Xian Ao

Chapter 696: Respect is the sword, worship is the sword

The Supreme Induction Sect and Yu Zecheng were deeply involved. The Supreme Induction Sect's head, Yongsheng Zhenren, killed Zhu Gouzi and left Zhu Gouzi's ancient mirage beast, which was a good deal for Yu Zecheng. He got the sky-blue essence and the first heaven and earth spiritual treasure.

At the same time, he also got the ninth-level magic weapon Zhu Gouzi, which had saved him from danger several times.

However, Yongsheng Zhenren was poisoned by Zhu Gouzi's counterattack, and his consciousness was injured. He often forgot things. Finally, Huqin was pawned in Jian'an Town and was obtained by himself.

Later, Zhu Gouzi's broken Nascent Soul was secretly sold by the Dark Demon Sect's disciples lurking in the Supreme Induction Sect. He bought it for 4,200 spirit stones to refine it and impact his realm.

At that time, the Supreme Induction Sect disciple who sold the Nascent Soul said that his senior brother was looking for the Nascent Soul everywhere in order to impact the Nascent Soul stage. That senior brother must be Mochou Zhenren.

When Master Mochou returned to Gunzhou, we met in Yuanzhou. He seemed to follow me and later found the ghost body transformation pill refined by the Hejian Sect, and then snatched the ghost body transformation pill, which eventually led to the demise of the Hejian Sect at the hands of the Black Witch Sect and the White Witch Sect. As a result, I switched the scriptures and got the Nether Demon Scripture.

Later, I accepted Xiao San as my disciple and asked him to walk barefoot and silently, and practice asceticism. Who knew that he was captured by Master Wuyu of the Supreme Induction Sect, and he was captured for 19 years. Later, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect defeated the Tujiu League, and Xiao San was inexplicably released by the Supreme Induction Sect.

It can be said that I have a lot of ties with the Supreme Induction Sect. This time, I really need to take a good look at what the Supreme Induction Sect looks like.

The sword shadow of Master Nantian sent a letter to inform his sister, and Yu Zecheng was ready to set off immediately. The Ice and Snow Palace and the Supreme Induction Sect were both in the Mobei region. Yu Zecheng needed to cross the entire Chuxi region to reach Mobei, which would take at least a month of travel time.

This time, Yu Zecheng went alone. He did not bring his apprentice with him. Before he left, his master came to see him off. Before he left, he patted his shoulder three times.

Yu Zecheng started to hurry on his way, driving his golden lantern chariot. Unfortunately, the best one was given to Xiao San. Otherwise, driving the golden lantern chariot would be more than three times faster.

If Xiao San knew that he was going to the Supreme Induction Sect, he would be very happy to go with him to avenge the humiliation of the past. Unfortunately, he went to the Three Thousand Worlds to practice hard and has not returned yet.

Yu Zecheng drove the chariot and started to hurry on the way, driving day and night.

There was nothing wrong along the way, but there were some minor disputes. There were always some blind people who saw the majesty of the golden lantern chariot and wanted to rob it. Yu Zecheng only needed to release his breath and immediately pressed those people to the ground, and some even directly suppressed them to death.

This feeling was very good. When they arrived at the Tianqian passage from Tiannan to Chuxi, someone saw that Yu Zecheng was the Yuanying Zhenjun and immediately came out to serve Yu Zecheng, driving away the passing guests and letting Yu Zecheng go first.

All the cultivators who were driven away had no objection and watched Yu Zecheng leave with great respect. Yu Zecheng's eyes and nods made these cultivators very happy.

It was the same all the way to Chuxi. When he arrived at the market, Yu Zecheng didn't need to report his number. As long as he released his breath, countless cultivators came to serve him. From food to accommodation, it was a one-stop service, fearing that there would be a little dissatisfaction. It can be said to be perfect.

This is the authority of the Yuanying Zhenjun. He was treated like this wherever he went. This was an enjoyment that Yu Zecheng had never had before. This enjoyment included not only material, but mainly spiritual. All the cultivators saw Yu Zecheng with respectful, respectful, and even worshipful eyes. This kind of respect and worship made people feel the most elated and didn't know why.

Gradually, Yu Zecheng got used to this feeling, and naturally felt that he was indeed superior to others. When he arrived at the natural passage between Chuxi and Mobei, he was not polite and immediately released his Nascent Soul aura. Everyone automatically retreated, and Yu Zecheng passed through smoothly without queuing and without any obstruction.

When he arrived at a market in Wanzhou, Mobei, Yu Zecheng sensed in his sword technique that there was a strange fruit tree here. In the fruit forest of a hundred acres, the fruit trees were full of fruits. This fruit was different from apples and oranges. It was a strange fruit. He suddenly had an appetite and drove the golden lantern chariot to pick and taste it.

Among the disciples in the market, two Jindan Zhenren came out to stop him. Yu Zecheng was furious. Someone dared to stop him. He released his Nascent Soul aura. If these two people did not bring the fruit obediently, he would kill them.

Even though this sect had Yuanying Zhenjun Fanxu Zhenyi in charge, Yu Zecheng was not afraid. He released his Yuanying aura to show that he wanted to eat the fruit. If they didn't offer sacrifices, he would kill them. He actually offended Yuanying Zhenjun for this fruit. I'm afraid that the person in power in this sect would also curse.

