Xian Ao

Chapter 661 The Sky-Splitting War on the Sky and the Sea

Yu Zecheng strolled in Chang'an City, without any purpose, just walking around casually, without saying a word, leisurely and leisurely. The departure of Tianmo Jialan was like losing a part of his life. He had been inseparable for three or four years, and now he suddenly lost it. He said in his heart Unable to express sadness, there is a feeling that is difficult to accept.

The sky is getting slightly brighter, and in Chang'an City, the vendors have already gotten up early, and the breakfast vendors have already set up their breakfast stalls, offering pancakes and fruit, fried dough sticks and soy milk, steamed buns with tofu, beef hotpot, steamed buns with pickles, and haggis soup. There are waves of fragrance everywhere.

Yu Zecheng randomly found a breakfast stall and ordered a fried dough sticks and tofu puffs. After drinking the slightly fragrant tofu puffs, a wave of heat filled his body. Suddenly he felt like he was alive, and he had to continue living. If you want to live a good life, you must pursue and realize your ideals, and you cannot be bound by the past. The past is past.

This is the morning sun rising, and the first ray of sunlight slowly shines on Yu Zecheng's face. Feeling the brilliance of the morning sun, Yu Zecheng smiles, leaving behind all the troubles and sorrows of Jialan's departure. He looked at the sunshine and felt the arrival of a new day, the beating of the heart of life in his belly, and the arrival of a new beginning.

Yu Zecheng decided to return to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. He has been away for more than four years. It is time for him to return to the sect. I don’t know what has happened in the sect these years. Whether the master and the others have finished their work, and whether everything has changed. I am thinking here. , Yu Zecheng drove his golden lantern chariot back to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

The Golden Lantern Chariot can absorb all kinds of flying cars. After absorbing it, it will possess the characteristics of these flying cars. It can turn into the shape of thunder and lightning like the Thunder Speeding Car, or it can be as huge as the Raging Sea Shark Ship, integrating the characteristics of these flying boats. , can also transform into various forms of flying cars, making it the best flying car in the world.

This chariot is also a battle magic weapon with infinite combat capabilities. I remember that Qi Henggong relied on these three thousand golden lantern chariots to form an invincible chariot array across the world, which no one could defeat.

Yu Zecheng found a total of forty-nine entities of this golden lantern chariot in the Longling of Qinglong. In this Longling, they were actually used as oil lamps. The wealth and heroism of the Qinglong clan immediately made Yu Zecheng dumbfounded.

With these forty-nine golden lantern chariots, Yu Zecheng had a plan in mind, which was to restore the invincible chariot formation of Qi Henggong back then, so that the Xuanyuan Sword Sect would increase its powerful combat power.

Yu Zecheng never thought that the oil lamp in the Dragon Tomb turned out to be the golden lamp chariot, so Yu Zecheng sealed all the indistinguishable items in the Dragon Tomb until Lao Qi of Pangu World was restored. , for identification. So as not to make people laugh at you if you don’t know the treasure.

It's a pity that he forgot about the treasure in Longling in the Xiling Xianqin ruins. However, Yu Zecheng didn't want to have too frequent contact with the cave magic spirit in Xiling. Bai Hexi didn't mention it from far away. The Blissful Shinichi and Yumiao Shinichi are examples. The less contact with this guy, the better.

For this golden lantern chariot formation, Yu Zecheng still needs to go to the Shenwei Sect to find the magic of the golden lantern chariot. The magic of the golden lantern chariot he now masters is brought about by the fusion of sword pets and is not something he has painstakingly mastered. , I only know the specific technique of use, I can only understand it but cannot explain it in words, and I cannot teach it to others. If you want to teach others, you must at least reach the realm of returning to the void. Then you can divide this technique into a method and teach it to others, but then the golden lantern chariot will not be so important.

In addition, some immortal Qin virtual magic weapon spirits must be obtained to activate these chariots, but this is not a problem. If you find Brother Bai Hexi and use his methods, you can get it.

Yu Zecheng was making calculations while driving the golden lantern chariot into the sky. He was at an altitude of six thousand feet. The golden lantern chariot was completely simple and simple. It looked like the most ordinary speeding car, but its speed was astonishingly fast. Miles come in an instant, and you can fly twenty thousand miles in one hour.

Yu Zecheng flew to the location of the natural moat in the ancient Qin region. After passing that moat, he could return to the Tiannan region, and then return to his home Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

Suddenly, a huge fluctuation of vitality erupted thousands of miles away. This fluctuation of vitality exploded rapidly. This was a sign that there was a duel between Nascent Soul masters ahead and the formation of a big sky tilt.

This is the deep sea of ​​the Cangqiong Sea. It seems that this Tianqing explosion will not cause any major disaster.

Yu Zecheng realized this burst of vitality, savored it slowly, and immediately turned around and flew towards the location where the sky tilt occurred, because the various energies that exploded in the sky were all sword energy, and one of them was obviously Sky-Splitting Sword Qi, two powerful Sky-Splitting Sword Qi have been merged into one. This is the art of combining two swords. This is the Sky-Splitting Sword Sect fighting against powerful enemies. The five major sword sects have the same origin, so Yu Zecheng turned to Fly away where you fell in love that day.

As soon as the speeding car turned, its shape changed in an instant, turning into the thunder speeding car, which was like a bolt of lightning, flying towards the land of heaven as fast as lightning.

