with eyes full of expectation. Someone shouted something in his mouth. The sounds came together to form a slap in the face. Yu Zecheng listened carefully and only heard:

"Master Immortal has mercy, please kill me."

"Kill me, kill me."

This voice of supplication gradually gathered into an ocean, which was what all of them were thinking about.

Yu Zecheng said:

"I can save you and let you live freely in this world. No one can hurt you."

But the voice continued without interruption:

"Master Immortal has mercy, please kill me."

Death is the best relief for them. They have completely lost their belief in life. Even if they return to the best living conditions in the future, it has no meaning for them to exist, so they just want to die.

Yu Zechang sighed, and suddenly the swords flashed together. In an instant, the two or three thousand beings were silent, and all of them were silenced by the true energy, and their heart veins were shattered, and they died.

After they died, smiles appeared on their faces. Death was their greatest happiness.

Seeing the smiles on these people's faces, Yu Zecheng only had hatred and murderous intentions in his heart, and he couldn't help but burst out crazily.

The murderous intention in his heart was extremely firm, so firm that he could not feel it at all.

This is a murderous intention from the sky, and the stars are changing. The earth emits murderous intent, dragons and snakes rise from the land. Human beings are murderous, and heaven and earth are in turmoil.

At this time, dozens of monks from a distance rushed over. Among them were human monks and aliens from Shi Tihuanyin. They rushed over with shouts.

With a flash of sword light, they were all shattered. Before being shattered, their flesh and blood collapsed inch by inch, allowing them to enjoy the most painful death.

Yu Zecheng walked in the city. The tall towers were annihilated with one sword, the huge city walls collapsed with one sword, and the straight roads were shattered with one sword.

Kill, kill, kill.

All monks, whether human or Shiti Huanyin, were killed and given the most painful death.

When they reached the center of the city, they saw hundreds of monks gathered on the opposite side, one of whom was the Nascent Soul Lord of Shiti Huanyin.

When he saw Yu Zecheng, he shouted:

"Who are you and why..."

The sword light flashed, and with just one sword, hundreds of monks, together with the Nascent Soul Lord, were all turned into countless fragments within the sword light, and were all killed.

The body of Shi Tihuan was destroyed because of the Nascent Soul. His body was surrounded by a sword light and suspended in the air. The sword light swallowed the clone of Shi Tihuan inside bit by bit, tortured it bit by bit, and slowly refined it. change.

This Shi Tihuan kept giving birth to new clones. He was a ball of light, like the setting sun, being wiped out bit by bit in the light of Yu Zecheng's sword.

He was making all kinds of sharp screams, as if asking for help, as if he was scared, as if he was screaming in pain.

Yu Zecheng walked up to him, tilted his head and looked at it, and said:

"Are you scared? Is it painful? Just enjoy it slowly."

Yu Zecheng turned around and left, no longer caring about the slowly destroyed Shiti Huanyin. This was the punishment he deserved.

Yu Zecheng rose up with his sword and flew into the air. The huge shield was in the air. He struck out with his sword, and the shield suddenly began to shake. It was shaking endlessly with this strike.

Yu Zecheng fired his sword again, one sword after another, and with the last blow, the shield immediately collapsed.

Then Yu Zecheng flew over the whole city, killing all the monks without leaving any one behind.

After a while, they were all killed. Then Yu Zecheng looked into the distance, where real energy fluctuations appeared, and reinforcements were coming.

He rose with his sword and flew across the sky. There were thousands of reinforcements coming from the opposite side, including two Nascent Soul Lords. Yu Zecheng already had countless ways to deal with the Nascent Soul Lords created by this catalyst. , just one sword.

Yu Zecheng charged into the enemy group, blood flew in the air, screams continued, and the sword light scattered in all directions. After a moment, there were two sword lights left in the air, slowly refining the Shiti Huanyin tribesman.

Now Yu Zecheng didn't even bother to do anything to turn their destruction into resurrection and turn them into his own hands. He felt disgusted when he saw them, and death was their best choice.

Thousands of people were killed, and another reinforcement appeared in the distance, with a total of two thousand monks. When Yu Zecheng saw them, his eyes lit up. Regardless of how many Nascent Soul Lords there were on the other side, he rushed over with his sword.

Fights continued to break out, and roars erupted over Gulang Island in Luzhou. Tian Qing appeared again and again, and Yu Zecheng fought against the enemies and killed countless powerful enemies.

In the end, all the monks on Gulang Island in Luzhou were trembling with fear. They gathered together, a total of ten thousand people, and flew towards the gate of Zhuruo Kongwu Sect in the central mountain range of Gulang Island in Luzhou.

