Xian Ao

Chapter 676 Return to Jingxin and explore Taixuan

When the fake baby turned four, Yu Zecheng was not happy or happy, it just happened naturally. He was not surprised by honor or disgrace. He walked home leisurely. His only instruction was to cook more good dishes tonight.

Five years have passed, and her daughter is already eleven, and Ran Ran is already a little girl. She has now reached the intermediate level of Qi Entrainment during the Qi Refining Stage, which is equivalent to her two junior brothers.

Yu Zecheng knew that she did this on purpose. Her practice consisted of three days of fishing and two days of drying nets, and she had never put any thought into it. Not as desperate as her two junior brothers.

Yu Zecheng's third apprentice, Gu Xinwu, although only eleven, has a steady, heroic and rough character. Now we can see the burly physique of the future, he must be a strong man. The fourth apprentice, Liu Yan, is very similar to Yu Zecheng when he was young. He has bright eyes and is extremely smart. Of these two apprentices, Yu Zecheng actually liked Liu Yan very much, but they both treated them equally and taught them carefully.

Yu Zecheng ranked them in the order of entry according to the rules of the apprenticeship. His daughter was the second apprentice, Gu Xinwu was the third apprentice, and Liu Yan was the fourth apprentice.

My daughter Yu Zecheng originally wanted to name her Li Qingqing, which means that the young are better than the blue, to commemorate Jialan. That day in school, the teacher Zhu Li changed her name to Li Qingcheng. A seven-year-old daughter said:

"This girl will surely captivate the country and the city in the future. I hope she will not have the tragedy of the beacon fire drama in the future. She is named Qingcheng, which is homophonic to Qingcheng Mountain in the ancient Qin region. Qingcheng is a quiet place in the world. I hope she will live a safe life."

My daughter, who was playing at that time, suddenly raised her head and said:

"Playing with the princes with beacon fire? If you want to do it, I will also be the Emperor Wu Zhou to protect my life? The six realms of the sky are small and small places, hum."

In an instant, she turned into that innocent and lively little girl again, leaving only Yu Zecheng and Zhu Li sweating.

Originally, Yu Zecheng wanted her to be named Li, but she replied:

"My surname is not Yu, why should I be surnamed Li?"

From then on, from then on, she was called Qingcheng.

The three children grew up little by little. The eldest son of the woman whom Yu Zecheng helped was already in his twenties this year. Yu Zecheng married him and had children. He took root in this Linhai City. He no longer worked as a clerk in a bookstore. He became a swordsman and penman in the city.

The little girl is eight or nine years old this year. She spends time with her mother every day and is busy in the Yu family. She is especially friends with Qingcheng, and the two often play together.

Yu Zecheng now began to teach them how to practice immortal arts. Yu Zecheng compiled what he had learned and taught them bit by bit the Blood Gang Divine Art that he had cultivated and summarized.

This way of separation, gathering and dispersion, Yu Zecheng refined into a false baby, and now only the way of thunder and the power of blood are left.

As the years passed, Yu Zecheng continued to practice slowly in Linhai City, cultivating the power of bloodline, but he could not understand the way of bloodline for a long time.

Yu Zecheng sighed, it seems that such hard training has reached a bottleneck, and the remaining two paths are difficult to understand. If you work hard here, you can't go any further. It's time for you to go out and travel around. arrive.

On this day, I suddenly received a letter from my sister Yu Jingxin. I thought about it for a while, but my heart moved. Yu Zecheng could no longer sit still. After arranging the affairs at home, he got up and traveled far away.

I haven't seen my sister for ten years. Her master Jialan disappeared. I don't know how she is now. Why are you looking for me now? Yu Zecheng had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

My sister's Feijian sent a letter to Yu Zecheng and asked him to go to Jinyu Tower in Xiazhou, Chuxi for a while. Yu Zecheng met and started to hurry up to see how his sister was doing now.

The golden lantern chariot took off, crossed the natural chasm, arrived at Chuxi, and then flew to Xiazhou. The journey was so fast that Yu Zecheng finally set foot on this long road again after many years of rest.

Finally, we arrived at Jinyu Tower in Xiazhou on this day. This tower is a famous sight in Xiazhou and is famous all over the world. Jinyu Tower is located in Wutang Kingdom of Xiazhou. One of the six most famous towers in the world, it is as famous as the Yellow River Tower, Tengwang Pavilion and Yueyang Tower. It is known as "the first building in the world". On the left is the Bashu peaks, which accept the Xiaoxiang Tianshui. The seven major water veins of Xiazhou gather here. The hot and cold water systems of the major water systems meet, creating the majestic appearance of the three towns standing against each other with continuous mist and rain.

This place is located on the eastern edge of the Jianghan Plain. The remaining hills of southeastern Hubei are undulating between plains and lakes. The turtle and snake mountains are sandwiched between each other. The boats on the river are woven together, which is a work of nature.

Yu Zecheng strolled here, and the mountains and rivers here were indeed picturesque and beautiful. He slowly entered the Jinyu Tower and sensed his sister's location as soon as he entered the building.

Yu Jingxin was sitting by a window, looking out at the splendid mountains and rivers in front of her. She was silent, as if she had endless thoughts.

Yu Zecheng walked over slowly, sat opposite and looked at his little sister. Although she didn't speak, there was a trace of sadness on her face, but she still had a strong aura.

