Xian Ao

Chapter 630 Things are different and old friends are not here

Cutting off the Thunder Cloud Shield, Yu Zecheng was neither happy nor surprised, as if this was the way it should be, and then another sword.

This sword was like a group of platinum sword light rising above the earth like the sun. The platinum sword light slowly expanded little by little. The platinum sword light that was growing bigger and bigger suddenly burst out with a sword light that rushed to the sky.

After the platinum sword light paused for a moment, the huge platinum sword light burst open, and the petals composed of platinum sword light opened in a mysterious order. In a blink of an eye, a huge and dazzling platinum sword lotus bloomed in the world. Sword turns lotus.

This sword lotus spread over a hundred feet in radius, and Yu Zecheng manipulated it to roll the Nine Destruction Thunder God into this sword lotus. I see to what extent you are immortal and indestructible, and I will grind you into powder.

Unexpectedly, the moment the Nine Destruction Thunder God's Thunder Cloud Shield was shattered, a lightning suddenly burst out of his body, and this lightning was like a thunderbolt, and the thunderbolt escaped. In an instant, he escaped thousands of miles away. He actually escaped before Yu Zecheng's sword lotus rolled towards him.

The Nine-Destroying Thunder God escaped thousands of miles away. No one could believe it. In this battle, the Nine-Destroying Thunder God was like an immortal demon god. No matter what kind of attack, he could not be killed or defeated. But at this moment, after the thunder cloud shield was broken, he actually escaped, which was beyond everyone's expectation.

The two disciples of the Nine-Destroying Thunder God, the two Jindan Zhenren, had been watching the battle from a distance. In addition to the two of them, there were hundreds of cultivators on the edge of the battlefield, each looking out. This was all because of the great sky tilt here, which attracted them to come and watch this earth-shattering battle.

They absolutely couldn't believe this scene. The Yuanying Zhenjun Nine-Destroying Thunder God, who created such a great sky tilt and hundreds of miles of land were blown into part of the North Sea, was so powerful, but was beaten away by five Jindan Zhenren.

The two Jindan Zhenren immediately changed color. The master escaped. He was Yuanying Zhenjun and was about to become Zhenyi Shenjun. The board of attacking the ally would not fall on him. At most, he would be asked to retreat for a hundred years. The two of them would be miserable. They must be the scapegoats of this matter.

Just when they were stunned, thinking that it was impossible to escape, Yu Zecheng and the other four had already rushed over with swords, each with a strange look in their eyes. Yu Zecheng pointed at the two of them and said:

"Qi Wen, Bingyun and the others are yours."

There were several cultivators who knew them around them. Yu Zecheng glanced at the cultivators who were watching the battle and said:

"You are also accomplices, you should be killed."

After that, he rushed over with swords and began to kill these cultivators.

In this battle, Yu Zecheng, Gu Lun Qi Wen, Cheng Lan, and Lei Bingyun used countless Lingjiu Yinsheng Jue and borrowed infinite future power. If they could not rely on the Sacrifice for Righteousness Jue to absorb the true source of others after the battle, the four of them would soon be lost and exploded.

Among them, Gu Lun Qi Wen and Lei Bingyun consumed the most, so the two Jindan Zhenren were handed over to them to kill. And Cheng Lan and I only had to kill the cultivator who stood with the two Jindan Zhenren to watch the excitement. Feng Lianlian did not use Xuanyuan Sword Technique from head to toe, and there was no danger of getting lost, so she did not need to absorb the true source.

At this time, I can't care so much, even if the cultivators around the two Jindan Zhenren are just lively and innocent, they can't be let go. This looks like crazy, killing red eyes, cutting anyone I see, this is the origin of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect's sword madman.

The two sides immediately fought a big battle, and the two Jindan Zhenren had lost their courage and wanted to escape, but in the end they were all killed, along with seven cultivators who knew them and stood together, and were all beheaded. The other hundreds of cultivators who were watching the excitement scattered and fled, never daring to show their heads in front of everyone again.

Yu Zecheng and others absorbed the true source and returned to normal, then stopped and gathered together.

In this battle, everyone was injured. When the bone veins were the most serious, only half of the body was left. Lei Bingyun was covered in blood and had countless wounds, but Cheng Lan had only a few minor injuries.

In the final battle, Yu Zecheng challenged the Nine-Destroying Thunder God alone. All the opponent's moves were directed at Yu Zecheng, and the other four ignored them.

In addition, Feng Lianlian was also the key to this battle. Whenever the Nine-Destroying Thunder God showed his power and everyone was on the verge of death, she always saved everyone at the critical moment. So in the end, everyone was only injured but not killed.

The five people sat on the ground and began to resume meditation and rest.

Suddenly Cheng Lan burst into laughter and said:

"What is the Nine-Destroying Thunder God? We still beat him away. Dream on about revenge for his son, little..."

Yu Zecheng came over and slapped Cheng Lan, knocking him dizzy. Yu Zecheng threw him to the ground, pressed his neck tightly, and said:

"Cheng Lan, don't let your personal hobby kill everyone. You are lost and can't find your way. Don't implicate others. You know you almost killed Bingyun, Qi Wen, and the friends who regarded you as a brother. Wake up."

