Xian Ao

Chapter 688: Initiation Ceremony and Accepting Disciples Again

Along the way, Yu Zecheng was silent. When Gu Xinwu and Qingcheng saw their master's attitude, no one dared to speak. They just flew silently, thousands of miles away, under the rapid flight of the golden lantern chariot. Soon Yu Zecheng and the other three returned to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

The last time Gu Xinwu and Qingcheng left, they were only five or six years old and didn't understand anything. Now that they are back, they look at the huge Xuanyuan Hill, the light of the sword that fills the sky, and the Yunfan fishing boat above Jishui. , suddenly felt a sense of incomparable amazement, Yu Zecheng said to them:

"Magnificent, do you know where this place used to be?

In ancient times, this place was called the Sea of ​​Silence and was occupied by the Ghost Youlong clan. There are seven Yin whirlpools in the sea. No living thing can survive here. Not even a seaweed can grow. The three thousand miles of water are completely stagnant.

After our founder of Zhongxing, Wang Yinyang, eliminated all the sects named Xuanyuan, he searched through various classics and finally found only this one record about the ancient God Emperor Xuanyuan Huangdi.

The son of Shaodian, whose surname was Gongsun, lived in the hills of Xuanyuan, so he was named Xuanyuan. He also lived in Jishui, so he changed his surname to Ji. The country has bears, also known as the bears. The king of Tu De is yellow in color, so he is called the Yellow Emperor.

That day, Wang Yinyang, the founder of Zhongxing, came here casually. The founder saw the sea, and then he drew a circle and said, there is no need to look for it. Since we can't find it, we will build one ourselves.

Then these ancestors killed the poisonous dragon, destroyed the soul of the dead, broke the Yin whirlpool, pulled the earth's veins, changed the world, moved the continent, created spiritual springs, and artificially created the Xuanyuan Hill in the sea.

Wang Yinyang, the founder of Zhongxing, split the earth and pushed the two states of Ming and Liang far away. In the sea of ​​silence of three thousand miles between the two states, he created a land of one yuan of 129,600 miles. This is our current Xuanyuan Hill.

Then the ancestors searched for famous mountains and rivers everywhere, and moved them to the foundation here using their magical power to move mountains and fill the sea. When the ancestors ascended, they had only completed eighty-eight thousand miles. It has now been eight thousand years, and now they have completed one hundred and eight thousand miles. Thousands of miles of construction.


Yu Zecheng began to tell the history of Xuanyuan Sword Sect bit by bit, from the establishment of Xuanyuan Hill to the step by step worship on the road of asking for the heart, seeking the way of heaven. Under his slow narration, Gu Xinwu and Qingcheng suddenly became excited and moved by the glorious deeds of their predecessors.

In this way, Yu Zecheng took them to Xuanyuan Hill and sent the two of them into the outer gate. Then three months later, they will be officially admitted to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

This is the fixed procedure of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. All disciples have to go through this process, and no one can be exempted from it. Fortunately, everyone knows that these two people are disciples trained by Yu Zecheng. There will definitely be no one with Yu Zecheng To rob.

Yu Zecheng deliberately wanted his two disciples to stay in Xuanyuan Outer Sect for a longer period of time, to learn more about the lives of the outer sect disciples, to see the warmth and coldness of the world, and to have more experiences, which would be an extra level for them. Insights on life.

Yu Zecheng was alone and returned to Tiandao Peak. After walking for so many years, his eldest disciple Xiaosan has not returned yet, which made Yu Zecheng very worried. He didn't know how he was doing while traveling outside.

It is still rare for the master to appear once. They are still continuing to study those things. They are still continuing after so many years. It seems that this research is extraordinary.

The only thing that makes Yu Zecheng happy is that the fourth senior brother is back, and he has transformed into Yuanying and became the True Lord Yuanying.

In fact, the fourth senior brother was the True Monarch of Nascent Soul in his previous life, and he had rich experience in this transformation. He had prepared painstakingly for more than 200 years in this life. He had a high starting point, so everything came naturally.

Yu Zecheng was really happy to see him. Yu Zecheng gradually felt that the fourth senior brother was a little different from before. There were some slight changes in personality and habits. This may be because he swallowed the two parts that separated from his previous life. Related to the Nascent Soul fragments.

After talking to the fourth senior brother for a long time, Yu Zecheng learned a sad thing from his mouth. Yu Zecheng's uncles, Fu Meng and Gu Song, practiced hard and failed to attack the Nascent Soul stage. Fu Meng went on fire. After being possessed by the devil and dying, Lone Pine's meridians were severed. After knowing that Fu Meng was dead, he also committed suicide.

The matter did not end there. After knowing that both her parents were dead, Senior Sister Jingfeng lost herself and stabbed Senior Brother Xisheng to death. She also killed all eleven of her disciples. Finally, Senior Sister Yue Kong cleared her family.

Yue Kong couldn't stand his brothers who had been brothers for many years. All his disciples died. In the end, his favorite also died in his own hands and committed suicide. This time, the lineage of Tiandaofeng's masters was completely cut off.

Hearing the news, Yu Zecheng was silent for a long time, unbelievable. He remembered the first time he saw Senior Sister Jingfeng. She was sitting on the rockery, her graceful appearance, and Senior Brother Xisheng and Senior Brother Yuekong were always following behind. The three of them Yu Zecheng could vaguely see the love triangle between people, but he didn't expect it to end like this.

