Chapter 132: The head of the Snow Mountain Sect is at ease, Lin Pingzhi, dare to fight with me?!!

Soon, the aura on Lin Pingzhi’s body stabilized.

Although the internal force never broke through the last level of the Sanjiao Xuanxian Gate, Lin Pingzhi was already in the realm of a half-step grandmaster at this time.

As the realm stabilized, a flash of joy flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes, and he also stood up. Nameless stepped forward with a look of relief in his eyes.

He naturally saw that Lin Pingzhi had successfully broken through the realm with the help of that Qilin Blood and Blood Bodhi.

This boldness made Nameless also a surprise for this junior!

“It is worthy of being able to make a great reputation in the rivers and lakes!”

Nameless clapped his hands, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes. It’s so daring to be so bold and careful.

You must know that it is the legendary exotic beast fire unicorn, and ordinary people in the rivers and lakes may not escape death when they meet it.

On his own day, the powerhouse of the human realm may not be able to hurt the fire qilin. Not to mention ordinary grandmasters, but Lin Pingzhi successfully injured this fire unicorn with the realm of grandmasters. And also got a lot of benefits from this Lingyun Cave!

Shangguan Haitang also stepped forward at this moment, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

“It’s good that you’re okay!”

Shangguan Haitang slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi was safe and sound, the stone in her heart was finally put down.

“Some quacks and lakes are just false names!”

Lin Pingzhi responded modestly.

Although he has become a half-step grandmaster, he can still only turn over some small waves in this huge rivers and lakes. And this great martial arts world is far beyond imagination, what is his false name?

Looking at the place where the fire qilin was running, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes also faintly flashed with surprise.

Although the fire unicorn had already left, there was still a faint burning intent in this Lingyun cave.

Presumably, this is also the magic of that fire unicorn.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi’s gaze, a hint of surprise flashed in Nameless’s eyes. It seems that Lin Pingzhi is still at ease with that fire unicorn?

“Lin Pingzhi? Do you still want to find that fire unicorn? ”

Nameless asked, a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Although Lin Pingzhi had just injured the Fire Qilin, it was just a small trouble for that kind of exotic beast.

“Naturally not!”

Lin Pingzhi shook his head and smiled slightly bitterly.

His eyes looked at the depths of this Lingyun Cave, and he originally wanted to go to the depths to find that Xuanwu True Skill, as well as many secret secrets.

But he still has a dart task in his body, and the fire unicorn is not easy to deal with.

Although Lin Pingzhi injured him, his current strength was really a little reluctant to subdue that beast. I can only leave first and come back later.

“Hmm! This fire unicorn is not easy to deal with! ”

Nameless nodded.

“Yes! Let’s hurry up and get out of this Lingyun Cave! ”

Shangguan Haitang echoed on the side.

At this time, although the fire qilin had left, Shangguan Haitang’s eyes still had a touch of fear.

It is really terrifying that the power of the fire unicorn is terrifying, and it is definitely not something that ordinary people in the rivers and lakes can deal with!

The group also left the Lingyun Cave, and Lin Pingzhi and the two separated after saying goodbye to Nameless.

“If there are such juniors in the rivers and lakes, I am afraid it will be lively again!”

Nameless looked at the departing backs of the two of them, with a touch of exclamation in his eyes.

Lin Pingzhi’s junior is really amazing, although it is only a slight contact, Nameless can feel that this Lin Pingzhi is superior regardless of strength, talent, intelligence and courage.

Lin Pingzhi and the two of them also went back, and the eyes of the first horse in the world flashed with shock.

It seems that the owner of his own estate and Lin Pingzhi have returned safe and sound? Could it be that he didn’t meet that fire unicorn?

Lin Pingzhi and Shangguan Haitang did not say anything about the Lingyun Cave, and these people did not dare to ask.

The group continued to set off towards the snowy mountain, and their trip was precisely to take the thousand-year-old Xuanbing coffin

Half a month later, Lin Ping’s group finally arrived at the Snow Mountain Sect “Snow Mountain Sect!” ”

A light flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

As soon as he arrived, he found that someone was greeting him and the others, and it seemed that he should be an important person from the Snow Mountain Faction.

“That’s the head of the Snow Mountain Sect, Bai Zizi, it seems that he also attaches great importance to this matter!!”

Shangguan Haitang also hurriedly said.

