Chapter 174

“Hey, Dragon Head! Old… I won!”

Fanatic Yan is more like a carefree and honest old man when he is not fighting.

Of course, this is limited to the performance in front of Wen Renjie.

It’s just that he ran over to ask for credit, and Wen Renjie didn’t even look at him.

Turning his back to Yan Kuangzui, he raised his left hand.

The fanatic Yan stood there immediately, without being annoyed.

“August 1st, today you made a big contribution to the organization, and you will report to July 1st later. You can pick any exercise from the martial arts library in the exercise library.”

“Hehehe! Thank you Dragon Head!”

Yan Kuangtu’s eyes lit up.

Excitedly ran to Gong Ziyu’s side.

Pick a skill in the martial arts treasure house. There are not many opportunities.

Because of the fellow Gong Ziyu, the contribution requirement set is too high.

Unless you exchange for the same level of exercises, you will have to be nauseous just to do the task.

With such a character as Yan Fanatic, of course, he would not be able to do tasks and contribute in peace.

So there are a lot of martial arts that he is more greedy, and he can only look at them eagerly.

For example, the Eighteen Palms of Jianglong used by Hong Qigong in the previous game, he liked it very much…

. . .

Wen Renjie didn’t bother with what Yan lunatics were thinking.

There should be rewards and punishments.

The rewards and punishments are distinct, and that is the trait that a leader should possess.

After all, who made Yan Fanzi win this ring match.

He didn’t just win this ring match.

It also won the Azure Dragon Association a super powerhouse in the middle stage of the fusion of the gods!

If it wasn’t for the two rudder owners in front of him to help him make the bottom.

Not all of it is due to Yan Kuangzuo alone, Wen Renjie still wants to give him some more rewards!

There is a smile on his face, although others can’t see his face through the mask.

But I can feel Wen Renjie’s attitude change.

Wen Renjie stepped forward to help Song Que, who was half kneeling on the ground, up.

It was just pushed away by Song Que silently, and stood up by himself.

Wen Renjie didn’t care, “Song master, three games have passed, you still lost in the end~”



Song Que’s realm was unlocked by himself, and he recovered to the middle stage of the God of Merging Realm.

The sword intent that penetrated the sky and the earth swept away all the clouds in the sky.

The audience who were yelling before became quiet in an instant.

Regardless of them being here, the comments are very enjoyable.

But for a moment he did not forget that the person on the stage was a super power in the realm of fusion.

Facing the aura that could almost kill him.

Wen Renjie did not panic this time.

It was completely different from the feeling of powerlessness when facing Emperor Xiang Wu before.

For one thing, having a uniform helped him resist most of the aura.

Secondly, he firmly believed in his own judgment, and Song Que would keep his promise.

After returning to the original state.

Song Que’s internal force flowed through his body a few times, and he repaired his previous injuries seven or eighty-eight.

Looking at the unmoving leader of the Azure Dragon Society in front of him.

In front of his earth-shaking aura, there was no reaction at all.

Just like his aura that can almost crush a low-end warrior to death, it was just a breeze when he passed Wenren’s dragon head.

It even just blew the corner of the dragon’s head.

Is he so strong? !

Song Que didn’t know what it was like.

Originally, I just wanted to save the individual and return a favor.

As a result, now, I want to take myself in too.

“Why, isn’t Clan Master Song someone who keeps his promises?”


Song Que was speechless.

He even wanted to yell.

Could it be that your Azure Dragon is such a powerful force, and you still need him to be a person in the realm of fusion? !

But he is Song Que, and he is the Patriarch of the Song Family.

Of course he couldn’t do this kind of demeanor.


Silence is not the answer.

The surrounding audience has been staring here.

He looked at Fan Qinghui in the audience, his eyes couldn’t tell what he thought.




Maybe all, maybe none.

Wen Renjie quietly waited for the super powerhouse in the realm of fusion, and gave himself an answer.

My heart is also full of excitement.

This is a super strong recruited by himself.

Summoned by the system, there are totally two mindsets.

At least the sense of accomplishment is much more than the system exchange…

Song Que finally skipped Fan Qinghui, and seemed to be extremely disappointed in her.

He looked at his Song Clan member.

There are only two words in their eyes:


They couldn’t be more clear about the character of their patrons.

A promise!

This is not just an adjective.

Song Que has always done this.

He and his younger brother Song Zhi looked at each other for about two or three seconds, then turned their heads to face Wen Renjie.

At this moment, Song Zhi understood his elder brother’s thoughts.

As if he had been taken away from the main body, he was paralyzed in his seat, not knowing what he was thinking.

Song Que slowly took a breath and walked slowly to Wen Renjie with a narcissus knife in his hand.

It looks full of murderous intent, and the sword intent is bitter.

But Wen Renjie was not afraid at all, and stood there quietly.


Song Que held the knife on top of his head, half-kneeled, and sent the narcissus knife in front of Wen Renjie.

“¨” Song Que, meet the dragon head! ”



There was silence all around.

It’s quieter than before.

Quietly, it seemed that a needle dropped to the ground and it was audible.

What did they hear? What do you see?

Song Que, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, knelt to the ground!

Although he was only half kneeling, he was still kneeling!

What shocked them even more was that even their own saber was dedicated to the dragon head of the Blue Dragon Association.

This shows what? !

He is sincere!

Countless swordsmen felt that they regarded themselves as the god’s example of swordsmanship and fell into the altar.

But for more people.

This may be just one god, surrendering to another god.

Because another (good) god is the great dragon head of the Blue Dragon Association!

The legendary Wenren Dragon Head!

“Hahaha! Good!”

In the silent ring area, Wen Renjie’s clear but dull laughter came.

Despite some weirdness, no matter who it is, he can hear the joy and happiness in his heart.


How could he be upset?

Bring a super power in the realm of fusion to the children under his command.

If it’s just that I’m afraid that my face will make a big smile, right?

Many people think so.

But the dragon head of the Azure Dragon Society just stroked the Narcissus Knife and put it back into Song Que’s hand again.

At the same time, a lot of things appeared beside Song Que, and they appeared in full view!

The other members of the Blue Dragon Association were very greedy, looking at the pile of blessings that belonged to the rudder master.

The Blue Dragon Club is exclusive to everyone’s welfare.

“Okay! From now on, Song Master…No! Heavenly Sword Song Que is one of the rudder masters of my Azure Dragon Club!”.

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