Xian Ao

Chapter 625 The ultimate fairy fish, the true king of the year

This purple star, blazing sun, dragon and horse, Qingyun, its chariots and horses move like dragons, their chariots gallop like lightning, they drive at a long distance, their momentum is like thunder, they are invincible and unstoppable to those who stand in their way.

It is like a red light flying across the sky, and the wind is extremely strong. This flying car is flying at an altitude of 6,000 feet. Only Nascent Soul True Monarch can fly here. All the monks below are flying at 2,000 to 4,000 feet. They all looked up to determine who was driving this speeding car.

While passing by Shimen City, a flying car suddenly appeared in the sky. The car flew out from the sea of ​​clouds. Its purple-gold body was covered with layers of scales. It was about thirty feet long and ten feet wide, with a pointed head and tail. , swollen in the middle, like a combination of a snake and a turtle. When this speeding car appeared, it competed with the blue Purple Star Lieyang Dragon Horse Qingyun Car, and the two began to race at an altitude of six thousand feet.

Diagonally crossing the vast mountains and passing through the Sahara Desert, the North Sea in front gradually appeared in the field of vision. This was a journey of 15,000 miles. The two were running wildly, determined to compete.

Finally, they were about to reach Beihai. The flying car was finally pulled far back due to lack of spiritual power, and could not be seen.

Cheng Lan had a smile on his face and won a great victory. Yu Zecheng and others didn't care. This was just a competition between children, so why bother.

Beihai slowly appeared in front of his eyes, and Gu Lun Qiwen suddenly said:

"Can we stop over at the North Sea? Last time I went on a mission, I met Master Ba Shu of the Shenwei Sect. He told me that there is a strange fish in the North Sea called the three-headed fish. It has an extremely long lifespan, about two hundred years. Up and down, a kind of oil will emerge from the fish's brain. If it lives for more than a hundred years, the fish will become smaller and smaller, and it will be the best in the world.

There is a sect on the side of the North Sea, called the Siji Sect. It is a very small sect, and no rightists have joined it. However, this sect is best at cooking this fish. The monks from Jingzhou who pass by will come to their market to taste the best food in the world. tasty.

Everyone has been on the road for a long time, so we can go over and try this top-quality fairy fish without wasting any time. "

As soon as this suggestion came out, everyone immediately applauded. Anyway, there is plenty of time to try this world-class delicacy. It won't delay anything.

The speeding car landed slowly, and Gu Lun Qi Wen said:

"The mark of Nafang City is very obvious. It is on a huge cliff on the edge of the North Sea. There is a huge cross mark on it..."

Cheng Lan pointed to a cliff in the distance and said:

"Looks like that's it, let's go there."

The speed car immediately flew towards the cliff. This cliff was located on the edge of the North Sea and covered an area of ​​ten miles. In fact, it was man-made. The other side of the cliff was blocked by a phantom formation to prevent mortals from entering by mistake.

There are five landing and parking places on the cliff, forming a cross shape that can be seen hundreds of miles in the sky.

As they were about to reach the cliff, there was a sword light in the distance. A monk stood up with his sword and respectfully guided Cheng Lan to land on the speed car.

The speeding car fell slowly, and the tortoise-snake speeding car in the sky, which was pulled far away from the back, caught up. It saw Chenglan's speeding car landing here, and it also landed there, right behind Chenglan's car.

Chenglan's flying car landed, and everyone got off the car one by one. Chenglan put away the flying car, and the leading monk walked over quickly. This man was only in the innate realm of the Qi Refining Stage. He said:

"Seniors, welcome to our Siji Sect. See how you see each other. I wonder if this is your first time here."

Gu Lun Qi Wen said:

"They say your three-headed fish is famous all over the world, let's come over and try it."

The monk said:

"Seniors, you are here at the right time. I just caught a hundred three-headed fish this morning, so I can prepare a whole fish feast for you. We have delicious food all over the world. Even Return to the Void Zhenyi comes here to taste it. Please come here, please come Chunfang Tower.

Five distinguished guests, hurry up and greet them. "

The tortoise-snake flying car slowly landed, and the flying car was also put away. The driver of the flying car was a Jindan master. He stared at Cheng Lan and others, and the Siji Sect disciple who led the flying car to land came over and said:

"Ah, Master Luo is here. Please come in quickly. Do you want to eat in Zihuang Garden?"

The man shook his head and said with a cold face:

"Go ahead, you, the leader of the Siji Sect, call over. I have something to give you."

Then he watched Yu Zecheng and others enter the Chunfang Tower in the distance, immediately took out the flying talisman, and said quietly in a low voice:

"Elder Wu, I discovered Junior Brother Wu's Purple Star Lieyang Dragon Horse Qingyun Chariot. That person should be Cheng Lan from the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. He also participated in the Battle of Breaking Star Sea back then. We ranked him eleventh at that time. A suspect, now that he has the speeding car in his hands, it is certain that he did it.

Now they are in the Siji Sect. Come over quickly. There are five of them, and two of them can be identified as Jindan Zhenren. I will hold them back and come quickly. "

Yu Zecheng's golden elixir vision merges with the heaven and earth. The golden elixir vision of the bone and bone pattern is absolutely difficult to find on the robe without careful identification. Feng Lianlian does not have any golden elixir vision at all.

The Jindan Master did not dare to use any magic method to observe, and could only observe with the naked eye. He did not even dare to look directly, for fear of being noticed by Yu Zecheng and others, so it was seen that there were only two Jindan Masters.

