Xian Ao

Chapter 685 The Fifth Fake Infant Wuxin Disciple

This glance traveled through time and space, and the two looked at each other, but in an instant, those eyes on Taixuan Mountain changed and turned into a stranger.

Yu Zecheng was in a trance, everything seemed clear, everything seemed clear, and everything seemed illusory.

At this glance, Yu Zecheng felt like he had returned to the past, back to that small house in Linhai City. He was reading a book in front of the oil lamp, his sister was playing, his mother was mending clothes for everyone, and his father was supervising. own learning. The family is in harmony and living together. Although it is not a wealthy life, it is a happy and complete one.

At this glance, Yu Zecheng burst into tears unknowingly. The tears couldn't help but stay. Everything was clear, but it was so blurry. However, Yu Zecheng knew that no matter where he went, there would be a figure behind him to support him. He can do anything for himself, even die for himself.

Nothing needs to be said, nothing needs to be said, everything is left unsaid.

Yu Zecheng turned around and glanced at his sister. She also felt what Yu Zecheng felt, and her face was also filled with tears.

This is blood, blood connection, blood connection, blood connection will never be cut off, inseparable blood connection, this is family love, the greatest emotion.

In an instant, if Yu Zecheng had some enlightenment, the golden elixir would spin wildly, and a ray of brilliance would separate from it. This brilliance would change in Yu Zecheng's Dantian, and when they come together, this brilliance is completely blood. Red, they join the four false babies swirling around the golden elixir in the dantian.

This bloody brilliance began to absorb the power of blood in Yu Zecheng's body, gathering the huge energy emitted by Yu Zecheng's Blood Gang Divine Art, and slowly transformed and gathered together.

In an instant, the eighteen ancient demon spirits captured by Yu Zecheng escaped from the Pangu world, and all merged into the blood light, and the two instantly merged into one.

Gradually, these blood energy gathered together and slowly transformed into a human form, becoming like a baby. This is the transformed Nascent Soul. Unfortunately, this Nascent Soul is between half reality and half illusion. This is just a fake baby.

However, as soon as the fake baby was formed, Yu Zecheng's body emitted countless bright lights and rays of light. The fake baby successfully transformed and was located in the Dantian, spinning around his golden elixir together with the four fake babies.

Yu Zecheng exhaled and inhaled, and the fake baby suddenly started to absorb the spiritual energy. Suddenly, a vortex of spiritual energy was formed in the world, spreading for a hundred miles. It continued to spread, and a hundred miles became a thousand miles. Even that Taixuan Mountain is within the absorption range of this vortex.

All this spiritual energy was absorbed, and wherever his eyes looked, there was this brilliant spiritual light. There were dots of spiritual light all over the sky, boundless, as if there was no end at all. Yu Zecheng's fake baby slowly breathed in and out again. The spiritual power fluctuations in the sky suddenly emitted various brilliance, and the sky seemed to be on fire. Then these brilliance gathered together and condensed towards Yu Zecheng's body. In the blink of an eye, there was no more spiritual vortex in the air.

The vortex disappeared, all the spiritual power dissipated, and suddenly a long roar sounded. This long roar resounded throughout the world, like thunder. The hearts of those who heard it jumped, and the blood in the whole body was uncontrollable. Yu Zecheng couldn't help but roar to the sky.

As he roared, the sound of cracking bones came from his body. The sound lasted a hundred and eight times. This roar, like the sound of a dragon, resounded throughout the sky, and the heaven and earth followed. His expression changed, and he slowly opened his eyes. Yu Zecheng felt the blood and family ties, and suddenly realized the way of heaven. The six great ways of heaven, the fake baby became five, and he took a crucial step towards the completion of his own transformation into a baby.

There is only one last step left. As long as he uses the power of the tribulation thunder to refine the false infant, he will have completed the most critical step. He can combine the six false infants into one and transform into the second sword dove. Then the two doves will merge and become a dove. As an egg, the real Nascent Soul has been refined.

There is just one last step left, but this step is the most difficult one to take. Yu Zecheng regrets that he had understood the power of thunder and lightning. This power of thunder and lightning is indeed the most powerful among the heavenly powers of thunder and lightning, but it is also the most powerful. It's dangerous. The thunder is unpredictable and deadly.

There are only two possibilities for the Tribulation Thunder to appear. One is that the Returning to the Void True One ascends to immortality, and the Tribulation Thunder appears, and the other is that the Returning to the Void True One takes action to fight without the protection of the barrier, and the Tribulation Thunder will also appear at that time.

However, both of these situations are inevitable. The tribulation thunder is extremely terrifying. To gain enlightenment from the tribulation thunder is like touching the tiger’s butt. Nine times out of ten, you will not be able to gain enlightenment and will be turned into ashes by the tribulation thunder. This is not the case. Just kidding, your life could be ruined if you are not careful.

Seeing that Yu Zecheng was born into a false baby, his younger sister Yu Jingxin was always by his side to protect him. During this process, visions occurred frequently, spirits were sucked from thousands of miles away, and roars shook the sky, immediately attracting countless immortal cultivators to gather here.

There are a thousand immortal cultivators gathered here, including a hundred Jindan Zhenren, and even Yuanying Zhenjun among them. They looked at Yu Zecheng in surprise, actually forming a false baby in the void at the foot of Taixuan Mountain.

