Chapter 141 is worthy of being a white-clothed sword immortal, crowned by the younger generation!!

Looking at the departing figure of Mercy Xing, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes had a touch of tenderness.

In January, move the Flower Palace!

Remembering what happened yesterday, Lin Pingzhi couldn’t help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly. It was an accident………

However, a month later, he will go to the Shifting Flower Palace, and when the time comes, the master of the Shifting Flower Palace will agree to agree, and if he does not agree, he must also agree!

Subsequently, Lin Pingzhi also continued to embark on the journey back to the Dongfeng Dart Bureau. Tianji Pavilion, “Hey! Lin Pingzhi was able to destroy the Heavenly Demon Sect with the power of one person, what an unimaginable feat! ”

“Many jianghu sects trembled under the power of the demons in that day, but Lin Pingzhi did something good.”

“I’ve heard rumors before that this master Lin Ping is a reclusive Heaven and Human Realm powerhouse!”

“Amazing! I’m afraid this rumor is likely to be true, after all, Lin Pingzhi and other demons…”

Everyone was amazed, knowing that the Heavenly Demon Sect was one of the top ten demon gates in the rivers and lakes, and its strength could not be underestimated.

Not to mention that its sect master has the realm of a third-grade grandmaster, and there are many masters under it………

But since Lin Pingzhi had a vendetta with the Heavenly Demon Sect, he had repeatedly killed the Heavenly Demon Sect Protector.

Now the Heavenly Demon Sect will be destroyed! At this time, the land list of Tianji Pavilion was actually refreshed.

“Huh? The ground list is refreshed, is it possible that there is a change in ranking? ”

“It won’t be Lin Pingzhi again, right?!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone’s eyes flashed with expectation.

Lin Pingzhi has already brought them too much expectation, could it be that this time it is him again? I saw everyone looking towards the ground list, Lin Ping’s ranking: eighty-nine

Lin Pingzhi’s name is impressively ranked eighty-nine in that place.


On this day, everyone in the Tianji Pavilion gasped one after another.

Unexpectedly, after only a few days, Lin Ping’s name was actually promoted on this list!

Everyone also directly looked at the long record, what earth-shattering thing did this Lin Pingzhi do? It actually made his ranking rise again.

Lin Pingzhi

Achievement: Killed the three elders of the Evil Pole Sect. Seeing this, everyone in the audience had shocked looks on their faces.

“The Evil Pole Sect is one of the three major demon sects, and it is even above the Heavenly Demon Sect. How could this Lin Pingzhi get into trouble with them? ”

“Lin Pingzhi first destroyed the Heavenly Demon Sect, and now he has formed an alliance with the Evil Extreme Sect, what is his intention?”

“This… Every time the people who made enemies with Lin Pingzhi turned out to be these demon forces? ”

“Could it be that you want to destroy the world’s demon gate? A dart head is even more decent than us righteous sects? ”

Everyone was speculated and amazed.

It was really too shocking to hear this time, and the Evil Pole Sect was one of the three major demon gates.

Lin Pingzhi’s actions have already forged a bond with it, I am afraid that this Evil Extreme Sect will not give up.


At this moment, someone suddenly sighed.

“It is said that the Evil Pole Sect is not comparable to the Heavenly Demon Sect, I am afraid that Lin Pingzhi will suffer this time.”

Hearing this, everyone in the Tianji Pavilion nodded one after another.

“Yes, the people who vainly tried to challenge the three demon gates before, the grave grass is estimated to be several meters tall…”

“The strength of these three demon gates is far better than those ordinary demon gate forces, even the Dongfeng Dart Bureau is difficult to top!”

In this regard, everyone in the Tianji Pavilion agreed.

Soon, the news that Lin Pingzhi had killed the three elders of the Evil Pole Sect spread.

This has also become something that everyone knows and everyone knows in the rivers and lakes. Lin Pingzhi once again became famous.

Evil Pole Sect, Evil Pole Sect Master is still in retreat.

“Hey! When the sect master comes out, he must be given a surprise! ”

An evil smile flashed in the Great Elder’s eyes.

Although after the sect master’s retreat, this Evil Pole Sect was his Great Elder and Deacon, which made his heart dark.

