Chapter 141

In fact, Wen Renjie didn’t want to face Xie Xiaofeng so early.

But helplessly he is too conspicuous here.

At that time, after he had solved the more than one hundred and fifty swordsmen.

Turning around, I was attracted by the crowd on the other side.

After all, people gather-so many, too conspicuous.

Anyway, they will have a battle sooner or later, and now it’s just ahead of time-nothing more.

After the two were very tacitly in agreement, they kicked the foreign swordsmen out of the sword conference.

Well, to be precise, it was sent to the underworld.

The upper limit of Wen Renjie’s mission progress has been drastically reduced.

The rest are people he has had some contact with.

He did so much preparation in the early stage.

I don’t believe that these people will not recognize his kendo.

Even if one or two people don’t approve of it, 90% of them should have it, right?

And Xie Xiaofeng is one of these people that he has not been in contact with.

At this moment, the sword qi of the two people rushed into the sky.

To outsiders, it seems to be a rivalry.

But only Xie Xiaofeng understood.

He is actually at a disadvantage!

Because he felt it keenly, Wen Renjie. Yijian brings a different flavor after a lifetime.

He had never seen the scene where the sword killed the strong man in the god of harmony.

So it is impossible to imagine what kind of sword intent Wen Renjie’s kendo implied at that time.

But he was certain.

Surely it won’t be like this, full of cold breath.

He had a sense of the several sword intents that erupted from the side before.

Wen Renjie’s sword intent is different every time.

But for every sword intent, he seemed to have cultivated to the highest level.

His opponent was completely defeated by his sword, and there was no resistance at all.

And this time.

He seems to know a little bit about himself.

The sword intent used this time was full of gloomy and cold aura.

It happened to be the opposite of his domineering and fanatical sword intent this time.

Xie Xiaofeng did not ask Wen Renjie why he knew he would use this trick.

He only knows that the two of them are now on the string and have to send it.

It must be a high and low victory.

Was sealed due to internal force.

Xie Xiaofeng knew that this move of his own could not exert its full power.

But it should not be underestimated.

Because his kendo realm has already formed a sword domain, he has even touched the threshold of “kendo”.

He also understood in his heart.

If he let go of these shackles of Excalibur Villa.

Naturally, you can advance to kendo.

But it is a pity.

Even if he knew what his problem was, he couldn’t let go of Excalibur Villa.

So this is the strongest trick.

Power is not only greatly reduced.

And it’s easy to be broken, of course, that’s relative to kendo masters.

Xie Xiaofeng’s long sword suddenly disappeared in the air, and at the same time, his whole body disappeared in the air.

When he appeared in the next second, he had already crossed a distance of two or three feet and was now in front of Wen Renjie.

The sword in his hand is like a comet hitting the earth.

Stabbed Wen Renjie with an aura of burning jade and stone.

As Wen Renjie coping with this trick head-on, his pupils suddenly enlarged a lot.

The shock of this trick is indeed full.

It does not show destructive power in reality.

It is a powerful destruction of the spiritual realm.

When this sword stabbed.

Wen Renjie seemed to have really seen a world collapse, the scene of the end of the world, and a comet slammed toward him head-on.

All this was only made by Xie Xiaofeng without using internal force!


The purple golden crown of hair on Wen Renjie’s head suddenly exploded.

At the same time, his spirit returned to normal.

It’s just that he received a prompt from the system.

【Ding! The purple golden crown with the hair will resist a spirit attack of the Awakening Realm for you. Has been damaged, the additional functions are no longer available! 】

Spiritual attack on the realm of Hedao!

Xie Xiaofeng was in the absence of internal power.

Only by relying on the cultivation of kendo to reach the spiritual power attack of the realm of Harmony!

What is a genius?

This is called a genius!

Wen Renjie who has recovered has some fears.

If you don’t have a purple crown with a bundle of hair.

He might have overturned!

Fortunately, there was a purple golden crown with her hair that resisted this attack for herself.

Without the strong suppressing power of the spiritual level.

Wen Renjie is naturally able to solve the remaining attacks.

After all, he can still use internal force.

Powerful bonus of various martial arts.

And 50% bonus to the martial arts power of the organization.

One goes down and the other goes up.

Wen Renjie staged a Jedi counterattack!

Originally in the eyes of everyone.

This sword of Xie Xiaofeng almost frightened Wen Renjie. Didn’t you see that his lightsaber flickered for a moment?

But it was only for a moment.

···········Ask for flowers·······

Wen Renjie’s eyes not only restore clarity.

The lightsaber in his hand rose even more against the storm.

Suddenly increased more than ten meters.

Although this length is not as long as the time when King Ning was killed.

But it has brought a fatal crisis to people.

“The Third Young Master is a good method! It’s a pity that I can’t lose in this round!”

Wen Renjie held the hilt with both hands and faced the sword stabbed by Xie Xiaofeng at an invisible speed.


The lightsaber of more than ten meters collided with the sword stabbed by Xie Xiaofeng, making a violent explosion.

Even if it loses its powerful lethality on the spiritual level.

In terms of swordsmanship alone, Xie Xiaofeng’s attacks are still powerful.

The violent explosion caused by the collision of sword energy and lightsaber shook all the corpses around.

.. ……… …

Even those close to each other were directly shattered into powder.

Ding Ding Ding! !

When the two swords collided, the clinking sound of iron was quickly connected into a line.

And the collision of the two swords was not the collision of the sword bodies.

Every confrontation is a collision of sword tips!

The jingle sounds almost constituted a beautiful movement.

Xie Xiaofeng’s expression was full of surprises.

But there are some regrets.

There was even a hint of relief.

With such a complicated expression, Wen Renjie is really the first time I have met.


The two of them collided with each other for 360 rounds in just ten seconds.

But in the end, Wen Renjie, which was opened, was even better.

His internal strength is the key to victory.

Not to mention when they stopped.

Xie Xiaofeng looked at his saber slightly distressed.

The tip of the sword was full of gaps, indicating that the confrontation was fierce at that time.

Even when they stopped, the tip of his sword was a bit flushed, and it was still smoking!

There was also a cut in the sleeve of his left shoulder.

Although it did not penetrate.

But his clothes were scratched, and there was a superficial wound.


Xie Xiaofeng let out a long breath.

Three young masters who have never failed.

Failed today!

He looked at Wen Renjie on the opposite side, and backhanded the sword back into the scabbard.

“you win!”


“When you have time, come to Shenjian Villa for tea.”



“Farewell!” Zhang.

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