Chapter 145 Quicksand, Luo Net, Dongfeng Dart Bureau, Terrifying!!

These two women are Chi Lian and Zi Nu.

Chi Lian is slim and sexy, and is covered in red robes. But the purple woman was purple-haired and purple-dressed, and there seemed to be a purple aura wrapped around it.

Seeing Chi Lian and the purple girl, the eyes of those onlookers seemed to flash with light.

“It’s beautiful! Dongfeng Dart Bureau, it turns out that there are such a beauty! ”

“These two lives are so beautiful, this is peerless! Isn’t it Lin Ping’s wife and concubine? ”

“It’s such a blessing to have such a wife and concubine! The dead bed is also willing, Lin Daotou is envious of me and others! ”

“These two women are really beautiful, and their looks can definitely be on that stunning list!”

Everyone was amazed, thinking that such a woman was likely to be Lin Pingzhi’s wife and concubine, and they felt a burst of envy in their hearts.

With such a woman, what do you want in life?

This kind of beauty is definitely more than enough to put on the character list, and they also have some doubts in their hearts.

Why didn’t such a stunning woman know about it that day?

“It’s so beautiful…”

There were even many onlookers who watched the two of them for a while. Even the four great protectors of the Evil Pole Sect were fooled.

It was really that these two women were so amazingly beautiful, “It’s so beautiful…”

The eyes of the four great protectors of the Evil Pole Sect were on the two of them, and they were stunned in place.

Even one of the protectors flowed down, causing a different color to flash in the eyes of those onlookers.

Seeing the four great protectors like this, a flash of anger flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect.

What a bunch of useless things! Cultivating to this realm, he was still confused by this beauty.

Coupled with the fact that the white phoenix had been harassing in the air, the Dao feathers shot down, which made him feel a little more angry in his heart.

“Kill these two women!”

The Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect shouted angrily.

At this time, the four protectors also suddenly woke up, looking at the purple woman and the two with a little more killing intent in their eyes.

But before he made a move, he saw that Chi Lian’s body gushed with internal strength, and a crimson light rose up from all over his body.

The long whip in her hand was like a spirit snake coming out of a hole, and it was as vicious and awe-inspiring as a poisonous snake. The purple woman waved her hand, and the purple mist rose, and for a moment it was like a fairyland. Then a few wisps of cold flashed through the mist.

Today’s Chi Lian has entered the mid-Grandmaster realm, even if he faces the ordinary Grandmaster perfection of the rivers and lakes, he is not afraid.

The purple female cultivator is even more victorious, and she is already in the realm of a half-step grandmaster.

I saw the purple mist rising, and a cautious look flashed in the eyes of the four great protectors, and at this moment, the long whip in Chi Lian’s hand struck!


The long whip swept over, and the faces of the four great protectors instantly became extremely ugly. I didn’t expect these two women to have such high martial arts skills and be vicious.


Before they could react, several rays of cold light directly pierced through their protective body qi and pierced into their bodies.

The eyes of the four great protectors flashed with anger, these two little ladies have a grandmaster and a grandmaster in the middle stage?

Dare to strike at them like this!

There was also a hint of lust in the eyes of one of the protectors, and he had to make these two little ladies look good.

After you take them down, let them know what it is!

At this moment, the faces of the four great protectors changed suddenly, and they looked at the purple woman with a look of disbelief in their eyes.

Just now that dark weapon is poisonous! Several people were shocked in their hearts, they were four grandmasters, and the practice exercises were all evil exercises of their Evil Pole Sect.

Ordinary poison was like drinking water to them, so they didn’t care about those dark weapons.

But at the moment, it seems that even they can’t resist such a poison!


Before the four great protectors could speak, they directly spewed out purple blood on the spot!

Shock flashed in the eyes of everyone present.

These two beauties shot so fiercely. Directly kill all the four protectors of that Evil Pole Sect.

The immortal form of the four protectors made them, the onlookers, feel a chill in their hearts.

Femme Fatale!

“These two people, I’m afraid they are also femme fatales who kill people without blinking in the rivers and lakes!”

“I’m afraid only the white-clothed sword immortal can control it! I see that Lin Pingzhi has contributed to the rivers and lakes by taking the two of them down. ”

“yes! The shot was so fierce that the four protectors of the Evil Pole Sect didn’t even react! ”

“Just seeing me makes me feel a chill on my body, that poison can easily kill the Grandmaster Perfection powerhouse…”

Everyone was talking about it, looking at Chi Lian and Zi Nu with a touch of exclamation in their eyes.

For a while, they looked at the purple girl and Chi Lian, and there was no blasphemy in their hearts.

Since seeing the tragic situation of the four great protectors, he only felt a chill in his heart when he looked at the two of them.

I am afraid that only Lin Pingzhi can enjoy such blessings………

“So ruthless!”

The Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect was also shocked, looking at Chi Lian and the purple woman, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

I have also learned about this Dongfeng Dart Bureau, and I know that the General Bureau of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau probably does not have any masters.

Now seeing these people, he understood in his heart that the Dongfeng Dart Bureau was not just a master of Lin Pingzhi.


There are still such strong people in the Dongfeng Dart Bureau!

Can two grandmasters kill the four protectors of their Evil Pole Sect? This made the Great Elder’s heart feel a little more cold.

Looking at the disfigured corpses of the four great protectors, the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect flashed with anger in his eyes.

His own Evil Pole Sect is one of the three major demon gates that dominate the rivers and lakes, how can a small dart bureau deal with it?