However, he also arranged for the three elders to prepare a big gift for the sect master. At this time, the Great Elder looked at the disciples of the Evil Pole Sect on the side and asked, “How is the Third Elder doing now?” ”

A few days ago, the Third Elder of his Evil Pole Sect received the challenge letter from the Shifting Flower Palace Mercy Star.

So he was about to go to fight against Mercy Star, and at this time he also came up with a good idea.

He asked the three elders to lay a trap and capture Mercy Star and offer it to the sect master.

Just counting the time, the three elders should also successfully take down that mercy star and return to their Evil Extreme Sect.

For some reason, he hasn’t come back yet.

“The Third Elder hasn’t returned yet!”

This disciple also hurriedly replied.

Hearing this, a hint of doubt flashed in the Great Elder’s eyes.

According to the time, I should have come back early, but what special situation did I encounter? Or did the Third Elder do something to that mercy star?

However, after thinking about it, the Great Elder also felt in his heart that this matter was impossible, after all, the third elder should be able to distinguish the urgency of the matter.

The Great Elder looked at the disciple in front of him and was about to order him to investigate. At this time, a disciple suddenly broke in.

“Great Elder! Great Elder! Big things are bad! ”

This disciple’s face was full of panic, and when he saw this situation, the Great Elder was shocked in his heart, and suddenly felt a trace of bad feeling.

“What’s going on?”

The Great Elder had a solemn look in his eyes.

What was it that made the disciples of the Evil Pole Sect come to report in such a panic.

“The Third Elder was killed by Lin Pingzhi! Now Lin Pingzhi had replaced the position of the three elders in the Earth List. ”

This disciple spoke tremblingly.

The matter had now spread throughout the rivers and lakes, and on the land list of the Tianji Pavilion, Lin Pingzhi’s name was impressively in the original position of the three elders.

“What? Lin Pingzhi! ”

The Great Elder’s eyes flashed with shock.

Of course, he had heard of this Lin Pingzhi, and he was a peerless demon in the rivers and lakes.

But he is just a great master!

Right now, not only did he kill the Sect Master of the Demon Sect that day, but he even killed the three elders?

You must know that the strength of the three elders of the Evil Pole Sect is similar to that Heavenly Demon Sect Master.

Lin Pingzhi killed the third-grade grandmaster with the first-grade grandmaster, originally thought that he relied on some means, but now it seems that Lin Pingzhi has such strength.

“This Lin Pingzhi can’t find death? Do you really think that my Evil Pole Sect is as arbitrary as the Demon Sect that day? ”

The Great Elder’s eyes flashed with anger.

In his eyes, although Na Lin Pingzhi is a peerless demon in the rivers and lakes, he is also a junior who has not dried up.

This kid actually opened the knife on his Evil Extreme Sect? It’s really an old birthday star who eats arsenic and looks for death!

The second elder of the Evil Pole Sect also walked out, his aura was extremely powerful, and his eyes were even more fierce.

“I’ll go kill that Lin Pingzhi and avenge the Third Elder!”

The eyes of the second elder of the Evil Pole Sect shone fiercely.

Since this Lin Pingzhi dared to provoke his Evil Extreme Sect, he could only blame his own bad luck.

Seeing the second elder’s fierce and vicious look, the Great Elder nodded with satisfaction.

If you dare to provoke your own Evil Extreme Sect, you must make him pay a terrible price!

With a look of scrutiny in his eyes, the Great Elder looked at the Second Elder with a murderous face.

“If you don’t kill Lin Pingzhi, you will only die when you come back!”

The Great Elder narrowed his eyes and said coldly.

The second elder is a strong man in his Evil Pole Sect second only to himself and the sect master, and this Lin Pingzhi will definitely die under the pursuit and killing of his Evil Pole Sect!

“Yes! Then Lin Pingzhi only has a dead end! ”

The second elder also nodded, and a shocking murderous aura flashed in his eyes.

Dongfeng Dart Bureau, “Hahaha! Now that the Demon Sect has been extinguished that day, my Dongfeng Dart Bureau can finally sit back and relax! ”

Lin Zhentian’s eyes flashed with joy.

