Chapter 137 Yunluo County Lord coquettish, this is too punishable!!

Seeing this vision triggered by Lin Pingzhi, Rakshasa’s eyes widened in shock. This?

It is said that when the top grandmaster breaks through the realm of heaven and earth, it will resonate with heaven and earth.

But Lin Pingzhi was just a grandmaster who broke through to the grandmaster, which triggered this amazing image.

It’s amazing!

The killing intent in his heart was also getting stronger and stronger, this Lin Pingzhi was definitely going to die, “What? To break through! ”

The eyes of everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect flashed with shock.

Right now, Lin Pingzhi actually broke through in the duel with their sect master? What a talent this is!

They couldn’t help but feel a little more worried in their hearts.

Although they had just seen such a terrifying side of their sect master, they were disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect after all.

If the sect master is no match for this Lin Pingzhi, I am afraid that they will also be in danger.

“What a powerful aura!”

Shangguan Haitang’s eyes widened.

Lin Pingzhi was actually about to break through the Great Master? Such a young grandmaster has never been in the rivers and lakes!

This is really unprecedented and has not come, and it has created a precedent. However, what shocked Shangguan Haitang the most was that Lin Pingzhi’s breakthrough was able to trigger such an image.

Gui Hai looked at Lin Pingzhi’s figure with a knife, with a touch of admiration in his eyes. He was also completely convinced by Lin Pingzhi’s heart.

No wonder he was able to defeat himself so easily, it was far from Lin Pingzhi’s limit………

If he can have this kind of strength, he is qualified to help his father avenge him!

“Why did Lin Pingzhi break through at this time?”

The Lord of Yunluo County had a worried look in his eyes.

She had heard others say that breaking through the realm of people in the rivers and lakes was an extremely prudent thing.

It was all after the preparations were perfect before he began to break through, but how did Lin Pingzhi directly break through in the battle now?

“Boy! To be able to break through here, what should I say about you? ”

Narakshasa’s eyes had a sting tinge in them.

Although this kid is about to break through now, this time is his weakest moment, as long as he makes a move, Lin Pingzhi will definitely die.

“I must not let him break through and succeed!”

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master secretly said in his heart. I saw that the demon dragon phantom on his body flashed a scarlet color in his eyes.

“Boy! Give me death! ”

Rakshasa snorted.

He went directly towards Na Lin Ping, and even the ground was blown out of a trace under the strong wind.

And his palm is even more powerful, like a dragon wrapped around his arm.

“Not good!”

Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai were shocked in their hearts.

Right now, Lin Pingzhi is at the critical moment of the breakthrough, and he must not be disturbed in the slightest.

If you forcibly interrupt the breakthrough, I am afraid that you will also end up seriously injured!

Even if there is no chance to enter the Great Master in this life, it is absolutely impossible to let Rakshasa succeed like this.

“Hurry up and help Lin Pingzhi!”

The Lord of Yunluo County was equally shocked.

Despite their strength, they were like mantis blocking a car in front of the Heavenly Demon Sect Master!

But several people gritted their teeth and prepared to block. At this time, Lin Pingzhi took a breath, and the purple qi hovering on his body entered his body, along with the countless visions around him, all seemed to turn into air currents and were inhaled into Lin Pingzhi’s body.


With a clear sound, Lin Pingzhi’s body emitted the cultivation of a great grandmaster!


Lin Pingzhi exhaled.

His eyes also opened instantly, bursting with a flash of essence.

This breath was like a sharp sword, and dozens of trees were cut into two in an instant!


Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect was horrified.

Lin Pingzhi not only successfully broke through to the realm of the Great Grandmaster, but he was like a sword light in just one breath?

They couldn’t resist such an attack on their own, and this Lin Pingzhi was really too devilish!


Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai were overjoyed.

However, his heart was also shocked, and Lin Pingzhi broke through his cultivation in just a few breaths.

Sitting in the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that it is still something that has never happened. Such talent is terrifying!


The Lord of Yunluo County exclaimed happily.

“This kid!”

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master was even more shocked in his heart.

Ordinary people break through the Great Master, ranging from months to years and decades, and they are accompanied by the possibility of failure at any time.

Even the self, who was called a demon at the beginning, spent half a year to break through!

Lin Pingzhi in an instant?

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master’s killing intent is even heavier! Lin Pingzhi must die today, but if he is allowed to live until tomorrow, he will not sleep well!

A scarlet demon shadow flashed, and the Heavenly Demon Sect Master instantly approached Lin Pingzhi’s side.

“Heavenly Devil Erodes the Palm of Your Heart!”

“Heavenly Demon Immeasurable Finger!”

“Heavenly Demon Break!”

I saw that the Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect instantly displayed dozens of Heavenly Demon Sect masters. For a while, the aura on his body also became more and more high, and he directly attacked Lin Pingzhi with all his strength.

Seeing this situation, Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai were shocked in their hearts.

“Not good!”

At present, Lin Pingzhi has just broken through, and his cultivation has not yet been consolidated. Can I take such a horrific attack?

“Lin Pingzhi! Be careful! ”

The Lord of Yunluo County had a look of panic on his face.

