Xian Ao

Chapter 663: A Battle between Yuanying and a Peerless Blow

The sword pillar's light did not stop after strangling four people, and continued to move forward.

The three golden elixir masters who had escaped from death suddenly joined forces and formed a strange formation. One of them issued a green sword light, then the second person also issued a red sword light, and the third person issued a blue sword light. Suddenly, three kinds of sword light came together, and the three colors merged into one, turning into a strange light. Together with the sword light, the space seemed to shake. He rushed towards the sword pillar that was bombarding him.

There was an explosion, and Yu Zecheng's sword pillar of the four heavens collided with the opponent's three-color sword and dissipated immediately.

Yu Ze was stunned for a moment. The combined sword technique of these three primary colors is very magical. It seems to be able to decompose one's own power of heaven. This is the advantage of the famous sect. Thousands of years of inheritance and countless immortal techniques have been passed down to achieve this. Divine power.

The three people on the other side suddenly changed again, and they were in a line, and the three of them were connected.

The first person shouted: "The eight-power divine mantra restrains the demons and sends them away, and they can kill all the demons. The sun and the moon have five stars, and the Big Dipper has seven elements. All the heavens, all the earth, all the waters and the mountains. The supreme god, Ming Ling."

The second person shouted: "The beginning of the Yuan Dynasty is true, the five thunders are noble. God has sent down the decree, and the eight gates of Donglang are shining brightly, and no one can miss it." The third person shouted: "The beasts in the sky, the four gates of Lobu. When the call came, the red book shone, and the wind and fire were endless. The dragon responded, and the golden dragon delivered the message. "The three mantras were spoken at the same time, and they were chanted faster and faster, and the three of them opened their mouths at the same time and spit them out. A mouthful of blood, the blood turned into three primary color sword lights, red, green and blue, together again, this time split into seventy-two flying swords, with the help of this magic spell, towards Yu Zecheng The sword comes.

This sword actually did not attack Yu Zecheng, but instantly formed a cage around Yu Zecheng, trapping Yu Zecheng.

The light of this cage flickers, forming a light cage a hundred feet away from Yu Zecheng's side. Each side of this light cage is composed of twelve light pillars. Each light pillar is three feet thick. There are six sides in total, one side is twelve. .

The light pillars are all ten feet away from each other, and the rest are hundreds of feet away, forming a three-dimensional light prison. But the pillars are so far apart, how can they lock people in?

When the three golden elixir masters used this spell, they all vomited blood and couldn't even control the flying swords in the air. It can be seen that the price they paid, Yu Zecheng did not dare to act rashly. This is definitely not a bluff, and there must be something to say.

Suddenly someone said:

"Be careful, this is the Light God's Heart-locking Cage. This Heart-locking Cage has no offensive power. It only has the function of trapping enemies. Only a powerful blow from the Nascent Soul Lord can destroy this cage. As long as you stay there for three hundred breaths, That light cage will break down on its own."

The voice of this voice transmitter is extremely gentle and extremely sweet. This is not Bai Su's voice transmitter. Who is it?

The seven Nascent Soul Lords who were fighting in the distance, Nascent Soul Lord of Yi She Kuai Sword Sect, suddenly flashed their swords and flew towards this side. Although the two True Lords of Kaishan and Pohai wanted to stop him from coming, they couldn't. The remaining four people were injured but tried their best to prevent the two of them from coming to the rescue.

It seems that the other party saw that other Jindan masters were not Yu Zecheng's opponents, and wanted to come over and kill Yu Zecheng to prevent things from changing.

It's a thousand miles away from here, but Yi She Kuai Jian Sect is famous for its fast swords. It takes less than a hundred breaths to reach this thousand miles. It seems that he wants to rush here to kill Yu Zecheng before the light cage disappears.

Yu Zecheng took a deep breath, twisted his neck back and forth, and slowly sang acapella:

"The light of the sword is too clean in the morning, but the light of the sword is too cold in the evening. I have the sword of time and the jade edge to cut through the robbery clouds."

Following Yu Zecheng's first line of Chao Suan Jian Guang Jing's acapella, the six mother swords of Feiyi Sword, Ningliu Sword, Xinhui Sword, Xiaoyao Sword, Xingyu Sword, and Light Prison Sword emerged, and the six swords merged. First, the power of the sword and dove emerges, and then I transform into a dove.

Following the second line of Mu's acapella song about how cold the light of the sword was, above Yu Zecheng's sword dove, the stars in the sky fell and turned into flying feathers. The power of the stars turned into the swordsmanship of the sword star feathers. On top of the sword dove, Transformed into countless dove feathers to protect the sword dove.

Above the sword dove, a phantom flew out. This phantom seemed to penetrate the world. This was Yu Zecheng's Jian Xiaoyao's Vast Sea and Sky Swordsmanship. This swordsmanship had already competed with Yu Zecheng's three golden elixir fields. The cross-border Hunyuan Divine Sense Technique merges into one, and the range of hundreds of miles is covered by the control induction of this phantom. This phantom is constantly dividing and harmonizing. This is the power of heaven that divides, gathers and disperses.

In fact, Yu Zecheng's sword skill of Jian Xiaoyao is his weak point. The one hundred and eight sword pets were lost in the Great Freedom. Yu Zecheng's success is not in refining sword pets. However, this sword skill of Jian Xiaoyao is the sword of the vast sea and sky. My technique is Yu Zecheng's favorite sword technique and he uses it all the time.

When I sang the third line of "I have the sword of time and shadow", the path of the morning sun came from the sky, with thousands of rays of light, turning into a prison of sword light, lying on the sword dove.

