Chapter 127

Above the main hall, Dugu Qiuxue seemed to be tit-for-tat to Ximen Chuuxue.

It seemed that they were seeing the right eye again, and they were chatting about Kendo together.

But to everyone’s disappointment, they still did not fight.

It’s like these swordsmen have to wait until the sword conference begins.

Finding that they did not fight, the audience looked at other places in disappointment.

It’s not that Dugu seeks defeat and doesn’t attract their attention.

But as time is getting closer and closer to the beginning of the On Sword Conference.

More and more swordsmen arrived.

Before being defeated by Dugu, more than half of it was eliminated in one sentence.

But as time passed, it slowly filled up again.

Within the scope of the martial arts field, the sword gas barrier is even stronger.

There were even some swordsmen who left marks on the sword test stone and got the token, but they could not enter the martial arts field after entering the city wall…

Had to choose the 287 hands from the contest to become an audience.

I have to say that this is a huge blow to them.

With great difficulty, he left a mark on the sword test stone and got a place.

As a result, when I came to the martial arts field, my feet couldn’t get in.

This is also a sort of screening.

The sword qi of the swordsmen unanimously eliminated those who were not firm in mind, immature in swordsmanship, and low in talent.

Can stay.

Either it is a kendo expert with a name and a surname, or a kendo star who is extremely talented and can endure tempering.

This also made the audience pay more attention to this conference on swords.

High-quality warriors gather.

That is not always visible.

Wen Renjie noticed one side. There were many people talking about something, and at the same time writing and painting, as if they were recording something?

I even saw the old man Tianji and her granddaughter, right next to Li Xunhuan, smiling and chatting while talking and writing.

The combination of an old and a middle-aged girl in clothes made Wen Renjie a little amused.

It seemed that under the gear of fate, Sun Xiaohong, a young girl, still fell in love with the middle-aged uncle Li Xunhuan.

Except for these people in the audience.

Wen Renjie also saw his people from the Blue Dragon Club.

Gong Ziyu, with Mingyue Xin, dressed in their uniform and mask, sat quietly in a corner watching.

Yingyue is like a fairy from the world standing on the top of a house, surrounded by several men jumping up and down there, wanting to talk to each other.

Wait, it’s not just men.

There is also a handsome and heroic Yan Sanniang who is disguised as a man…


Had it not been for seeing Yingyue, Wen Renjie would have forgotten that he still had a mission to steal his heart.

Just to make Yingyue fall in love with someone…

How difficult is this task…

Wen Renjie scratched the back of his head. He always felt that this task was even more difficult than the one that was handed down.

In the other direction, Yan Kuangtu was surrounded by a group of people, beside him was A Qing holding a little lamb.

Neither of these two participated in the Sword Conference, they just chose to be the audience!

Those who surrounded them looked excited and worshiped.

Talking to the two constantly.

Yan lunatics are okay, so just answer them if you are interested.

On the other hand, Ah Qing didn’t give any face, and kept teasing the little lamb with the grass in his hand.

They are all wearing the uniforms of the Blue Dragon Association.

It is estimated that someone has discovered that they are wearing the same clothes.

Want to apply to join the Blue Dragon Club.

What’s more interesting is.

Wen Renjie discovered that beside Yan Kuangtu, his son Li Chenzhou!

Although he has never seen the leader of this right gang once, there is no system in it!

These two masters are really “father kind and filial piety.”

Li Chenzhou led a large number of martial artists to besieged Yan lunatics before he became the leader of the power gang.

Now the two of them are not fighting in the same place.

On the contrary, holding back the anger, talking and laughing, it is really confusing.

But Wen Renjie estimated that it was because of the money that was not far away from him…

Shangguan Jinhong finally appeared.

Just stay opposite Li Chenzhou.

Shang Guanyan, his daughter next to him, looked at Li Chenzhou shyly and gave him a secret look.

It seems that the rumors in the arena that Li Chenzhou and Shang Guanyan have a leg are true.

My dear daughter, and the gang leader who was standing up with the gang saw the right eye, Shangguan Jin Hong was so depressed.

But now he was in the palace again in front of Emperor Wu Xiang, he didn’t dare to make a move, which made him even more depressed.

Wen Renjie is not interested in the “Romeo and Juliet” love between their two families.

On the contrary, the figure behind Shangguan Jin Hong made him a little concerned.

Jing Wuming!

He did not participate in the sword conference either!

Still like a walking corpse, living like the shadow of Shangguan Jinhong, standing behind him…

This inevitably makes Wen Renjie a little pity.

In this period when A Fei has not yet grown up, Jing Wuming is a stronger and faster swordsman than him!

There is even a weird left-handed sword.

It seemed that someone was looking at him, and Jing Wuming could see it along the way.

Those godless eyes could clearly see everything, but they were pale and dim like a blind man.

Wen Renjie suddenly had a thought in his heart.

If these eyes are good for Huamanlou!

People who have lost both eyes have clear and bright eyes.

A person with intact eyes is apathetic and dim.

How unfair this world…

But watching Jing Wuming expressionless, his movements almost synchronized with Shangguan Jinhong.

And Huamanlou was full of smiles, chatting and laughing with the people around Lu Xiaofeng already.

Wen Renjie feels again.

The world may also be fair.


Wu Gou trembled for a while.

Wen Renjie was shocked and recovered.

Suddenly I felt relieved.

Above Wu Hook, it seems to carry the world.

His kendo realm is actually in this inexplicable.

Stepped into the realm of swordsmanship!


What is the principle?

Wen Renjie couldn’t figure it out by himself.

Could it be that this is the speed of cultivation under the bonus of comprehension?

If you look at the audience again, you will be able to advance his kendo realm.



Wen Renjie looked around, his eyes were sore, but this time he lost that feeling.

“Okay! It looks like it should have been an epiphany just now.”

Wen Renjie gave up the unrealistic idea of ​​playing the realm.

But I heard the voices coming from around.

“They dare to show up?!”

“I’m not afraid of death!”

“So they can also participate in the sword conference?”

The surrounding discussion and anger made Wen Renjie a little puzzled.

Who is this?

Actually, so many people can share the same hatred.

Look towards the entrance.

I saw three gorgeous women who looked almost exactly the same, dressed in weird swords, and wore a long sword on their waists.

Amidst the boos of many spectators, he calmly entered the field. .

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