As for Fu Meng and Gu Song, Yu Zecheng's impression of them was not very good. These two abandoned their daughter's apprenticeship and their responsibilities at Tiandao Peak and only knew how to practice. When Yu Zecheng came up to the mountain, they were members of the Ninety-nine Heavenly Monks. In the end, after practicing and cultivating, their junior fellow disciple Nan Tian became True Monarchs, but they still did not become Nascent Soul.

The most pity is for the few apprentices of Senior Sister Jingfeng. Those children are very clever and obedient, and I have given them many gifts. They may all be elite disciples of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect in the future, but it is a pity that they all died in this catastrophe. If you lose your life, this Tiandao Peak lineage will be cut off.

Yu Zecheng was deeply moved and continued to practice here at Tiandao Peak. Three months later, he went to the outer sect and accepted Qingcheng and Gu Xinwu as his disciples.

Yu Zecheng took the two of them to the Patriarch Hall. A total of ten disciples entered the Xuanyuan Sword Sect this time. Due to the disappearance of the Nascent Soul Masters, Master Yixin, Master Xiangchuan, and Master Chenxi did not care about worldly affairs. Finally, Yu Zecheng became the host of the ceremony.

Follow that procedure, enter the Patriarch Hall, and worship the Patriarch. Now there are not twenty-one Patriarchs. With the addition of Patriarch Xiong, there are now twenty-two Patriarchs.

Yu Zecheng slowly told the origins of these ancestors and the history of Xuanyuan Sword Sect, which immediately attracted all the ten recent disciples.

After the narration, Yu Zecheng walked at the front and knelt down to the portraits and spiritual tablets. The other real disciples all knelt down one by one. Yu Zecheng said:

"The ancestors are on top, and my disciple Yu Zecheng is here to kowtow to my ancestors. Today there are disciples Qingcheng, Gu Xinwu, Liu Ruoming, Wang Xingjia, Lancang, Poyue, Qingqiu, Wang Ran, Zhang He, Malan, etc. Ten disciples join the Xuanyuan Sword Sect and are willing to seek blessings from their ancestors and grant them the supreme sword seed to promote my divine power and protect Xuanyuan."

After saying this, Yu Zecheng bowed deeply, and all the real disciples behind him all kowtowed, three times in a row. After three bows and nine kowtows, a little brilliance suddenly appeared in the hall. The brilliance was as bright as eternal light, making people dare not Visually, a powerful aura appeared in the light. This aura energy was natural, great, peaceful, and full of power. This aura definitely did not belong to this world. In the hearts of all new disciples, they all had a feeling. This feeling is that this is the immortal energy left by the ancestor.

Suddenly ten droplets of light shot out from the light, hitting the new disciples kneeling in Qingcheng and others. The light spots were like water droplets, seeping from their eyebrows and slowly integrating into their bodies.

This is the supreme sword species blessed by the ancestor. With this sword species, one can practice Xuanyuan Sword Technique, and then six swords can be transformed into doves. I also left such a bloodline Taoist sect in the Tianmu Sect, which should be the same as this sword species. It's the same existence. It's just that the ancestor who left this sword bloodline has long since ascended, and this sword bloodline has no meaning to them now.

The sword seeds were laid out, and the inner awareness began to be activated. Qingcheng was the first to obtain the inner awareness, which was almost unbelievable. However, fortunately, all ten disciples passed this ceremony and obtained the sword seeds, which illuminated the inner awareness. People are undercover agents of other sects.

Activating his inner consciousness, Yu Zecheng began to ask Xuanyuan Three Questions, asking himself about the purpose of his apprentice's cultivation of immortality.

After three questions, he started to take the next step. Yu Zecheng said:

"Continue to the next step and light the Heart Soul Lamp."

This is called a soul-burning lamp. Every disciple of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect will have such a soul lamp. As long as the person is alive, the lamp will not go out. If the lamp is extinguished, both body and soul will be extinguished. If half of the lamp is extinguished, the body and soul will be dead. If you want to escape, the Xuanyuan Sword Sect will send someone to rescue you. If you take away your body and reincarnate, you will be reintroduced to the Xuanyuan Sect. If your soul and soul are taken away, a special team will be organized to rescue you.

Of course, if the sect is betrayed and has this soul lamp to guide the way, it will be impossible to escape from the sect's pursuit. In addition, only the master knows whether there is any magic that can directly affect people through this soul lamp.

Immediately, the ten disciples lit the soul lamps one by one, and then in the final step, Yu Zecheng began to promulgate the three main rules of Xuanyuan Sword Sect. At this point, everything was over. Xuanyuan Sword Sect had ten more disciples, and Yu Zecheng officially accepted two apprentice.

Taking them back to Tiandao Peak, Yu Zecheng began to teach them immortal arts. The first one he taught was naturally the Shocking Thorn, one of the nine techniques of destruction.

The days continued like this, passing day by day, spring passed and autumn came in the blink of an eye. On this day, Yu Zecheng brought his two apprentices to the Gulang Mansion on Xuanyuan Hill.

This place belongs to the undeveloped 21,000 miles of Xuanyuan Hill and is extremely desolate. This kind of land is suitable for Yu Zecheng's purpose of coming here, which is to let his daughter bomb him with the thunder of that day.

This is the way Yu Zecheng came up with to understand the power of the tribulation thunder. Although it is extremely dangerous to bombard himself with the tribulation thunder, it is much safer than the naturally formed tribulation thunder.

Looking at the tribulation thunder in his hand, Yu Zecheng couldn't help but smile bitterly. Each one of these tribulation thunders has infinite power. It was only by relying on these tribulation thunders that he could travel all over the world and survive one after another with the help of these tribulation thunders. It was a difficult time for me, and now it was my turn to be bombarded by this calamity.

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