Seeing Bai Zizi and the others, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes flashed with a fine light. This should be the city lord of that big snowy mountain Lingxiao City, Bai Easy!

He is also the fifth generation head of this Snow Mountain Sect.

As soon as Lin Pingzhi and Shangguan Haitang arrived, everyone’s eyes were on them.

“This is?”

A hint of doubt flashed in Bai Zi’s eyes.

Obviously a little curious about Lin Pingzhi’s identity.

“This is the famous white-clothed sword immortal Lin Pingzhi in the rivers and lakes!”

Shangguan Haitang chuckled, and also revealed Lin Pingzhi’s identity to everyone. Hearing this, Bai Zi’s eyes directly lit up with a light, and his eyes flickered as he looked at Lin Pingzhi. Scorching fighting intent.

When several people around saw this, a look of surprise flashed in their eyes.

The ranking of his own head was surpassed by Na Lin Pingzhi, but he has always been worried. Every day, he chanted that he would go down the mountain to find Na Lin Pingzhi.

But did he never think that Lin Pingzhi actually came to their Snow Mountain Faction?

You must know that the head of their Snow Mountain Sect, Bai Zizi, is a solid martial idiot, even Granny Shi is not less because of this, but the head is still willing. Granny Shi looked at Bai Zizi’s eyes and a touch of helplessness flashed.

Himself this fair………

“It turned out to be the white-clothed sword immortal, who has long admired the daimyo!”

Bai Zizi also clasped his hands into fists and bowed slightly, and as soon as he finished speaking, he continued to speak: “Long heard the name of Your Excellency’s white-clothed sword immortal, I don’t know if I can discuss it today?” ”

Bai Zi’s eyes flashed with burning battle intent, and it seemed that he couldn’t wait to fight Lin Pingzhi.

At this time, he looked at Lin Ping’s eyes with a hint of doubt.

How can this Lin Pingzhi be? Can you be ranked above yourself? At such an age, although the cultivation of a half-step grandmaster is terrifying, it must not be able to do a few superior skills.

How is it possible to beat a great grandmaster of Yipin?

“Huh? White senior? ”

A flash of surprise flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

Looking at the fighting intent in Bai Zi’s eyes, a look of helplessness flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

The tree is a big move, it seems that this Bai Zizi has to compete with himself today. At this moment, a young girl suddenly shouted.

“Grandpa! You’re too rude to do this! ”

A look of contempt flashed in the girl’s eyes. Lin Pingzhi’s gaze also looked towards her, and he saw that this girl looked gentle and coquettish, not very old but extremely cute, just like a snow lotus waiting to be released.

“This is Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Xiuxiu, Bai Zizi’s granddaughter!”

Shangguan Haitang also said softly.

Lin Pingzhi nodded slightly, and a flash of admiration flashed in his eyes as he looked at Bai Xiuxiu.

I am afraid that only on this snowy mountain can there be such a clear and transparent woman.

At this time, Bai Xiuxiu also stared at Lin Ping. She has heard of Lin Ping’s name for a long time, and she said that the white-clothed sword fairy Lin Ping is extraordinarily handsome, and he is a rare knight in the rivers and lakes!

Today, when I saw Bai Xiuxiu more convinced of those rumors, he also looked at Lin Pingzhi with a touch of admiration in his eyes.

From the granddaughter who was looking at her elbow out, a look of helplessness flashed in her eyes.

“You little girl! Yes yes yes, grandpa is wrong or not? ”

Bai Zizi is also a very spoiled opening.

My own little granddaughter, of course, I want to spoil herself.

“That’s pretty much it!”

Bai Xiuxiu is also very arrogant with a small face.

After this Bai Zi coaxed Bai Xiuxiu, his eyes looked at Lin Pingzhi again.

“I wonder what Lin Shaoxia thinks?”

Bai Zizi spoke directly, and the fighting intent in his eyes still did not retreat. Obviously, today is the battle with Lin Ping.

Seeing Senior Bai like this, Lin Ping was also a little itchy.

“Since the seniors are compared, then come!”

Lin Pingzhi nodded, this Bai Zizi is not a simple person, but he wants to have a discussion with him.


Seeing Lin Pingzhi’s agreement, Bai Zi was overjoyed in his heart.


Bai Xiuxiu and Shangguan Haitang had a look of expectation in their eyes. I want to witness Lin Pingzhi’s demeanor.

