Xian Ao

Chapter 623: Rouzhi Pony, past Gunzhou

The four of them chatted about the past and exchanged cups, having a great time celebrating. Lei Bingyun looked like frost, but she was unambiguous when it came to drinking. Drinking one glass at a time, drinking the violent fairy wine prepared by Yu Zecheng was like drinking cold water. She did not speak, but listened silently.

At the end of his drink, he put down his glass and said:

"The time has come. I'm leaving. Let me know when you return to Shuiyun Sect."

After saying that, he ignored the other three people, stood up and walked away. He raised his sword and cut through the sky in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

Yu Zecheng and others did not pay attention to her indifferent departure and continued to drink and chat there. Yu Zecheng made some inquiries and found out that not only had Brother Bai become the head of Shuiyun Sect, but he had also married Liu Xuanji and had given birth to two children.

The next day Yun Zizhuang said goodbye and left. Yu Zecheng sent him thousands of miles away and then returned to the cave.

The celebration begins on the first day of March. Today is only January 28th. There is still one month left, which is enough for everyone to prepare.

First of all, we have to wait for Cheng Lan to return. Wang Shuyuan and Feng Lingjing have gone another way, so don't worry about them. But several of Xuanyuan Jianfeng's friends wanted to go back together, so that everyone would have fun together on the road so that they would not be bored. Then we should set aside time for everyone to drop by to go home and have a look, and finally gather together with the Shuiyun Sect to help the Shuiyun Sect.

So to a certain extent, time was still very tight. In order to return home this time, Yu Zecheng went to Xuanyuan Sword Peak to look for some elixirs to extend his life and strengthen his brother's body.

Arriving at the Xuanyuan Jianfeng Medicine Hall, Yu Zecheng began to choose. The Zihuang Pill was too strong and his brother was already old and could not absorb it. The Fire Dragon Pill was okay, but my brother's body might not be able to withstand the baptism of this medicine. .

Yu Zecheng picked and picked, and finally shook his head, no, none of the medicinal materials met his requirements. In fact, Yu Zecheng can now list the types of elixirs he wants to buy in the medicine hall, so that if anyone turns them in, they will be on a first-come-first-served basis. Yu Zecheng was notified of the sequence of events, but Yu Zecheng took a look and found that there were seven rewards in front of him for buying the elixir he needed. It seems that we need to find another way.

At this moment, three fellow disciples walked into the medicine soup. They were all Foundation Establishment monks. They saw Yu Zecheng saluting together and said:

"Meet Uncle Master."

Yu Zecheng nodded in return.

These three junior disciples have all gone out for trials, and it seems that they have all gained a lot. Now they are here to hand in the medicinal materials.

Generally speaking, disciples who turn in medicinal materials to the medicine hall are actually doing so for the medicine hall's proprietary elixirs. If they want spiritual stones, they will be sold in the market.

One of the disciples reached out and took out a pony-like elixir and said:

"This is eight hundred years old meat cheese. I don't know..."

Yu Zecheng's eyes suddenly lit up and he said:

"Master Nephew, wait a minute. Can you transfer this meat cheese to me?"

The genius treasure of Rouzhi is generally divided into one yin and one yang. The yin shape is transformed into a pony, and the yang shape is transformed into a villain. They are both great tonics. Mortals can live a hundred years longer and strengthen their bodies if they eat them. Those who are cultivating immortals can eat them. It can increase your cultivation. This meat mushroom is just suitable for your younger brother to prolong his life.

This junior disciple would rather not take it himself, but would also hand over such a spiritual treasure. It seems that it must be some of the unique spiritual medicines in Tu's medicine hall, either neck-breaking pills or Chongjie San. Judging from his cultivation, it should not be for auxiliary pills. fruit.

Broken Neck Pill, Chongjie Powder, and Fudan Fruit are several elixirs unique to the Xuanyuan Sword Sect Medicine Hall. These medicines cannot be bought with money and need to be exchanged for sect contribution points.

Neck-breaking pill is used to break through bottlenecks in practice. Chongjie Powder is an auxiliary medicinal material used to break through various realms. Auxiliary elixir fruit is an auxiliary medicinal material used when receiving elixirs. It can help monks calm down and increase the possibility of elixir formation.

For example, no one in Xuanyuan Sword Sect can refine the elixir-forming fruit of Xuanyuan Fayin Sect. In all aspects of refining medicine, setting up formations, and refining talismans, Xuanyuan Sword Sect is weak. In fact, even after the pill-forming fruit is refined, not many people take it, because after taking it, there is no possibility of forming a Nascent Soul, which is absolutely unacceptable to most Xuanyuan Sword Sect disciples.

After Yu Zecheng finished speaking, the disciple immediately turned around, reached out and handed over the meat pony, and said:

"Uncle Zecheng, I'll give this to you. It's a pity that I ate the pork belly, otherwise it would be a perfect pair."

No hesitation, no thought at all. If this meat sesame was handed over, someone in the medicine hall would probably have already posted a request to buy it. After entering the medicine hall, Yu Zecheng could only contact the fellow student who hung up at the front, but he must have hung up for so long. It is a great need. Whether he can part with it and sell it to Yu Zecheng is a question.

Yu Zecheng smiled and reached out to take it. The pony was about three inches in size, alive and locked by the talisman.

Yu Zecheng put away the horses and said:

"Thank you, nephew, tell me what elixir you want."

The disciple said:

"No need, uncle, I will find a way myself."

Yu Zecheng laughed and said:

"Is there such a thing as a master uncle? I am Yu Zecheng. Whose disciple are you?"

