Chapter 103 Thirteen thousand, rich but enemy country, return to the sea with a knife!!

Today’s farewell, I don’t know when I will see Lin Pingzhi again.

After Lin Pingzhi left this Emei Mountain, he embarked on the road back to the Dart Bureau.

On the way, Lin Pingzhi also cultivated that Wind God Leg, and now he can burst out extremely powerful power.

“Chasing the wind!”

Lin Ping drank softly.

I saw that the figure instantly seemed to be without a shadow, but in a blink of an eye, he walked around the entire dart team three times.

This chasing the wind is the essence of the introduction of the Fengshen leg, and it is also the most critical part of the entire Fengshen leg!

“Sure enough, it is one of the three masters of that hero!”

Lin Pingzhi’s eyes flashed with joy.

The power of this Wind God Leg was even more powerful than he had imagined, and it was only the first layer that could have such a role.

Bai Feng, who was on guard in the air on a giant white bird, also saw Lin Pingzhi who was in a shadow at this moment.

“It is worthy of being the master, this kind of body is extremely exquisite!”

Bai Feng opened his mouth and praised.

After feeling the power of the Fengshen legs, Lin Pingzhi also continued to return to the dart game with the dart team.

It’s just that the way back to the Dart Bureau from this Emei Mountain is not too close.

Lin Ping, one of the pedestrians passed through Jinling and landed.

Outside each inn, Gao Shun and the others, as well as the banner of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau where they were located, also attracted the attention of passers-by.

Today, the Dongfeng Dart Bureau is the first dart game in the world.

After receiving Daqin’s official dart and successfully escorting it, the Dongfeng Dart Bureau is already a veritable first dart in the world!

Looking at the rivers and lakes, there is also a well-known existence.

“Look at the imposing momentum on those people, definitely not some simple people!”

“Nonsense, look at the flag they carried, that is the banner of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau, the world’s first dart bureau!”

“What! This Dongfeng Dart Bureau actually came to our Jinling, I’m afraid it’s just a stop, right? ”

“Look at the white-clothed boy who just passed, I’m afraid it is the white-clothed sword immortal Lin Pingzhi who is rumored in the rivers and lakes!”

“The white-clothed sword immortal is really extraordinary, you look at that posture; I was amazed! ”

Everyone looked at Lin Pingzhi and talked about it, especially when they saw Lin Pingzhi walking by, there was a flash of light in their eyes.

At the same time, the mansion of the richest man in the world, 13,000 mansions, among the ten thousand mansions.

At this time, Thirteen thousand people were holding a jade box, and in this jade box was a white snow lotus.

If it is for others to see, it will inevitably be amazed.

Because this object is the snow lotus of the Tianshan Mountains, it is a rare treasure of heaven and earth in the rivers and lakes.

It is said that as long as there is one breath left, the snow lotus of this Tianshan can also be restored as before.

Wan Sanqian’s eyes were also full of surprise.

“If you give this thing to the Emperor Daming, it will be a great opportunity!”

Thirteen thousand muttered.

It was also by chance that he could get this Tianshan Snow Lotus. No amount of money can buy it.

Although he got this item, he did not have the intention of enjoying it himself.

Offering this thing to the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty, for himself, the benefits will definitely not be less, after he informs him of this intention, the Dragon Guarding Mountain Villa is going to send a knife to the sea to escort this Tianshan Snow Lotus.

Now that Gui Hai Yidao is still on the way, thinking of this, the jade box containing the snow lotus of the Tianshan Mountains will be closed.

There was a flash of sadness in his eyes, this was the Tianshan Snow Lotus!

This Tianshan Snow Lotus was escorted by the Gui Hai sword sent by the Dragon Guarding Villa.

However, he was a little uneasy about this knife to the sea.

Even if it is thirteen thousand, he is worried at the moment.

At this moment, the butler of this ten thousand mansions walked in.

“Sir! I saw Lin Pingzhi of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau appear in the city! ”

The butler quickly spoke.

His own master likes to get acquainted with the talented people in the rivers and lakes on weekdays, especially such famous figures are extremely concerned!

It was also because of this that after seeing this Lin Ping, he hurriedly returned and prayed, “What? The white-clothed sword fairy Lin Heizhi! ”

Thirteen thousand rejoices.

He had long heard of this Lin Pingzhi’s reputation, and he had always wanted to visit the Dongfeng Dart Bureau.

Charge, I didn’t expect this Lin Pingzhi to appear in this city!

Moreover, he also had to transport the mountain snow lotus that day, and the appearance of this Dongfeng Dart Bureau was indeed a good opportunity.

“Prepare, I’m going to see Lin Pingzhi in person!”

Looking at the jade box containing the snow lotus of the Tianshan Mountains, Thirteen thousand ordered the next person to prepare the sedan car.

Since Lin Pingzhi is here, there is no need to return to the sea with a knife. Thirteen Qian’s heart is also a lot calmer.