Just about to order the congregation to besiege.

I saw hundreds of black figures flashing.

The figure is like a ghost, and with a flash, it will reap the lives of the evil cultists

In just the blink of an eye, all the hundred and ten sects were killed, and those hundreds of figures quickly disappeared after killing people. Everyone looked at it again, but they couldn’t find a trace.

The group of people moved cleanly, but in the blink of an eye, all the members of the Evil Extreme Sect fell in a pool of blood.


The onlookers stared blankly at the pile of corpses on the ground.

Just now, they could only see the figure flashing, and then all the members of the Evil Pole Sect died?

“Just seemed like a killer? And the cultivation is extremely amazing, and there are quite a few people! ”

“What killer, it’s so powerful! Just in the blink of an eye, there is such a change? ”

“These evil cultists are not ordinary people, they all died here!”


The Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect was shocked in his heart.

I didn’t expect that the Dongfeng Dart Bureau still had such means? Just now, I could see that the group of killers had spider marks on them.

Moreover, the movements are uniform, the moves are extremely fierce, and there are so many people that even ordinary grandmasters must hate on the spot.

The Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect inexplicably gave birth to a trace of unknown fear in his heart. But this fear was quickly suppressed.

Although these means are powerful, they are not enough for him to be a five-rank grandmaster.

Even if they stand there and let them fight, these people can’t even break their protective body qi.

Thinking of this, a trace of calm flashed in the eyes of that Evil Pole Sect Great Elder, no matter what, he must kill that Lin Pingzhi today!

His gaze swept over the bodies of Bai Feng and the others, who said that these were not ordinary grandmasters.

But he was the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect.

How could the strength and means be what these little grandmasters could imagine?

“Evil God Protective Body!”

This great elder shouted fiercely, only to see that he directly sacrificed his body protection qi to resist Bai Fengchi and several people joining forces to attack.

And this protective body qi is like endless ghosts swimming, even if everyone besieges, it can’t hurt the slightest………

These attacks are coming, and even the Great Grandmaster cannot carry them hard.

But right now, the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect was able to withstand the siege of so many masters at the same time!

In the face of everyone’s bombardment, a look of disdain flashed in the eyes of this Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect.

He is a great master of the five ranks, what are he afraid of these people?

I saw that he sacrificed the protective body qi on his body unharmed, and rushed towards the gate of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau.

Whether it was that feather stained with white internal force or the long whip that was wielded, the purple mist could not hurt the Great Elder in the slightest.

Under the effect of this protective body qi, all the attacks of Bai Feng and the others could not even slow down the speed of the Great Elder.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the audience took a sharp breath of cold air.

“The power of the Great Grandmaster is really not comparable to the Grandmaster, even if the three top Grandmasters besiege it, they can’t hurt it in the slightest.”

“If Lin Pingzhi can’t suppress this great master, the Dongfeng Dart Bureau will die.”

“Lin Pingzhi actually followed the Evil Pole Sect, and it seems that he is causing big trouble right now!!”

Everyone was amazed, and the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect was full of confidence, and he didn’t look at Bai Feng and the others. He looked at the plaque of the East Wind Dart Bureau, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

Wait for himself to kill him in this East Wind Dart Bureau and smash this plaque.

Just as the Great Elder was about to step into the gate of the East Wind Dart Bureau, a sword qi struck.


I saw that this sword qi was magnificent, and it instantly blasted out this Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect.

The protective body qi that was wrapped around the Dao Dao evil qi was also directly blasted into pieces.

“Not good!”

The Great Elder was shocked.

The moment that protective body qi came into contact with that sword light, a coldness suddenly arose in his heart.

If you don’t hide, you will definitely die!

The Great Elder’s heart shook furiously, and he hurriedly dodged with all his strength. It was at this critical moment that he was able to dodge


I saw this sword qi flashing, and the shoulder of the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect was blasted out of a blood hole by this sword qi, and blood flowed out directly!

This is still just dodged with all his strength, otherwise I am afraid that it will be silent………


Everyone in the audience was shocked.

This sword light was so terrifying, it could easily injure the Great Grandmaster powerhouse?

Those onlookers also looked towards the gate of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau.

I saw Lin Pingzhi walking out slowly, dressed in white without wind, like a white jade son.

In this scene, strolling leisurely, the shark teeth in your hand are like a feather fan.

“Lin Pingzhi! It’s Lin Gongzi! To be able to force back the Great Grandmaster with one sword is really too strong! ”

“It is worthy of being a white-clothed sword immortal, a sword is evil! Today, this Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect will also fall here. ”

“The first time I saw the legendary white-clothed sword immortal, he was really handsome and dashing, and his temperament was extraordinary.”

“Such a young man, if you can have a spring dinner with him…”

The onlookers praised one after another, and those women blushed when they looked at Lin Pingzhidu.

And that Evil Pole Sect Great Elder looked at Lin Pingzhi with a trace of fear in his eyes at this moment.

“This kid!”

The Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect had an extremely ugly face.

I almost died under this kid’s sword just now, if I didn’t move faster, I would have been hurt by that sword light!

Feeling the pain in his shoulder, the anger in the heart of the Great Elder of the Evil Pole Sect also rose instantly.

His gaze looked at Lin Pingzhi coldly, and his heart was full of surging anger.

“You are Lin Pingzhi!?”

The Great Elder shouted angrily.

Right now, this kid is walking out of that East Wind Dart Bureau, and he is still at this age and so strong.

This person must be Lin Pingzhi!!

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