Xian Ao

Chapter 618: Collect All and See the Old Man Again (Sixth Update, Please Give Me a Monthly Vote)

This is the Sword Immortal, this is the power of the old swordsman. Yu Zecheng was completely stupid. He couldn't believe the scene in front of him. He only had sixty breaths. He entered the hall and killed eight green dragons. These green dragons were all at the level of returning to the void. The green dragon is extremely powerful. Even though it attacks suddenly, it can't be killed like chopping vegetables.

Moreover, the power used to kill Qinglong was completely Yu Zecheng's magic power, but the method of operation was the swordsmanship of Old Man Jian.

Old Man Jian looked at the empty palace and said:

"Okay, it's not bad. I didn't use my original power, so this barrier was established in vain."

After speaking, he put away the barrier with a shake. Yu Zecheng immediately understood the purpose of this barrier. The sword old man had always used Yu Zecheng's power to enter the Dragon Palace. He deliberately did not use his original power. Power, this barrier is also a protection erected to prevent him from using his own power when killing the dragon.

The old man Jian looked at the brilliance of the ninth-level flying sword and said:

"Boy, you have taken good care of this sword. I am of the same mind as you. Yes, yes. If you take good care of this sword, it is possible to reach the tenth level."

After speaking, he shook his hand, and the ninth-level flying sword immediately flew back into Yu Zecheng's body and entered Yu Zecheng's body. The flying sword seemed to be still trembling, and it was extremely afraid of the old man.

Old Man Jian looked at the palace, suddenly got off Yu Zecheng, sat on a stone platform, and said:

"Okay, the dragon's heart is mine, and the rest is yours. It's all yours. Go ahead and clean up the battlefield here. We still have two hours."

The rest is all yours? This is the Dragon Palace. Although he rushed into the palace instantly, Yu Zecheng still saw countless treasures under the green dragon.

Yu Zecheng suddenly became happy, rushed into various halls, and began to collect. The slain Qinglongs were covered with huge treasures. They made a fortune. They really made a fortune this time.

He rushed into one of the halls, and after a while, Yu Zecheng walked out with a frown and said:

"Why are they all earthly jewels such as jade, agate, and diamond? They are just ordinary jewels. They don't have the treasures of heaven and earth used by immortal cultivators, nor the magic weapons and fairy swords?"

Old Man Jian smiled and said:

"This green dragon is naturally fond of gems. In their eyes, these gems are the same as the treasures of heaven and earth that we need. Collecting treasures here is a lucky move. Go find it yourself. In fact, there are many good things in it. It just depends on whether you know him or not.

Last time I found Hunyuan purple gold and copper here and made my first ninth-level flying sword. The latecomer sword turned into a human and became the ascended ancestor of the Demon Sword Demon Sect. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and said:

"Disciple understands. Is this immortal sword transformed into a human by the ancestor, the tenth-level flying sword? I saw the tenth-level flying sword Qianqi used by the great god Mighty Xingtian in the broken Kunwu continent. It seems to have transformed into a dragon. ”

Old Man Jian nodded and said:

"Although the flying swords you refine are made from Hunyuan purple gold and copper and are indestructible, they are still sixth-level flying swords.

There is no spirit on these swords. They will always be sixth-order flying swords. Unless you capture the souls of other demons and beasts and inject them into the sword to form sword spirits, the flying swords will become seventh-order flying swords.

If you inject the power of heaven you have comprehended, such as the power of killing and the Tao of Chenyang into the flying sword to form your own unique sword spirit, this will be the eighth-level flying sword.

These seventh- and eighth-level flying swords are all infused on demand by you on the basis of the sixth-level flying swords. Therefore, as long as you are injured and die, the sword spirit will also be affected. The seventh-level flying sword changes back to the sixth-level flying sword. Therefore, it is difficult to capture the eighth-level flying sword and the seventh-level flying sword.

If this eighth-level flying sword injected with the power of heaven slowly restores the power of heaven to the laws of heaven as time goes by, then it will be a ninth-level flying sword that will not be affected by the death or injury of its owner and can be passed down to future generations. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and gradually understood the differences in the ranks of the flying swords. The old man Jian continued:

"Don't rely too much on the power of this flying sword. If the flying sword is too strong, it will be difficult to control. You still have to rely on yourself and slowly understand it."

Yu Zecheng nodded and kept thinking back to the scene when Old Jian entered the palace and that sword.

After thinking for a while, Yu Zecheng stopped thinking about it. Time is precious now, so let's start harvesting. He rushed into a palace, and after entering, he didn't care whether it was a jewel, a treasure from heaven or earth, or a flying sword. It was just one word, "Take it all," and put it all into the Pangu world.

There are a total of one hundred and eight halls in this huge palace, but only forty-five of them are activated. Eight of them contain living green dragons who were killed by Old Man Jian and collected the dragon's heart. The remaining thirty-seven halls are The green dragons were all dead, leaving only their huge skeletons hovering there.

All these dragon bones were collected by Yu Zecheng, as well as all the treasures in these palaces, and finally Yu Zecheng did not let go of some palaces.

