Chapter 248: Lord Rests His Wrath!!

After hearing Yan Nantian say this, the black-robed man also had a sneer on his lips, turned his head and glanced coldly at him, and a bit of gloom flashed in his eyes.

“When I came over, does it matter? Now the priority is to get this little guy named Lin Pingzhi, this little guy is extraordinary as far as I know, don’t capsize in the gutter! ”

The black-robed man’s eyes stared directly at Yan Nantian’s body like this, and there was a bit of gloom in the corners of his eyes, but at this time, Yan Nantian couldn’t see it, he just listened to the tone of this black-robed man, which was quite normal.

So at this time, he did not feel that there was anything tricky about this matter~Fang.

“With the Thousand Faces Langjun to solve this little invitation to the moon by himself, it is not a problem, and ask the Venerable Lord to put his heart in his belly!”

And after the black-robed man heard Yan Nantian say this, he directly slapped this Yan Nantian with a palm without saying a word, and the whole person flew out like this.

And at this time, Yan Nantian climbed up in such a panic, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were full of a look of horror.

At this moment, his eyes were nailed directly to the black-robed man’s body, and he was just like this monk of the second zhang, scratching his head, completely unable to understand why the black-robed man was doing this to him.

“The Lord is angry, the Lord is angry!”

“It seems that what I said didn’t work, even you didn’t listen, you said it was a product!”

At this time, the corner of the black-robed man’s mouth also evoked a bit of a sneer, and a bit of gloom flashed in the corner of his eyebrows.

And at this time, Yan Nantian hurriedly waved his hand and shook his head.

“No, of course not, I remember every word that the Lord said, and I dare not forget it!”

At this time, the black-robed man heard this, and after Yan Nantian said this, he just turned his head and glanced coldly towards him, a little cold flashed in his eyes, and then waved his hand so gently.

“Now that you remember, what should you do now? You don’t need me to teach you! ”

Yan Nantian did not dare to hesitate for half a minute after hearing the black-robed man say this, so he ran out like this.

The corner of the black-robed man’s mouth evoked a bit of a playful smile, and a bit of mockery flashed in his eyes.

“Ridiculous, stupid!”

After the black-robed man finished speaking, he directly dodged away, and at this time, Yan Nantian chased towards the thousand-faced Langjun.

Yan Nantian, although he looked groveling on the surface and lowered his eyebrows, his heart was already filled with a killing intent at this time.

This Yan Nantian clenched his fists like this, and the kind of murderous intent on his body began to become more and more obvious, and at this time, he heard him say so coldly.

“Bastard, what are you arrogant in front of me? Sooner or later, one day I must trample you underfoot, and I must humiliate you well! ”

And at this time, after the thousand-faced Langjun saw Yan Nantian again, a bit of confusion flashed in the corners of his eyes, and he couldn’t help but frown like this at this time.

At this time, Thousand Faces Langjun’s heart thought: “What kind of work is this guy coming to do!” ”

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