In the city, as a carriage passed, the people of the city were amazed when they saw it.

The carriage is also encrusted with various rare gemstones, and you can feel dizzy just by looking at it.

The four BMWs pulling the carriage are all hard-to-find horses!

Everywhere they passed, all the people in the city opened their mouths wide, and their jaws could not be closed.

Needless to say, there are probably only 13,000 people in the world who can have such strength.

“What happened? These thirteen thousand turned out to be so fanfare? ”

“Could it be that there are some quacks? What level can make Thirteen Thousand go like this! ”

“I heard that the East Wind Dart Bureau appeared in this city, could it be that thirteen thousand went to them?”

“No, no, the important thing is that Lin Pingzhi of the East Wind Dart Bureau, I heard that he is also in the city this time!”

“No wonder Wan Thirteen Thousand would make such a big fanfare, it turned out to be the rumored white-clothed sword immortal, Lin Pingzhi!”

Such fanfare of thirteen thousand also caused a lot of discussion and speculation in this city.

Soon, Wan 300 arrived at the inn where Lin Pingzhi and the others were staying, and he saw at a glance the flag of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau at the entrance of the inn.

“This is the flag of the East Wind Dart Bureau!”

A flash of essence flashed in Wan Thirteen Thousand’s eyes.

And he also hurriedly got off the sedan car, and four people appeared behind him at an unknown time.

These four people have a strong aura on them, and they are four grandmasters! It is the thirteen thousand guards, the four ghosts of Xiangxi.

“This thirteen thousand such a big pomp is actually guarded by four grandmasters!”

“Stains, these are the famous four ghosts of Xiangxi, and there are only 13,000 in the whole world who can do this”

“It is said that these thirteen thousand are rich enemies, and their financial strength is even stronger than that treasury!”

“How did Thirteen thousand get here?”

The people in and around the inn were amazed.

And Wan 300 also took the four ghosts of Xiangxi and walked into this inn.

As soon as he entered, he looked at Lin Pingzhi, although he had never seen Lin Pingzhi with his own eyes, he had seen his portrait.

So handsome and extraordinary, only the white-clothed sword fairy!

“Wan didn’t know that Lin Shaoxia was here, so he came here to tell me.”

Wan Thirteen Qian walked directly to Lin Pingzhi’s side and spoke.

At this moment, the attention of the entire inn was attracted.

“This Dongfeng Dart Bureau is really powerful, even 13,000 have to go out to greet it in person.”

“Thirteen thousand are rich and enemy, and the people who saw the Dongfeng Dart Bureau actually came to visit directly?”

“This is obviously because Lin Pingzhi is too powerful, and now the rivers and lakes are full of his prestige!”

“Indeed, the reputation of this white-clothed sword immortal Lin Pingzhi has spread throughout the rivers and lakes.”

There was a lot of talk around, but Wan Sanqian didn’t care at all.

His gaze was also kept on Lin Pingzhi.

Although he is not a person with high martial arts, he has also seen extraordinary, and he can see at a glance that Lin Pingzhi is absolutely very human!

As long as you can cooperate with Lin Pingzhi happily, there will be many opportunities to contact the Dongfeng Dart Bureau in the future.

And Lin Pingzhi didn’t care about the discussion around him at all, and his eyes were also on Wan Thirteen Qian.

It turned out that this man was a rich merchant who was rich and invincible, thirteen thousand.

These thirteen thousand, specially came to find themselves, is it because they want to dart?

“But to throw a dart?”

Lin Pingzhi said.

“Yes! It is not convenient to speak here, please go to Wanfu! ”

This thirteen thousand also said softly.

Lin Pingzhi also nodded after hearing this, and then the group went to Wanfu together.

As soon as everyone arrived in the Ten Thousand Mansions, Lin Pingzhi’s eyes also flashed with surprise.

I have to say that these 13,000 are really rich and invincible!

Even this ten thousand mansions are like palaces, inlaid with glazed jade tiles everywhere, cherishing precious stones, and it is really magnificent.

“Thirteen thousand, what the hell are you doing?”

At this time, Gui Hai walked into this blessing with an unhappy face.

Before he entered, he saw the group of people outside the Ten Thousand Mansions, as well as the banner of the Dongfeng Dart Bureau being raised.

At that moment, he also understood in his heart what was going on, it must be that these thirteen thousand felt that he was not very reliable, and then he found the Dongfeng Dart Bureau and escorted the Tianshan Snow Lotus!

Then Shangguan Haitang also arrived with him, and after seeing Lin Ping standing there, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Last time he was separated from Lin Pingzhi, what did he cultivate?

Now Lin Pingzhi is already famous in the rivers and lakes, who in the rivers and lakes does not know the name of the white-clothed sword fairy?

Especially when he angrily slashed the Heavenly Demon Sect Protector, everyone in the rivers and lakes applauded him!

Even his righteous father was amazed by him.

And Wan Sanqian’s displeasure with Gui Hai’s knife was not at all impressed, and there was no change in expression on his face.

