Chapter 106: Karasuma, the number one master of the Izumo Country!!

Ten days later, Lin Ping’s group finally arrived at the Izumo Kingdom Imperial Palace.

“Huh? It’s just a small country in the wilderness! ”

Seeing the situation in this Izumo Country, Lin Pingzhi was not surprised in his eyes.

This Izumo Kingdom is ordinary, in front of the Great Qin Palace and the Daming Palace, it is like the light of fire in front of Haoyue.

And outside the palace of that Izumo Country, the Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom has been waiting for a long time.

The few people beside him were gorgeously dressed, and it should be several important ministers of the Izumo Kingdom gathered.

They were also here to welcome Lin Pingzhi.

“That person is extraordinary, he should be a courtier sent by the Emperor Daming?”

The Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom looked at the arriving Lin Pingzhi, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

Several important ministers beside him also looked at Lin Pingzhi one after another.

“It doesn’t look like someone from the Daming Dynasty, could it be some people from the rivers and lakes?”

“Stain, Emperor Daming, what does this mean? Send people from the rivers and lakes to pick up our princess? ”

“This person is definitely not from the Daming court!”

Several courtiers opened their mouths to discuss, and the emperor of the Izumo Kingdom also frowned slightly.

At this time, Lin Pingzhi also arrived in front of everyone in this Izumo Emperor.

“The Daming messenger is on top! Thank you Emperor Daming for your concern! ”

The Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom greeted Lin Pingzhi politely.

“I’ll wait to meet Lord Messenger!”

Although those courtiers behind him were a little unhappy with Lin Pingzhi, they also bowed to Lin Pingzhi.

After all, they are like ants compared to Izumo Country and Daming. It is also necessary to rely on the princess of Ziguo to get the support of Daming.

“Well, hand over the princess to my Dongfeng Dart Bureau.”

Lin Pingzhi’s expression did not change, and he returned calmly.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi’s words, everyone’s faces changed a little.


The Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the Emperor Daming sent to pick up his daughter was a darthead?

The eyes of those courtiers behind him who looked at Lin Pingzhi were also flickering with displeasure.

“Who am I? It turned out to be just a small darthead! Kind of talk to me! ”

At this time, a military general behind the Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom spoke sarcastically.

Hearing this, the Izumo Emperor frowned.

“What kind of system, this is an envoy sent by the Emperor Daming, how to explain if you accidentally hurt yourself?!”

The Izumo Emperor opened his mouth and reprimanded.

Hearing this, Lin Pingzhi frowned, this Izumo Emperor thought a lot.

This Izumo Emperor looked at Lin Pingzhi, and there was also a hint of expectation in his eyes, and he didn’t know what strength this man in front of him was?

Looking at the strength of the envoy sent by the Daming Emperor, you can also see whether the Daming Emperor attaches importance to his daughter.

He was also very much looking forward to Lin Pingzhi’s strength in his heart.

Those ministers of the Izumo Kingdom also looked at Lin Pingzhi with curiosity in their eyes.


Lin Pingzhi looked at the martial general with a look of disdain in his eyes.

With his cultivation, he could see at a glance that the martial general in front of him was only a mid-grandmaster’s cultivation.

What strength can you have in such a small country on the edge?

In their own hands, it is only a matter of one move, and it is not worth doing it themselves at all.

“You don’t deserve my hands yet.”

Lin Pingzhi said with disdain.

“Zi Zi’an dares to deceive me?”

The general said furiously.

The mid-stage aura of the grandmaster on his body also burst out, and you took out the weapon in your hand and pointed at Lin Pingzhi.

“Is this Great Ming Messenger too arrogant? I don’t know what exactly it is? ”

“This… Although my Izumo Kingdom is not as good as that Daming, how can this son be so rampant? ”

“Emperor Daming bullied me like this? Just send a dart game to fool us! ”

“Hey! How can this be? Who let that be Daming! ”

The ministers talked about it.

And that Izumo Emperor also had a hint of displeasure in his eyes.

Although it is he who takes the initiative to seek peace in the Izumo Kingdom, how can his own courtiers say that they have a higher status than a dart head, right?

But right now, this person doesn’t say that he is the minister of the Izumo Country, and even his own emperor of the Izumo Country is not in his eyes at all!

Moreover, the two of them in the same realm Xinhui, this Lin Pingzhi is so arrogant…

“Today, I will teach you a lesson for the Daming Emperor!”

At this time, the martial general suddenly shouted.

It was just that as soon as he burst out the aura of the middle stage of that grandmaster, everyone could see a shadow sweeping through the sky, it was a giant white bird and beast.


Everyone’s eyes flashed with surprise, and then the white phoenix fell, and in the shocked eyes of everyone, the falling white phoenix stood directly on the tip of the martial general’s knife, and then held a feather on the warrior’s forehead.