After all, at this time, Lin Pingzhi’s nonchalant appearance was as if he had not noticed the attack of the Heavenly Demon Sect Master.

This also made Yun Luo’s heart lift instantly.

At this time, Rakshasa’s various stunts seemed to condense into a demon dragon, opening his huge mouth and swallowing towards Lin Pingzhi!


The corners of Lin Pingzhi’s mouth raised slightly.

Now that he has broken through to the realm of the Great Master, his own Four Elephants of Providence has finally reached the realm of Dacheng!

Just as the demon dragon swallowed Lin Pingzhi, his body suddenly exploded with lightning.


I saw the thunder and lightning on Lin Pingzhi’s body swimming, and it was like a blue lotus blooming in an instant.

A terrifying thunder and lightning exploded from his body, and there was an instant more dark cloud in the heavenly dome.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi’s body was surging, and he didn’t even fall behind the Heavenly Demon Sect Master of the Third Rank Grand Master!

“Providence Four Elephant Technique, Electric God Fury!”

Lin Pingzhi drank lightly.


I saw that the dark clouds in the sky instantly exploded, and a thunderbolt struck Lin Pingzhi’s body.

This terrifying thunder and lightning exploded, and in an instant, a huge electric god phantom appeared behind Lin Pingzhi.

Above the virtual shadow of the electric god, the subtle thunder and lightning traveled on Lin Pingzhi’s body. At this moment, the sky was gloomy, and the electric god phantom that exploded behind Lin Pingzhi seemed to be looking down on everyone condescendingly.

The endless deterrent power pressed on everyone’s hearts like substance, and even breathing felt laborious.

A look of satisfaction flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

The size of this electric god phantom is several times more powerful than the previous forms. With the thunder and lightning traveling on the body, whether it is deterrent or powerful, it can successfully reflect the horror of the four elephants of the Dacheng realm!

Everyone present looked at the terrifying electric god phantom, so shocked that they couldn’t breathe.

“What the hell is this? What a scary move! ”

Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect trembled at this moment.

Looking at the terrifying electric god phantom, he couldn’t even breathe, and even more so he collapsed directly on the ground and was scared into incontinence.

In the face of this existence, they can’t raise any resistance in their hearts………


Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai swallowed their saliva with difficulty.

Just looking at the electric god phantom behind Lin Pingzhi, you can feel heart palpitations, what kind of martial arts is this?

Could it be that this Lin Pingzhi is the reincarnation of the Heavenly God?

Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai opened their mouths and couldn’t say anything. After Lin Pingzhi broke through to the Great Master, the increase in strength was beyond imagination!

“What a terrible thing!”

The Lord of Yunluo County muttered.

She looked at the electric god phantom, and also felt a strong sense of oppression, even making herself unable to breathe.

However, looking at Lin Pingzhi under the shadow of the Electric God, the Lord of Yunluo County had a touch of worship in his eyes.

It is worthy of being the man you fancy! Sure enough, it’s awesome.

“This martial arts??!”

The Heavenly Demon Sect Master exclaimed.

Facing Lin Pingzhi’s moves, he was terrified in his heart!

The terrifying electric god phantom made Rakshasa’s whole body penetrate with a coldness.

This is the feeling of death, and under this blow, I am afraid that I will definitely die!

You must not stay here at the moment, you must escape! Be sure to escape! The fear in his heart was like a frenzy.

Facing Lin Pingzhi now, the Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect knew that he was invincible, and now he could only escape from here first, so that he could have a future!

“Heavenly Magic Step!”

Rakshasa’s figure shot out like a sharp arrow, trying to escape from Lin Pingzhi’s side.

“If you stay here now, you will surely die!”

Rakshasa’s heart was full of fear. This is already his fastest speed, presumably that Lin Ping will definitely not be able to catch up with himself!

In an instant, this Rakshasa was about to flee past Shangguan Haitang and the others. Lin Pingzhi’s eyes were ancient wells without waves.


I saw that he said coldly.

The electric god phantom behind him seemed to open his mouth and spit out a terrifying thunder power and shot directly at the Heavenly Demon Sect Master.

This blow was like earth-shattering thunder. Although the manpower is infinite, can it overcome the sky?

Rakshasa’s eyes widened, and his body constantly sent out danger signals.

It seems that danger has been perceived.


The terrifying thunder streaked through, and the Sect Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect directly turned into ashes and scattered with the wind.

And the dark clouds in the sky also began to dissipate, and the terrifying electric god phantom behind Lin Pingzhi also disappeared without a trace!

The eyes of everyone present widened.

Such a terrifying Heavenly Demon Sect Master died like this?

Under Lin Ping’s blow, it turned into ashes! Apparently there is no dead slag left!

“What a terrifying power!”

Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai stabbed, and their eyes flashed with shock. Let them be spies for so many years, but for such a terrifying martial art, it is simply unheard of, let alone seen!

“Great! Lin Pingzhi defeated that demon head! ”

The Lord of Yunluo County cheered.

