Chapter 248

The strong on the Peerless List, unlike the Tianjiao List, do not like to cling to each other.

After all, the strong have their own dignity.

Except for those strong people who really don’t want a lot of face.

Most of the peerless martial artists are looking for warriors similar to their own realm to fight.

Although the number of Peerless List is much smaller than that of Tianjiao List.

But the movement in the fight was not weak at all.

But in this chaotic battlefield.

But there is a place that is quiet like a paradise.

That is under the cliff on the east side of the Blue Dragon Society.

Most warriors did not dare to approach at all.

Said it was a melee.

They did not dare to come over and attack.

Because there are the strongest two people there.

The lord of the Dragon Altar of the Blue Dragon Association: Ling Donglai!

And the master of the Flying Dragon Altar: Guang Chengzi!

The existence of the two Shattered Realms Dzogchen had already topped the audience in terms of cultivation base.

What’s more, both of them are members of the Blue Dragon Association!

How does this make them fight?

Even many people think that Qinglonghui is directly occupying the 1st and 2nd of the peerless list 28.

The same warrior of the broken realm.

Di Shitian was also dumbfounded now.

Before, he thought that the Blue Dragon Club would only allow Guang Chengzi to participate in the competition.

Because Ling Donglai never appeared.

The result is at the beginning.

Ling Donglai and Guang Chengzi directly broke through the void and appeared in the field.

He suddenly withered.

Let’s find someone else trouble first.

Having lived for thousands of years, Di Shitian’s greatest ability was to be able to survive.

Before someone was better than him, he couldn’t come out.

He won’t reappear until the person is killed or died of old age, or he surpasses him.

If it’s just an altar master of the Blue Dragon Club.

He felt that with the Sacred Heart Secret Art he created, he could still fight.

But both of them existed. He said nothing, the target of direct investigation.

It’s just that he didn’t know the trouble of the Blue Dragon Club.

Will Qinglong let him go!

These rudder masters and altar masters faithfully implemented Wen Renjie’s orders.

Before the start, the dragon head had given orders.

So a few people saw it and got it to death!

So one admission.

The rudder owners directly approached Dongfang Unbeaten and Fu Cailin.

The authors of Hedao Realm went to fight with others.

After all, the unbeaten Dongfang and Fu Cailin still have a realm.

Therefore, the jellyfish Yin Ji is directly against the East Undefeated.

Tiandao Song Que was against Fu Cailin.

In terms of realm, Yin Ji, the jellyfish, is completely crushing the East’s undefeated.

The jellyfish Yin Ji of the Great Perfection in the Rongshen Realm can be said to be the undefeated Oriental in the early stage of the Rongshen Realm.

It just made the jellyfish Yin Ji feel a little disgusting.

This non-male and female shemale actually looked at her obsessively!

Apparently, do you like her? !

Don’t say it yet.

Wen Renjie, who their team watched, also secretly laughed.

Jellyfish Yin Ji is a lesbian.

She is female, but she also likes female.

Thanks to Wen Renjie’s matchmaking, they became a couple with Yue Yue.

The jellyfish Yin Ji is female, but don’t forget.

Her appearance is full of masculinity, but it is combined with feminine heroism.

So don’t talk about it.

It really has a different taste.

And the East is unbeaten…

This guy is neither male nor female practicing Sunflower Collection.

The favorite is the masculine person.

His concubine in Heimuya, Yang Tinglian.

In fact, he is also a masculine man.

But after seeing the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Invincible Dongfang feels that he is a male mind has risen again.

And after practicing the Sunflower Collection, the mind that likes masculinity also exists.

The jellyfish Yin Ji just fits his two thoughts xp!

Seeing his obsessive look, Wen Renjie was also a little speechless.

It is estimated that if it were not for the jellyfish, Yin Ji’s realm is better than him, this guy can’t keep it, and he has to snatch the jellyfish back to be the wife of the village…

But now, being undefeated by the East, looked at it with such disgusting eyes.

The jellyfish Yin Ji is completely on fire.

The martial arts soul-a piece of Wangyang sea!

Her jellyfish Yin Ji’s nickname is not just because of her good water quality.

The soul of iron, the mother of water.

She can say that she surpasses most warriors in understanding of water.

Behind him gathered a sea of ​​Wangyang, covering a small half of the valley.

It makes people in the whole valley feel like they breathe in sea water.

The sea at this moment is violent and angry.

The huge waves set off are enough to turn a person into a fan.

This time the East is unbeaten and can no longer maintain his mentality.

He also showed his own martial arts soul.

A sunflower.

This is a sunflower made of needles.

With sparkling, deterrent and compelling.

Each sunflower seed is a needle.

Each needle is accompanied by his martial arts will.

Under a sudden launch.

It is hundreds of times more powerful than the torrential rain pear flower hidden weapon!

Only in a short moment.

All the silver needles on the iron sunflower disappeared.

The direction that appeared in the next second was in front of the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Just a small flower, how can it be able to beat Wang Yang Dahai’s attack?

Good water is soft.

Evil water is strong.

The jellyfish Yin Ji has both rigidity and softness!

Countless silver needles disappeared in the sea of ​​Wang Yang.

The unbeaten East’s pale face was white again.

Seeing Wang Yang Dahai rushing towards his face, he wanted to use him to fight with him at a very fast speed.

But when he just wanted to move his legs.

Suddenly, I realized that I didn’t know when I was already standing in a sea of ​​Wang Yang.

The sea water turned into arms as if there was life, pulling him to death.

Can’t move!

“Do not!”

The serious jellyfish Yin Ji didn’t talk nonsense with him at all.

The tsunami raged by.

The power of that row of mountains and the sea made the pictures of the gossip array that merged into the valley shook, and the sun in the sky flashed.

It’s as if it’s about to be broken.

But fortunately, it is also a peerless treasure.

Can hold it!

It’s just that the East is unbeaten and can’t hold it!

His martial arts soul was directly destroyed, and his realm fell directly to the Hedao realm.

Had it not been for the formation, he had been sent out on the verge of death.

I am afraid that I will be killed by the jellyfish Yin Ji.

And he also became the first person to be sent out in the battle for the peerless list.

This makes no one think of it.

People in the realm of Hedao are not out yet.

Instead, a strong man in the realm of fusion was eliminated.

In an instant, the powerful people in the Combination Dao realm and those in the Fusion God realm were fighting next to each other.

Without a trace, she stayed away from the jellyfish Yin Ji.

Can’t afford it!

Can’t afford it!

This Azure Dragon will be a bit outrageous! .

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