“This Tianshan Snow Lotus is a matter of great importance, and I am also for safety considerations.”

Wan Sanqian said slowly.

“My Dongfeng Dart Bureau is only responsible for receiving and delivering darts, and I don’t consider anything else!!”

Lin Pingzhi also said that it didn’t matter.

Listening to them say this, Gui Hai’s eyes flashed with anger.

“In that case, Lin Pingzhi, I want to try it with you! If you can beat me, I am qualified to take this dart! ”

Gui Hai directly took out the sweat and blood treasure knife in his hand and pointed at Lin Pingzhi and said.

Today he had to separate from Lin Pingzhi!

“Don’t do it, your knife skills are too domineering, if it hurts people, it’s not good!”

Seeing this, Shangguan Haitang hurriedly stepped forward to persuade him, and the one who practiced with a knife in the sea was the most powerful hegemonic knife in the rivers and lakes.

Moreover, this dominance of the world is an evil sword technique, and after cultivation, only my sword is between humans and demons!

This knife is domineering and fierce, and I am afraid that it will hurt Lin Pingzhi under the fight.

And the eyes of Wan Sanqian looking at the two were with a hint of expectation.

He had long heard of Lin Ping’s reputation as a white-clothed sword immortal, and this Gui Hai Yi Dao was a top master of the Dragon Guarding Villa.

Who wins or loses between the two?

Hearing this Gui Hai Dao’s words, Lin Pingzhi frowned.

“In that case, let’s shoot!”

Lin Pingzhi was not afraid to open his mouth to fight.

Although this Gui Hai Yidao is the top master of that Dragon Guarding Villa, he still doesn’t see enough to face himself!

“Dominate the world!”

On the sweat and blood treasure knife in Gui Hai’s hand, a layer of yellow fluorescence began to be stained.

And as soon as he made a move, it was the first knife of this dominating world!

The sweat and blood treasure knife slashed towards Lin Pingzhi, and the sharp shot was even more domineering.

Mildew time, this knife is powerful, and the domineering intention seems to suppress everything under the knife!

The eyes of the onlookers were full of surprise flashing.

“I didn’t expect that Gui Hai Yidao, who dominates the world, has already practiced to this extent?”

“This is only the first sword to dominate the world, it seems that this Gui Hai Dao is expected to inherit the title of hegemonic sword!”

“It is worthy of being the top overlord knife in the rivers and lakes, and it has such momentum!”

“I wonder if Lin Pingzhi can block this knife?”

Thirteen thousand looked at Lin Pingzhi with worry in his eyes.

This domineering sword technique, even a strong Grandmaster may be difficult to resist.

I saw that under the oppression of this tyronic knife, Lin Pingzhi was as easy to deal with as if he was strolling leisurely.

Then as soon as he stretched out his hand, he easily blocked the sweat and blood treasure knife of Gui Hai with the shark teeth in his hand.

Seeing Lin Pingzhi so easily blocking the dominance of Gui Hai’s sword, everyone’s eyes flashed with surprise.

It seems that they still underestimate Lin Pingzhi.

“The strength is good, but I still advise you to admit defeat!”

There was a twinkle of surprise in his eyes.

I didn’t expect the other party to block his own knife technique so easily!

“Throw in the towel? I think it’s you who should throw in the towel! ”

Lin Pingzhi shook his head, and a look of disdain flashed in his eyes.

Although this hegemonic world is the top hegemonic knife in the world, if you want to be able to beat yourself?

I’m afraid it’s only the next life.

Hearing Lin Pingzhi say this, Gui Hai’s eyes flashed with anger.

“Dominate the world!”

I saw that this Gui Hai slashed and carried the sweaty blood treasure knife, and instantly used the second knife!

This second knife instantly slashed towards Lin Pingzhi, and even the air seemed to be instantly torn apart in this knife, it was really a shocking ghost god’s knife technique!

Moreover, that Gui Hai Dao seemed to be contaminated with a trace of demonic nature, and even the sweat and blood knife in his hand became more and more fierce.

“Not good! I’m afraid Lin Pingzhi is going to be in danger! ”

Shangguan Haitang’s eyes were full of worry.

Although it is a top-notch sword technique, it has an evil nature.

At this time, Shangguan Haitang was also worried that Gui Hai would hurt Lin Pingzhi with a knife.

“What a terrifying knife technique!”

Thirteen thousand muttered.

He also felt a hint of something bad in his heart.

Everyone looked at Lin Pingzhi with bated breath, wondering how Lin Pingzhi blocked this knife?

“Hundred Steps Flying Sword!”

Lin Pingzhi shouted softly, only to see that the shark teeth in his hand were instantly dyed with a strange color, and then just a sword directly blasted Gui Hai away.


That Gui Hai sword, the domineering knife momentum was directly broken!

At this moment, everyone in the audience looked at Gui Hai who was lying on the ground in shock, as if they couldn’t believe that he was defeated so easily.

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