Xian Ao

Chapter 602 Pretending for a Lifetime The Secret of Xuanyuan

Yellow dragon blood? Yu Zecheng frowned. He had never heard of such a thing. He looked at Grandmaster Xiong hesitantly.

Patriarch Xiong said:

"Don't look at me. I don't know what Huanglong blood is. I just know that what I want is in you. This is the feeling of an immortal, and it is absolutely unmistakable."

Yu Zecheng scratched his head and stretched out his hand to search for yellow dragon blood, yellow dragon blood. Yu Zecheng suddenly realized that he thought of the Mountain and River Cauldron. Could this thing be inside the Mountain and River Cauldron? This cauldron It is the cauldron that gathers all the bloodlines of the heavenly demons from the ancient demon clan. Could it be here?

After getting the cauldron, Yu Zecheng checked it countless times, but he was completely unable to open the cauldron. He could only look at the cauldron and sigh.

Thinking of this, Yu Zecheng took out the Mountain and River Cauldron, a three-foot-tall cauldron. This cauldron is simple and elegant, and is made of bronze. Various wild beasts are carved on the cauldron, as if they are alive, galloping and dancing there.

When they saw this cauldron, Patriarch Xiong and Fengmu Zhenyi were all shocked. Only the Returning Void Zhenyi like them could feel the excellence of this cauldron. Patriarch Xiong looked at this cauldron and said:

"Zecheng, remember in the future, never take out this cauldron like this. The supreme bloodline contained in this cauldron can trigger the resonance of the heavenly path of the true one. This thing is a secret treasure that will make all true ones go crazy. No. , I don’t trust you, wait until I add a layer of enchantment to you, so that you can open it after Nascent Soul, so as not to lose your life for this."

After saying this, Patriarch Xiong pointed at the cauldron, and the cauldron suddenly emitted countless rays of light and turned into a colorful glazed cauldron. Patriarch Xiong said with a smile:

"Actually, the best concealment is not to prevent you from seeing it, but to prevent you from seeing it and ignoring it. Such a gorgeous appearance is the best cover. This time, there are a few people in the world who can see the inner workings of this cauldron. "

After saying that, he bowed to the Mountain and River Cauldron and said:

"Please invite the blood of our ancestors."

Suddenly the cauldron jumped, and a yellow stone flew out, about the size of a fist. Grandmaster Xiong took the stone and suddenly laughed. This laughter was extremely arrogant, extremely happy, and also had an incomparable feeling. Feeling desolate.

After laughing seven times, he ended it, and then pointed again, and suddenly another piece of jade jumped out. It was extremely crystal clear, like white jade, but it looked like an eyeball.

He handed the jade to Phoenix Eyes Shinichi and said:

"Zecheng, this is the bloodline of the ancient demon clan Three-Eyed Clan. This thing is of great benefit to the Tianmu Sect. The Tianmu Sect was founded by the descendants of the Three-Eyed Clan back then, so I will lend this thing to her as a flower offering to the Buddha.

Don't worry, there is Huanglong bloodline in the cauldron. After the bloodline is taken out, the cauldron can automatically regenerate the bloodline that was taken away. It is really an ancient treasure. Okay, take this cauldron back. Remember not to let other people use it. Shinichi saw it. "

Yu Zecheng nodded and took it back. Patriarch Xiong stretched out his hand and handed over nine pills and said:

"No reward will be given for no merit. This is the Liujin Jade Qing Dan that I just made. This pill is specially suitable for women to take. It has the ability to change the world. In this way, after they eat it, they will ascend with me. I will give you nine more pills." Here you go, give them to your friends.

Remember, after swallowing this elixir, you must have intercourse and lingering. They will change their bodies by absorbing your body fluids. The longer the intercourse lasts, the more they will change? "

Yu Zecheng took the elixir, suddenly remembered something, and asked:

"Ascend together, there is Grandmaster Xiong. Do you want to ascend to the fairy world with three thousand beauties?"

Patriarch Xiong nodded and said:

"Yes, it is true. After I send you away, we will start to have sex. After fighting for eighteen hours, they will reach the same physique as me under the operation of this pill, and then we will survive the catastrophe. , everything soared.”

As soon as he said this, everyone was shocked. All three thousand and one people ascended. It was unbelievable. Grandmaster Xiong said again:

"In ancient times, there was a man who achieved enlightenment, and chickens and dogs ascended to heaven. Today, if I have a bear, I will imitate my ancestors, transform into a dragon and ascend here, take all my lovers with me, leave this world together, and go to the fairyland. I don't want my lover, after I leave, Still struggling in this world.

By the way, I’ll give this to you too. This is the fundamental method for my ascension. This is the supreme method of bliss that lasts forever. You don’t have the blood of my family. This method can only be used for good marriage and to please the queen. My You can't go down the road, you have to find your own path.

This is also for you. This is the seed of the way of division and union in the three thousand ways of heaven and earth. I relied on it to refine my own law of one yuan and three thousand points of division and union, the path of bliss. I hope he can be kind to you. Help, okay, these are my rewards, Yu Zecheng, just take care of yourself, I hope I can see you in the fairy world. "

Immediately, two rays of light flew into Yu Zecheng's mind, and one was that of the supreme Dharma bliss that lasted forever. It immediately turned into countless figures of men and women intertwined, and was engraved in Yu Zecheng's mind.

The other one is the law of heaven and earth, which flashes into Yu Zecheng's dantian golden elixir. It is in a corner of the golden elixir world and turns into a white cloud, constantly decomposing and merging.