There were nine Nascent Soul Lords in this group. They were originally reinforcements sent by the main sect of the Zhuruo Kongwu Sect, but several people died in battle one after another. They had to retreat to the main sect of the mountain gate together with other companions guarding the island.

Yu Zecheng's sword appeared from time to time in front, back and left of the ten thousand people. Every time it appeared, the sword light flashed, and more than ten people were killed, but there was nothing they could do.

True Lord Hui Jin is the leader of these people. He connects with the other eight tribesmen and gathers their various energies into himself to fight against Yu Zecheng who flies over every time.

This was the best way he could think of. He had been killed by Yu Zecheng. No one dared to chase Yu Zecheng alone. Those brave tribesmen never came back because of chasing this guy. So his only way is to connect everyone's energy together to resist Yu Zecheng's constant attacks.

As long as you return to the mountain gate and rely on the protection of the magic circle there, you will be completely safe. As long as the Kongrong clan leader returns with an army of warriors from his tribe, he will definitely be able to get rid of him. So now the only option is to persist. Those who died of Fang Zheng are all Human beings, these pigs and sheep should die for their masters.

In fact, it doesn't matter if the other clan members die, as long as you can escape, it's better than anything else. It really doesn't work, as long as you can escape from your fellow tribesmen.

This thought appeared in his mind. For Shi Tihuanyin, this was a self-thought that should never appear. For Shi Tihuanyin, selfishness was the biggest crime.

But after getting this body, such thoughts kept appearing, but True Lord Hui Jin would not be stupid enough to confess himself like other tribesmen, conduct self-analyses, obtain redemption, and finally be re-refined and created. .

I am not that kind of fool. Looking at the powerful enemy in front of me, True Lord Hui Jin kept making calculations. Suddenly, this time the powerful enemy did not kill several people and leave like before, but faced the energy he had gathered and charged fiercely. Coming over, he suddenly rushed into the crowd with his ruthless sword light, and all kinds of divine thunder exploded.

No, run away. True Lord Hui Jin was shocked, and the other seven tribesmen connected to him couldn't help but scream. They were stagnated for two breaths. This was enough, enough for him to escape from this terrifying sword. Guang, I'm sorry, brothers, please sacrifice yourself for the sake of your eldest brother.

Yu Zecheng pretended to attack in front, tested several times to relax the opponent's attention, and instantly broke through the powerful pillars of true energy gathered by the opponent. Then he rushed into the enemy group, released the divine thunder, and began to kill.

Under the control of Yu Zecheng's swordsmanship, the flying sword turned into the purest edge. Wherever the sword light passed, it erased all chaos and cut off all clutter.

The sword light is clear. Looking at the bottom, in the deepest place, what shines is still the dazzling edge, the only essence, without a trace of impurities, only the meaning of destruction.

The cold blade reflected the thunder and fire, radiating rays of light and accompanied by a whistling sound. The coldness spread far and wide, penetrating the heart and lungs.

Sword light flew up and down among these ten thousand people, and then blood splattered and countless blood mist rose.

The leader of the opponent actually escaped in an instant and fled far away. The eight Shi Tihuan who were connected to him were all in a state of temporary stagnation. It was a rare opportunity. The swordsmanship instantly chose to kill these eight Shi Tihuan because of the foreign race. , let go of the method of escaping the leader.

Kill, kill, kill, Yu Zecheng rushed over with his sword, and swung his sword to kill a Nascent Soul True Monarch with just one sword. Killing another person was still just one sword.

One sword can break through all kinds of magic, even if they are resisting and struggling desperately, it is meaningless under Yu Zecheng's natural swordsmanship. There is only one end for them all, which is destruction and death.

This is how Tao follows nature. At this moment, Yu Zecheng finally understood the feeling of Tao following nature in the Huangniu Valley of Xuanyuan Hill and in the water pool.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng's swordsmanship changed again. The great five elements extinguished the divine light, and the golden light escaped like thunder. All the spells that Yu Zecheng mastered were integrated into this swordsmanship. The true Taoism was natural, and one sword broke through all kinds of magic. Defeat all enemies in the world.

After these eight Nascent Soul Lords were killed, Yu Zecheng began to hunt down the escaping enemies, not sparing any of them. In the end, only the Nascent Soul Lord who made an immediate decision at the beginning fled back to the mountain gate, and all the other ten thousand people were killed. .

He drew his sword and looked around, but there was no enemy left to fight. The wilderness was deserted and there was no one left standing.

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