Chapter 190

The scene was a bit quiet for a while.

Both Wanwan and Zhu Yuyan were afraid to speak.

In their impressions.

This seems to be the first time Wen Renjie has been seen through-identity.

In their concept, Wen Renjie has always been a peerless powerhouse who pretends to be a pig and eat a tiger.

Use two identities to play in the world.

So even if they know Wen Renjie, it is the legendary Wenren dragon head.

He also cooperated very tacitly with Wen Renjie, acting in a play, and did not dare to reveal his identity.

But today.

Someone saw through his identity!

And the person who discovered his true identity.

It’s not Lin Xian’er who gets along with him day and night and has the joy of cloud and rain.

It’s the one who has barely been in contact with, the Fairy Master of Righteous Way, Shifei Xuan!

What are we going to do now?


This idea came to mind in all four of them.

But their original intentions are different.

Of course Zhu Yuyan doesn’t matter.

Anyway, the one who died was from Cihang Jingzhai, and she was too happy to have time!

Wan Wan felt a bit complicated.

Is it possible to kill this enemy who is destined to be a lifetime opponent?

Shi Feixuan’s idea is much simpler.

She just regrets it.

Regret directly calling out Wen Renjie’s identity.

Now he is controlled in the opponent’s hands.

They obviously don’t want to reveal their identity.

As a result, he broke the identity of the other party.

Isn’t this just letting the other party kill him?

As for Wen Renjie…

The idea of ​​killing people was fleeting in his mind.

It’s not that he doesn’t kill people.

But it also depends on who it is.

Like Shi Feixuan, a martial arts fairy like a flower like jade, with high martial arts, and excellent in all aspects.

It would be a shame to kill that.


Well, in fact, Wen Renjie feels softened because other people look good.

The beauty is high, and it can indeed save lives.

At least Shi Feixuan saved her life with her own face.

The most important thing is that Wen Renjie doesn’t take his identity seriously.

Many people knew his true identity, and he didn’t go to kill those people!

He needs to have two identities, just to make things easier for him.

But now it’s broken by Shi Feixuan…

Wen Renjie’s eyes turned, and it seemed that Shi Fei Xuan could not leave the Blue Dragon Club.

Reach out and take off the mask.

Sword eyebrows and star eyes, tall nose bridge, slightly thin lips.

Who is it if it isn’t Wen Renjie?

Shi Feixuan watched Wen Renjie take off the mask, her eyes changed again and again.

In the end, a thousand words turned into a sigh.


“What? Why did Fairy Master sigh?”

Wen Renjie jumped off the treetops, and Wanwan and the others also fell.

“Unexpectedly, everyone in the world was deceived by you.”

Shi Feixuan gradually calmed down.

at this point.

Even if the other side wanted to kill her, she couldn’t resist.

Why be frightened and frightened and be looked down upon by others.

“Cheat? Where do you start?”

Wen Renjie looked towards the capital.

It is estimated how long it will be before the four evil talents will be driven here.

“While you acted as the leader of the Blue Dragon Association, you also acted as Wen Renjie, who was just out of the rivers and lakes…”

“No?” Wen Renjie approached Shi Feixuan, looking at her clear eyes, “Which law also stipulates that two identities cannot be used?”


Shi Fei Xuan was speechless for a while.

It seems that there is really no problem with Wen Renjie using two identities.

But why is she so angry?

“Are you angry?”

Wen Renjie seemed to see through her mind.

Shi Feixuan’s eyes dodge a little.

“I… I don’t!”

“you have.”



“I do not have!”

“Well, you didn’t!”

“I have!”



Damn it!

Shi Feixuan felt that the sword heart she had cultivated for many years was fluctuating.

I really want to give this Damn it guy a sword!

Especially when I heard the laughter of Wanwan and Zhu Yuyan next to me.

She even wanted to find a place to get in.

He actually played such low-level speech skills? !

“Huh! Is it interesting?!”


Wen Renjie looked at Shi Feixuan’s slightly blue eyes, a little indulged.

He not only found it interesting (cide), but also found it meaningful.

Because, it is obvious that you can feel that Shifeixuan’s mood is chaotic.

Just a few words.

In fact, Shifeixuan’s precept of not being liar has been broken!

She was clearly confused just now, and she was inexplicably angry and couldn’t hold it anymore.

But she insisted on saying no.

This in itself has broken the ring.

Even if he finally changed his words, it would not change the fact that Shi Feixuan had broken the precept.

That’s why Shi Feixuan said, “Is this interesting?”

Wen Renjie certainly finds it interesting.

Compared with the use of force to conquer individuals.

He feels that conquering a person from the heart will bring him greater satisfaction and a greater sense of accomplishment.

Especially after waiting for a while, the four wicked men have been rushed here.

To lure her to kill again, breaking her precept not to kill.

Wen Renjie is even more looking forward to it.

What is it like when a fairy who has cultivated to the clear realm of Jianxin, has his mind broken?

“just kill me!”

Shi Feixuan said abruptly.

Wen Renjie was taken aback for a moment, and his mind was restored.

“Fairy Master, what silly thing is this saying?”

“This is not a silly thing, it’s my truth.”

Shi Feixuan met Wen Renjie’s gaze, and said her previous plan without being shy.

“Originally, I thought that staying here could influence that Wenren dragon head, and even thought about feeding the demon with the body to get him back to the right way…”


Wen Renjie didn’t know what to say.

This seems to be that there is a beautiful woman who wants to give her a hug, and he pushed it out halfway?

But looking at Shi Feixuan’s appearance, there was no sense of shame at all.

Instead, his face was sacred.

It seems that what I said is a very sacred thing.

“…It seems that it shouldn’t be used now.” Shi Feixuan continued.

“Even though I know that Wen Renjie has opposed my Cihang Jingzhai several times, but he is a good person…”

Wen Renjie: “…”

Was issued a good person card?

“… Wen Renjie is a young hero in the world, a new star in kendo, he is not a demon, and he does not need me to save him.”

“Then, I naturally have no value in continuing to live.”

Shi Feixuan stared at Wen Renjie’s eyes.

It’s like talking about another person.

But Wen Renjie knew that what he said was to himself.


It’s so easy to want to die!

Shi Feixuan is a swordsman genius, a peerless genius no less than Wanwan.

It would be a shame to kill.

Wen Renjie smiled.

The smile on her face made Shi Feixuan unable to understand.

“Hehe, death, not the end.”

“But the possibility of being born is the beginning of your new life.”

As his words fell.

There was a burst of shouts in the distance, as well as the sound of falling trees…

ps: I don’t know, can you understand…

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