Chapter 149

After returning to the small courtyard, it seemed to be isolated from the outside world.

Keep all the noise outside.

For follow-up matters, Wen Renjie did not intend to follow up.

Finally, just come out and listen to it.

He is healing in the room now, check the task reward by the way.

Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er were also guarding outside, not letting them in.

And they caught the head of Cihang Jingzhai and Shi Feixuan…

I don’t know where it went.

It shouldn’t kill people, right?


Wen Renjie shook his head and took out a handful of Gongli Pills from the portable space to heal his injuries.

Speaking of it, the reason why he now has so many Gong Li Pills to heal his injuries.

I also have to thank Yan Sanniang, who led the Mo Baoen organization that was incorporated into the Blue Dragon Association, and has been doing these ordinary tasks.

Excluding the rewards that were distributed, Wen Renjie still has a lot left!

I ate a few like jelly beans.

Wen Renjie adjusted his breath, and felt that his injury was much better.

After all, his defeat with Dugu was not a life-and-death battle. Although he suffered some internal injuries, it was not too serious.

After taking the pill, the five Qi Chaoyuan above his head appeared again.

He sweated a lot and spewed out a mouthful of black blood with bruises.

Wen Renjie even used this time to heal his wounds and gave himself a small haircut and marrow washing.

Standing up and jumping into the wooden barrel that had been prepared long ago, Wen Renjie was taking a bath while thinking about the gains and losses of this sword conference.

First of all, it is naturally a reward for completing the task of the Sword Conference.

After seeing the system prompt completion message, Wen Renjie couldn’t help but feel a little happy.

【Ding! 】

【Complete the night of the full moon, the top of the Forbidden City (chant the name level).

The host stands out among the many talented swordsmen.

And let his kendo be recognized by more than 90% of swordsmen!

Reward: All types of Rongshen Realm summoning places once, with a sword heart and a pair of sword bones! 】

The task of chanting!

Three rewards!

And there is also a full-type summoning place in the fusion spirit realm.

This reward can be said to be the one he cares most about among the three rewards.

After all, the next step is the martial arts conference.

There are not enough masters in the Blue Dragon Association.

Isn’t it just for this that he went out for so long?

Fusion God Realm!

This can be said to be a nuclear weapon in the world.

Basically in the arena where the Broken Realm can’t come out, the Rongshen Realm is the overlord!

Just look at Emperor Xiang Wu.

In the middle stage of the Rongshen Realm, it had already overwhelmed the entire arena and created a powerful and powerful dynasty.

And the system gave him this time a lottery, but it said “Rongshen々~Jing”!

There is no limit to the small realm.

In other words, he still has the opportunity to summon the existence of Dzogchen in the Rongshen Realm!

In view of the fact that every time the person summoned will appear immediately.

Wen Renjie left it for now.

Let’s talk about it after the shower…

Then he looked at the other two rewards.

It is naturally not a mainland product that can be put together with the summoning quota of the Rongshen Realm.

“System, receive sword heart and sword bone.”

【Ding! 】

[The host is sure to receive it at the same time? 】

“Yes… wait!”

Wen Renjie suddenly changed his mind.

He was pitted once or twice by the system, and he was much smarter.

Since the system has specifically asked whether he wants to receive it at the same time.

Then he would definitely not know how to do it.

Thought for a while.

“Get the sword bone first!”

【Ding! The reward is being distributed, please prepare for the host! 】

“Huh? What the hell? What are you going to do?!”

Wen Renjie suddenly became a little nervous, but the system didn’t prompt it, but as soon as it prompts, Wen Renjie feels fuzzy in his heart.



When Wen Renjie hadn’t reacted yet.

The bones in his body suddenly broke!

And become shattered!

So much that he couldn’t say anything that hurts.

The whole person rolled down the gurgling bubbles inside the barrel.

Lin Xian’er and Lin Qing’er outside were bewildered.

“What is he doing in there? Is he playing in the water?”

“I don’t know, maybe the 2nd place in the Sword Conference is too happy!”


Guru Guru!

Wen Renjie has only one thought in his brain at the moment.

If he was drowned in this way, wouldn’t he be naked when he was discovered?


Shameful, right? !

Fortunately, he is not crazy.

Is to receive rewards.

After falling into the water for about two or three seconds, he felt that his bones began to reshape rapidly.

He can only try his best to perform the exercises and perform internal inspections.

There seemed to be no bones in his body at this moment.

But one after another sword!

If someone can see Wen Renjie now, he doesn’t even need to see him, just by his side.

You can feel in front of you, as if it is a sharp sword, invincible!

This is truly reborn!

Although painful, the effect is obvious.

After two or three seconds, the pain disappeared in an instant. If Wen Renjie didn’t feel his whole body numb, he would definitely feel that he must have been dreaming just now.

“¨” System your uncle! ”

Wen Renjie frantically complained in his mind.

“You didn’t talk about such a painful thing earlier, I am not even prepared for him!”

[If the host is prepared, the pain you feel will be more intense. 】

“……you are vicious!”

Wen Renjie swallowed, he has another reward… Jianxin.

“I said the system, Jianxin won’t be the same as changing the sword bone, right?”



have to!


Wen Renjie knows that the system will not harm him.

“Receive Jianxin!”

【Ding! The reward is being distributed, please be prepared for the host. 】

After saying that sentence, Wen Renjie immediately began to read martial arts silently in his mind, trying to divert his attention to other places.





The sound like thunder burst from his heart.

Wen Renjie twitched directly, rolled his eyes, and fell into the barrel again.

(No Zhao)

The two women outside were lying on the door, listening.

“Is Brother Jie overjoyed? Why did he hammer the table?”

“Well, I don’t know, maybe I feel unwilling to get second place, right?”


This is different from what you just said.

The buzzing sound also stopped for a second or two, and then Wen Renjie’s heart resumed beating.

He leaned out his head suddenly and took a deep breath, still lingering fear on his face.

“Meow! I finally know what a cardiac arrest feels like!”

Wen Renjie clutched his heart, feeling the powerful heartbeat.

Before being out of control, the sword intent that had been circulated was gathered.

His whole person seemed like an unsheathed sword returned to her slave again.

Not showing the edge, but the danger has not decreased but increased.

Wen Renjie looked at the introduction to the system panel.

Still muttering in his mouth.

“If these two things don’t suit me, Laozi will abandon the sword and practice the sword!”.

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