Especially Bai Xiuxiu opened his eyes at the moment, staring closely at Lin Pingzhi’s figure

He had heard rumors about Lin Pingzhi for a long time, and now he was finally able to observe it up close.

Several of Bai Zi’s apprentices, Feng Wanli and the others, all flashed a look of disdain in their eyes.

“I see that this Lin Pingzhi is really not self-sufficient! Dare to compete with the Great Grandmaster powerhouse? ”

“Lin Pingzhi is afraid to humiliate himself!”

“I see that the news of Lin Pingzhi’s previous defeat of the First Pin Grand Master is definitely mixed with a lot of moisture!”

“The master is not an ordinary first-class grandmaster, this Lin Pingzhi cannot win.”

Feng Wanli and the others also mocked.

They also have a name in the rivers and lakes, just like the wind and fire divine dragon that seals thousands of miles. The Hanmei woman who spends thousands of purples………

For Lin Pingzhi, whose reputation spread throughout the rivers and lakes, there was a feeling of envy and jealousy in his heart.

“Long heard of your white-clothed sword immortal name, let’s compete in sword art today!”

Na Bai Zizi also spoke.

Then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he took out a Xuan Iron Sword, and a cold cold light flashed on it.

“Snow Mountain Sword Technique, Mei Xue Fighting for Spring!”

Bai Zi held a glint of essence in his eyes. I saw that with a wave of his hand, the cold light of the Dao Dao turned into a falling snow and cold plum, and it was like a cold plum arrogant and untamed!

For a while, this sword move seemed to evolve into a plum blossom plum branch, and various different forms slashed towards Lin Pingzhi.

Several of Bai’s apprentices clapped their hands one after another.

“Master Venerable’s Snow Mountain Sword Technique has reached the realm, even the second-grade grandmaster cannot be the opponent of Master Venerable!”

“This trick Meixue Rushing Spring, I’m afraid it will take me decades to practice to reach the realm of Master Venerable!”

“Lin Pingzhi will definitely be defeated under this sword!”

“Lin Pingzhi actually wants to fight against Master Venerable? It’s a dream! ”

And in the face of the cold light that attacked, a bright light flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

“Across the four directions!”

Lin Pingzhi said softly.

I saw that the shark teeth in my hand were instantly pulled out, and a strange cold light rose up into the sky.

And Lin Pingzhi’s figure was also like a leisurely stroll, strolling in the Dao sword light displayed by Bai Zi.

The sword in his hand was even more moved, and for a while it seemed to be dripping water, resisting all of Bai Free’s attacks. A few apprentices from the group brought shock.

This Lin Pingzhi’s kung fu is really not covered?

No wonder there is the title of the white-clothed sword immortal in the rivers and lakes. But soon they were several

Unwillingness flashed in people’s eyes, “This Lin Pingzhi is just a bluff, presumably it won’t take a few moves to lose under Master Venerable!” ”

“It seems to be fierce, but it is actually chaotic, this Lin Pingzhi will be defeated!”

“This kid’s sword technique has no beauty at all, where can he be called a white-clothed sword immortal?”

“No matter what, in a few rounds, this Lin Pingzhi will definitely lose.”

These people were all sour openings, and Bai Zizi and Lin Pingzhi in the battle both ignored the chaotic sounds around them.


Soon, Lin Ping’s sword was picked, which made the Xuantie sword in Bai Zi’s hand tremble slightly.

At this moment, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes flashed with essence.

A sword directly stabbed into Bai Zizi’s throat, and only a slight away from easily slit his throat.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi’s victory over Bai Zizi, a flash of shock flashed in the eyes of everyone present. It is worthy of being a white-clothed sword fairy, and there is really something! This aspect of swordsmanship is absolutely otherworldly…

“You just won by luck, let’s compete in internal strength!”

Bai Zi’s face was more gloomy.

I didn’t expect that a quack-timer would lose in the hands of Lin Pingzhi. This also made Bai Zizi’s mood quite complicated at this time.

I saw that the two of them stretched out their hands and gushed out internal force, and the internal force gushing out of Bai Zi’s body seemed to transform into a snow bear and went towards Lin Pingzhi’s oppression.

Its internal strength is also three points stronger than that of ordinary first-class grandmasters. A flash of confidence flashed in Bai Zi’s eyes.

Self-resentment is unmatched.

