Xian Ao

Chapter 648 Qing Ming Void The battle between inside and outside

Once again, Yu Zecheng and Jialan merged into one, but this time it was Yu Ze who took the lead, and Jialan assisted. Feng shui took turns. The joke Jialan said two hours ago has now become a fact. It's really Things are unpredictable.

Now Yu Zecheng has perfect control over Jialan's demonic body. From Jialan breaking out and wanting to fight, to Bai Hexi showing up to stop him, to Yu Zecheng snatching control, it was actually just an instant. In less than a hundred breaths, everything was gone. already changed.

Yu Zecheng moves his body. Now his body is completely controlled by him and his heart, and it is no longer as uncontrollable as before. But Yu Zecheng had a feeling that there was a sense of disharmony, that there was an obstacle between his body and mind.

Yu Zecheng smiled. This body was not the only one that could control the demon battle body. In an instant, he figured out why this was happening and what the solution was.

He immediately had his own solution. He took out the Immortal Qin Lingyin and said to the two True One God Lords opposite:

"Two of you, do you dare to fight me? Relax your muscles and bones. If you win, the wisdom seal of the ninety-nine seals of Xian Qin will belong to whoever you are. If you lose, I will blow your heads off. Do you dare? Dare to fight with me?"

The Supreme God of Bliss smiled and said:

"Do you want to fight on the bed? I'm good at the Thirty-Six Room Art, and I'll definitely make you happy."

Yu Miaozhen looked at Yu Zecheng hesitantly and said:

"Why do I feel like a different person? Are you still Tianmo Jialan?"

Yu Zecheng laughed and said:

"You two, there's no point in saying anything else. You haven't had a bloody battle in many years. It's been a thousand years, right? Looking at the younger generations fighting, you can only be envious, and you can only hide in the dark and dream about illusions. Don't you have bones? If you’re itchy and want a fight, come with me if you have the guts.”

After saying that, he rose into the sky and flew towards the sky. He wanted to rush into the Qingming. If he fought there, he would be overthrown and the world would be turned upside down, and there would be no catastrophe.

Seeing Jialan rising into the sky little by little, she was really dancing with long sleeves and fluttering white clothes, charming and charming.

Supreme Bliss Shinichi said:

"What do you think about this guy? Why is he no longer the Jialan Demon Lord? Well, if you ask for mercy, then let me blow your head off."

He also rose into the sky, golden light shone on his body, everything took off, and the Dharma was solemn.

Yu Miaozhen let out a long sigh, and he also rose into the sky, with a high crown and robe, an elegant attitude, elegant Taoist clothes, and an immortal air.

Immediately, the three of them flew towards the sky together, rising slowly, straight into the sky, without stopping, leaping across the sky, rushing out of the nine days, and arrived in the empty space of the atmosphere.

There was nothing else in the green darkness, the atmosphere disappeared, and the three of them stood there, with protective shields on their bodies. Yu Zecheng, who knew how to talk nonsense, was the first to take action, and struck a blow at Yu Miaozhenyi.

Suddenly a pillar of true energy was emitted, but unfortunately it flew a hundred feet and dissipated in Qingming. This was different from the earth, where the spell immediately became ineffective.

Yu Zecheng wanted to fight so much because he felt that how to break the barrier between the body and the mind, that is fighting, crazy fighting, the devil is born for fighting, as long as he fights to the extreme and vents everything, then You can perfectly control this body.

Zhan Xin worked together, and countless magic arts appeared in rows in front of Yu Zecheng. These were all spells mastered by Tianmo Jialan, and Yu Zecheng could easily use them.

There are countless magic powers in these spells, and they are available in various methods. However, Yu Zecheng shook his head and did not use them sparingly. Instead, he roared, stretched out his hand and shouted:


Suddenly, sword energy arose in Qingming, and the power of Jialan's heavenly power circulated, turning into a sword pillar and descending from the sky. It turned in the air, turned into two swords, and pierced the Jade Miao Zhenyi and the Bliss Zhenyi.

This sword attack flowed across the air, destroying the formless, and struck wildly.

The Yu Miaozhen disappeared for a moment and became invisible, and the thunder and lightning flashed past. And the Bliss Shinichi struck hard and immediately blew up the air sword.

Yu Zecheng stretched out his arms, as if embracing the starry sky, and said:

"Two fellow Taoists, when you became the True One, have you ever had a big fight? Have you ever been as happy as Yuanying when fighting? No, right? To become the True One Divine Lord, under the thunder of heavenly tribulation, is like becoming a mouse, hiding in one's own body. In the space, don’t dare to fight like crazy.

Even if you take action, you still have to set up a barrier. Be extremely careful. This is fun and exciting. I want to fight, fight with all my strength, and fight with destruction. You guys take the fight. "


Suddenly, countless stars in the blue sky began to shine. It turned into infinite light, falling like ten thousand swords, and struck towards Yu Miao Zhenyi and Bliss Zhenyi.

Yu Zecheng shouted again:


The fiery sun immediately burst out with powerful light, and a beam of light descended from the sky, crashing down on the Yu Miao Zhenyi and the Bliss Zhenyi.

Yu Zecheng shouted again:


The endless thunder power absorbed by Tianmo Jialan suddenly appeared, transformed in Yu Zecheng's hand, and issued a crashing blow.

With one against two, Yu Zecheng launched an attack frantically, using only the power of the Heavenly Dao that he had mastered. Through the evolution of the Heavenly Dao of Magical Power, he turned it into a powerful attack, launching an endless fierce attack on the two enemies.

