Chapter 132

The dazzling and beautiful lightsaber gave the three sisters a fatal feeling.

Thinking of the master’s words, the three sisters decisively agreed.

Heroes do not eat immediate losses, nor do good women.

It’s a pity that they thought very well.

The sword light waved over did not stop for a moment.

Wen Renjie turned a deaf ear to what they said, and didn’t open up to them just because they were women.

There is no distinction between men and women here.

Kendo competes.

How can you keep your hands?

Even Wen Renjie has a strange idea.

The system said that more than 90% of the people who participated in the Sword Conference would accept his kendo.

If a person has a large base, he will certainly not be easy to accomplish.

But if a person’s base is small, wouldn’t his chances of completion be greater?

For example, Liu Shengdan Ma Shou who has been belching.

If you really want him to live.

Wen Renjie is certain that 290, he will not agree with his own kendo.

After all, how can a person who cultivates the method of killing gods in order to gain access to Taoism agree with other people’s Taoism?

So it’s all right now.

Wen Renjie directly killed Tajima Shou Liusheng.

In this way, there is one less person who disagrees with him.

On the contrary, wouldn’t his chances of completing the task increase?

Like an assassin lurking.

As long as all the targets are killed, isn’t it just not being discovered?

This task has the same effect as this principle.

Wen Renjie does not feel that he is drilling a loophole in the system.

Who made its task arranged like this?

What’s more, it’s the case of digging words like this and completing the task.

He has done experiments in the previous tasks.


Therefore, Wen Renjie will not let the three sisters go, nor does he keep his hands at all.

Just admit defeat, how could he let them go.

The surging internal force in the body made the three sisters eclipse.

They have no way to imagine.

Obviously everyone has been sealed internally.

Why does Wen Renjie’s swordsmanship have such a surging internal force?

Could it be that his sword skills are similar to that of Liu Shengdan Ma Shou?

Are they all urging other elements to promote sword moves?

Feeling the other side swinging the sword mercilessly.

Fu Jun’s grandson gritted his teeth…

Throwing the sword in his hand.

Then he knelt on the ground with a bang.



Fu Junyu and Fu Junyi looked at the eldest sister in disbelief.

Although they want to protect their lives, they are also disciples of the Great Master of Goguryeo.

In this highly anticipated situation, kneel down to a young man begging for mercy, and where do they put their master’s face?

But Fu Junxin had no other expressions.

His face was very sincere and sincere.

“Young Xia must be the new star of kendo that has gone viral these days, Wen Renjie, right?”

“Swordsman Rising Star…”

Wen Renjie’s mouth twitched. What kind of nickname is this?

But he stopped the lightsaber in front of them.

“As long as you announce your withdrawal from the Sword Conference, you can survive!”

Wen Renjie recovered and said coldly.

He didn’t want to say anything to these three sisters.

Because now the Yan Yanwu field is full of swords, everyone is doing their best to shoot, but it is not the time to chat.

Being so persecuted, the three sisters are a little unhappy.

They are in Goguryeo. I don’t know how many young talents want to make their minds.

I really haven’t met a young man like Wen Renjie who is not seduced by them.

Is he really a man?

Obviously, Lin Xian’er and Bai Qing’er know whether Wen Renjie is a man or not.

They don’t need to know these things.

“Don’t quit?”

Wen Renjie sent the lightsaber forward, and the hot light burned Fu Junmao’s hair slightly curled.


The three sisters swallowed.

It seems that this guy really doesn’t eat hard and soft.

I don’t know why they are forced to withdraw from the sword conference.

Wouldn’t it be enough for them to give up?

“Wenren Xiaoxia, we have already given up…”

“Can’t retreat?!”

Wen Renjie handed the lightsaber forward again.

Although the three sisters gave up.

But Wen Renjie found that his task progress bar did not go up.

This shows that the three of them did not recognize his kendo.

This can’t work!

So Wen Renjie simply solved the problem directly from the root cause.

If the three of them quit, they won’t have this trouble.

Under the seal of the internal strength of the three sisters, where could Wen Renjie be the opponent of this full-fledged person.

The three of them were suppressed and immobile just by their aura.

Not to mention, the lightsaber that would cut off their heads at any time…

With this sword, their ears were all cocooned in the capital.

Even just now, I saw Tajima Shou Yagyu being defeated by Wen Renjie.

So they have no doubt that Wen Renjie will make a move now.

Thinking of their master, Fu Cailin’s task.

On the sword meeting is not their main task.

They also need to keep this useful body and do more things that are beneficial to Goguryeo.

Silently sighed in my heart.

The three sisters glanced at each other, and at the same time made a decision with eloquence.

“I quit!”

“I quit!”

“I quit!”


The lightsaber dissipated instantly.

Its freely controlled maneuverability shocked the three sisters.

Wen Renjie was expressionless, but suddenly laughed.

“That’s right! Go on!”

He found that the upper limit of the task progress was less.

This shows that the plan to kick these people out of the Sword Conference is feasible.

As for why not kill these three sisters.

Of course not because Wen Renjie fell in love with the triplets.

But because they just killed them, it was too cheap for them to come.

Besides, he himself is not a big murderer.

You don’t need to improve yourself by killing people.

Goguryeo, he will definitely go there. Then these three people will be his entrance…

The three sisters walked out of the field seemingly lonely.

But in my heart is the joy of the rest of my life.

The people from Goguryeo themselves had never thought that they would have nothing to do in the On Sword Conference.

I just wanted to come out to get a name and collect some information by the way.

It’s just that planning is not as fast as change.

Before collecting much information, he was sent out by a genius from the Central Plains.

Liu Shengdan made Suo the first swordsman to be killed at the Sword Conference, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

The three sisters, who were eliminated from the first team as the swordsman conference, also made people talk a lot.

But when other people discuss it.

Only the Goguryeo mission was relieved.

Fortunately, nothing happened to Master Fu’s three precious disciples.

Otherwise, he would be to blame for his death.

After reducing the task limit of three people again, Wen Renjie is even more energetic.

He turned his gaze to the other swordsmen. .

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