Chapter 112


I lost to a young junior.

Duan Yu couldn’t tell what it felt like in his heart.

Talented people have come out from generation to generation, and they have led the way for hundreds of years.

It seems that Wen Renjie is the one to lead the younger generation this time.

Although he is now 50 or 60 years old.

For the martial artist, he is in his youth and middle age, and he can even be divided into the same generation as Wen Renjie.

But in the end, he had already come out and wandered the world.

Naturally, I can’t look at it that way.

Amid the compliments of the surrounding audience, Wen Renjie and Duan Yu returned to their positions.

Everyone left behind and kept reminiscing about the wonderful matchup just now.

“Hahaha! Brother Xian, it seems that you haven’t done anything for many years, you have given birth!”

As soon as he returned to his position, Xiao Feng joked.

He noticed his brother’s feelings of loneliness, and 280 comforted softly.

In fact, Duan Yu was just a bit of a horn.

I walked out soon.

He was going to be a monk and he was devoted to the Buddha.

How can you care about winning so much?

Sins, sins!

After thinking about this, he smiled again on his face, and he exchanged cups with everyone.

The white figure on the third floor looked at Wen Renjie’s table for a while, and finally disappeared again.

And Wen Renjie naturally feels comfortable.

Because he can feel it.

Many swordsmen seem to agree with his kendo.

And this is just the kendo shown by the congenital intangible sword.

Chic and natural, do whatever you want.

And because of his young age, many people have expectations for his future.


The future can be expected!

It can be said that this greatly reduces the difficulty of completing the task.

After all, among the swordsmen here, many have names and surnames.

This is the end of this small talk on the sword.

But their impact is far from over.

The spectators watching the game at Baiyun Restaurant were from all over the world.

From the princes and nobles to the three religions and nine liu.

It can be said that this time, Wen Renjie unknowingly made a splash again.

Who would let him play against Duan Yu, a small and famous martial arts senior?

After this banquet, it was already evening.

Brushed his face for a group of swordsmen.

Wen Renjie, Xiao Feng, Lu Xiaofeng and the others, after eating, drinking and chatting, everyone got up and left one after another.

Wen Renjie was the first to leave here.

He didn’t want to stay here overnight.

There are too many swordsmen and warriors gathered in this place.

The sword intent hovered constantly in the sky, and he had to suppress the sword energy in his body at all times.

too troublesome!

I almost sleep restlessly.

He left a large stack of silver tickets, and left here with 4 beautiful beauties, which made everyone really envious.

Seeing Wen Renjie leaving behind, A Fei couldn’t figure out how he would fall behind so much.

Obviously, he practiced swordsmanship hard every day, and didn’t dare to slacken at all.

Why can’t you compare to Wen Renjie?

Seeing him leaning against the red and green, is this what a swordsman should do?

“Do you feel dissatisfied? Very uncomfortable?”

Li Xunhuan’s gentle voice sounded beside A Fei.


Seeing that he didn’t talk to him, Li Xunhuan didn’t care.

He already understands that A Fei is such a character.

He seemed to be talking to himself.

“You only saw Wen Renjie becoming stronger now, but you didn’t see the crisis he has endured.”

“Whether it was a series of challenges in the ring or the threat of a strong man in the realm of fusion, he never stepped back once, and even faced difficulties.”

“In a difficult situation, the heart can be tempered the most, and it can break through the self the most.”

“So he was able to achieve such an achievement, I am not surprised at all.”

Li Xunhuan’s words are like an elder’s indoctrination.

Not only ALFY listened, but the others also listened thoughtfully.


Many people are talking about Wen Renjie’s first battle to kill the powerhouse of Rongshen Realm.

But few people care about why and how he did it.

On one side, as the audience, Li Ge smiled and sighed.

He found that he and Wen Renjie seemed to be moving away from each other, and there was no possibility of reconciliation anymore.

I just blame myself for being too impulsive…

As for Lu Xiaofeng and the others, after Wen Renjie left, they also got up and left the Baiyun Restaurant.

The Huamanlou family is not enough to describe how rich they are.

Naturally, they also have their family’s industry in Beijing.

With your friends, you will definitely not live in someone else’s property…

The three of them walked on the street and walked slowly towards the small manor of the Hua family.

“Secret? What secret?”

“I don’t know, it’s just a man’s instinct.”


This time it was Lu Xiaofeng’s turn to be speechless.

At the same time, there was a secret in my heart.

He has never doubted Huamanlou’s intuition.

He even felt that Huamanlou’s intuition was more accurate than a woman’s intuition.

There have been many cases over the years, and he has found clues to solve the cases by relying on Huamanlou’s intuition.

But, what secret can Wen Renjie have?

Recalling the beauties around Wen Renjie, Lu Xiaofeng was lost in thought.

“Yin Kui Pie…”

. . .

On the other side, the three Xiao Feng brothers lived in the Baiyun Restaurant.

Each sleeps in its own room, with different thoughts.

But in general, the core of thinking is one thing.

Having not entered the Central Plains for many years, now the young generation of Central Plains has grown up again!

. . .

As for Wen Renjie…

His daughters returned to the north of the city, but they did not return to his courtyard.

Instead, I found a small manor again and packaged it down.

He will live here for the next two days.

Concentrating calmly, preparing for the sword meeting two days later. .

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