Xian Ao

Chapter 654 The Quiet Sea Turns into Dust and the Three Arrows of the Poisonous Dragon

With Yu Zecheng and the four as the base points, one hundred and thirty-five Qin terracotta warriors formed a strange battle formation, like a dark cloud, overwhelming the sky and the earth. Entering the sky and sea, soaring and flying above the sea, driving the waves to roll.

The flying speed was as fast as lightning, unstoppable, soaring across the sky, jumping in time and space from time to time, traveling thousands of miles away every time. In less than a moment, a large island appeared in front of Yu Zecheng's eyes.

The island is three hundred miles in size, and the terrain is dangerous. There is a mist around the island. If you smell the mist carefully, there is an indescribable smell of sulfur. After a closer look, you can see that there is a mountain peak in the center of the island, and each peak is a Craters, and they are all active volcanoes, some are still erupting flames, and some are still flowing lava.

Bai Hexi said:

"This is the most important driving force of Xianqin's project to restore Gunzhou. The volcanic eruption here triggered the movement of the earth's crust and began the land-building changes. The volcanoes here were the key to the creation of the sea and the land.

Later, Xian Qin collapsed and everything had to be at a standstill, because the huge volcanic energy here attracted the Nielong clan to recuperate here and absorb the accumulated energy of the earth's volcanoes, which completely disrupted the Gunzhou restoration project, so we have to Get rid of the evil dragon clan here. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"What are we going to do with our hands?"

Bai Hexi said:

"You don't need to take action, as long as you are in the battle formation, this Qin Terracotta Warriors battle formation can absorb your combat experience, the laws of heaven, and the endless power.

At the same time, the three of you can also make a good summary and analysis through this battle to see if the laws of heaven and self-power you possess have really reached their peak, and whether you can go further. "

After saying this, Ji Le Zhenyi and Yu Miao Zhenyi showed disdain on their faces. Bai Hexi didn't pay attention. With an order, the Qin Terracotta Warriors battle formation began to be arranged. Nearly a hundred Qin Terracotta Warriors began to silently recite incantations, activating each magic weapon on their bodies, and they were suddenly confused. , magic barriers, dark clouds, and magical formations soared into the air, turning into streams of strange energy and moving toward the island, immediately surrounding the island within a radius of three hundred miles. All the creatures on this island can no longer leave this island and are firmly locked.

The magic circle began to cast spells again, using soul-capturing bottles, soul-capturing gourds, sapphire barriers and other soul-capturing magic weapons. The first step was to absorb the smoke that had not disappeared on the island for thousands of years. Suddenly, there was endless smoke on the island. The smoke began to dissipate, and the island gradually revealed its true appearance.

The second step begins to absorb the living souls. The creatures on the island, except for the evil dragon, immediately feel the endless suction coming from them. They fall to the ground and die one by one. The living souls are absorbed one by one. The place is completely trapped to death. Things cannot escape.

This attraction became more and more powerful. In addition to the living creatures, the trees, grass, and shrubs on the island began to wither one by one, their vitality dissipated, and they were all absorbed and died. Later, the rocks even softened and slowly turned into sand.

Seeing this scene, Ji Lezhenyi was shocked. This was completely the operation of his heavenly power, and it was running more smoothly, more grandly, and more fiercely than him. Gradually, he couldn't help but look heavy, as if he had something to say. Enlightenment.

The Nielong clan sensed the danger, and raised up a series of glorious lights to protect their lair, resisting the terrible absorption of the power of heaven from the royal magic weapon.

With Bai Hexi's spiritual thoughts, in front of the Qin Terracotta Warriors battle formation, a group of the same glorious light appeared. It was almost the same as the evil dragon's light, but it was a thousand times smaller. In the glorious light, the island's terrain gradually changed. The fuzzy forms of the dragons appeared one by one, and their locations were clearly visible. The protection of this glorious light was meaningless, and they were all discovered and locked by the Qin Terracotta Warriors formation.

This time it was Yu Miaozhen's turn to change his color. This is the highest secret of his power of heaven transforming the world. This is not simply seeing through the opponent's defense, but simulating the world, recreating the illusion, and cleverly transforming everything about the opponent. . No matter how strong the opponent's defense is, there is no way to resist the invasion of this kind of power of heaven with powerful magic, and the exhaustion of defense is completely meaningless.

In the battle formation of Qin Terracotta Warriors, a strange power began to condense. This power had a terrifying penetrating power. It was the use of the demon's power. Then this power turned into lightning bolts, which were surprisingly the rest of the world. Then it becomes the power of thunder.

In an instant, thunder and lightning struck out, and the island suddenly howled. All the thunder and lightning penetrated the light-consuming protection, and blood exploded everywhere in the glorious light. In the blink of an eye, in the evil dragon's lair that was magically transformed in front of you. , the three true dragon-level evil dragons came out to block the thunder and lightning bombardment. The other evil dragons suddenly had their heads shot and fell down with no sign of life.

As soon as this spell was used, the expressions of Yu Miao Zhenyi and Jie Le Zhenyi all changed, because at that moment, the attack was unavoidable, and if it bombarded them, they would not be able to resist it.

The three evil dragons roared angrily, and they rose into the sky. All their descendants were killed in one blow, and their hearts were filled with anger.