At the same time, two rays of light flashed slightly, hidden in the six light prison swords. One of the two rays of light seemed to be eternal in an instant, and the other was a clear light that would be passed down forever. These were the instant brilliance and eternity of the ninth-order flying sword. Sun, Moon, and Two Swordsmen were all invited by Yu Zecheng to use their power to fight against powerful enemies.

In the last sentence, the jade edge slashed the robbery cloud, and the killing power descended from the air, turning into a word "kill" on Yu Zecheng's back. The seven fairy eyes on Yu Zecheng's head opened instantly, and then closed instantly.

The fairy eye in the middle seemed to contain powerful power, and then the power disappeared. As soon as the Immortal Eye of Creation moved, the light cage that trapped Yu Zecheng immediately changed.

Yu Zecheng now increases all his combat power, and he wants to fight against the returning Nascent Soul.

After four lines of a cappella singing, there was a roar, and the light beam cage that surrounded him suddenly collapsed.

Yu Zecheng rose into the air, and the expression of the Yuan Ying True Lord in the distance changed. He was afraid that Yu Zecheng would kill other Jindan Daoist by force, so he immediately accelerated. In his eyes, Yu Zecheng was definitely not Jindan Daoist, otherwise it would be impossible. Killing four Jindan Daoists with one sword, and now destroying the light cage in an instant, further deepened his suspicion.

Yu Zecheng just smiled, and with a turn of sword light, he flew towards the Nascent Soul True Monarch. He actually used the weak to attack the strong without flinching, and launched a challenge to the opponent.

Yu Zecheng rose up with his sword and flew towards the Nascent Soul True Monarch. The two faced each other, one with quick lightning and the other with the form of a dove, and immediately a battle began.

The Jindan masters fighting here all stopped fighting and stared blankly at the impact of the two men. The two golden elixir masters from the Wanjian Demon Sect dropped to the ground on the island and looked at them in surprise. One of them was Gao Tianxin, whom Yu Zecheng had known back then. He looked at Yu Zecheng stupidly, not believing his own eyes.

In addition, the Jindan master in the sky was also looking at him in surprise. Bai Su's eyes were full of surprise and worry for Yu Zecheng.

The Jindan masters of the Six Sects Sword Alliance looked at Yu Zecheng hatefully. The two swords Yu Zecheng started to strike had already frightened them. The Jindan masters of the first Galaxy Star Sword Sect were these Jindan masters. The commander-in-chief, who was already a strong man at the peak of the Golden Core stage, was actually exploded with a sword, which made everyone feel chilled.

Just now, seven people were besieging them, but with one strike, four people were killed, and the other three were forced to use the Three Primary Color Divine Sword. Their skills were regressed by a hundred years. If the Nascent Soul Master didn't come back to save the situation, they all had the intention of retreating. .

The Nascent Soul True Monarch was getting faster and faster, emitting a golden sword light, lightning flashed from a distance, the majestic golden sword light was like a tide, and in an instant it covered the world with a radius of hundreds of miles. In this purple world, only the area ten feet around Yu Zecheng's body did not have a trace of golden sword light.

The golden light rippled gently like water waves, emitting a strange sword sound between the heaven and the earth. This was the sword light that was so fast that it could be seen by the naked eye. The resonance caused by the heaven and earth caused all Jindan Daoist people present involuntarily. His face changed drastically, and his heart was beating wildly.

The golden sword light in the sky turned into lightning, and struck down with a bang. A simple strike, but in an instant integrated all the changes in Qi within a thousand miles. At this moment, the whole world was controlled by the light of the sword. With the point of the sword, the mountains were shattered, the rivers were cut off, and the sky collapsed. , there is no one and nothing to challenge him.

Yu Zecheng let out a low roar and turned into a bit of platinum sword light to buck the trend. That sword light was like a candlelight under the scorching sun under the sword light that towered over the sky. But this candlelight is full of indomitable tragedy, an unshakable determination.

Bai Su stood watching from a distance, feeling that the platinum sword light was like a praying mantis seeking death, or like an overestimating tree-shaking worm. However, it was obviously extremely weak, but it made her feel that unyielding power. Strong fighting spirit. For some reason, Bai Su couldn't help but widen his eyes and hold his breath, waiting for the final result.

That bit of platinum sword light became more and more prosperous, stronger and brighter. At the end, two huge sword lights appeared. The two merged into one, a moment of brilliance, the eternal sun and moon, the sun and moon were bright, illuminating everything.

It was like a platinum sun rising in the sky. No, that light is ten times and a hundred times more powerful than the sun.

The golden sword light and the platinum sword light connected silently, and the world seemed to stop at this moment. There was only a silent collision between the two sword lights. The two sword lights simultaneously changed into something impossible, and the sword lights became powerful again for several seconds at the same time. times. In an instant, the stars in the sea disappeared without a trace, leaving only two sword lights blooming with endless light.

At this moment, all the creatures in the Cang Qiong Sea within a thousand miles radius felt sincere fear in their hearts. This is a kind of fear that people feel before an irresistible disaster, a kind of helpless despair that fills everyone's heart.

After the two sword lights solidified for a thousandth of a second, several heavenly forces collided directly.

The instant impact tore apart everything in the world. A white light roared up, and then a mushroom cloud rose up from the sky. After a pause, the white light spread in all directions. The light passed by, causing water ripples in the space to ripple, "Boom, boom, boom, boom..." The earth-shattering violent roars were superimposed together, and the huge sound waves spread thousands of miles. The confrontation between the two destroyed everything, and the sea roared. , forming a hundred-foot tsunami.


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