He slapped him twice more, making a "slap" sound. Xuanyuan Sword Sect disciples are not allowed to fight among themselves or point swords at fellow disciples, but this time Yu Zecheng didn't control himself and hit Cheng Lan. If Cheng Lan drew his sword, then both of them would have violated the sect rules.

After being beaten, Cheng Lan stood there motionless for a long time. He woke up after a long time. His eyes were clear. Under Yu Zecheng's scolding, he found that he was lost and finally survived this loss. Cheng Lan stood up, bowed deeply to everyone, and said: "I'm sorry, I hurt everyone. I'm really sorry."

Then he walked up to Yu Zecheng and bowed, saying:

"Thank you, senior brother. Thank you for waking me up. It turns out that I was lost without knowing it. Thank you, senior brother."

Yu Zecheng patted his shoulders and said:

"Just wake up, I'll hurt you."

Cheng Lan shook his head and said:

"It hurts, but if it doesn't hurt, maybe I will be dead. The danger of getting lost is invisible. When will we Xuanyuan disciples be free from its threat?"

Yu Zecheng said:

"Put down the sword in your hand, and we will no longer be in danger of getting lost. Don't be afraid of it. It can't defeat us. As long as we have the sword in our hands, we can persevere through any powerful enemy or danger of getting lost."

Everyone nodded together, and Cheng Lan suddenly said:

"I killed that Wu Tianhao, but it was not my hobby, it was a sect trial."

Hearing this, Yu Zecheng was stunned. A sect trial? This was an order given by the sect. Was he unjustly accused?

Cheng Lan was no longer saying this, and everyone was preparing to set off. Before setting off, they sent a letter to the door with a flying talisman about the Shenwei Sect's nine-destroying thunder god Wu Qingyi's attack on everyone, and let the door handle it.

Then everyone went on the road together and continued to ride on the Purple Star Lieyang Dragon Horse Qingyun Car. Originally, Cheng Lan didn’t want to use this speed car anymore, but Yu Zecheng said:

"No, we must use this speeding car. We fought a battle for this car, so we must use it. Lest others say we are guilty."

So everyone continued to drive the speeding car towards Gunzhou. Along the way, all the monks saw them from a distance and avoided them. The battle spread throughout the world.

The Nine-Destroying Thunder God Wu Qingyi is a famous True Monarch monk of the Jingzhou Shenwei Sect. He fought countless battles with the Seven Injury Sect and was well known to the whole world in Jingzhou. This time he was defeated by Yu Zecheng and others. His Divine Power lineage All seven Jindan masters died in the battle, and all the immortal cultivating sects in Jingzhou were immediately shocked.

Because the war was over, Yu Zecheng and the others killed several monks who were watching the fun. Therefore, when the Jingzhou monks saw the Purple Star, Fierce Sun, Dragon, Horse, and Qingyun Chariots, they all avoided it and did not dare to show their heads, fearing that these sword madmen would see people. Just kill, kill yourself too.

After flying across the North Sea, over the top of the Tianchi Lake, across the Yandang Plain, and across the Qilian Mountains, a huge lake finally appeared in front of everyone in the distance. In the center of the lake was a pyramid-shaped building, which was Xiling.

Finally returning to Xiling, the five of them sighed and went home again. They parted in Xiling and agreed to go home to explore each other, and then meet at Shuiyun Sect.

Everyone separated and left with their swords. Yu Zecheng flew all the way back to Linhai City. He was timid about being close to his hometown. The Linhai at this time was no longer the Linhai it used to be. I don't know what happened to his brother.

When Yu Zecheng entered the city, his first step was to return to his original home. The last time he said goodbye, he knew that his mother was gone and this place no longer had any attraction for him. Yu Zecheng had not returned here for thirty or forty years. .

The next time I stepped into my home, everything seemed different. When he reached his original home, Yu Zecheng discovered that the original street had disappeared, and countless buildings had been built on it.

Linhai City is becoming more and more prosperous, the population in the city is increasing, and land is scarce, so the old houses on the street are torn down and rebuilt. His original home is completely gone.

Yu Zecheng looked at the location of his original home. It was now a three-story restaurant. This restaurant should have been built in the past two years. He no longer had his original courtyard, nor his mother who had been waiting for him forever.

Yu Zecheng couldn't help but stand there in a daze, and it took him a full quarter of an hour to come back to his senses. His previous home was completely gone, and his mother had been dead for decades.

Tears flowed in his eyes, but Yu Zecheng held it back. He couldn't help but secretly hate his brother. Why didn't he keep this home? With his power, he should be able to keep this street.

Yu Zecheng turned around and left. He didn't want to go find his brother now. He should go to his mother's cemetery first and pay homage to his mother.

When I walked to the cemetery, I was immediately stunned. I saw a big tomb in front of my mother's grave.

The tomb is extremely majestic, and the three characters Yu Zegong are clearly written on the stone tablet. It turns out that the younger brother is deceased. Looking at the time when the tombstone was erected, he has been dead for more than ten years.

At this time, Yu Zecheng's tears suddenly fell, and he could no longer control them. His younger brother actually died of old age. Since he had been cultivating immortality and looked like this, he took it for granted that his younger brother would be like this too. But time is so ruthless, and his younger brother has passed away. It seems that the old friend is not here.

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