The three evil dragons flew into the air furiously and rushed into the mist formed by the magic weapons that filled the sky. They were immediately separated one by one. It seemed that they were all in an illusion, and they did not realize that they had been ambushed. But this ambush can only disorient them, but cannot attack them. As long as they attack together, they will immediately discover the phantom formation and break through the restriction.

The magic formation controlled by Bai Hexi confused them one by one. The three evil dragons were each confused by the magic formation in the sky and launched their own attacks.

In the battle formation of the Qin Terracotta Warriors, five Qin Terracotta Warriors suddenly separated and turned into streams of light and rushed into the evil dragon's lair. They flew back within a moment. Each of them held more than a hundred dragon eggs. These were the evil dragon's dragons. egg.

These dragon eggs are the size of a human head and cannot be put into the storage space. They are photographed by these Qin warriors and float in front of and behind them.

All the dragon eggs were immediately saved one by one, but three of them were not saved and were brought to Bai Hexi.

Bai Hexi broke one of them into pieces, and immediately revealed an immature evil dragon prototype inside, which had been about half hatched. Then Bai Hexi began to cast spells, using the evil dragon prototype as a carrier to cast unknown spells in it, and saw the evil dragon prototype. The prototype of the dragon slowly changed, turning into a ball of green flesh and blood, and finally turned into a long green arrow.

Bai Hexi said:

"With the blood of the evil dragon as the body, the poison as the source, and the souls as the courage, this is the dragon-slaying arrow. It was reserved by God Emperor Dayu back then, specifically to kill this strong man of the dragon clan."

After finishing speaking, Bai Hexi continued to refine arrows, refining and touching three dragon-slaying arrows, and then took out a magic weapon in a flash, a giant golden crossbow as thick as a child's arm, with light like lightning, and the strange light hovering around it was like a dragon's body .

The tranquil sea turned into dust and opened the sky bow, a ninth-level magic weapon.

Legend has it that the bow used by God Emperor Dayu to kill powerful water monsters when he was controlling floods was made of Hunyuan purple gold and copper. It was used together with dragon-slaying arrows. It was so powerful that nothing in the world could stop it. Its huge power could destroy the sky. It shoots through, so it is called the bow that turns into dust and opens into the sky.

As soon as the bow was drawn out, Bai Hexi bowed three times to him and said:

"The world is bright and the evil dragon is blocking the way. Please show your power and slay the demons."

Suddenly, the bow emitted a strong light, and Jialan groaned. Her power was immediately absorbed by the strong bow. One of the dragon-slaying arrows disappeared instantly, and then there was a clear sound, and an evil dragon in the sky even wailed. It fell from the sky without being sent out.

Then the second dragon-slaying arrow disappeared. This time, Yu Miaozhen groaned, and his power of heaven was also absorbed. The second dragon-slaying arrow was shot out, killing another evil dragon immediately.

Then the third one, all three evil dragons were killed. Not to mention fighting back, they didn't even cry out before they died. They were killed inexplicably.

Just like that, all the evil dragons on this island were killed, and the matter ended so easily.

It looks very relaxed, but from head to toe, everything is under the calculation of the cave magic spirit. This requires strong design and calculation capabilities, and everything is under his own calculation.

This is the policy of the Dongfu Dharma Spirit, to use the most powerful force to instantly attack strong enemies, so that the strong enemies cannot exert their powerful power, and those who are frustrated will die.

The value of the existence of Yu Zecheng and the other three True Ones is to provide the power of heaven. They did not use the three of them to fight, but just watched from the side.

In fact, this seems to be a warning. After Yu Miao Zhenyi and Jie Le Zhenyi show their power, in the future Gunzhou will be restored and both sides will coexist in the Gunzhou continent. Now the Dongfu magic spirit has begun to make calculations to show its powerful power. Killing three true dragon-level evil dragons is so simple, and the destruction of the Miaohua Sect and the Out-of-Body Sect is no more than that.

Sure enough, Yu Miao Zhenyi and Ji Le Zhenyi were both in a state of thinking, and they had already realized this.

The Qin Terracotta Warriors battle formation immediately separated half of the Qin Terracotta Warriors, and started busy work on the island, while Bai Hexi led everyone back to Xianqin Cave Mansion.

This time it was much simpler. I instantly used Yu Zecheng's Shrinking Earth to reach the end of the world, and immediately returned to the ruins of the Xiling Mountains, and then returned to the ruins of Xian Qin.

Entering the ruins, the sword-light magic weapons returned to their respective palaces one after another. The Qin Terracotta Warriors disappeared, and Yu Zecheng and three people suddenly stood in the palace.

Yu Miao Zhenyi and Ji Le Zhenyi discussed something alone with the spirit of the cave. After a while, both of them smiled and said goodbye to Yu Zecheng. Then the two of them left and returned to their respective sects to start preparing for the reconstruction of the Gunzhou Continent. of various things.

Restoring the continent is not something that can be accomplished in the blink of an eye. It requires more than ten days of preparation. Yu Zecheng and Jialan separated and decided to exchange all the three thousand merit points they deserved here, and then returned to Shuiyun Sect to wait and watch. The sea rises and the land recovers.

Yu Zecheng looked at the cave magic spirit and said:

"Okay, the mission is completed. Hurry up and bring me the merits. Also, take out all the treasures and let me pick two."

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