Yu Zecheng's fake baby was formed, he took a deep breath, opened his eyes, and took a look at his little sister.

Yu Jingxin turned back and nodded, while Yu Zecheng looked gloomy. For some reason, the eighteen ancient demon spirits he captured in Taixuan Mountain were all integrated into this fake baby. Although there are no disadvantages now, but This fusion is completely unheard of, I don’t know if it’s good or bad.

While Yu Zecheng was thinking, someone among the people watching him whispered:

"Grandmaster, Grandmaster, this is the person I'm talking about. He captured the first-class ancient spirit and demon spirit, but it was unexpectedly not sent out. Yes, that's him, that's the crown. I know him. "

Among these monks, there was a circle of monks whispering. Yu Zecheng specialized in capturing the first-class ancient demon spirits on Taixuan Mountain. Someone had already noticed him and saw that he would not be teleported out of Taixuan Mountain. Shan, pay more attention to him.

The leader among these people was the Nascent Soul Lord. He said:

"It seems that this person must have obtained the treasure in Taixuan Mountain, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible to create a fake baby so easily. The fake baby I have now took a full twenty years, and it has not yet been refined into a real baby. infant.

Therefore, this person must have obtained the treasure, but he has just become a fake baby and will not adapt to the change of the golden elixir turning into a fake baby. His combat power deficiency is not something to be afraid of.

Go, A Ming, to stir up trouble. Our Wuxin Sect wants these two. "

He judged others by himself, used his own standards, calculated against Yu Zecheng, and immediately issued an order. The Jindan Daoist he mentioned flew away and shouted:

"Both of you, please stay. I, Master Wuxin Sect Mingxin, please hand over the treasures you stole from this sect."

When the "Wuxin Sect" heard this, Yu Zecheng was stunned. This sect is one of the top sects, has a huge power, and has some connections with Yu Zecheng. Back then, when he was selling liquor in the Dazao Buddha Sect, he was ambushed and blackmailed. The person who took the lead seemed to be the grandson of Ziluo Shenjun, the leader of the Wuxin Sect.

Mu Siyi and the Purple God Lord had a bloody feud. The Ziluo God Lord's son bullied others and took a fancy to Mu Siyi's mother. In the end, he failed to seize the opportunity and his son was beaten. I took action and killed Mu Siyi's entire family. Only Mu Siyi escaped. come out.

But the leader of the Wuxin Sect, Ziluo Shenjun, is the true one god with unlimited magic power and countless wives and concubines. Yu Zecheng promised to avenge her. Both of them knew that it was just a talk. It is even more difficult to take revenge. .

This Purple God King is also a unique one. It is said that he gave birth to forty-five sons and countless daughters. As for the grandsons, it is difficult to calculate.

The Wuxin Sect has a huge power among the Sect, with weird magic and a sect that has been established for thousands of years. They believe in the principle of "the way of heaven, if there is more damage, make up for the deficiency".

The martial arts in the sect are all about "if you want to get something, you must give it first", that is, you must first sacrifice an organ in your body, and then obtain the corresponding ability.

Use secret methods to remove certain organs of the body, such as the heart, lungs, spleen, liver, etc., and obtain the purest innate life energy to improve your cultivation without affecting the functions of the physical body.

The organ does not really disappear, but becomes a core that continues to perform its original functions and continuously provides life energy.

Turn the heart into the innate life energy of fire, the liver into the innate life energy of wood, the kidneys into the innate life energy of water, the lungs into metal innate life energy, and the spleen into earth. It belongs to the innate destiny energy.

Their sect starts refining one organ during the Qi refining stage and refines the second organ during the Foundation building stage. All five elements are complete. As long as the body does not explode and die, it will naturally form elixirs. In the golden elixir stage, the five qi return to the origin and merge into one, which will lead to the formation of the Nascent Soul.

The practice of this sect is easy first and then difficult. As long as someone leads the way, it is easy to practice. Refining an organ to obtain the innate life energy is extremely easy during the energy refining period, and the disciples can master it in just one practice.

But the foundation building stage is a life and death barrier. They don't need to take any foundation building pills. They only need to refine the second type of internal organs to successfully build the foundation. But the training in the foundation building period is the most difficult step.

Refining the internal organs, changing the body, and going against the will of heaven. When you get the innate life energy, you will get greater danger. It is easy for the five elements to conflict when developing new life energy, and you will die accidentally. The Qi is chaotic and the body explodes to death. In this level, nine out of ten disciples of the Wuxin Sect will die here.

And what’s even more frightening is that as long as you undergo transformation, it is irreversible and cannot be stagnated. The organs will transform on their own and cannot be stopped. You must risk your life and persist in cultivation.

As long as you refine the five kinds of internal organs and obtain the five elements of life energy during the foundation building period, as long as you don't die and have all five kinds of energy, it will be easy to generate a golden elixir.

If the five elements are complete and the golden elixir is obtained, then the difficulty will be overcome and there will no longer be the danger of body explosion. However, the integration of the five qi, the return of the five qi to the origin, and the refining into a baby are several times more difficult than other sects. This is the first step. Two hurdles.

Disciples of this sect refine organs, birth Qi of Life, damage their bodies, and live and die on a day-to-day basis. They all have violent personalities and do whatever they say. Sometimes dying in battle is a relief for them.

When they become Jindan Zhenren, all five Qi are intact, and there is no danger of body explosion, but the character has been developed and can no longer be changed.

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