The disciple's eyes suddenly lit up. When Yu Zecheng said this, he was actually asking for his name. He said quickly:

"My mentor, Master Wen Yi, my name is Dong Xinlei."

Yu Zecheng nodded to show that he remembered, looked up as if looking into the distance again, as if reminiscing, and then said:

"Senior Brother Wen Yi, I haven't seen you for many years. I was taught by Uncle Xiangchuan, and I fought against Senior Brother Wen Yi at Shulingling Lunjian, but I was defeated by him."

At that time, Master Wen Yi had already entered the period of spiritual death. At the last stop, Master Xiangchuan captured him and cheered him up. In the end, he seemed to be defeated by himself, but he couldn't speak like that in front of his disciples.

Dong Xinlei said again:

"These two are my junior brothers, and their master is Zixuan Zhenren."

After Yu Zecheng heard Zixuan's name, he immediately said:

"It turns out that he is a disciple of Senior Brother Zixuan. It seems like yesterday that your master and I drank and talked."

Zixuan is Yu Zecheng's close friend of Nian Lun Jian. He, Yang Hongbing, and Feihong have all become Jindan masters now.

Yu Zecheng added:

"When we meet for the first time, we can't go bare-handed. Here, this is a gift from my uncle."

After saying that, one person presented three sixth-level flying swords. These were all flying swords grown in the Sword Forest. Although the Pangu world is currently evolving, there is still a large inventory of flying swords grown in the past.

Then Yu Zecheng turned around to collect the elixirs in the medicine hall, and handed Dong Xinlei a neck-breaking elixir and a bag of Chongjie powder. Since he didn't say anything, he would give them to him.

Immediately, Dong Xinlei and the others were extremely happy. They got the long-awaited elixir all at once, as well as three sixth-level flying swords. It was really great. Master Yu Sancai's name was not for nothing.

After getting the pork belly, Yu Zecheng left Xuanyuan Jianfeng. He had almost prepared other matters, so he was waiting to leave. With nothing to do, Yu Zecheng thought wildly. This hometown of Gunzhou is indeed too barren, and the small area is pitiful. , there are almost no Lingshi mineral veins. No wonder the left-dao sects settled here in the past, and even the sect leader Miaohua Sect managed it directly. How are these nine states divided? Why are they so uneven?

No, no, Xian Qin will never make such low-level mistakes when doing things. From the ancient roads of Xian Qin to the ruins of Xian Qin, there will never be such low-level mistakes in dividing the nine states. What could be the reason?

With this thought, Yu Zecheng suddenly became interested. If during the Xian Qin Dynasty, Gunzhou was also a state with a vast land and abundant resources, and now it has become like this, then there is only one explanation. A disaster from the sky caused the huge Gunzhou to sink, and the spiritual energy was lost. Exhausted, it became like this.

But to make the mainland sink, what kind of disaster would it take? At least the destructive behavior of the Demon Spirit Sect, or a melee of more than ten Zhenyi, it would be possible for a single Nascent Soul True Lord to collapse hundreds of miles, but It is impossible to destroy the continent.

Yu Zecheng became interested and began to consult ancient books to find out why Gunzhou became like this. It doesn't matter if you don't check it, but you will be shocked when you check it. You can find the classics from the period of the demise of Xian Qin. This has always been the case in Gunzhou. Only when you look through a classic book from the middle period of Xianqin can you see the face of Gunzhou.

Yu Zecheng was shocked when he saw this. It turned out that Luzhou, Gunzhou, and Jingzhou were a continent. The original Gunzhou was more than ten times the area of ​​​​Gunzhou now, but all the land in Gunzhou turned into an ocean. The huge islands controlled by Miaohua Sect and Chuqiao Sect were all mountains in the original Gunzhou continent. What happened in the Xianqin generation to cause such great damage.

Comparing the map at that time and now, the destruction like a big circle directly shattered Gunzhou on the map, and now it has become an ocean. Only some of the original mountains still exist, but they are all islands.

After checking the sect's ancient books, there was no record of the great disaster that year. It's a pity that the Pangu world is evolving now, and I can't return to the Dark Demon Temple, otherwise I will definitely find out something.

This investigation aroused Yu Zecheng's interest. He thought about it wildly and immediately discovered something wrong. In terms of seniority in Shuiyun Sect, it was not Bai Hexi's turn to be the leader of the eldest brother Bai, but why could he be the leader? To the position of leader.

The seven Golden Elixir Masters knew that Dr. Shi could become a Golden Elixir Master because of the elixir-forming fruit he gave him. Yunzizhuang had practiced hard for many years, and it was normal for him to become a Golden Elixir Master. However, Liu Xuanji's cultivation qualifications were exhausting. It is impossible to become the real Jin Dan.

Senior Sister Liu was Doctor Shi's disciple, so she was still her own senior sister, but she was not very particular about how she treated herself. She even told herself not to pester Liu Shiyun. From her point of view, she had done nothing wrong, but Yu Zicheng was very resentful towards her.

It is absolutely impossible for her to become the Jindan Master. Wait, she married Big Brother Bai, so she became the Jindan Master. Could it be that Brother Bai also has the elixir like the elixir fruit to make herself and her become the Jindan Master? , which would explain the doubt that he could become the head of Shuiyun Sect in the past.

I don't know why, but suddenly Yu Zecheng had a feeling. Maybe it was related to the reason that caused Gunzhou to disappear. This feeling came suddenly and was irrational, but Yu Zecheng's feeling was never missed.

Yu Zecheng let out a sigh of relief. He could see what happened to Liu Xuanji, and others could also see it. The elixir that can help people become Jindan Zhenren is definitely a treasure in Gunzhou. It seems that this conference will not be simple. .

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