Among the great masters of this product, I am afraid that no one can defeat themselves in terms of internal strength.

At present, this Lin Pingzhi must not be his own enemy.


A bright light flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

I saw that the internal force surging from his body directly turned into a huge python, and his body exuded domineering and cruel intent.

The internal forces of the two were exchanged, and for a while, the two figures began to tremble uncontrollably, and the images of the internal forces on their bodies began to distort.

In the confrontation of this internal force, the whole body seems to be under unimaginable pressure.

And Bai Zizi’s face kept sliding cold sweat, and his eyes flashed with shock when he looked at Lin Pingzhi.

As soon as he came into contact with him, he found this kid………


Lin Pingzhi’s figure did not move, but Bai Zizi took a few steps back. Bai, who was repelled by the shock, was at ease and weakly paralyzed to the ground.

Although Lin Pingzhi’s body was steaming, it seemed that he still had some spare energy.

“I lost!”

Bai Zi said helplessly.


There was a flash of disbelief in everyone’s eyes.

None of them thought that the Bai Zizi of the Great Master of Yipin would actually lose in Lin Pingzhi’s hands.

You know, this is a famous old-timer.

At this time, Bai Zizi, who was paralyzed on the ground, looked at Lin Pingzhi and was shocked in his heart. Just now, under the internal force competition, I was almost tired to death.

But this kid is like a nobody? Is this kid really a half-step grandmaster?

Several of his apprentices were also shocked in their hearts at this time, and as for those mocking words, they couldn’t say it.

“That’s awesome!”

A flash of light flashed in Bai Xiuxiu’s eyes.

Lin Pingzhi is really as powerful as the legend! Even his own grandfather can easily defeat it.

Bai Zizi: “………”

Shangguan Haitang looked at Lin Pingzhiyun’s light expression, and secretly thought in his heart: “It seems that Lin Pingzhi’s defeat of the sweeping god monk is not accidental. ”

“Hey! At my age, I really live to be a dog! ”

After staring at Lin Pingzhi for a while, Bai Zizi also sighed and lowered his head.

Lin Pingzhi was young, but he didn’t expect his internal strength to be so majestic.

The martial arts that he has practiced all his life cannot match him.

“The seniors are also very powerful, I am afraid that no one among the great masters of Yipin is the opponent of the seniors!”

Lin Pingzhi persuaded.

Seeing Bai Zizi’s self-contained appearance, Lin Pingzhi felt a little helpless in his heart.

Bai Zizi is indeed a strong man among the great masters of Yipin, but it is a pity that he met himself.

When Bai Zizi heard Lin Pingzhi praise himself, he couldn’t help but feel a lot better in his heart. At this time, Bai Xiuxiu looked at Bai Zi’s appearance of eating turtles like this, but covered her mouth and chuckled. She had always been worried that Bai Zizi was almost devilish, and now Bai Zizi was finally defeated, and she was obviously a lot more sober because of this.

“Lin Daotou! And thank you for waking up Grandpa! ”

This Bai Xiuxiu thanked Lin Pingzhi.

“No problem!”

Lin Pingzhi responded calmly.

Before, he also saw that Bai Zi’s state was a little devilish, obviously a little obsessed with martial arts.

After that, Lin Ping’s group took the thousand-year-old Xuanbing coffin and returned home.

Looking at the back of Lin Pingyi’s pedestrian leaving, Bai Zizi’s eyes still had a touch of exclamation.

“There is such a powerful descendant in the rivers and lakes!”

Bai sighed freely.

At this time, a disciple of the Snow Mountain Sect also came in front of everyone.

“Report the boss! We found Shi Zhongyu who secretly descended the mountain, but Shi Zhongyu was worshipped as the leader of the Changle Gang, and the Changle Gang blocked it. ”

This Snow Mountain Sect disciple said in panic. Hearing this, a flash of anger flashed in Bai Zi’s eyes.

The Changle Gang dares to oppose my Snow Mountain Faction? Is it true that I am a sick tiger?

“Ten thousand swords! If you hurry down the mountain, you will definitely bring back that jade in the stone!” ”

Bai Zizi also opened his mouth and ordered.

One person stood up, and his body breath was extremely harsh.

He is Bai Xiuxiu’s father, and Bai Zizi’s son, Bai Wanjian, who has the name of Qi Chill Northwest!

“Yes! Father! ”

Bai Wanjian also replied.

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