Chapter 245 Escorting Mermaid Tears!!

After Tianjian Nameless heard Lin Pingzhi say this, he was also directly stunned at that time, he raised his head, his eyes looked into the distance with burning eyes, and a bit of complicated brilliance flashed in the corners of his eyes, and then he also sighed so faintly.

“Oh, what about normal? What if it’s not normal? Now that the world is in chaos, the world is in chaos, how can our rivers and lakes be this safe place! ”

At this moment, after Lin Pingzhi heard Heavenly Sword Nameless say this, his face froze slightly, and he turned his head and glanced towards Heavenly Sword Nameless.

“Nameless senior, what do you mean by this?”

The corners of Heavenly Sword’s nameless mouth also evoked a bit of a bitter smile, and the corners of his eyes and eyebrows were completely full of helplessness.

“Don’t you still know? Today’s emperor is terminally ill, Taiyi prescribed a prescription, but now there is a lack of medicine to induce, and that medicine is only available in this Hainan land, although it is extremely precious, but there are also some people who can get it, they want to offer this medicine to His Majesty, in order to seek glory and wealth, but…”

Heavenly Sword said namelessly, and then paused directly, turned his head and glanced at Lin Pingzhi’s side, and the corners of his mouth also evoked a bit of a wistful smile.

And at this time, Lin Pingzhi’s brows frowned slightly, and he suddenly had a bit of a bad premonition in his heart.

“But what?”

Heavenly Sword Nameless sighed leisurely like this: “Alas, but it seems that some people don’t want His Majesty the Emperor to wake up, so they try to block it, and now this mermaid tear has been robbed three times!” ”

Heavenly Sword Nameless said unhurriedly like this, and after Lin Pingzhi heard Heavenly Sword Nameless say this, he couldn’t help but shake his head and smile at that time.

“But that’s all, anyway, it’s not me who was robbed, and it has nothing to do with me!”

After Lin Pingzhi said this, he gently spread his hands and smiled, and there was quite a bit of ease in his eyes.

And at this time, Heavenly Sword Nameless turned his head and glanced towards Lin Pingzhi’s side, and a bit of solemnity flashed in his eyes: “But your white-clothed sword immortal is a dart game, and your white-clothed sword immortal has not missed a single time, do you think the imperial court will not look for you?” ”

Heavenly Sword Nameless’s eyes burned like a torch, and a little strange color flashed in the corners of his eyes, and at this time, Lin Pingzhi was also slightly stunned at first after hearing Heavenly Sword Nameless say this, but after a moment, he also nodded slightly.

“What the nameless senior said is half true, I don’t know what the nameless senior means…”

A little helplessness flashed in Tianjian’s nameless eyes, and at this time, the corners of his mouth also evoked a bit of a bitter smile.

“If you believe me, then no matter who comes to you this time, you just close the door, don’t agree to this matter, otherwise, I am afraid that you will lead to this murderous disaster!”

Heavenly Sword Nameless’s eyes were nailed directly to Lin Pingzhi’s body like this, and at this time, Lin Pingzhi hesitated for a moment after hearing Heavenly Sword Nameless say this, and then nodded slightly.

“Well, thank you seniors for reminding me this time!”

Heavenly Sword Nameless gave Lin Ping a blank look: “You forgot that a few of us worshipped yesterday!” ”

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