This action is like green clouds flowing water, and it is almost to the extreme!

On the side of Izumo Country, no one could see Bai Feng’s movements clearly.

And that Izumo Kuniwu broke out in cold sweat on his forehead at this moment, and the speed of the other party was too fast…

Just now, he only saw the white shadow flashing, and then he felt a tingling sensation on his forehead.

Feeling the feathers that could pierce his skull at any time, this warrior’s heart was full of fear and fear.

“Save me!”

The general swallowed his saliva and said.

At this moment, the audience was shocked!

“Who is this?” When did it appear here? ”

“I’m afraid this person’s light skill is placed in the huge rivers and lakes, and it is all top!”

“Shouldn’t this have been sent by the Emperor Daming?”

“In the blink of an eye, this person appeared in front of me!”

The ministers of this Izumo Kingdom were amazed.

“There is such a genius in the Daming Kingdom!”

That Izumo Country Emperor also muttered with shock in his eyes.

When he came back to his senses, he also hurriedly asked Lin Pingzhi: “Lord Envoy!” I don’t know who this is? ”

That white phoenix tapped the tip of the knife again, jumped and retreated behind Lin Pingzhi.

“Can you now rest assured that Princess Lixiu will be escorted by my Dongfeng Dart Bureau?”

Lin Pingzhi did not answer the words of the Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom, and asked directly.

And when everyone saw Bai Feng take the initiative to retreat behind Lin Pingzhi, they also understood in their hearts.

It turned out that this white phoenix was Lin Pingzhi’s subordinate!

At this time, they looked at Lin Pingzhi with no longer unhappiness in their eyes, but with a respectful expression, and their hearts were also secretly shocked.

“It’s worthy of Daming!”

“The man who controls the giant bird alone has such ability, I don’t know how strong Lin Pingzhi should be!”

Everyone secretly marveled in their hearts.

“Lord Envoy, rest assured!”

That Izumo Country Emperor blushed and hurriedly replied.

Just his subordinates were able to defeat the generals of his Izumo Kingdom, and the Emperor of Izumo Country also realized how stupid his previous thoughts were.

“Go and invite Princess Lixiu.”

The Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom hurriedly ordered.

Princess Nalixiu also walked out slowly.

Even Lin Pingzhi had a flash of light in his eyes.

This Princess Lixiu is indeed a rare beauty, even with Lin Pingzhi’s critical eyes.

“I wonder if Lord Emissary can stay in my Izumo Country for a few days? I’ll do my best for the landlord! ”

That Izumo Emperor opened his mouth.

At present, this person must also be a rare talent in the Daming, if he can make a deal with one or two, it will be a great good thing for his Izumo Kingdom.

Hearing this emperor’s words, Lin Pingzhi couldn’t help but frown.

“Let’s go!”

Lin Pingzhi said with some disdain.

What is worth stopping in this land of small countries on the border?

“In that case, then Karasuma, you will go to Daimyo with the messenger-sama!”

The Emperor of the Izumo Kingdom hurriedly said, and immediately sent their Izumo Country expert Karasuma to accompany him.

“Meet Lord Emissary!”

A middle-aged man with an official hat on his head also walked out. Yes, Lin Pingzhi bowed respectfully.

This Karasuma looked at Lin Pingzhi’s eyes full of admiration.

Although Lin Pingzhi in front of him was just a teenager in his eyes, Karasuma had just seen Lin Pingzhi’s methods, and he also admired Lin Pingzhi very much in his heart.

“Hmm! Since that’s the case, let’s go! ”

Lin Pingzhi also nodded.

After resting here for a while, Lin Ping’s group also set off from the Izumo Country to Daming, accompanied by Karasuma from the Izumo Country and a group of accompanying guards.

“Hey! This emperor of the Izumo Kingdom is uneasy and kind! ”

A look of helplessness flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

Just rest for a while, and then shoehorn yourself into the various women of their Izumo Country?

Three days later, on the avenue where the group was advancing, a group of people suddenly appeared blocking everyone’s way.


Lin Pingzhi looked at the person who stood in the way.

I saw that the first two actually looked exactly like Princess Toshihide and Karasuma?

“How did Karasuma-sama and Princess Toshihide be there?”

The accompanying guard looked shocked, looked at the two in front of him, and then looked at Karasuma behind Lin Pingzhi.

“Who is this person?”

Karasuma and Princess Toshihide in the sedan also had shocked looks on their faces, obviously shocked at the fake Karasuma and Princess Toshihide who suddenly appeared, “Suddenly appeared, these two people actually look exactly the same as themselves?” ”

Karasuma and Princess Toshihide were shocked in their hearts.

And Lin Pingzhi, after seeing the appearance of the fake Karasuma two, he also moved in his heart.

“Finally here!”

