Chapter 130

Although Wen Renjie likes to be in the limelight, he cherishes his life even more.

It can be seen from the fact that he wants to become stronger, and also gives himself two identities.

So when Ye Gucheng reached out and took out a pill, and crushed it.

Wen Renjie subconsciously opened the portable space.

It is to prevent something strange from being sucked in by yourself.

Because of scenes like this, he reads a lot in novels.

What a colorless and odorless poison.

What disperse with the wind.

There are not too many weird things.

In addition, Lin Xian’er drugged him several times and trained him with acumen.

Wen Renjie escaped the catastrophe by mistake.

If it is really like what Ye Gucheng said.

The skill of the swordsmen present was sealed.

But he was not affected at all.

Then this sword conference…

Wen Renjie’s eyes shone a little.

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even if some swordsmen with advanced realm can break through the blockade by themselves, they will definitely be affected.

In this case…

Isn’t he invincible now? !

Wen Renjie slowly pulled out Wu hook.

If there is such a good thing, he will definitely not say anything!

I saw so many kendo masters here.

He has some great pressure.

I don’t know if my task can be completed.

Now this is the heavens helping him.

Then he would definitely not push it out!

The swordsmen waited intently one by one.

Knowing that their protests were invalid, they absorbed their bargaining minds.

Besides, Ye Gucheng was right.

For those swordsmen with low realm.

People of their high state can indeed crush them.

No matter how powerful Kendo is.

Can’t break the defense, can’t hit people.

Isn’t that all in vain?

Therefore, after Ye Gucheng finished speaking, when he slowly pulled out the long sword, everyone moved.

This is not a one-on-one match.

It’s a one-to-many melee!

Almost everyone is fighting on their own.

Not only have to face current opponents, but also prevent others from sneaking attacks.

This is much harder than heads-up.

Even many newcomers have no such experience at all.

For example, the three sisters of Yijianmen in Goguryeo.

When everyone is moving, the three of them are naturally no exception.

Because I knew it was a big fight.

The three of them back to back, forming a triangle formation.

Thinking that these people are fighting each other.

When everyone has no internal strength.

The three sisters can at least knock out the others before going heads-up.

Even Dongying’s only participant, Tajima Yanagyu, grinds his steps to come closer.

I want to make a temporary alliance with them.

Because for the people in the Central Plains, they are all outsiders and aliens.

It is right to have an innate position of alliance.


The three sisters ignored Yagyu Tajima.

They had been informed by the master before they came out.

In the Central Plains, although we have to recruit as many people as possible and strive for strength.

But if the other party is from Dongying, don’t believe it!

Because the people of Dongying are capricious, cunning, vicious and unreliable!

The three sisters are good apprentices!

Of course, remember the master’s instructions.

Seeing Tajima Yagyuu perseveringly approaching them, he finally couldn’t help it!

“Huh! Second sister! Third sister! Get rid of this Dongying person first!”

“Yes! Big sister!”

“I’ve seen him displeased a long time ago. He has been swaying by our side for a long time. He must be waiting for an opportunity to attack!”

Seeing that there was no one, the three sisters attacked them and immediately formed an encircling formation, encircling Tajima Yagyuu.


Yagyu Tajima is annoyed!

He is also a great overlord of Dongying Kendo anyway.

Forming an alliance with three Goguryeo swordsmen is already considered condescending.

As a result, these three girls still don’t appreciate it!

Instead, he started to attack him!

“Baga! Are you… are your brains crazy!”

(cide) Yagyu Tajima immediately turned the samurai sword and made one last effort.

He is weak after all, even if he can survive to the end, those Central Plains people will definitely solve him first.

“Do you understand the rules in this debate on the sword conference?”

“This is a test of the swordsmanship of a swordsman! It is also a test of the mindset of a swordsman!”

“You still treat me…”

“Stop talking! Look at the sword!”

Faced with the explanation of Yagyu Tajima Mamoru.

The three sisters didn’t listen at all.

Fu Junyu even attacked while disturbing Tajima Yanagyu’s mind.

“Don’t listen or listen, the eighth chanting! You guy must lie to us now!”


Yagyu Tajima flushed with anger.

Who would dare to talk to him like this in Dongying? !

Now when I come to the Central Plains, things haven’t been done yet.

Was caught and humiliated by three yellow-haired girls.

Shi can tolerate, which is unbearable!

He finally gave up the alliance.

With a grip of the katana, the strong wind condenses out of thin air!

Even if there is no internal force.

There was a rustle around the still shaking.

His Yagyu Tajima Shou, as a major overlord of Eastern Kendo, was not just a blow out.

It is a real existence.

Otherwise, relying on Dong Ying’s environment, he would have been overthrown and dismounted, as a stepping stone.

Without internal force, there is murderous intent!

What he cultivates is to kill the gods with a single blow.

It was declared to be slashed against the wind.

Because this trick requires more than just internal force.

You can also use murderous intent to stimulate.

In order to practice this sword, he went to the Central Plains to slaughter several villages.

Originally wanted to slaughter the city.

But they were rushed back by people sent by the court.

This time he also dared to step into the Central Plains again by participating in the fame of the Sword Conference.

Who makes the people of Central Plains care about fame so much.

He is the one who comes to participate in the competition, he will never kill him, right?

This knife…or a sword, the cohesive murderous aura, made people goose bumps up.

The three sisters who used Yi Jianmen’s tricks on the opposite side suddenly changed their faces.

This trick they rely on is skill and strategy.

But obviously the situation at the moment did not give them time to display their skills and set up the situation.

So the power is not big, just want to win by quantity.

After all, what they say is also three people.

You won’t get killed when you hit one of three, right?

However, the reality is so cruel.

They never expected that this guy actually practiced murderous swordsmanship!

This kind of simple and rude swordsmanship is simply the nemesis of their Yi Jianmen.

After all, people just lift the table, who will slowly “play chess” with you?

“Fucked! Hurry…”

The three sisters were a little alarmed.

But just when they had some six gods and no masters.

Another voice full of anger came over.

“It’s disgustingly murderous! You showed me things I shouldn’t see!”

“Your swordsmanship is disgusting!”

“One sword across the world!!”.

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