Looking at Lin Pingzhi’s figure, his eyes were full of small stars, and he obviously admired Lin Pingzhi extremely much.

“What about the Sect Master?!”

Everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect muttered.

The moment they saw their sect master turn into ashes, the people of the Heavenly Demon Sect stood in place.

“Turned to ashes…”

One muttered.

The moment was like thunder, making everyone in the Heavenly Demon Sect come back from their shock.

“Run, the sect master is dead!”

“The Sect Master is actually dead!”

“Sect Master Young Master Protector was all killed by Lin Pingzhi!”

“Run! Come on! ”

The people of the Heavenly Demon Sect flashed fear in their eyes and scattered.

“Lin Shaoxia! We are all forced to helpless! ”

“Lin Shaoxia! I have old and young, please spare my life! ”

“Sword Immortal! Sword Immortal! Please don’t kill me! ”

There were also some Heavenly Demon Sect disciples who knelt directly in front of Lin Pingzhi and begged for mercy.

Seeing these people from the Heavenly Demon Sect, a look of disdain flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes. On this day, the Demon Sect does everything evil in the rivers and lakes, mixing in the rivers and lakes, and if you want to kill, you must be prepared to be killed!

Stretching out his hand, he instantly pointed out dozens of broken body invisible sword qi, directly killing all the disciples of this Heavenly Demon Sect.

The Heavenly Demon Sect ceased to exist at this point!


The battle was finally over, and Lin Pingzhi slowly exhaled with his mouth open.

“Lin Pingzhi! You’re really good! ”

At this time, the Lord of Yunluo County ran forward happily, holding Lin Pingzhi’s hand and shaking it back and forth.

Her eyes were full of adoration, and it was even more difficult to hide her love for Lin Pingzhi.

“Lin Pingzhi! I want to worship you as a teacher, quickly accept me as an apprentice!” ”

The Lord of Yunluo County took Lin Pingzhi’s hand and coquettishly said.

After all, although he had many masters, even if they added up, they were not as good as Lin Pingzhi.

Looking at the coquettish words of the Lord of Yunluo County, Lin Pingzhi also smashed his mouth. How old is this little girl now? It’s just a teenager.

Is this punishment? Straightened up.

A beautiful life that can be encountered and not imprisoned is just around the corner.

“I don’t take apprentices!”

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, wouldn’t it be a mess for himself to accept an apprentice now? Lin Pingzhi didn’t want to bother either. Hearing Lin Pingzhi’s words, the Lord of Yunluo County grabbed Lin Pingzhi’s sleeve with a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

At this time, Shangguan Haitang and Gui Hai were still in shock.

“Let’s go!”

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

It was also to wake up the shocked Begonia and a knife, and then Lin Pingzhi continued to move forward with the dart team, Gui Hai Yidao and Shangguan Haitang looked at his back and were still shocked in their hearts.

Quickly followed, staring at Lin Pingzhi’s back, the two were a little out of their minds.

Half a day later, everyone also entered the Emei Mountain Realm.


Lin Pingzhi raised his eyebrows.

In his perception, there was actually a commotion ahead? Everyone walked a few steps forward, and finally found that it was an Emei disciple, who was being besieged by a group of people.

“Leave this group of thieves to me!”

The Lord of Yunluo County rushed into the crowd quite eagerly.

I also want to let Lin Pingzhi know that I am not a flower rack, and I also know martial arts, okay!

“Not good! Those who besieged Emei’s disciples were Evil and Extreme Sect people! ”

Shangguan Haitang exclaimed.

She and Gui Hai were both ready to rush in to rescue Yun Luo, but a flash of essence flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

As soon as he heard that Yun Luo was in danger, Lin Pingzhi also shot directly.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and several lines of broken body invisible sword qi, directly killing those people of the Evil Extreme Sect!

There was a person from the Evil Pole Sect in the early stage of the Grandmaster who did not directly cut off his qi. He looked at Lin Pingzhi with a flash of hatred in his eyes.

“Lin Pingzhi? Dare to spoil the good deeds of my Evil Extreme Sect, the Sect Master will definitely not let you go!” ”

Saying that, this person’s neck was crooked and silent.

Faced with this threat, Lin Pingzhi just shook his head.

If the threat had been useful, he would have died a long time ago. It’s just an incompetent rage………

At this time, those Emei disciples also bowed down to Lin Pingzhi’s hands and fists.

“Thank you Young Master Lin!”

All the women thanked each other in unison.

Their eyes flashed with surprise as they looked at Lin Pingzhi, if it weren’t for him, I’m afraid they would all die here today!

At this time, another person exclaimed.

“Lin Pingzhi, I owe you another favor!”

It turned out that Ji Xiaofu was pleasantly surprised.

I didn’t expect to meet Lin Pingzhi here! What a bonus!


The Lord of Yunluo County also applauded.

She is younger than Ji Xiaofu in Emei Mountain, and now she knows each other, and she is happier in her heart.

Seeing that this girl was so lively, the corners of Lin Pingzhi’s mouth also had a smile.

“Hmm! Let’s go up this Emei Mountain together! ”

After that, everyone walked towards Mount Emei together.

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