Chapter 234

Hearing Bi Xuan’s words from a distance, Wen Renjie almost laughed.

Wu Zun Bi Xuan came to avenge.

Of course it was the hatred of his eldest disciple Yan Huifeng.

In the final analysis.

Yan Huifeng is still because of his death.

Of course, he died in the hands of the four famous arresters.

Coupled with the fight at that time, fight over.

Everyone almost forgot the original intention.

Therefore, the heads are counted on the four big names.

This pot is also counted on them.

Count it like this.

Zhuge Zheng, I really helped him carry the pot!

However, Wen Renjie estimates.

Even if Bi Xuan knew that Yan Huifeng died because of him, he would not seek revenge on him.

Instead, I will make mistakes and continue to trouble Zhuge Zhengme.

After all, what is his status as Wen Renjie?

What is Wu Zun Bi Xuan’s identity?

What is Zhuge Zhengmei?

Go bigger.

Bi Xuan and Zhuge are antagonistic at the national level.

Speaking smaller.

Does he dare to find Wen Renjie for revenge?

It is estimated that the members of the Blue Dragon Association had not yet approached him.

Don’t look at the members of the Blue Dragon Association, doing tasks all day, looking harmless to humans and animals.

But in fact, everyone in the arena knows it.

The people of the Azure Dragon Club are also blacker than the others.

“There are two more rivals, I hope they can be stable!”

Wen Renjie looked at the panels of Fu Cailin and Bi Xuan and sighed.

【Name: Fu Cailin (Koguryo)

Gong-method: Yi Jianshu (Rong Shen level)

Realm: the early stage of Rongshen Realm

Jane: Fu Cailin’s martial arts focused on Tu, Western Regions, and Goguryeo, and he came out of the cardinal.

Regardless of character, it can also be called a great master.

He tried to say that “all supernatural powers change, they are self-sufficient.”

That means that everyone has a hidden treasure house with infinite potential, but they have been blinded by all kinds of attachments.

In the heart of Gao-Liren, Fu Cailin is no longer a human but a god, full of sublime and mysterious colors. 】

From the introduction of the system, Wen Renjie always feels a pity illusion.

This allowed him to correct his thinking.

Don’t look down on others just because you are a foreigner.

Even the system praised him, he can be called a master of the generation, which shows that he is in the sky.


Although I have to put aside my character…

But it also shows its power.

Look at another one.

【Name: Bi Xuan (Turkic)

Gong-Method: Yan Yang Qi Gong (Finished God Realm)

Realm: the middle stage of fusion spirit realm

Jane: Known as “Wu Zun”, one of the masters of the desert steppe, the general of the East Turkic.

When he was young, he used the “Moon Wolf Spear”.

The character is like fire, conceited and arrogant-arrogant. 】

In the middle of fusion!

It was already in the realm of Emperor Xiang Wu.

No wonder he had the guts to enter the Central Plains.

It turns out that martial arts has improved.

It is estimated that I was also thinking about the shame of being beaten back by Emperor Xiang Wu years ago and then seceding the land. This time I came to revenge.

“Such a strong person is just one of the masters on the grassland? It seems that there are many strong players outside the Central Plains~!”

Wen Renjie looked at Bi Xuan.

His whole body exudes an inexplicable and inexplicable frightening momentum, as if he is a god and demon who secretly rules the prairie.

The bronzed skin shone with a dazzling luster, and the legs were extraordinarily long.

To make his majestic body more likely to support the starry sky, the wild hemp robe draped over his body is blowing with the wind.

The palms are broad and broad, seeming to contain the most terrifying power in the world.

The most breathtaking thing is his body!

Like a sea full of undercurrents, Wang Yang, with stillness in movement, and movement in stillness

Teach people can’t fathom its movement at all.

The jet-black hair formed a bun straight back.

The handsome face is like a bronze figure without any flaws.

Just look-the eyes are enough to be unforgettable in a lifetime, and the heart is horrified.

On the tall and straight nose, there are a pair of eyes full of fascinating charm, cold and glorious.

But it will not reveal the changes and feelings of the emotions in the heart.

It makes people feel that he can destroy any person or thing at any time, without the slightest guilt afterwards.

Between him and Zhuge looking at each other, the air in front of me was burning like a raging fire.


In terms of realm.

Zhuge Zheng, I want to be lower.

But in many cases, realm does not mean everything.

Especially people in their realm.

There are many kinds of winning points.

Of course, there are many influencing factors.

Zhuge’s practice is half-cut, but he is actually the best at healing and recovering.

When encountering Bi Xuan’s domineering and fierce Yan Yang Qi Gong.

It’s like the forest-forest fire has encountered a lake.

Suddenly, it’s hard to distinguish one from another!

“Wu Zun, is it possible that you want to do it now?!”

Seeing that the two were in a stalemate, Zhu Ishit interrupted from the side.

Makes the two break free of mental fighting.

Bi Xuan was originally a violent temper, how could he stand it?

However, just as Bi Xuan was about to attack, a misty voice came.

“¨” Wu Zun, think twice before acting, don’t make mistakes! ”

Then a figure wearing a Taoist robe, like a leaf, flew from nowhere.

Floating in the middle of a few people.

Wen Renjie looked intently.

It was an old man from Eguanbo.

With five strands of long beard, the face is quaint and simple.

Wearing a generous brocade robe, he appeared to be even more stalwart than ordinary people.


Another acquaintance!

“Ning Dodge!”

【Name: Ning Daoqi (Daomen Sanren)

Gong-method: Sanshou Bapu (Rongshen level)

Realm: the middle stage of fusion spirit realm

Jane: Proficient in heaven and earth.

The reality is completely natural.

Everyone knows that he has no desires or desires.

In fact, he was just doing nothing. 】

The systematic evaluation is also very mysterious.

This person who has been controversial in his previous life, it seems. The system’s evaluation of him is not bad?

Anyway, Wen Renjie’s first sense of Ning Dodge is okay.

At least it looks like that.

. . .

Bi Xuan did not (okay) because he had no brains.

Ning Daoqi has come out to complete the game, if he continues to mess around.

It is estimated that the people on the stone walls will come out to beat him.

With a snort, Yi headed towards the north cliff first.

Fu Cailin’s eyes were a little disappointed, but then his greedy eyes disappeared.

There are still many opportunities for them to fight.

No hurry, no hurry.

With a smile, he arched his hands towards the two masters of the court.

Ning Daoqi was also invited to leave with him.

Only Ning Daoqi refused.

Fu Cailin was not embarrassed, and flew up the cliff with his three apprentices.

All this was seen by Wen Renjie.

He stared thoughtfully at Fu Cailin’s back. He also looked at Fu Cailin’s disappointed eyes.

“Go and inform the minister again.”

“Meet Fu Cailin, also get me to death!”

Zhu Yuyan who just came back: “…”


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