The roar of thunder reached the battlefield in the sky in an instant. The battlefield was actually divided into two places. One was the place where the Nascent Soul battle was in the distance. It spread for thousands of miles. Among them, the Nascent Souls of the two Sky-Splitting Sword sects fought against five Yuan Yings of the opponent. Ying, the auras of those two Nascent Souls are clearly the two Nascent Souls of Kaishan and Pohai. The two of them have joined forces with their swords.

Yu Zecheng, Kaishan and Pohai, met them several times. In the Wuliang Sect and the Dan Sect, they were the two representatives of the Split Heaven Sword Sect and were guests there. They are very friendly to Yu Zecheng, so they must help in this battle.

The five Nascent Souls opposite each other were like a stream of light, so fast that it was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye. At this speed, Yu Zecheng immediately realized that they were the Nascent Soul Lord of the Yi She Kuai Jian Sect.

Yi shot the Kuai Jian Sect and founded the sect with the Kuai Sword. They promoted themselves that their ancestor was Hou Yi, the great god and mighty warrior in the Xuanyuan Huangdi era, and they used the twelve-color Kuai Sword to run rampant in Mobei. The person who drives the green sword light is this disciple.

The other three people also merged into one, forming a strange three-person formation. Sometimes they gathered and dispersed, and the three of them became one, bringing their strength together. This formation was taught by Yu Zecheng back then, and it was one of the sword formations of the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect. In the past, he had fought against this sword sect disciple in Dan Sect.

This is the Dayan Zongheng Sword Sect. They are best at combined fencing. They can set up infinite sword arrays and instantly unite many people into one.

There is another person who is like a galaxy, stretching across the sky. Looking at the majesty of this sword energy, this must be the Nascent Soul Lord of the Galaxy Star Sword Sect.

The Galaxy Star Sword Sect was born in the Tianhe Sword Sect. Each sword is like the Milky Way flying down the river. Billions of silver sword lights merge into one. Together with the Jiuyao Twelve Star Swordsmanship that secretly hurts people, it has established a great reputation in the Suiyuan area.

These seven people fought, and the battlefield spanned thousands of miles. Their bodies all turned into sword lights and sword energy, criss-crossing the sky and the earth. The two swords of Kaishan and Breaking the Sea are combined to fight against the opponent's three major sword sects and five major Nascent Souls.

The other battlefield was on an island, where there was also raging sword light, but the battlefield area was only a hundred miles away. It was probably the Jindan masters who were fighting there, and Yu Zecheng immediately drove his speeding car straight to this place.

Before they could fly to the battlefield, two streaks of light instantly rushed into the air, and two Foundation Establishment monks wielded flying swords to block the speeding car.

The two shouted:

"The Six Swords Alliance is here to do business. Fellow Taoist, please come back."

The flying swords of these two men were as fast as light and lightning. At first glance, they were the foundation-building monks of the Yi She Kuai Sword Sect.

The chariot driven by Yu Zecheng changed and immediately transformed into its original appearance as a golden lantern chariot. He raised his hand and sent a sword energy to the sky, and a huge sword-shaped mark suddenly appeared in the sky. This was the mark of the Xuanyuan Sword of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect.

As soon as this mark came out, the atmosphere of the entire battlefield suddenly changed. When everyone saw this mark, they knew that the Sky Splitting Sword Sect was coming for reinforcements, and they all became nervous.

When the two foundation-building monks saw this mark, their expressions suddenly changed. They gritted their teeth and released two sword lights to attack Yu Zecheng.

A small character dared to draw a sword in front of him. Yu Zecheng put away the golden lantern chariot. It was really embarrassing to use this treasure on a battlefield where all swordsmen were cultivators. Yu Zecheng took a step forward and his whole body turned into sword light. The body and sword merged into one, and he immediately charged into the battlefield.

A sword like a rainbow collided with the flying swords of the two opponent's foundation-building monks. Suddenly the opponent's sword shattered and people died. Just one sword cut them into pieces.

Yu Zecheng rushed towards the battlefield. He was going to fight. Whoever stood in front of him would be destroyed.

A ray of light came from the front, and it looked like a hanging galaxy. This was the Galaxy Star Sword Sect Jin Dan Zhenren coming out to stop Yu Zecheng. His mission is to prevent field rescues.

When the two met face to face, no one slowed down. When two strong men met, the brave one won. Both of them turned into swords and used their full strength.

Yu Zecheng's six swords merged into one, and he immediately used the power of the sword dove to turn the sword into a dove. Immediately, with a sword cry, a sword dove rushed towards the hanging galaxy, and the two collided with each other with a roar.

This person can be responsible for the task of blocking foreign enemies and rescuing here. He is also a well-known Jindan Zhenren in the Six Swords Alliance. He has understood the meaning of the Galaxy Sword and mastered the power of heaven. Perhaps he will become a Nascent Soul Zhenjun in the future and dominate an area. .

Unfortunately, nothing is possible. Among Jindan Zhenren, Yu Zecheng can be called the first person to understand the power of heaven. This makes him master the swordsmanship far beyond other Jindan Zhenren.

When two strong men meet, the brave one wins. With this attack, the sword dove rushes into the Milky Way, and then the Milky Way rises, roars, and explodes in all directions. The golden elixir master's sword was just one strike, and was immediately shattered by Yu Zecheng's sword dove. , even the golden elixir didn't have time to escape, just like this, both body and soul were destroyed.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng continued to rush towards the island. Killing the golden elixir master seemed to be a trivial matter to him.

On the battlefield of Jindan Zhenren, both sides were stunned, and all eyes were focused on Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng transformed into a human body, wandering leisurely and contentedly on the battlefield, walking forward step by step, with sword lights around him, full of murderous intent, Yu Zecheng wanted to kill.

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