Seeing Yu Zecheng's ruthless attack, Old Jian could only shake his head, but he hadn't turned down yet. Finally, Yu Zecheng came over and smiled and asked Old Man Jian to take a rest outside the palace, and then the huge palace was occupied by Yu Zecheng. After being split and put away, the hall in front of the palace was also put away, and even the spring water was not spared. In the end, it was an empty square.

On the flying land, the palace was gone, and Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"Okay, the scraping is over. Grandmaster, let's leave a few words here. Let's just say that these green dragons suddenly enlightened and ascended collectively to find their ancestors. At the same time, they took the entire Longling with them."

After hearing this, Old Man Jian was stunned for a moment, then he laughed, stretched out his finger, and huge words suddenly formed on the empty ground. The words were completely distorted, and they were dragon patterns.

This dragon pattern is all over this place, the old man Jian said:

"Okay, I really want to see the expressions of those green dragons who escaped here and saw this dragon pattern. They are busy enough. It will take at least a thousand years to rebuild this place."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Master Patriarch, if we kill them all this time, what else will we build?"

Old Jian just smiled, shook his head and said:

"No, it's impossible. The other Cang Qiong Sea Dragon Clan are watching. When the Eighteenth Palace Master kills three or four left, they will stop them. The weakened Qinglong Clan is beneficial to everyone, and the destroyed Qinglong Clan is good for everyone. Everyone is disadvantaged, and everyone knows it, so this time it will only cause severe damage, not annihilation.

Then after they rested for thousands of years, they once again forgot their pain, and once again wanted to get involved in the Sky Continent. At that time, maybe they will need you, like me, to come from the lower world and guide our younger generations to continue doing this. "

Yu Zecheng said:

"No way? This Qinglong clan is really weird. Why do they want to go to that continent if they don't stay in the good Cang Qiong Sea?"

Old Man Jian smiled and said:

"This is not the case for the Qinglong clan. Their cultivation method will eventually turn them into human beings. This human clan has hands and feet and should live on land. Therefore, they are born with ambitions for the Cangqiong Continent. Every ten thousand years This will happen once.”

Yu Zecheng thought about it, laughed, and said:

"It's true, these feet are just for walking, they are completely useless in this sea, that's why they are like this, hahaha.

By the way, Master Patriarch, at that time you said that the immortals had golden hearts, silver energy, copper skins, and iron bones. What was that? "

Old Man Jian replied:

"You can ask this later after you ascend. Now you can form the Nascent Soul first and then talk about it. Okay, let's go."

Yu Zecheng said:

"Okay, let's go. I'll carry you. Where shall we go?"

Old Man Jian said:

"It's you who left, and I have to wait here for them to go back together. I'll take care of myself. I hope we can meet again in the future. Goodbye."

After saying that, the old man of the sword pulled Yu Zecheng, and immediately his air-penetrating and transboundary Hunyuan divine mind spread, locking on the Yixin master on Min Gong Island, and then activated Yu Zecheng's shrinking ground into an inch. , activated by the technique of So Far Away, instantly teleporting Yu Zecheng to the side of Yixin Zhenren.

Yu Zecheng felt that his eyes were blurred, and he was actually standing on Min Gong Island, as if everything was a dream, and he just returned here. Old Man Jian disappeared without a trace and could never be seen again.

Yu Zecheng felt an indescribable sorrow of farewell, and couldn't help but moisten his eyes. After just a short contact, Yu Zecheng regarded this old man as his own relative.

Master Yixin was still controlling the magic circle and saw that Yu Zecheng seemed to be awake. Only then did he notice the changes in Min Gong Island and couldn't help but scream.

Yu Zecheng also shouted with him, pretending not to know why. After an hour, the flying boat returned. Seeing the changes here, all the real people screamed.

After another hour, a white light suddenly appeared in the sky. The white light rose into the sky, and then there were thirteen light spots in the white light, soaring into the sky. All the immortals from the lower world left.

It seemed that the battle was over. Countless brilliance appeared in the sea area over there. These were all Zhenyi or Yuanying Zhenjun. They returned with full loads, flying east, west, north and south, and began to return to their sects.

Among these flying Shinichi and Shinjun, one topic was discussed repeatedly:

"Master, how did I see thirteen rays of light rising into the sky?"

"You are wrong. There are a total of twelve immortals from the lower realm. How could there be thirteen?"

"Really, really thirteen. I'm definitely not wrong."

This topic has become an eternal mystery. Even thousands of years later, these masters will tell their glorious history to their descendants, and they will quarrel over whether there are twelve or thirteen brilliance.

Yu Zecheng watched that Guanghua leave. This chance encounter with Old Man Jian was his biggest secret and he would not tell anyone about it, because although Old Man Jian did not tell it, it could be seen from his actions that he did not like to spread it everywhere. Get here by yourself.

The brilliance flew away in the air, and Yu Zecheng suddenly waved his hand, and then shouted loudly:

"I will succeed. I will become a Nascent Soul. I will ascend to the immortal world. Just wait. I will plunder everything from you."

One of the light spots paused in the air, and then seemed to nod at Yu Zecheng, instantly rushed into Qingming and disappeared without a trace.

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