Chapter 145

Because I know I am not a pure swordsman.

So Wen Renjie did not join the discussion of the three people.

Although he is not purely a swordsman, he still has a fondness for beautiful things.

I don’t want to tarnish the three real swordsmen’s swords because of my participation.


Of course, the main reason is:

Wen Renjie’s mission is complete!

And the three of them were fighting against each other, and the one who was left would definitely compete with himself for the first place.

He is happy and relaxed!

And you can also observe the kendo of these three swordsmen.

After all, there is a difference between people in this world and people in books

Since he can save time and effort and can detect information, why not do it?

. . .

The movements of the three seem to be very slow.

When their swords are rising, they are as slow as a 60 or 70-year-old man playing Tai Chi

But no one dares to ignore it.

Looking at Dugu’s begging for defeat.

Ximen Chuuxue said: “If I join forces with Ye Gucheng’s double swords, who can resist the whole world?”



But he is not a man in the world!

He is the sword demon who is free from the world, seeking defeat!

No one can stop the world, but he can stop it!

Because he is a sword demon!

Also a sword god!

But would a proud person like Ye Gucheng really join hands against the enemy?

No one knows this.

A full moon, as if hanging under the cornice.

The time, place and character are all available.

There are a lot of people, but there is no voice. ?

Even Emperor Xiang Wu was watching the battle with a serious expression.

This is a respect for a strong man in the realm of kendo.

He is strong, but it doesn’t mean that he looks down on other warriors.

The foreign mission is also very quiet.

Because they can also feel the compelling pressure. ?

Even they are thinking.

There are these outstanding people in the middle, how can they kill them? When is the end?


With a dragon chant, the sword spirit rushed into the sky!

Ye Gucheng sword has been out of its sheath.

The sword looked pale in the moonlight. ?

Pale moon, pale sword, pale face. ?

Ye Gucheng stared at Jianfeng and said, “Please.”

He did not go to see Ximen Chuuxue.

Did not go to see Dugu beg to lose.

Didn’t even look at it!

Since I didn’t look at their swords, naturally I didn’t look at their eyes.

This is a taboo of swordsmanship.

Fighting between masters is like a decisive battle in a large army. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. ?

Therefore, every slight movement of the other party, every look, every expression, and even the beating of every muscle should also be observed carefully, and not even a single point should be missed. ?

Because every point may be (cide) the factor that determines the outcome of this battle. ?

Why doesn’t he watch?

Ye Gucheng has experienced hundreds of battles and is known as invincible. How could he not understand this? ?

He would never make this kind of mistake. ?

But he was not wrong!

He doesn’t need to see.

Because his heart is beating.

His sword heart completely replaced his eyes.

The eyes may deceive, but his heart will not!

Ximen Chuuxue’s eyes were sharp as a sword.

Examining every change between the two people.

His spirit has reached its peak.

The look in the eyes, the breath, the tips of the hair…

He never let go of every change.

Ye Gucheng’s reaction showed that he would not join forces with him to attack Dugu for defeat.

This is the pride of his swordsman.

Just so is he!

At this time, the starlight and moonlight faded.

All the brilliance between heaven and earth has been concentrated on the two swords.

Two immortal swords.

The branch standing in the middle was unremarkable.

It can be seen everywhere, but it has become a bridge between two swords.

It is balance and the final result.

Because its owner is Dugu seeking defeat!


The sword has been pierced!

The sword pierced out was not fast, and the distance between Ximen Chuuxue and Ye Gucheng was still far away.

Their swords have not touched, and they have begun to constantly change.

People move very slowly, but the sword’s edge changes very quickly, because they have changed their minds before they use them.

They finally swung their swords at each other.

Flying out of the sky!

Sword to the west!

Ye Gucheng’s sword moves are very slow, slow, gorgeous and elegant, almost perfect sword moves, unbreakable!

Ximen Chuuxue’s sword is also very slow, so slow that people can’t see it!

Why can’t I see it?

Because his sword is hidden in countless afterimages!

All the others saw was his slow sword, but it was only the shadow of his real sword.

His sword is hidden in these afterimages.

Stabbed at Ye Gucheng.

Ye Gucheng’s sword was like a gust of wind outside the white clouds.

No matter how you hide, you can’t hide it at all.

This is a perfect sword!

Ximen Chuuxue can’t hide it!


There is also Dugu defeat!

They have never been two of them competing with each other.

Ye Gucheng’s sword was only an inch from the heart of Ximen Chuuxue.

And Ximen Chuuxue’s sword was still three inches from Ye Gucheng’s throat.

It is at this moment.

The branch is broken.

One section on one side.

Youruo appeared in front of them out of thin air.

Blocking the tip of the opponent’s sword.

Also blocked the opponent’s attack.


The collision between the branches and the sword made the sound of gold and iron.

Is this branch made of iron?

Do not!

It’s just because its owner is Dugu beg defeat!

He has been begging for defeat.

But this time he still won.



There was no sabre in the hands of the two peerless swordsmen.

Because it has been shaken by the ordinary branches.

“Kendo is lonely, it’s hard to find an opponent!”

The voice of Dugu’s begging for defeat came to the ears of the two.

Also passed into the ears of the audience.


“Is this Dugu seeking defeat?!”

“He… he broke the trick of two peerless swordsmen with one sword?!”

“Sword Demon… Sword Demon!!”

The silent auditorium became lively.

Maybe it shouldn’t be said to be lively, but it is boiling.

The sword that came out of hand meant.

Dugu seeks defeat, and one person has won two great swordsmen!

And it perfectly resolved the opponent’s offensive, leaving neither of them injured.

“I lost!”

“I also lost!”

Ye Gucheng and Ximen Chuuxue still didn’t go to see Dugu’s defeat.

It was as if it was the opponent who broke their sword, not the white-haired old man next to him.

The two slowly walked towards the sabre that fell on one side, and they were talking as they walked.

“Who do you think will win?”

“Actually, I am very optimistic about Wen Renjie.”

“Really? I am very optimistic about him, too.”

“But can he really win?”

“Not necessarily, because his heart doesn’t seem to be above Kendo.”


If there is no other person to talk, the two walked to the auditorium by the way.

They abstained!

Dugu on the roof begged for defeat, without the slightest shame of being ignored.

Looking at the same white clothes of the two.

The same black saber.

There is a kind of envy in his eyes.

The opponent is hard to find.

A confidant is also hard to find!

He looked at Wen Renjie, who looked inexplicably below.

“You, dare to fight?”.

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