At the same time, there is one more page in Yu Zecheng's Pangu World's Eternal Three Thousand Ways of Nirvana Sutra. In the Three Thousand Realms, Yu Zecheng has come into contact with countless laws of heaven, but there is no more page. Until now, one page has been added. page.

Patriarch Xiong swallowed the stone made of the yellow dragon's blood, then stretched and said:

"After one thousand eight hundred and thirty-two years of painstaking preparation, today Huanglong finally enters the body, and the great road is completed, then it is completed. You don't know, you all don't know, no one in the world knows, my hard work, I am Xuanyuan The 16127th generation descendant of the Yellow Emperor, my name is Gongsun Youxiong.

Since I was three years old, after my parents sacrificed their life to open my acupuncture points, I have known my life. I persisted in the Xuanyuan Outer Sect for thirty-two years, and finally received the reward from my mentor and joined the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. After two hundred and seventeen years of hard work under Master Lao Dongxi, he finally gained his trust and was able to enter the Xuanyuan Dharma Hall and regain the endless bliss of the supreme Dharma.

When my ancestor Huangdi Xuanyuan ascended to heaven, only seven concubines did not ride on the dragon with him, because they were all strong men and they had to rely on their own strength to ascend to the fairy world and follow their ancestors.

One of the concubine's maids obtained the Dafa left behind by the concubine after her ascension, and learned that this bliss lasts forever, so she founded the Xuanyuan Mitian Sect.

Later, the Xuanyuan Mysterious Heaven Sect was destroyed by my Xuanyuan Sword Sect, and this endless bliss was sealed in the Xuanyuan Dharma Hall. After three hundred years of hard work, I finally recovered the great law of my ancestors.

My life is lucky. My parents gave birth to a total of seventeen children in order to let their descendants join the Xuanyuan Sword Sect. I am the one they are most satisfied with. They gave me life, inheritance and everything. , Foundation Building Pill, Pill Formation Fruit, Infant Transformation Pill, Ninth Level Flying Sword, Ninth Level Magical Treasure, Heavenly Law Seed, treasures that others need to struggle hard to obtain, I already have them all during the Qi Refining Period, so I The most stupid disciple in everyone's eyes can refine Yuanying step by step and become Patriarch Youxiong. Ha ha ha ha. "

This laughter was extremely sad, and he continued:

"My life is also sad. My path has been planned by my parents. After living for these 1,832 years, my life is all disguise. My life is all false. What I like most I am a woman, but I can only watch her slowly grow old and die because her constitution cannot bring me any benefit.

I have been pretending to be a good guy, pretending to be a womanizer in everyone's eyes, pretending to like everyone, and have been pretending for a lifetime. Now I don't even know who I am.

Doing this every day is very glamorous in the eyes of others, but it makes me vomit every day, but I have to do this. My parents broke my soul and died of old age for me. Before they died, they grabbed my hand and shouted, "Ascension" Ah, ascension.

My women, they look at me one by one, trust me so much, and give everything to me. For them, I have to persevere, and I have to soar. This is how life is.

It's so happy that I finally told the secret of eighteen hundred years. It's so happy. "

After saying this, Yu Zecheng stood here stupidly. Grandmaster Xiong was actually an undercover agent of another sect. Everything came with a purpose. No wonder the old madman couldn't ascend to the three major realms, but he could Ascend to the fairy world.

Yu Zecheng said:

"Ascension, ascension, is it really that important?"

Patriarch Xiong said:

"Yes, it is important. The family has been continued for tens of thousands of years and the expectations of generations.

Three years before the great catastrophe in ancient times that destroyed the world, I, a descendant of the Xuanyuan Yellow Emperor, suddenly received a request for help from the 21st ancestor who ascended to immortality. The immortal world needed human reinforcements, and our ancestors ascended one after another.

All the masters were exhausted, and suddenly overnight, our clan's loyal guards Xuanyuan Tongtian Sect, Xuanyuan Fayin Sect, Xuanyuan Ziweimen, and Xuanyuan Jingge Sect rebelled together. Countless immortal clans came from the lower world, and they madly attacked my Xuanyuan bloodline descendants.

In the end, the Xuanyuan Clan was completely destroyed. Thanks to the help from the Heaven and Earth Alliance, the Dark Demon Sect, and the Ten Thousand Demons Valley, only a few descendants of our clan escaped.

After the catastrophe, the immortal system established since the ancestors of Emperor Xuanyuan ascended to the sky all collapsed, and there was no news from the ascended ancestors. Then the world was in chaos, the world was destroyed by floods, and the original system of cultivating immortals completely collapsed.

Later, the flood control was completed, but in the era of the God Emperor and the Immortal Qin era, those in power were wary of the descendants of my Xuanyuan bloodline, because one is enough for the Lord of Heaven and Earth. At the same time, countless sects named Xuanyuan are spread across the land. With their connivance, these sects named Xuanyuan have a secret mission, which is to wipe out the descendants of Xuanyuan's bloodline.

This was until the founder of the Xuanyuan Sword Sect's resurgence appeared, and all the Xuanyuan sects were united, and we, the descendants of Xuanyuan, could take a breather. However, we sadly discovered that the catastrophes we, the descendants of Xuanyuan, faced when ascending were all the most terrifying catastrophes of chaos and world destruction, before and after. Of the hundreds of tribesmen, no one can ascend to the immortal world. The immortal world has imposed the most terrifying blockade on me, the descendants of the Xuanyuan bloodline, and we are not allowed to ascend to the immortal world. "

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