A flash of essence flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

His eyes looked towards the fake Karasuma, and he saw that this fake Karasuma was the realm of Grandmaster Dacheng!

Glancing at the fake Princess Lixiu again, a look of surprise flashed in Lin Pingzhi’s eyes.

This fake Lixiu princess, cultivation is very well hidden, even she can’t see it.

But definitely no worse than the fake Karasuma next to him!

At this moment, Karasuma stepped forward with a solemn expression.

“I wonder who you are and what is your purpose?”

Karasuma looked at the fake Karasuma with a cautious face.

How exactly did this man do it? Even in his own opinion, he can’t tell a single truth from a fake.

Moreover, it is definitely not a good thing to block the way for himself and others to go to Daming!

“Hahaha! I am Karasuma, the number one master of the Izumo Kingdom! And this one next to me is Princess Lixiu! ”

The fake Karasuma spread his hands and teased.

Hearing this, Karasuma’s eyes flashed with anger.


Karasuma glared angrily at the fake Karasuma and the fake Princess Lixiu, who were led by this crowd.

“What are you? Don’t bother me to send Princess Lixiu to that Emperor Daming!” ”

The fake Karasuma looked at Karasuma with a murderous flash in his eyes.

“Fire Cloud Saber!”

A killing intent flashed in the eyes of the fake Karasuma!

That Grandmaster’s later cultivation also burst out, directly using his hand as a knife, and slashing towards Karasuma with a crimson internal force burning in his hand.

The inner force gushed out from his hand and transformed into red flames.

And this Fire Cloud Knife is also very sharp, although it is made by hand, it is more dexterous than ordinary weapons!


In just the blink of an eye, the lives of dozens of people who accompanied the Izumo Country were directly harvested.

“This? What a sharp martial art! ”

Nakarasuma was shocked in place.

The other party’s kung fu was only in the blink of an eye, and the lives of so many people accompanying him were harvested!

Even Karasuma felt the pressure brought by the other party.

“What to do!”

There was also a shout from the sedan behind everyone.

At this time, Princess Lixiu was curled up in this sedan at this moment, her forehead trembling, obviously very afraid after seeing the other party’s means.

Hearing this, Karasuma frowned, and his body erupted with the cultivation of the middle stage of the grandmaster.

“Don’t worry, princess!”

Karasuma directly rushed towards that fake Karasuma with a long knife in hand!

Although the other party is a Dacheng grandmaster, he may not be able to defeat the other party.

The fake Karasuma had a look of disdain in his eyes.

It’s just that the mid-term Grandmaster also dares to make a move against his own Dacheng Grandmaster? It’s really an old birthday star who eats the base cream, and his life is long!

“Don’t measure yourself!”

The fake Karasuma drank coldly, and the flame of internal force ignited in his hand.

Just casually sideways dodged Karasuma’s sword, and then the fire cloud knife slashed directly at Karasuma.

When it was dangerous, Karasuma blocked the opponent’s fire cloud knife with the knife in his hand.


It’s a pity that the fake Karasuma is too strong, and directly vibrates the long knife in Karasuma’s hand out.

But this is not over, I saw that the fake Karasuma was kicking sideways towards Karasuma again!

Without dodging, Nakarasuma was directly flown to Lin Pingzhi’s horse by Rui, and he spat out a mouthful of blood when he opened his mouth.

He also looked at the fake Karasuma with shock in his eyes.

“Not good! I’m afraid that the Daming Envoy is not this guy’s opponent either! ”

Karasuma said in shock.

I never thought that there was such a big gap between that Grandmaster Dacheng and the middle stage of his own Grandmaster.

Right now, just a face, I was beaten like this.

I’m afraid that Lin Pingzhi’s move is not the opponent of this fake Karasuma in front of him at all!

If these two people pretend to be themselves and Princess Lixiu to go to Daming, I am afraid that it will cause a conflict between themselves out of England and Daming.

At that time, his own Izumo Kingdom is likely to be directly extinguished by the Emperor Daming in a fit of anger.

This must not be the case!

At this time, Karasuma’s heart also became firm.

“Lord Envoy, take the princess with you! Here’s over to me to break the post! ”

Karasuma gritted his teeth and straightened up to look at the fake Karasuma in front of him.

As long as he can drag this person down, he can buy enough time for the envoy, and the princess can successfully reach Daming!

Looking at Karasuma, who looked heroic and righteous, Lin Pingzhi also sighed in his heart.

This Karasuma is quite loyal to his country.

But at the moment, he hasn’t made a move, so he doesn’t have to run away like this?

Lin Pingzhi put his hand on the shark’s teeth.

Then he turned his head to look at the fake Karasuma who was blocking it, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

“Why run away? Kill this man! ”

Lin Pingzhi said coldly, and his body also began to slowly exude an amazing killing intent.

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