Then he issued the paper charm and went to a restaurant facing Chunfang Building, where he monitored Yu Zecheng and others. Waiting for the leader of the Siji Sect to arrive here, he issued an order to order the Siji Sect to delay Yu Zecheng's meal time.

Yu Zecheng and others entered the Chunfang Building. This building was majestic and majestic, with an ancient red wooden structure and an attic architectural style with double eaves. It was dozens of feet high and divided into three floors. Exquisite and elegant, after hard work, everyone came to the hall on the third floor. Looking from a distance, the North Sea was in sight, boundless and rolling waves.

At this time, a maid came to serve everyone, the table was set, the fish feast was ordered, and everyone was ready to eat.

The five of them were waiting for the food to be served, while chatting. Everything about this place was good, except that the cooking speed was too slow. However, the maid said nicely that I couldn't eat hot tofu in a hurry, but I was not afraid of waiting for good food, which dispelled everyone's concerns. Confuse.

This fish is really good, and there is really hot tofu. One of the dishes is to put three fishes in water and heat it slightly, and then add tofu. The fish is so hot that it burrows into the tofu, and finally becomes one with the tofu. This is Fish stewed with tofu, the tofu tastes smooth and the fish body is delicious. It is really a delicacy.

Then the braised three-headed fish was served. The fish melted in the mouth and tasted so delicious. No wonder it was famous all over the world and the five of us couldn't stop praising it.

The ice-cold wine here is also very refreshing. It is a fine wine refined with water taken from thousands of years of ice springs. It is very comfortable to take a sip of it and chill your soul.

While everyone was eating and chatting, Gu Lun Qi Wen asked:

"Junior brother Cheng, where did you get your speed car? This is a world-famous speed car."

Cheng Lan smiled and said:

"Seven years ago, the Shenwei Sect asked our Xuanyuan Sword Sect to help them go to Poxing Sea to encircle and exterminate some remnants of the Seven Injury Sect. I participated in that operation and unintentionally captured the loot."

Gu Lun Qi Wen said:

"Seven years ago? By the way, it was the Battle of the Star-breaking Sea. It is said that although the remnants of the Seven Injury Sect were strangled, the Shenwei Sect was humiliated. It seemed that an important rising star of theirs was tortured and killed. But it was not the Seven Injury Sect. The murderer of Shangzong has not yet been found, and he is wanted for this matter. "

Cheng Lan smiled and said:

"Yes, that guy, the son of the protector Elder Wu, relies on his father's power, his nose is almost up to the sky, he is so crazy that he has two skills, he can easily contact the gods and demons outside the territory, and practice three It takes ten years to form a golden elixir.

If this guy had lived, he might have become the True God King. Unfortunately, one night, he was killed by someone who didn't know who he was. What a pity.

Whoever made him a gifted prodigy would definitely not be a good thing if he grows up. This must be the work of the enemies of the Shenwei Sect. "

On a rainy night, the elder's son, Yu Zecheng, looked at Cheng Lan, wondering if this guy was killed by Cheng Lan, and this Purple Star, Fierce Sun, Dragon, Horse, and Qingyun Chariot was snatched from him.

No, Cheng Lan would not be so stupid as to use this Purple Star Fierce Sun Dragon Horse Qingyun Chariot on the territory of Shenwei Sect.

Yu Zecheng said smoothly:

"That kid doesn't also have this purple star, blazing sun, dragon, horse, and Qingyun chariot."

Cheng Lan smiled and said:

"He does have one, which is very similar to mine, but I got it at an auction in Wuxin Zongfang City. Countless people have testified for me and have nothing to do with them."

Yu Zecheng paused for a moment and said:

"You said you won't have sex if you don't want to have sex? People won't think that you killed that guy, snatched the speeding car, and then sold and bought it yourself, clearing your path."

Cheng Lan said with a smile on his face:

"how could be?"

But this smile revealed a kind of cunning. It was him who did it. This guy committed his old habit again. He killed the late Shenwei Sect star who was showing off in front of him, snatched his speeding car, and then went to the Wuxin Sect to sell it himself. , bought it myself, and put on a good show. He thought he could hide it from the heroes in the world, so as not to be a little arrogant.

Yu Zecheng was stunned. How could this feeling be so familiar? How could Cheng Lan make such a low-level mistake? The disaster of getting lost. This was how he felt when he was lost. Cheng Lan seemed to be a little lost now. .

Yu Zecheng looked at Cheng Lan blankly, and Cheng Lan said:

"What are you looking at? Wake up."

Suddenly Feng Lianlian, who had never spoken at the side, spoke.

"It seems that the Shenwei Sect really regards you as the murderer, and the Nascent Soul Lord has begun to arrange the thunder formation."

As soon as he said this, everyone was stunned. Yu Zecheng couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring. Neither his own sword skills nor the great spirit skills could sense the presence of the enemy. It could be seen that the opponent was not within a hundred miles, but Feng Lianlian was the first to feel the presence of the enemy. Discovering the enemy in one step, this woman should not be underestimated.

At this time, under the induction of Jianwo Technique, someone did indeed set up the Heavenly Thunder Array. The array was all set up around it, and then it joined here bit by bit.

A True Lord of Nascent Soul was controlling the magic circle again. Yu Zecheng vaguely remembered that it was the True Lord of Nascent Soul that he met on the road when he went to Wuliang Sect to participate in the grand ceremony. He fought against Yang Xiu, a sick scholar of Seven Injury Sect. In that battle, After rolling himself thousands of miles away, he met the disciples of Xuanyuan Fayin Sect.

It turned out to be him, a super powerful enemy.

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