Chapter 134

Chen Shixing soaring into the sky flew out of the field through a beautiful parabola.

He was kicked out of the court by Wen Renjie and was disqualified.

Chen Shixing, who was comforted by Yu Chengzhu touching his head, looked resentful.

Looking at Wen Renjie, who was staring at A Fei, she couldn’t think of this kind of guy, a swordsman that A Fei also worshipped.

Eliminate a swordsman again.

Seeing that the task progress limit is missing by one more, Wen Renjie feels comfortable.

“ALFY, do you want to compare it again?”


“You can’t win.”

Now one has internal power and the other has no internal power.

Wen Renjie’s kendo cultivation is even higher than A Fei, how can he lose?

Holding Wu Hook in one hand.

The four-foot-long blade almost fell to the ground.

Standing there is like a long sword, which is unpredictable.

“I haven’t played, how do I know?”

A Fei slowly returned to his sword.

This is not to give up, but to use sword drawing skills.

He doesn’t need to deal with Chen Shixing.

Because one is not careful, it is easy to lose.

When facing Wen Renjie, winning or losing is no longer important to him.

What is important is the courage to draw the sword against the enemy.

He can’t let Wen Renjie be his demon.

Seeing A Fei’s movements, Wen Renjie also slowly returned to his sword.

He can draw swordsmanship too!

He won’t lose the first time, and now he won’t lose!

“This time, I won’t keep my hands!”

“You don’t need to keep your hands!”

A Fei gripped the cork tightly with his right hand-that was his sword hilt.

“I also think that going all out is the greatest respect for the opponent!”

Wen Renjie gave a chuckle, and slowly reduced his smile.

The two have had many dealings.

For ALFY, Wen Renjie is still very optimistic.

Whether it is his personal talent or the forces behind him, it is worthy of his attention.

“You don’t use a sword to pass the world, but you also respect me and me?!”

“Hehe, don’t think too much, I am proficient in a hundred schools of swordsmanship, and every move carries my kendo々~!”

Although Wen Renjie’s words have some bragging elements, they are not excessive.

The palace treasure house is not in vain.

Although those family secret skills may not be available, but in terms of quantity.

Saying he knows how to learn martial arts, that’s really less.

He is familiar with three hundred Tang poems, even if he can’t write poems, he can chant.

What’s more, he has all these martial arts in his mind.

Even if not every subject is at its peak, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is proficient.

Use sword-drawing skills to fight A Fei, not to look down on him.

But want to make a duel with him.

At that time, they were on the ring, and they were determined by one sword.

Now we have to use this method again to end again.

If it wasn’t because they weren’t from the same world, then there would be a sense of fateful confrontation in it.

. . .

The two men put their right hands on their weapons.

There doesn’t seem to be a trace of fluctuation in the eyes of the other person.

Just like their first match.

In the spiritual world, the invisible confrontation has already begun.

There are some alien swordsmen who want to kill the genius youths in the Central Plains.

He sneaked behind them sneakily and wanted to attack them both.

However, when they were within three meters of A Fei and Wen Renjie…

The Western Region swordsman behind A Fei did not make any response at all, and a blood stain appeared on his neck.

Then he fell to the ground and died.

As for the Tianzhu swordsman near Wen Renjie behind him.

He rolled his eyes directly.

A squirt, with blood from internal organs, was silent.

At this moment, the swordsmen who wanted to fish in troubled waters stepped back.

Never dared to approach them anymore.

Obviously two teenagers.

Have such a sword intent!

Just being close to their bodies, even with a hint of evil thoughts, will be attacked by sword intent.

This is not something that ordinary swordsmen can do.

Can’t afford to provoke, can’t afford to provoke!

It is better to wait for them to get hurt before jumping out to take the heads!

These swordsmen thought very well.

It’s a pity that people in the Central Plains seem to have a tacit understanding.

Whenever these alien swordsmen are going to sneak attack a certain person who is fighting.

The two people who are in a swordsmanship duel will immediately stop, and the spearhead will be unanimous.

Kill these aliens before you fight!

This high degree of national cohesion is entirely due to Emperor Xiang Wu.

A strong sense of national pride will naturally make people in this country more united.

There is no need for anyone to organize, and everyone will focus on the outside world.

Emperor Xiang Wu couldn’t help but nod his head.

This is the scene he wants to see.

Although it is called the Rongjian Conference, it says that kendo knows no borders.

But swordsmen have national boundaries!

Wen Renjie and Afei are not in the mood to pay attention to these things.

Their attention is on each other.

These people came to look for death completely because of their sword intent to protect their bodies automatically.

This is why the protagonists in various TV dramas give the bad guys the time to perform their tricks.

It’s not because they don’t want to do it.

It’s because when their spirits are highly concentrated, the barrier of the body guard is even stronger than the attack they send out.

In the spiritual world of the two.

There is nothing all around.

Only the two of them stood in a space where there was no distinction between up, down, left, and right.

While staring, the sword qi of the two shot at each other, testing each other’s bottom line.

Although their sword aura is full of energy, their swords have never been drawn out.

With the spiritual world of the two, the sword-qi confrontation became more and more fierce.

Things began to appear in the void of space.

Mountains composed of sword energy, rivers composed of sword energy…

This scene made Wen Renjie a little distracted.

This scene is what he saw at the moment he touched the sword test stone, Jinghong glanced at it.


“what? you again? ! ”

An unfamiliar voice came in again, in Wen Renjie’s ears.


This distracted him!

But A Fei, who was opposite him, didn’t seem to feel the same at all.

The moment Wen Renjie felt distracted, he moved!

In the real world, A Fei moved.

The spiritual space built by the two is also instantaneously broken.

At the same time exited that wonderful space.

Wen Renjie had no time to think about why this mysterious space appeared again.

Had to pull out Wu Hook at the same time and met A Fei.

Although it was his distraction, he fell into Xiafeng.

But he is now in full condition and has plenty of internal strength.

It can make up for this disadvantage forever.

This corner of the field is like two cold stars appearing at once.

Those who paid attention to the two of them only felt pain in their eyes, cold skin, and hairs standing upside down.

Who will win? ! .

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