Chapter 147

The long river of sword energy condenses on Wen Renjie’s head.

A strong sense of oppression can be felt even by people in the audience.

Not to mention the person who became its target.

But Dugu’s defeat was completely fearless.

Facing the hundred-meter-long giant sword, there was a hint of excitement on his face.

But that’s all.

Wen Renjie actually exceeded everyone’s expectations.

At the age of more than 20 years, he can reach the realm of returning ten thousand swords to the sect. No matter who it is, he must praise the genius.

But genius is genius.

This is not what Dugu wants to lose.

It is true that this move is very powerful.

Let alone accept the move if the internal force is sealed.

But who is he?

Sword Demon Dugu seek defeat!

The color of the “wind” throughout the martial arts field gradually became darker.

And getting more and more fierce!

A small tornado has appeared above the martial arts field.

Two ninety-seven     only Dugu seeking defeat as the center of a huge tornado began to spin out.

It’s not so much a huge tornado, it’s a sword storm.

Because it is not wind, but Jian Gang!

So the tornado greeted the giant sword.

The cold voice of Dugu seeking defeat appeared in everyone’s ears.

“Broken sword style!!”

The tornado and the giant sword are deadlocked.

The tinkling sound is endless.

That is the collision of Jian Qi and Bao Jian.

Swords continued to fall to the ground, and the tornado was slowly diminishing.

For a while it seemed evenly matched.

But only Wen Renjie knows.

Really compare, in fact, he has already lost.

People achieve this effect solely on the realm of kendo.

But under the power of various martial arts bonuses, he aroused the vitality of the world and attracted the help of ten thousand swords.

Obviously, the judgement is decided.

It’s just that being able to preserve one’s own internal strength is also a skill.

He has nothing to be guilty of.

He didn’t show mercy.

It’s just still no match for Dugu’s defeat.

The great sword slowly became smaller.

Because all the condensed swords were shot down to the ground.

The tornado is also getting smaller.

However, with the continuous blessings of Dugu’s defeat, it can still maintain its size.

Just as bitter and violent as before.


The realm composed of countless swords was completely defeated.

Exposed the 10 meters of sword energy wrapped in the center.

This is the best and the most powerful sword of Wen Renjie.

There is also the sword energy of the world, with the power of broken and invisible sword energy, and the blessing of knighthood, and the increase of the power of martial arts.

It can be said that this sword is really his pinnacle sword.

It is even more powerful than the use of a unique skill.

After all, Yijian needs to accumulate energy in the world, and it also needs to match the level of the opposing realm.

And this one is completely the strongest combat power he can display now.

The sword aura of over ten meters penetrated the tornado straightly like a changhong shining through the sun.

Rout it at once.

Unabated, he rushed to Dugu for defeat.

Three meters!

Two meters!

one meter!

Dugu defeat finally moved!

With his right hand and making a sword finger, he pointed straight at Jian Qi!

This is the real sword breaking style!


Dugu’s defeated fingers collided with the sword.

He even directly touched this powerful sword energy with his body!

Under the collision of the two.

It is not a jingle sound.

It is like the buzzing of tinnitus in the ears.

There was a ripple in the space where the point of Jian Qi’s sword touched the fingers of Dugu Qiufei.

It’s like a stone being thrown into the lake.

There is a black thread next to it.

That is a space crack!

Obviously it was just pointed at the tip of Jian Qi.

But Dugu’s defeat is just like the center point of dissolving sword energy.

The huge sword qi continued to dissipate.

Keep dissipating…

In the end, the sound of the wave disappeared in the air!

puff! !

Wen Renjie spit out a mouthful of blood and went back several steps.

He lost! !

The backlash of Jian Qi caused him to suffer a lot of internal injuries.

The people from the Qinglong Club in the audience stood up unconsciously.

There is so little ready to move.

However, Wen Renjie sent them all to sit back through her heart.

He is not someone who can’t afford to lose.

Besides, isn’t it normal that there are winners and losers in the arena?

Dugu seeking defeat is a big man in the realm of fusion.

Even if it is temporarily unable to use internal strength, it is not comparable to ordinary people.

It is not easy for him to walk with the realm of Mingyi.

Plus the task has also been completed.

Even if he loses, he doesn’t care much.

This also seems normal.

After all, it is a good thing to be famous, but if it is raised to a height that does not belong to him.

That would be too uncomfortable.

You can refer to Xie Xiaofeng…

In fact, it wasn’t just the Blue Dragon Association who stood up in the audience.

Almost most people stood up…

And some insights are exclaiming.

“One sword breaks the realm of ten thousand laws!”

“Sure enough! He really reached this state!”

The people talked a lot.

His expression was inexplicable.

In this way, the reaction of those members of the Blue Dragon Society standing up is not so abrupt.

Everyone is happy.

Only Emperor Xiang Wu felt a headache.

It seems that not everyone is not making progress.

While he is pursuing a higher realm, others are also pursuing a higher realm.

When he suppressed Dugu to seek defeat, he had to flee the mountains and forests. At that time, his kendo realm was the return of ten thousand swords.

Reappearing now, it has actually become a realm of breaking ten thousand magic with one sword.

As for Wen Renjie…

Emperor Xiang Wu didn’t feel much surprised.

He knew that Wen Renjie was not a pure swordsman.

But just such a not-so-pure swordsman can reach the realm that most swordsmen dream of.

It can be seen that its strength is strong!

As for why he would lose to Dugu and seek defeat.

Emperor Wu Xiang was even more not surprised.

Just look at Wen Renjie who likes to pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger. This guy must be hiding again, or else he is not interested in his prizes…

It has to be said that Emperor Xiang Wu’s misunderstanding of Wen Renjie is getting deeper and deeper.

However, Wen Renjie really can’t beat Dugu Qiuqiu…

He touched his lips and wiped all the blood off.

He hugged his fist at Duguqiu defeat.

“Senior, good swordsmanship, I have been taught!”

“You are not bad too!”

Seeking defeat, Dugu dissipated the blade storm, softly admiring.

It’s just that the look of loneliness regained in his eyes.

Wen Renjie is still too young after all.

It is not his opponent above Kendo.

I thought that when I came to the Sword Conference this time, there would be more kendo powerhouses of the older generation.

It turned out that he was the only one who came, but it’s a pity…

Wooden Taoist: mmp! Am I not a human? !

Dugu Qiufei beckoned to the god carving that was arranging feathers next to him.

The eagle screamed and flew over.

Dugu Qiuqiu’s foot forcefully jumped onto the back of the divine carving.

Sitting on a divine carving and flying away.

As for the reward?

Will he need someone else’s reward if he seeks defeat alone?


With a long sound of carving.

Dugu’s desire for defeat was just like when he came, turning into a black spot, dissipating in the bright moon.

This is the end of the sword conference…….

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