He didn't use Jialan's magical skills. He just used unrestrained attacks, and every strike had the power to open up mountains and fill seas.

Gathering, throwing, launching, without using any combat skills, just for the sake of fun.

The Bliss Shinichi gradually became angry. He was in a one-on-one confrontation with Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng's sun beams, star bombardments, and thunderstorms struck violently. He resisted with all his strength and exploded on him. There are countless statues of gods, this is his one-acupoint-one-true-god's Possession Technique of All Gods. He fully exerted his momentum and faced Yu Zecheng one-on-one.

Yu Miaozhenyi gradually disappeared, and Yu Zecheng also gave up attacking him, because he did not fight back, but just watched the two of them fight.

In this battle, Yu Zecheng used countless demonic powers and methods of control, and exploded crazily. With this explosion, the demon Jialan's body became more and more consistent with Yu Zecheng's, and that kind of uncontrollable The obstacles gradually disappeared.

The devil was born for fighting, and gradually sublimated and evolved in this battle.

The same goes for the Bliss Shinichi. He became the True One God Lord for 2100 years and fought several times. However, because of the existence of the heavenly tribulation, he always took action quickly and ended quickly. Even if there was a barrier to avoid the heavenly tribulation, He was also extremely careful not to use the power beyond the barrier.

In this battle, he fought with Yu Zecheng and unleashed his power without limit. This kind of exertion was not the kind of crazy explosion, but with Yu Zecheng's attack, it strengthened bit by bit and exploded bit by bit. , after fighting for an hour, I suddenly felt a refreshing feeling that I had never experienced before.

He and Yu Zecheng continued, the two of them came and went to fight Qing Ming. They rushed into a group of meteorites. Yu Zecheng threw it hard and threw a meteorite as big as a small mountain, hitting Ji Le. Ji Le immediately counterattacked in the same way. , the two started a new round of war using meteorites as tools.

This battle is not so much a battle as it is a vent, using all the strength of the body to push the way of heaven to the limit.

It was the first time that Tianmo Jialan felt so scared. She gradually felt that her body was betraying her little by little, and she was attracted by Yu Zecheng, the crazy master of the power of heaven. This wild, violent attack, this kind of Endless fighting is what the demon fighting body likes.

The last time Jialan took action in Yunxia Mountain, a catastrophe came. In that disaster, Lei Haoxuan did not beat her to death, but she was also seriously injured, so she had to agree to the invitation of the Great Elder Wuxin of the Heart Demon Sect and return to the Heart Demon Sect. Zong.

Over the years, she has been controlling her body's desire to fight. Until recently, she discovered the path of the Great Freedom. She really couldn't control herself, so she set up a battle situation in Gunzhou to fight wildly with others.

But the war situation was disturbed, and even her body was taken away. However, Jialan was not afraid. She had endless confidence in herself. She had fought for thousands of years in the six realms of reincarnation. In the realm of beasts, she once parasitized monsters. She has been with her for hundreds of years and has been seized by a strong enemy, so she is not timid in this kind of competition for the legal body.

But at this moment, she found that her body was being controlled by Yu Zecheng little by little as the battle continued. She knew that she could not wait any longer and had to take action, otherwise there would be endless trouble.

Suddenly, Yu Zecheng felt his body was extremely hot. This kind of heat was something he had never experienced before. The endless feeling coming from his lower body was a strange feeling that he had never experienced before, an impulse that made it difficult for him to restrain himself.

His mind moved, looking for the reason. The way he controlled Jialan's body changed. He seemed to be divided into two, one was controlling the body and launching a crazy war, and the other was in a palace, rich and luxurious.

In that palace, there was an autumn viewing pavilion, where Tianmo Jialan was making tea like boiling water. In the entire pavilion, there was only the sound of boiling water and the slight sound of pouring.

Jialan concentrated on making tea, while Yu Zecheng concentrated on watching the beauty. This will be another battlefield.

Jialan lowered her eyebrows and lowered her eyes, not looking at Yu Zecheng at all. She just held the tea cup in one hand and her sleeve in the other. She stood up and filled a cup for Yu Zecheng. The beauty was sprinkled with thousands of silver stars. This gesture was also extremely beautiful.

Yu Zecheng reached out to raise his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Jialan said:

"How do you want to give me my body back?"

The voice was soft, and Yu Zecheng just smiled. He went to get the tea cup again, but made a slightly dazed mistake. Instead of holding the tea cup, his palm grabbed Jialan's hand.

Both people were shocked at the same time.

Jialan immediately wanted to withdraw her hands, but how could she do so? Yu Zecheng had her entire delicate hand under his control. Feel the cool and soft touch in the palm of your hand, just the contact of your fingers is enough to give you a feeling of ecstasy.

There was an unyielding look in her eyes, a hateful expression, but there was a hint of unwillingness in her eyes. The unyielding and stubborn expression is more powerful than anything else.

She is the Heavenly Demon Jialan, she is the True God of Return to the Void, she is the Demon Lord respected by thousands of people, she is her sister's master, she is...

Thinking of so much, Yu Zecheng felt a "boom" in his head, and his chest and abdomen were on fire, and then his whole body was swallowed up.

He stood up abruptly, still not letting go, but walked around the stone table in the pavilion, then pulled hard, and immediately pushed Na Jialan onto the stone table.

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