Chapter 170 Flower Battle Xiao Yuer, Lin Pingzhi going.!!

Subsequently, after Lin Pingzhi and Xuanzhi settled in an inn just now, the current Xuanzhi has also been sticking to Lin Pingzhi, and whenever he looks at Lin Pingzhi, he will always look at it obsessively.

This made Lin Pingzhi’s heart quite helpless. There was a voice of discussion next to it.

“I heard that Hua Wujie will fight Xiao Yu’er to break the empty mountain, these are two geniuses.”

“This grand event must be visited, once this flower is flawless and Xiao Yue’er occupies the first or two of the Green Dragon List, but it is a lot of time!”

“Yes, who do you say will win between these two geniuses?”

“I see that it is Hua Wufeng, after all, Hua Wuji has always pressed Xiaoyu’er!”

“I think it’s Xiao Yu’er, that Xiao Yu’er is a disciple of the Valley of the Wicked, maybe there is some trick?”

“Decisive battle to break the empty mountain?”

When Lin Pingzhi heard this, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

“This flower is flawless, but the apprentice of Mercy Xing, I want to take a look.”

Lin Pingzhi thought in his heart.

Since I heard about this kind of thing, I just went over and took a look. Seeing this, Wanwan also knew Lin Pingzhi’s intentions in her heart.

Various thoughts came to mind at the moment.

If I follow the past, what should I do if I meet Mercy Star? And that flower is flawless, but the disciple of Mercy Star………

Various thoughts flashed in his heart, and he looked at Lin Ping with a touch of reluctance in his eyes.

“My Yin Lu Sect has something important, I’ll go first!”

Xuan said very quickly, and then she kissed Lin Ping directly, and quickly left in Lin Pingzhi’s somewhat surprised gaze.

As he left, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes flashed with helplessness. You can hide, but it’s not necessary.

Then Lin Pingzhi met with Gao Shun and took the dart team to the Broken Sky Mountain. Wushuang City, at this time, the Dugu party was holding a letter in his hand, holding his forehead with his hand and looking rather embarrassed.


Dugu sighed.

This letter was specially sent by Xiongba, and it actually invited him to go to the World Council to discuss important matters, which made Dugu’s heart difficult.

Go, lest the tyrant put down the banquet.

At that time, under the hands of Xiongba, it will be difficult to fly, there is no way to live, but if you don’t go, I’m afraid that if you spread it, you will be laughed at by people in the world………

How to say that he is also the city lord of this unparalleled city, he can’t show too much fear.

This situation really put him in a dilemma.


Dugu sighed helplessly.

Things are not so easy to handle, and you still need to carefully consider one or two. At this time, the guard came to report, and this guard had a hesitant look on his face and spoke incoherently.

“Report to the city lord, the young lord is dead!”

Saying that, several guards behind him carried Duguming’s body and slowly placed it on the ground.

The faces of these guards were actually terrified, for fear that they would be punished for this.

Hearing this, shock flashed in Dugu’s side.

Looking at Duguming’s corpse, his eyes suddenly lost their radiance, the whole person was a little soulless, his son was actually killed? He died so miserably.

Soon, his eyes flashed with a terrifying murderous intent, and his gaze was like a sharp sword piercing at several guards.

“Who did that?!”

Dugu Fang said angrily.

Under this gaze, several guards collapsed directly on the ground.

“Lin Pingzhi!”

Several people trembled and spoke.

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