The guests at other tables around him smiled and waited to see Yu Zecheng's joke. At first, many young men who admired his beauty and thought they were charming went to chat with him, but in the end they were all scolded back, and several others were kicked downstairs. .

People were waiting to see what happened to Yu Zecheng. Who knew that nothing happened to the two of them, which was surprising.

Yu Zecheng sat here with his little sister without saying a word. After sitting there for a long time, Yu Jingxin said:

"Where is my master? Has she left forever?"

Yu Zecheng replied:

"She's gone and won't come back."

After answering this, Yu Jingxin couldn't help crying. She only had so many relatives, her master disappeared, and the biggest guard of honor was gone. She couldn't help but start crying.

Yu Zecheng remained silent and looked at his sister.

After Yu Jingxin cried, she stopped crying in an instant and said:

"She's really gone? Never coming back?"

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"She and I have a child named Qingcheng."

Yu Jingxin said:

"I saw it when there was the Xiong Ascension Conference. Master saw you and was excited for three days and three nights. Then she started to make arrangements for her own funeral. That's when I felt it."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Jialan is gone, no one will bully you, right?"

Yu Jingxin said:

"No, no one dares to bully me. If I didn't bully them, I would already be in trouble.

By the way, brother, I want to enter the six realms of reincarnation. I will never leave until I become the master of demons. "

Yu Zecheng was stunned when he heard this and said:

"What did you say? Are you going to enter the six realms of reincarnation? Are you swearing to become a demon?"

Yu Jingxin nodded firmly and said:

"Yes, I want to imitate Master and enter the six realms of reincarnation."

Yu Zecheng said anxiously:

"No, there is a one in ten thousand chance there. It's too dangerous, you can't..."

But when he saw Yu Jingxin's firm expression, he knew that there was no point in talking about anything. His sister was determined and would never regret it. Yu Zecheng could only say:

"Why, why?"

Yu Jingxin replied:

"I really hate that practice. I have to practice hard for countless years before I can improve to a certain level. To improve a certain level, I have to stay in seclusion for three to five years. It's boring to death. But if your level is not high and your spells are not strong, no one will believe you. , sailing against the current, if you don’t advance, you will retreat.

My master can do it, why can’t I? So I want to enter the six realms of reincarnation and fight for life and death. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"Is that a one in ten thousand chance?"

Yu Jingxin replied:

"Actually, it is one in 40,000. Since the collapse of Xian Qin, this treasure fell into the hands of our Demon Sect Alliance and entered the 76,421 monks. Only the master and one other person have succeeded. Now they have all Ascension. I will be the third person.”

Yu Zecheng said:

"It means becoming the Lord of Heavenly Demons, but those are high-level warriors of Xian Qin. Sometimes they can't help themselves and will be controlled by Xian Qin."

Yu Jingxin said:

"If Xian Qin collapses, what descendants will there be? I have a way to solve this problem."

Yu Zecheng still wanted to persuade his sister, but when he saw the look in his sister's eyes, he knew that it would be useless to talk about anything. She was determined and said that it was useless. She could only sigh and said:

"Jialan said that you would definitely be like this, and you all want me. I wish I had advised you more before."

Yu Jingxin said:

"Don't worry, brother, your sister can definitely do it. Your Five Elements Spiritual Roots can be cultivated to the realm of false babies. Although I am only in the early stages of my heartbeat, your sister is definitely no worse than you."

Yu Jingxin has always wanted to be strong in her life. When she saw her brother today, she immediately discovered that her brother, who had the Five Elements Spiritual Roots, had formed a false baby. The idea of ​​entering the six realms of reincarnation suddenly became extremely firm, and there was no longer any hesitation.

Yu Jingxin continued:

"Brother, I'm looking for you this time because there is actually one thing. After entering the six realms of reincarnation, I don't know life or death, but there is one thing that I really don't want to be clear about. That is whether our father is alive or dead, and whether he is a human being or not. Ghost, that’s why I want to explore Taixuan Mountain again to see if our father is there.”

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Okay, let's go together, little sister. I have a treasure place where you can quickly improve your cultivation. It's called the Three Thousand Realms. As long as you get recognition from one realm there, you can advance to a higher level. I'll tell you that place. You go If you practice there, your realm will improve quickly. Don’t go to those six realms..."

Yu Jingxin interrupted Yu Zecheng and said:

"The golden elixir is easy to rise, but what about the Nascent Soul? I don't imagine them practicing hard all day long, knowing nothing, and not caring about anything. I have my own life, so don't talk about this, brother."

Yu Zecheng was silent for a moment, and after a long time he said:

"In those three thousand realms, I met three big demons, all of them were Nascent Soul level demons. I killed all the demons in the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons one by one. When those demons saw me, they all thought I was the wrong person and said that I It’s the Corpse Emperor, I suspect…”

Yu Jingxin gritted her teeth and said:

"The Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, the Great Demon, and the Corpse Emperor? What's the use of doubting. Let's go, brother, let's explore Taixuan Mountain, one of the ten most dangerous places in the world of immortality."

Yu Zecheng glanced at the beautiful rivers and mountains outside the window and said:

"Tai Xuan Mountain?"

"Let's go, let us brothers and sisters see how dangerous these ten dangerous places are."

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