The two were still trying to stop him. Yu Zecheng was about to take action, but suddenly he heard the voice of his master ringing in his ears:

"Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. Don't you remember what you looked like back then?"

When these words came out, Yu Zecheng was shocked and completely awake. He woke up from that loss. The Yuanying Dacheng's respectful and worshipful eyes along the way unconsciously made Yu Zecheng lost and fell into that state of loss.

When he left, his master patted his shoulders three times to keep the words of the sword in his body. When he was lost, it reminded him not to forget the past.

This shout made Yu Zecheng wake up immediately. He found his way out of the confusion and woke up in an instant. Sometimes the look of respect and admiration in his eyes was even scarier than the light and shadow of the sword. He had experienced it unknowingly. The calamity of being lost.

At this time, Yu Zecheng heard clearly the words of the Golden Elixir Master in front of him who stopped him from eating the fruit. It turned out that these trees had been sprayed with medicine. Although Yu Zecheng took this medicine, it would not be fatal, but it would cause diarrhea for several days, which was really serious. It was embarrassing and conspicuous, so the two of them stopped Yu Zecheng. In their market, there were ready-made large fruits of this kind, and they invited Yu Zecheng to taste them.

Yu Zecheng ate the fruit thoughtfully and said goodbye immediately, without even looking at the two of them, and drove the golden lantern chariot forward.

At this moment, he was completely sober. He no longer let out the Nascent Soul Qi, no longer overwhelmed others with the momentum of the Nascent Soul Lord, and enjoyed the warm hospitality along the way. Instead, he went on his way honestly, not coveting fame at all.

All the way north in Mobei, the weather gradually became colder and snow continued. The first place Yu Zecheng went to was the Ice and Snow Palace.

This Ice and Snow Palace is located in the northernmost part of the Mobei region, in the Arctic Tianxiaohan Mountain. It is extremely cold there, and the world seems to be frozen, but there are also some creatures there, including polar bears and a magical goose that is extremely cute.

The closer we fly to the Xiaohan Mountain in the Arctic, the colder the weather becomes, and the snowflakes fall quietly. The flying snowflakes, one after another, are like dandelions all over the sky, and like countless young and indescribable lives, trembling, rising and rippling in the vast night sky.

The sky and the earth were extremely quiet and white, and the north wind roared. The wind chased and circled rapidly in the woods, dodging the snowflakes left and right, whistling miserably.

The cold current whizzes in with goose feathers and heavy snow, the mountains roar like thunder rolling by, the pine forests surge like waves hitting the shore, and the distant mountains and nearby ridges are like white clothes.

The sky and the earth are really white, the crystal light is shining, dazzling, and boundless.

Yu Zecheng flew the golden lantern chariot on this earth. Although the world was extremely cold, the north wind was howling, and the snow was flying, it had no effect on him at all. This golden lantern chariot was indeed a treasure, and the interior of the car was like June. Such warmth.

But Yu Zecheng frowned. He looked at the land because he couldn't find the Ice and Snow Palace and was completely lost.

The sky and the earth are completely white. When I went there to locate some shrine, Yu Zecheng was completely blind and couldn't find the direction.

In fact, he could fly his sword to pass the letter and ask the Master Nanyun, but Yu Zecheng couldn't pull that face off. A Nascent Soul True Lord couldn't find a way. If he said this, whether it was good or bad, he would be completely embarrassed. He was dead, so Yu Zecheng remained silent and just searched hard.

Suddenly Yu Zecheng smiled. In response to his sword skills, he discovered a group of people in front of him. Twelve people in this group were all at the Qi Refining stage, and two of them had just reached the primary level of the innate realm.

Wearing various fur cloaks, tightly wrapped, they moved forward silently in the blizzard, advancing step by step with great difficulty.

Seeing them moving forward with a determined goal and a straight line that was not affected by the blizzard at all, Yu Zecheng suddenly thought of a legend about the Ice and Snow Palace, Kou Xianmen.

It is said that the Ice and Snow Shrine recruits disciples when the wind and snow are the strongest, allowing them to cross the North Pole in the flesh and reach the shrine. Only those who arrive can enter. Seeing that they have been walking for a long time in this weather, their leather clothes are a bit cold. Stiff, some people looked pale and unsteady on their feet, but they were still so determined. Most likely they were the disciples of the Immortal Sect.

Yu Zecheng smiled, it seems that the path to the Ice and Snow Palace can only be asked from them, but if you want to ask for it, you must first give it to it.

Suddenly, Yu Zecheng's body moved, and the One Yuan Water Dharma Body flew out. The strongest point of the One Yuan Water Dharma Body is that it can change in endless ways. It rolled in front of the group of people and turned into a huge polar bear in the distance. The bear was ten feet tall, mighty and fierce, and appeared in front of these people with a loud roar.

This big bear appeared and stormed across the snow, roaring and roaring as it walked. Suddenly, the sky and the earth seemed to be shaking. Everyone in the distance was stunned when they saw the bear and did not dare to move.

Yu Zecheng was about to send righteous men to destroy the bear. Who knew that the bear transformed by Yuanshui Dharmakaya was too huge. It roared when it walked. Suddenly there was a loud noise and an avalanche appeared, burying the bear all at once.

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