When his nephew offended the Heavenly Demon Sect that day, it was difficult to sleep, for fear that the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect would kill the Dongfeng Dart Bureau.

After all, those are all people who kill people without blinking, and if they offend them, it is possible to kill them at any time! And in the face of such a powerful force, do they have a way to live?

“Yes! Ping Zhi is really a lucky star of my Lin family! ”

Lin Zhennan also smiled happily.

After all, the Heavenly Demon Sect had been an enemy of the East Wind Dart Bureau for a long time. Sooner or later it will be a curse.

It is much more reassuring to destroy it.

“Yes! Thanks to the Young Lord, the Young Lord was actually the reincarnation of an immortal, and the Demon Sect could not be destroyed in front of the Young Lord that day! ”

“The Young Dart Lord is not only a scourge for our Dongfeng Dart Bureau, but also a scourge for many people in the rivers and lakes!”

All the dart masters of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau were amazed.

Among them, there are many old dart masters who have been in the Dongfeng Dart Bureau for decades, and their faces are all with a look of satisfaction.

Their own young dart masters can come to this point, and these dart masters in these dart bureaus are also honored.

And those who came to the Dongfeng Dart Bureau to support the darts, all of them were amazed in their eyes.

“Lin Pingzhi really deserves to be a white-clothed sword immortal, and it is said that the Demon Sect Master killed the Fourth Rank Grand Master that day! Even so, they all died in Lin Pingzhi’s hands! ”

“When Lin Ping first entered the realm of the Great Master, he was able to compare to the Fourth Rank Great Master! This kind of strength really makes us happy! ”

“At the beginning, Lin Pingzhi was a peerless demon who was able to fight the grandmaster of the innate realm! Unexpectedly, it became more and more enchanting! ”

“This dart is handed over to the Dongfeng Dart Bureau, I am extremely relieved! After all, there was a white-clothed sword immortal, Lin Pingzhi. ”

At this moment, a subordinate suddenly broke into the dart game in panic.

“Not good! Master! Young Master him! ”

At this time, the person was flustered and incoherent, and hurried to exit.

Seeing this situation, a look of surprise flashed in the eyes of Lin Zhennan and Lin Zhentian’s two brothers.

Together with those who threw the darts, they were all discolored.

The next person also hurriedly inhaled heavily, and then said tremblingly: “Young Master, he has advanced to the eighty-ninth place in the ground list…”

Before he finished speaking, the Dongfeng Dart Bureau instantly quieted down, and a look of shock flashed in everyone’s eyes.

“Good! It is worthy of being a white-clothed sword fairy! ”

Everyone clapped their hands one after another, and a bright light flashed in their eyes.

The land list of this Tianji Pavilion can only be entered by the leaders among the great masters. And Lin Pingzhi ranks eighty-nine among them, and has reached the pursuit of countless people in the rivers and lakes!

Not to mention the younger generation, even many of the older generation and strong people cannot have such achievements in their lifetimes.


When the next person saw this situation, he was speechless.

Seeing that his face was extremely ugly, a bad feeling flashed in Lin Zhennan’s heart.

“What else? Speak slowly! ”

Lin Zhennan hurriedly asked, and the next person swallowed his breath with extreme difficulty. Everyone’s eyes also focused on him.

“Young Dart Lord him, killed the three elders of the Evil Pole Sect.”

Then he spoke dryly, “This! Evil Pole Sect! ”

The crowd was shocked in place.

This Evil Extreme Sect is the three major demon sects in the rivers and lakes, even if it is the Heavenly Demon Sect, it can only be obedient in front of him.

“Evil Pole Sect! It turned out to be the three major demon gates, I am afraid that this time the Dongfeng Dart Bureau will suffer! ”

“Lin Pingzhi killed the three elders of the Evil Pole Sect? This time, I’m afraid that the Evil Pole Sect won’t let him go easily! ”

“This Evil Pole Sect is far from being comparable to the Heavenly Demon Sect, and this time Lin Pingzhi will not be as lucky as before!”

Everyone trembled and spoke, and there was a look of fear in their eyes. They all thought in their hearts that even Lin Pingzhi would probably not be able to protect himself under the Evil Pole Sect………

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